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Resurfaced Passion (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 6)

Page 28

by V. Theia

  Not the kind she’d craved for so long now.

  But it was looking as if Reaper was everything she needed in life.

  There was something about the biker that made her feel … everything.

  Safe and happy.

  Wanted and cared for.

  She felt young inside when she was with him, but not childlike. Just carefree, like she’d found her spot in the world and it was in his arms being rocked to sleep.

  For the first time in a long time she felt whole and was no longer concerned about her lost years because she had something better now. She had a lot of days ahead of her with the man of her dreams.

  Standing in the middle of the messy floor, surrounded in boxes and organized chaos she felt arms coming around her from behind. The body followed, pressing to her spine and Reaper rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “Second thoughts?”

  “Not a one. Just remembering the day I moved in and how scared I was to be alone and not remember any of my adult life, wondering why mom and dad never visited me in hospital, not even my brother. I wondered what had happened to make me run away. I feared I couldn’t cope on my own so far away from TN.”

  “Are you sad about your family?” His two hands rubbed circles on her belly and Paige had a flash of déjà vu of hands doing just that long ago.

  It was gone almost instantly. She hated when her mind played tricks on her that way. Either remember something or don’t. Don’t snatch it away like that.

  She curled back into Reaper’s strong frame.

  “Not now, I have all I need right here.”

  Her family were not the kind of people you missed or yearned to see again anyway. She felt guilty at times for not staying in touch. Her dad was in pretty heavy with the local gangs when she was a teen, anything could have happened to him by now.

  When she thought about it, her family had never done right by anyone, ever. Maybe one day when she had her own kids she might feel different about reconnecting with them. But here in the present she was about to start her happily ever after with the man of her dreams.

  The kind of man who would do anything for those he cared for.

  She bounced around and went up on her toes to kiss him.

  He looked just like the man she’d met that first day.

  Gone was the beanie hat, replaced with his black backwards baseball cap. Dressed in simple worn denim that hugged his legs, his regular scuffed biker boots and a plain white t-shirt, her man was edible, better than any ganache or fondant she could make.

  Hands rested low on his hips, she pressed her chest into his and smiled when he rumbled a groan. It didn’t take much to stoke Reaper’s fires.

  Paige also downplayed her clothes today too. White/red/blue swirl patterned three-quarter yoga pants, a plain tank top and tennis shoes, and her hair was caught up in a top bun.

  “Ready for this? You can always change your mind.”

  He growled. “I’m ready.”

  “Because you know living with a woman, we tend to like our own way. And nag about taking out the trash and you watching too much football.”

  One side of his mouth quirked, and his mouth met hers seconds later in a toe-curling kiss. “Let’s get you moved, baby.”

  Perfect. He was her kind of perfect.

  * * *

  On a trip through the courtyard back to the moving truck where it was parked at the curb—how did all that shit fit in one tiny apartment, is what he wanted to know, ‘cause they’d been moving boxes and furniture for an hour now—he caught Lawless with a big box of Paige’s recipe books coming in, Reaper jutted his chin and directed him to the largest closet in the hallway. “Just make room for it in that closet over there for now.”

  He was so fucking happy Paige was moving in, he could barely keep the smile off his face. He told two prospects where to put Paige’s vanity dresser and then headed back inside. His girl was making sandwiches for the guys in the kitchen and he needed his hands on her.

  But the smile fell when Lawless emerged holding a square of paper. A photograph he knew well. Panic stole through Reaper’s nervous system as he rushed across the space and grabbed it out of Lawless’ hand, glancing at his wedding day briefly before shoving the photo into his back pocket. “Not a fucking word, you got it?” He hissed. “Not a fucking word.”

  “It fell out of a box on the top shelf. All makes sense now. A kid from New Zealand suddenly in Colorado. I hate puzzles with no solution, and you were one big fucking Rubik’s cube.” Lawless looked like he was fitting pieces together and getting the whole story and Reaper didn’t like it one damn bit, his gut sloshed around panicked acid.

  Reaper was gonna lose his fucking mind and punch Lawless if he kept talking.

  “I did a background check on you, just like I do all the boys, but there was always this whole chunk of time where you were just… off the grid and I couldn’t figure out why. I reckoned you’d done time, or you know … joined a fucking cult or something.”

  His heart slowed, dragged and restarted again.

  After a lot of staring and silence, Lawless spoke. “You need anything, brother?”

  Reaper shook his head, relief stinging his throat.

  Lawless clapped him on the shoulder and strolled out of the apartment.

  His secret was still that.

  But any day now that box would burst wide open and then what would Paige think of him and what he’d done? Would she understand? Hate him?

  And like a typical man with a good working—always wanting to fuck—dick, he easily compartmentalized this new level to his clusterfuck when that night after everyone had gulped down pizzas and beers and Paige flitted around his boys like a great hostess—even though he told her they could walk to the fridge themselves—and after she’d sat on his lap for an hour listening to those jerks telling stories on him which she loved, he kicked everyone out and fucked his woman on their bed until his heart threatened to give out after round three.

  Reaper lay like a corpse, his pulse thudding through his ears when he felt the bed move and his girl climbed on top of him.

  He groaned. Part whine, ‘cause he didn’t think his body could go again, and part arousal, at least the spirit was willing.

  Peeling his eyelids open it was in time to watch her situating her naked self across his thighs, like the perfect queen and his legs were her throne. Jesus Christ, she was insanely hot. Her hair free and messy, her cheeks blooming with sex-color. Tits so perky with their hard peaks and the wet place between her legs brushing against his legs.

  There was nothing pure inside Reaper’s brain when he canted his head back on the pillow and lifted with his hips in hopes she just fell on his rousing dick. Huh, look at that, he thought, he could go again. It was a dick miracle.

  She squeaked. That fucking noise railed electricity directly to the pulsing pipe.

  “Little higher, baby.” He patted his chest if she needed a direction.

  His mouth flooded with water seeing her lavender tinted eyes flicker closed and air puffed out of her lips, but she tentatively, with her hands balanced on his chest, started to crawl and inch upwards.

  Wet, bare and glistening, leaving her mark behind on his body.

  Like he wasn’t already completely owned by her.

  She climbed higher. “Like this?”

  “Mmhm…higher still. You know where I want you. Don’t be shy, I’m dying to put my mouth between your legs and eat until I make you scream.”

  She whispered his road name like her personal mantra … and for a second he almost told her to call him … nah, he got back to his task at hand, her scent wrapping around him as close as a boa constrictor and with his head lifted from the pillow he took his first lick.

  Her gentle hiss was his reward. She was so responsive that he got off on her orgasms.

  He fucking loved making her come.

  So that’s what Reaper did all night long.

  They celebrated their new life together by scre
aming the walls down.

  Fuck, he was happy as shit.


  “Do you want to break the bad news or shall I?” – Sargent

  The hour was later than he’d usually rock up to the diner, but work had kept him chained to the shop knee deep in oil for hours, listening to Preacher and Capone fighting over which radio station to play. Though he’d seen Paige off that morning with a heated kiss, there was no way he was waiting until tonight to see her.

  He strode in, noted how busy the place was, but only had eyes for one person.

  And she flashed a huge smile with color inching onto her cheeks when she turned around and saw him.

  There was no need for table brooding for Reaper now.

  With rights to touch his girl, he walked right up to the counter, leaned over it, took her by the back of her neck and pulled her halfway to meet his lips for a somewhat chaste closed-lipped kissed. “Hey, my love.”

  He would never tire of watching her light up for him.

  “I wondered where my audience was.” She grinned at him while serving coffee to the guy two seats down.

  “Wanted me around?”


  Fucking hell. That did it. He was gonna leave what he wanted to say until later, but with the way she was eyeing him, there was no way he could wait. He stepped down off the counter platform. “Can you get a minute?”

  She looked at him curiously. “Sure, let me tell Lucie.”

  His heart thumped excitedly in his chest. A steel drum echoed through his ears as she grew closer and closer until he could smell her fruity scent.

  When the ache in his chest became too much he had to heel his hand over the spot dead center just to be able to draw in a breath.

  She was too much.

  Arousal flooded Reaper’s body. Hardening him instantly behind the denim and he had to warn his fucking hands to not adjust his cock, no matter how much it was throbbing. He’d shoot his lousy fingers off if they dare reach down while she was gliding toward him with a look of sexual longing on her face.

  Taking her hand when she was in reach, she followed as he led her into the back, past the kitchen where the cook gave them a bored glance and then went back to flipping burgers.

  “I can’t take long.” She warned, but Reaper was already in another mode.

  Her man.

  And when he opened the door for Paige leading out into a square hallway with a stairwell that went up to the apartments above he didn’t give her a chance a speak. Instead, he pushed her up against the wall, forcing her mouth open to take his tongue in deep, lustful strokes.

  “Oh, wow. Hi.” She said once he set her mouth free, her hands clutched to the tops of his arms over his leather jacket. “I could definitely miss a minute of work for that. Love your kisses.”

  He had more where that was from.

  “This morning,” he started, keeping her against the wall and in the confines of his body. Stroking fingers down her cheek. “When you were getting dressed.” And she’d nearly killed his dick with how good she looked walking around in panties and a bra. “You kept looking at me, Paige, like you wanted something.”

  He knew his hunch was right when she dipped her head, but not before he saw her blush cross her face. He tipped up her chin, bringing her gaze back. “Why didn’t you tell your man you were horny, and you needed a little something before you left for work, Paige?”

  “Wow,” she chuckled, inching closer. “You really do just say what you want to.”

  “Yeah. And you need to get used to doing that too. You needed me and you went to work without saying a word.”

  “You could tell?”

  “Paige.” He grunted, burying his face in her neck, he sucked right there. “All morning it bugged me that you wanted something from me and didn’t get it. So, I’m here to make it happen.”

  “Say what now?” She exclaimed; her pitch higher than usual.

  “You heard me,” he smirked, dropping a slow kiss to her lips knowing she would set alight in seconds. She did by moaning and opened up for his tongue, her fingers holding onto the ends of his hair. “I want you to tell me when you need it from me, Paige. I don’t care what I’m doing at the time, you come to me.” He told her this while he lifted her uniform dress until it bunched up around the top of her thighs, just enough room for his hand to slide between and get a nice feel of how warm she was right in the middle of her legs.

  “I want to fuck you so badly right now.” He growled. “You have no idea how hard you make me.”

  “Oh, my god, you’re way too attractive when you talk like that.” She puffed out air and listed forward into his hand, gorgeously grinding and he enjoyed every second of her dirty dancing. “Now you’ve got me all worked up, you wicked man, time to get on with it, I have triple stack pancakes to serve.”

  He chuckled before bending his head to lick her lips.

  “So wet,” he rumbled so damn happy like she’d given him the best gift. “So incredibly fucking wet, Paige.” A finger brushed up against the soaked cotton, she shivered and clung to him as he slowly pushed the material aside and inched through the puffy lips.

  She widened her legs, leaned back into the wall, looked up at him with the hungry eyes he was in love with. He started out slow, let her get used to the invasion of his fingers. Teasing her.

  “I should have fucked you on all fours on the bedroom floor.” Reaper stated, a thickness to his voice. His cock pressing to the zipper, wanting inside her. “Should’ve fucked you deep and hard to take the edge off, shouldn’t I? Cause look at all this wetness clinging to your thighs.”

  “Yes,” she sobbed, and god, didn’t she just bite deep into his pec to muffle her cry when he started pumping two fingers in and out.

  “Please, Reaper. You know how to stop my aches.”

  “God, fucking damn, Paige.” He warned and then had three pushed inside her in seconds. Just the rousing sounds of her pleasure catapulted him into another universe, so much so he had to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek.

  He drove those fingers mercifully hard, directly into her G-spot until she began to soak his hand. The second his thumb started feathering on her clit she was done for, he recognized the signals and fucked her even faster until she came crying into his mouth when he collided their lips just in time to stifle her noises.

  Fucking perfect.

  Absolutely beautiful.

  There was no better feeling to a man once lost, to now feel as alive as he did every time he made his girl come.

  Through every shudder he held her close, cooed in her ear, whispering all words of love and dirty promises for more later, he brought her down and reluctantly pulled his hand free and allowed her dress to fall back to her thighs.

  “Ah, baby. You were sexy as fuck.”

  She giggled and buried her face in his shirt. “I can’t believe I let you do that to me at work.”

  He stroked the back of her head. “Any place you need it, remember that.” He promised huskily.

  “For all your finger-fucking needs call Reaper.” She joked, dissolving into a fit of sexy giggling. His own mouth quirked. Jesus, she had no clue how adorable she was.

  His heart squeezed like a rubber band.

  “That’s damn right, baby.” He growled.

  * * *

  Some minutes later, reluctant to get back to normal life, she’d much prefer to stay in the stairwell cuddling and kissing Reaper. Something was digging into her hip that roused her inquisitiveness and it wasn’t what she’d first expect it to be. No, his delicious dick was already caressing against her belly. Without their lips parting from their gentle, loving kissing, she slid her hand into his front jeans pocket and fished out a small cylinder.

  Because she was curious, she pulled away a little and looked down at a familiar….old tube of vanilla cupcake.

  Paige glanced up and saw Reaper’s mouth wet and his eyes shaded with drooping lids.

  “Is this… i
s this my Chapstick, Reaper?”

  He grunted and brushed his lips against her neck.



  “Is it?”


  Her heart galloped. Just when she thought she knew him; a new sweeter layer was revealed. Her veins felt too tight for her skin.

  “Why do you have one of my old Chapstick’s, Reaper?”

  He took it back, slipped it into his pocket again and didn’t give a silly excuse but said. “Wanted to carry something of yours with me.”

  Oh. God.

  His gaze scraped over her—face, breasts, pussy though it was covered by her clothes, it still pulsed for his attention, face, breasts, pussy again—like he was chasing the order in which he needed to devour her. Every inch of skin shivered, and Paige had to hold onto the lapels of his soft buttery leather jacket in order to stay upright.

  One orgasm and she was ready to melt onto the floor and ask for more.

  Her simple dress uniform may as well be made out of air because she couldn’t feel it against her skin. Just his hot gaze.

  The urgency of the kiss she gave him couldn’t be ignored, though she knew she should have been back inside ten minutes ago, she allowed herself one more perfect minute with him.

  “I’ll see you later?”

  “At home, yeah.” he replied roughly, his sharp eyes stroking her.

  God, she loved him. Really loved him.

  “Thanks for stopping by.” She sighed dreamily, buried in his thick arms and warm body.

  “I’ll always come for you, Paige.”

  Oh, you will later, my boy. She wanted to say.

  He walked her inside, their arms around each other. “All I want to do is go home with you now.”

  “Say the word, I’ll get you on the back of my bike.”

  He would too. She knew this absolutely.

  She really had lucked out in the boyfriend lotto.


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