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Resurfaced Passion (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 6)

Page 38

by V. Theia

  This made Paige laugh. Not only because she loved compliments on her baking, any day now she would have her little cupcake shop up and running just as soon as the refurbishments were completed so she could supply the whole town with that same glazed pleasure.

  The main reason she beamed a smile at Tag was for the inclusion. All the club had welcomed her and treated Paige as though she’d always been a part of their posse. Reaper had even bought her own bike helmet that said, “Reaper’s old lady.” on the back.

  She was so tickled over it.

  It felt like the family she’d always wanted to belong to.

  On her way back over to her husband she stalled with a little zip of lust curling lovely around her belly, he was already on his feet giving her pause, glaring at Tag, growling like her colossal protector, greed in his stare as he hooked her wrist gently and pulled her to him. Paige immediately curled in, purring.

  He was such a possessive boy.

  “Still trying to steal someone’s old lady,” Hawk piped in his rust-filled timber as he strode by, tailed by his dog.

  Tag’s face fell. “Jesus fucking Christ, are you never gonna let that drop? I was joking, VP!”

  “Whatever you say, homewrecker.”

  The poor guy stalked off with a hound-dog face, leaving Paige giggling into Reaper’s shoulder.

  She never did win the whole tournament. That went to Slider, the slick boy.

  As with life, something better came along not long after that fun day and it was not expected at all.

  What woman got excited over a cooling rack trolley? Paige did. She was in the middle of showing Ruby around the empty husk of her cupcake store Sweets By Paige when it happened, and it wasn’t a WOW moment, it was a gentle trickle of loveliness that shorted out her breath and made Ruby look over to ask if Paige was okay. “Oh, yes. Yes, absolutely.” She smiled so wide her cheeks ached. “Do you think we can go back to the club? I need to see my husband.” Desperately.

  Her heart was going at an alarmingly delicious speed by the time they got back to the MC and split off into different directions, Jed told Paige Reaper was down in the gym.

  Oh, boy. Her heart skipped over itself when she saw him working out in the middle of a raised boxing ring with a skipping rope. Dressed only in navy basketball shorts tight enough to give her filthy thoughts and an equally close-fitting white sleeveless shirt, he was skipping fast and loose, hardly seeing his feet moving from the ground at all.

  God, he was beautiful, and all her emotions slipped happily towards Reaper.


  When his head turned, hair darkened by sweat clinging to his forehead, he smiled so lovely her belly warmed.

  “Hey, my love. You got done showing off the shop?”

  She nodded, approaching. Excitable energy tickling her fingertips.

  One foot on the bottom rope, Reaper leaned his whole body on the top rope and grinned down at her.

  Her heart trip-trapped.

  “I want to tell you a story.”

  Another flashed grin. “Go for it.”

  “It’s the day I met the most amazing boy. Golden lion eyes with messy sandy hair, shorter than it is now and a smile that made me feel like a goddess. And what an accent he had; my young heart was instantly smitten.”

  The smile slid off Reaper’s face.

  Goosebumps ran over flesh. She didn’t take her eyes from his face.

  “I knew he was special; I told my friend about three minutes after meeting him that he was mine and would be mine forever.” A hitch in her breath didn’t stop Paige. “This story takes us to a wedding day so beautiful; I can still feel the sun on my face. Not from the weather, it was the way my beautiful boy looked at me. So in love.”

  “Paige…you called me Judson…”

  “Birthday celebrations with my boy. His face when I climbed a tree and he tried to entice me down. He did too, he always could. We decided to make a baby that day right there on a picnic blanket.”

  “Oh, baby.” His voice crackled. Eyes flashed. “You remember.”

  She nodded madly, smiling like a fool in love, eyes shining wetly. Before another word was said, Reaper took hold of the top rope and leapt himself over and landed competently on his two feet.

  She was dragged into his arms.

  “I remember, baby.” She breathed in his scent. Elated. Not just for herself, but for her man who’d been alone for so long, he’d suffered so much more. “Not everything. I don’t remember…that day. I don’t think I want to.”

  Two hands cupped her head. “Are you good? Feel okay?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m great.” She couldn’t stop sifting through all her lost memories of him. She loved that he loved her now, and to be told he loved her then was special but to actually feel it … it was the gift of a lifetime. Tears stung the back of her eyelids and she clung to him. “I don’t know what to say, Judson. How to express what I feel because you did all this, you quietly put a placeholder in our life, you held it all together. You were alone for so long just waiting for me to be ready to come back. You never gave up hope, you never gave up on me. You could have and I wouldn’t have blamed you one bit for wanting to be happy. You gave up everything to watch me and wait.”

  She stopped to take a few deep breaths, as a tear tracked down her cheek. He quickly swiped it away with the pad of his thumb.

  “I didn’t give up anything, ladybug. You’re my everything and you’re right here, you’ve always been here.”

  So much love for him. “You will never know how grateful I am for your perseverance, my love. My only love. My Judson. The absolute light of my soul. You are the best man in the world and I’m so very lucky to know you and to have the privilege of loving you all over again.” She kissed over his face, tears running from her eyes. “I fell in love with you twice, Judson. I will always fall in love with you.”

  And then she started bawling. Absolute ugly bawling.

  They ended up perched against the side of the ring and Paige half curled on his lap, with long fingers stroking in and out of her hair while she exhausted her emotions.

  “You make me so happy,” she shared. “I was deliriously happy without remembering anything, I want you to know that. I love you endlessly already. But having those pictures in my head of falling for my boy and feeling how you fell for me? I’m so happy I could burst.”

  Kisses rained over her face and Reaper laughed, a sound she took into herself because it meant he was happy too.

  “I don’t think you understand how deep my love for you runs, ladybug. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to ensure your happiness.”

  She was beginning to.

  “You were the center of my universe, Judson, I’m so sorry I forgot the love of my life for so long.”

  “Paige, my beautiful girl, love of my fucking life, I belonged to you the day I laid eyes on you. Absolutely nothing would sway me from feeling responsible for you. I loved you then, I adored you every single minute and my love for you now is all the bigger. I would always come after you. I would always chase my wife all over the fucking world if need be, I’m that kind of annoying prick, you can’t get rid of me.”

  She grinned ridiculously wide.

  Forcing her mouth open to take his tongue in deep, lustful strokes, they shared a kiss for then, for now and for the tomorrow they hadn’t lived yet.

  “An inch is an inch, Paige. As long as we move forward, that’s what counts, right? I want this. You want this. I’ll go anywhere you want, take you anywhere you want to go, as long as you let me be with you because I’m a greedy motherfucker and would have you any way I can. I love you so fucking much.”

  Inhaling, Paige pushed out of his arms, panting like she’d been running upstairs.

  “Drop your skipping rope, Judson. You’re taking me home and showing me how this greed manifests.”

  Sex. She so meant sex, sex, sex.

  The look he gave her made the butterflies in her stomach turn manic flapping the
ir little wings because Paige knew what it meant. She was just that precious to him.

  Her laughing shriek was heard all around the club as he roared and tossed her bodily over one shoulder, a hand palmed greedily on her ass.

  No one questioned the Renner’s when Reaper strolled casually through the hallways and main room, headed for the door.

  A smirking prospect tossed him his bike keys; Reaper caught in mid-air without missing a step.

  Another rushed to open a door for him.

  Paige bounced on his sharp shoulder, braced both hands on his firm butt and giggled the entire time.

  It was a time-honored tradition for the husband to carry his wife across the threshold and at last count Reaper had done that twice already but was heading for a hattrick.

  Because her beautiful boy persevered through the tough and lonely times when she was so lost.

  When his lips met hers once she was placed on the back of his sleek motorcycle, she cupped his cheeks, he smiled into her mouth.

  “Tell me, ladybug.”

  She smiled knowing exactly what he meant and pressing her lips to his she whispered. “You’re always love, Judson.”

  His smile was everything.

  Coming home to him was going to be her very favorite memory of all.

  The End

  More to come from those Renegade Souls boys very soon.

  A C K N O W L E D G M E N T

  My eternal thanks to Elisha, Elaine and Shell for your proofreading, beta reading and editing expertise. Your meticulous eyes for details are so appreciated.

  Thank you to Sasha, my Spanish speaking queen, who always guides me any time I need some help. Any mistakes are my own (Let’s blame Capone!)

  My street team and group admins! You ladies are amazing for getting the word out there about my books and helping in any way you can to keep our little corner of social media active while I’m busy writing. I adore each one of you.

  A BIG THANK YOU to all the Facebook and Instagrammer bloggers, your tireless work to promo not only my work but all indie-authors is appreciated and I’m extremely grateful.

  Thank you to Google. Without you I wouldn’t know about guns, biker gang terms or the rich part of Miami.

  Lastly, dear readers. Thank you if you’ve picked up any of my books and enjoyed what you read. It truly is a blessing and makes me so happy that you’ve connected with my characters and their words. I’ll have more book boyfriends to come very soon.

  A L S O by V. T H E I A

  Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Series:

  Dirty Salvation

  Preacher Man

  Tracking Luxe

  Hades Novella

  Filthy Love

  Finally Winter

  Mistletoe and Outlaws Novella

  Taboo Love Duet:

  It Was Love

  It Was Always Love

  From Manhattan Series:

  Manhattan Sugar

  Manhattan Bet

  Naughty Irish Series:

  Naughty Irish Liar

  C O N N E C T with M E

  Website: HERE

  Author Facebook: HERE

  Readers Group: HERE




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