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Page 6

by Blair Grey

  He couldn’t hide from me, and I was going to teach him a lesson. And, it would be a lesson he damn well wouldn’t ever forget.

  “Stop!” Alexis shouted again, causing me to slow down. “Blade, please!”

  Chapter 10


  Blade stopped, turning to me with that look on his face that told me clearly he was torn. He obviously was going against all his instinct to stop when I told him to, and I knew more than anything he wanted to go after my brother.

  He might not have known Chad was my brother, and considering the scene he’d just witnessed, he might not have cared who Chad was. But, the last thing I needed right now was for Blade to go after him.

  I didn’t want to think about how it would end if he got his hands on Chad. Chad was a jerk. He was a real asshole on a good day, and today wasn’t a good day. I couldn’t imagine how it would go down if he and Blade were to get in a fight, and I worried it wouldn’t end well.

  I knew Blade was the type of guy to use his fists first and ask about it later, and my brother was just as likely to have a knife on him as he was to sit down and have a rational conversation with anyone. I didn’t want to think about it. Or, what it would do to my mother to have the guy I slept with next door fuck up my brother.

  Blade walked back over to me, and I wished I could get myself under control. It was a nasty fight we’d had, but the last thing I wanted to do right now was sit and cry in front of Blade.

  He was already so protective of me, I knew this wasn’t doing much for my case. I told him I wasn’t staying in town long, and I made it clear to him I didn’t want to get involved with anyone. But now that I was all worked up, I just wanted him to step in and take care of me.

  And, I wasn’t sure how to get control over myself.

  “Come with me,” Blade said suddenly.

  “What?” I asked in surprise. He gave a nod toward his bike.

  “Come on, you look like you could use a few minutes to clear your mind. It’s really freeing, come on,” he said again.

  I looked from him to the bike and back again. I wasn’t at all sure how to respond now. I’d never been on the back of a motorcycle, and now that I had the option placed in front of me, I wasn’t sure how to react. It sounded like fun, and there was something in me that said to go for it.

  But, I had always been the cautious one. I was always the one to hold back and try to help others. To let someone else go first. I was willing to go without, I was the one who didn’t take risks. I stayed on the cautious side trying to convince myself it was the best way to be.

  But there was something about Blade that brought out a whole new side of me. It was a side I didn’t even fully recognize. But, he woke something in me that I didn’t want to ignore. Because of him, I wanted to try so many new things. I wanted to do new things.

  I wanted to be selfish – but selfish with him.

  “What the Hell,” I said with a shrug.

  I didn’t have my purse or anything on me, but I wasn’t about to go back in the house after what just went down. So, I squared my shoulders and walked right over to him, waiting as he climbed on the front of the bike before climbing up onto the seat behind him.

  My heart raced as he started the engine, and I leaned into him as I wrapped my arms around his waist. For a brief moment, I was thinking about the other night and what I said to him that morning about not wanting to sleep together again, but right now, I didn’t care how close I had to be to him.

  I just wanted to put as much distance between me and the house as possible. I didn’t want to deal with my mother. I didn’t want to see my brother – whenever he decided to come home, that is – and I didn’t want to deal with the stress of just being in the same house as either one of them.

  Blade pulled away from the curb and sped off.

  There wasn’t a lot of traffic on our street, but as we pulled onto Main, it got busier. I wasn’t sure where we were going. Hell, I didn’t know if we even were going anywhere. If this was just a ride that was meant to calm me down and take my mind off of what happened, there didn’t have to be a destination in mind.

  I was just fine hanging onto the back of the bike and riding with Blade. The wind rushing through my hair, the thrill of adrenaline as we turned corner after corner filled me with new excitement.

  My heart continued to pound in my chest, but I didn’t care. There was a smile on my face, and as we continued to weave in and out of the main streets, primarily sticking to the back roads, the more I could feel the tension slowly loosen its hold.

  I felt less anxious. Less stressed out. I felt good, in fact, and for a moment, I felt almost as though I could forget about that house and all the trouble I was having in it – even the trouble that I’d had before.

  Slowly, I tried to let myself go. I wanted to be in the moment. Blade always lived his life in the moment, and I wanted to cut loose for a moment and be more like that.

  Things didn’t always have to be so heavy. They didn’t always have to be such a big deal. I didn’t always have to hold so much of the world on my shoulders. I could cut loose a little. I could let myself be free in the moment.

  My grip on Blade’s waist loosened, and I lowered my hands down to his legs. I wasn’t shy about running them up his thighs, stopping where his cock was already growing hard in his pants.

  I knew I had to be distracting, but a thrill ran through me as his cock grew harder under my light touch. Once more, the pleasant memories of the night we spent together flooded through my mind, and I sensed he was finding a place where we could be alone.

  There were plenty of quiet, dark alleyways in Fallen Hills, but that’s not what Blade wanted. He drove us out of town and onto one of the back roads leading into the countryside.

  There were several roads that looped back around and overlooked the town, giving it a much friendlier feel than what it really was. That was where Blade stopped, and that’s where the two of us could have some privacy in the heat of the moment.

  When the bike stopped, I slid off the back and pulled down my jeans. Blade pulled his cock out of his pants, still sitting on the bike. He now faced me, however, and I climbed back onto the seat, sliding forward.

  Blade held the bike up with his legs as he sat back slightly, helping me ease my way onto him. I faced him, spreading my legs and taking his cock inside me. I’d hooked up in cars before, but this was the first time in my life I’d ever hooked up with anyone outside, let alone on the back of a Harley.

  I put my hands on his shoulders, gripping him as I slid up and down on his cock, sliding quickly over him. I was so wet; he was so hard. We moved together with the same unity as before. It was easy to move as one, making love on the back of the bike as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

  Our eyes locked for a moment before I closed mine, leaning in to kiss him as I pulled myself even closer. I knew I wouldn’t last long in this position. Hell, being in this situation turned me on enough it wouldn’t be hard for him to make me cum, no matter what position we’d been using.

  But, to be face to face with a man who turned me on so much – a man who filled me with more intrigue than I even thought possible – it made me want to forget about everything in life but this moment. I didn’t want to stress about anything at all.

  I just wanted to imagine this could be our life. Hooking up on the back of his bike, making love in the early evening overlooking the little town in front of us. Nothing stopping us, nothing coming between us. As I rose and fell, his cock sinking fully into me before being drawn nearly all the way out before sinking in again pushed me closer and closer to cumming.

  I breathed hard, gasping, moaning, holding myself to him as our bodies slid against each other. Blade held me to him, his hands supporting beneath my ass as I rose and fell over him, enveloping his cock in my pussy.

  He closed his eyes, letting me ride him as he held me, giving me all he had. He pulled me close, helping me ride him harder and faster – push
ing me over the edge. I let out a cry, biting the leather on his shoulder as I came hard.

  The feeling of my pussy clamping over his cock was enough to push Blade to climax with me. He let out a moan, cumming deep inside me and filling me with his load. I rocked hard and fast, taking him, massaging his cock with my pussy as he filled me, making the most of the moment and refusing to think of anything else.

  We held each other, his cock still buried deep inside me as he started to grow soft. This time, there wasn’t any slipping away while he slept. This time, I knew I’d have to face the fact that we’d just made love again.

  But right now, I didn’t care about any of that. I didn’t care what this might mean, or how it might complicate my life further. All I thought about was the fact that I was with one of the most incredible people I’d ever met, and right now, I was happy.

  I could face the rest of my life later. Right now, I wanted to just focus on the moment.

  Chapter 11


  As we pulled our clothes back on and put ourselves back together after hooking up, I couldn’t help but bring up that guy who was at the house. I had a feeling I’d seen the guy somewhere before, but it was hard for me to place him.

  Of course, I’d seen him when he helped her unload the car, but there was something familiar about him that made me think I’d seen him somewhere else before. But, I didn’t know for sure. I saw a lot of faces, both in my line of work and at the bar. It was hard to say who had been just a face I’d seen in passing and who was connected to anything big.

  “So what was this afternoon about?” I knew I had to tread lightly, but I was curious, and I wasn’t going to let it go by the wayside. She hesitated for a moment, and then she sighed.

  “That was Chad. I take it the two of you didn’t meet each other before I moved in?” I asked.

  “No. I never saw him or your mother. Still haven’t,” he said. “When I moved in, one of the other neighbors said the people living in your house were reclusive and liked to be left alone. That was fine with me. I didn’t exactly move into the neighborhood to make friends.”

  “Well, I’m sure they aren’t exactly your type, anyway,” she said with a shrug. “It’s not like they are the kind of people who set out to make friends themselves.”

  “Still, I would have thought I’d see more of them than just your brother on a couple occasions. You’ve only been there a few days, and I’ve already seen you more than I’ve seen both of them combined, not that I’ve been keeping track.”

  She sighed. I knew she was holding back, but I didn’t want her to. I wanted her to open up to me about everything that went on in her life. I wanted her to tell me all about herself. But, there was something reserved about her. I could sense it from when she came over and talked to me over dinner, and I could see it in her again now.

  I could understand the need to keep to oneself, but I didn’t want Alexis to hold back when it came to me. I wanted her to be an open book.

  “Tell me,” I prompted.

  “It’s sort of a messy situation,” she admitted. “But if you really want to know, I can tell you.”

  “I do, I really want to know,” I assured her. “Please.”

  After taking a deep breath, she blew the hair out of her face with her lower lip, shaking her head.

  “I’m not sure where to begin. I mean, I guess I could bring it back to my mother’s addiction and the fact I didn’t have a father growing up,” she said bluntly.

  “Did he run out on you?” I asked.

  “No, just the opposite,” I told him. “In fact, if there was one person in my childhood who I could say took care of me – and was at least there for me – it was him. I doubt me or my brother would have made it through the early parts of our childhood without him.”

  “That’s rough,” I said.

  “I mean, all it really did was breed resentment toward my mother. I mean, I’ve tried to get through to her time and time again. He tried to get through to her, too, but it just didn’t matter. It didn’t seem like anything we did made any kind of difference,” Alexis turned and walked toward the town.

  She stood with her back toward me for a moment before she spoke again. “I just kept telling myself, the day was going to come when my mother would realize what she was doing to us. She would see how much she was hurting everyone, how much she’d hurt my father. She would finally stop this, once and for all.”

  “And, I’m guessing she hasn’t?” I ventured.

  “Of course not. In fact, I think it’s getting worse,” she looked over her shoulder slightly as she spoke. “I mean, I know I can’t blame Chad for any of it. It’s not his fault any more than it’s my fault, but he told me she was doing better.”

  “Is he supposed to be taking care of her?” I asked.

  “Not officially,” Alexis shook her head. “I mean, it’s not his job to take care of our mother, but he’s the one crazy enough to still live here. He should be doing something. I’m not here anymore, no, but I’m out there making a difference in the world. I’m doing something to help people who are like my mother. I’m not just hiding around and pretty much being the same loser she’s become, you know?”

  There was a lot of venom and bitterness in her words, and I said nothing for a moment. I knew she was angry, and by bringing this up, I knew I’d opened up that anger. But, I still wanted to know more. The more I learned about Alexis, the more I wanted to get to know her.

  “I suppose. But you know there’s a point in life when you have to just let someone make their own decisions, too,” I said. “You can’t go around saving the whole world.”

  “I couldn’t save my world, that’s the problem,” she agreed. “So I guess that’s probably why I went into nursing and medicine. I wanted to be able to help people, but I know you can only help someone who wants to be helped. Since my mother refuses to get the help she needs – since she refuses to even admit she needs any kind of help, I guess I wanted to make my mark in another way.”

  “Do you help a lot of people with drug problems?” I questioned. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer, but I realized every time Alexis started talking about what she did in life, she would start talking about drugs and her war on them.

  She was silent for a moment, and then she sighed. “I guess you could say that’s what I deal with more than anything else. I mean, it’s not like I set out to do it that way, but considering the fact I get pushed to serve in all these areas where drugs are such a problem, I tend to deal with them and the repercussions of them more than I would anywhere else.”

  “Makes sense,” I offered. “But maybe that’s what you need. Since you don’t feel like you’re able to help your mother the way you want, maybe it’s better for you to be able to help people who want to be helped.”

  “I guess…” Alexis looked back over the town. There was more silence, and then she shook her head. “I just want to get out of here. The more I look out there, the more I see, and the more memories I have.”

  “Nothing nostalgic?” Once again, I started to feel defensive. I knew why she hated it here, and hearing the side of her story solidified in my mind why she wouldn’t choose to be here. But, I still liked Fallen Hills. I liked it a lot.

  This was my home, and it meant something to me. It was hard to hear this woman hating it so much when I wasn’t sure how I felt toward her. Well, I wasn’t sure the extent of what I felt toward her, anyway. I knew I liked her. And, I liked her a lot more already than I liked any other woman I’d ever been with.

  “No, nothing at all nostalgic,” she said with a sigh. “There are way too many drugs here for me to ever feel like this place would be home. I mean, it’s like the only thing anyone does around here. They take the drugs, or they sell the drugs, or they’re some sort of middle person who just transfers.”

  I felt I’d been hit in the stomach, but I said nothing. She didn’t know what I did for a living. She had to know I was part of the MC, but that was it. She
’d not asked me directly if I dealt drugs, and I hadn’t offered the information to her.

  I wasn’t planning to share it with her, either. But now, I could see how this was going to be a problem. If she were to find out, that is.

  How are you going to keep her from finding out? You’re the vice president of the club, for God’s sake. If she spends any time hanging around you, she’s going to find out.

  Then what’re you going to do? Brush it off? You’re the one who’s been trying to get her attention over the past few days. You’re the one who’s irritated she rejected you, are you really going to have to choose between your life and a life with her?

  Wait, what? Where did that thought come from? Do you really think you could have a life with her? Is that something you would even consider?

  I was shocked by the thoughts running through my own mind. It was hard for me to even wrap my mind around what was going on in my brain. It wasn’t at all like me to struggle with feelings for anyone. But this girl? Well, she brought something out in me I couldn’t explain and didn’t know how to rationalize, even to myself.

  I wanted to understand it, but I couldn’t make sense out of what I felt. I wanted to believe this was just a phase. On the other hand, I might be able to keep this from her for a while. There was a chance I could get her to come to see things from my point of view.

  I didn’t know how I would do that, and I didn’t know how I’d possibly do that, but with this girl, it was worth a shot. I didn’t want her to just reject a way of life because she had a bad childhood. I knew she had a good reason for resenting the drugs and anything that had to do with them, but I didn’t want her to resent me.

  That wasn’t fair to me. I wasn’t the one who had done anything to her. I had only been there for her to help her through. I’d done my best to make things better for her. She couldn’t resent what I did for a living simply because she was against the idea of selling the coke in the first place.


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