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Blade Page 8

by Blair Grey

  I pulled up in front of my house, exhausted from the day. It was hard for me not to get too stressed out with all that was going on, but I pushed through. Jett and I worked with the rest of the committee to work out the rest of the details, and it was now just a matter of pulling it off.

  But, Alexis had stayed on my mind all afternoon, and by the time I was about ready to head back to my place, I couldn’t help myself anymore. I shot her a text.

  What’re you doing?

  I waited a couple minutes, staring at my phone and surprising myself with how eager I was to have an answer. When it came, I nearly leapt from my seat. I knew I had to get myself under control. I didn’t know what it was about this girl, but I couldn’t keep acting like this.


  It was a simple answer, and it brought a smile to my face. But, it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. She had been on my mind enough, I knew I had to see her. So, I shot her another text right before I left the bar.

  Wake up. I’m home in ten. Meet me outside.

  It wasn’t a question because I wasn’t asking. I wanted to see her, so I would. I didn’t even wait for a reply to that text. I knew she would be out there. She liked being told what to do, I could sense it. Alexis might act like she was the one calling all the shots in her life, but I was more than happy to step in and point her in the way she should go.

  Just as I suspected, Alexis stood outside the houses on the sidewalk, scantily clad considering she was in public. But, it only confirmed to me she knew what I wanted – and was more than willing to give it to me.

  I never would have called what I’d sent her a booty call, but that was fine with me that she knew that’s what it was. I wanted to feel her body, and she was more than happy to oblige.

  Getting off the bike, I walked over to her, taking her in my arms.

  “You wanted to see me?” she asked as she gazed seductively up into my face.

  “I wanted to do a lot more than that,” I told her. I leaned forward, kissing her with a passionate, hot kiss. I slid my tongue into her mouth, teasing her, making her beg me for more before I pulled back.

  “I want to suck you,” she breathed. “I want your dick in my mouth.”

  “That can be arranged.” I smiled. I slapped her on the ass as she turned with me to head into my house. Of course, I would be giving her plenty of pleasure in return, but the thought of her wrapping her lips around my cock and working her magic with her tongue was enough to get me hard already.

  I couldn’t wait for the warmth of her around me, sucking and pleasuring me, making me cum hard in her mouth. I wanted her to swallow all I had to give her, and then I would lay her on her back and give her the same pleasure.

  I wouldn’t stop until she was trembling from the sensation running through her body. I wouldn’t stop until she was completely satisfied.

  And damn, was she ever going to be satisfied by the time I was done with her.

  Chapter 14


  “Alright, spill it,” Stephanie said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’re glowing. Something happened,” she insisted.

  “Nothing happened,” I said, unable to hide the blush that flushed through my cheeks as I spoke. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

  “You are the world’s worst liar,” she said. “Come on, what happened?”

  “Nothing!” I said again, but this time a giggle erupted before I had the chance to stop it. She put her hands on her hips and stared at me, then she shook her head, unable to hide the smile that flashed across her own face.

  She was one of the girls at the clinic who really connected with me when I started working there, and I was glad to have her. She reminded me a lot of Amber, but it was nice to have her there to actually see on a daily basis.

  I’d shared a lot with her about my past and told her why it was so hard for me to come back to Fallen Hills. To my relief, she felt much the same way. Unlike me, she had grown up there and stayed, working her way through the program with a home base in mind.

  “I want to make this a better town,” she explained. “You know? I think if there’s enough people like us, we’re going to make a difference eventually.”

  “I hope so,” I told her. I didn’t want to dash her hopes by telling her I didn’t think it was going to happen, so I just let her believe what she wanted. Still, I bonded with her quickly in the time I worked at the clinic, and I’d been keeping her up to date on what was happening at home – and with my neighbor.

  Of course, just as with Amber, I told Stephanie I didn’t want anything more than a one-night stand with the guy next door. She didn’t believe me at the time, and when she heard he and I had hooked up again, she just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  I insisted once more it wasn’t going to be anything, and that was the only time it was going to happen, but she just reminded me that was what I said the first time, and she wasn’t buying it.

  “Did you fuck your neighbor again?” she asked.

  “Well…” I said, letting the words hang in the air.

  “You did, didn’t you!” she said with a laugh. “I thought you said this was just a one-night stand sort of thing. Oh wait, more like a two-night stand, right?”

  “Okay, okay,” I said. “I didn’t actually sleep with him. We fooled around last night, that’s it.”

  “Uh-huh.” She wasn’t convinced, and I felt defensive. I knew she was just teasing me, but it was hard for me not to get flustered.

  “We didn’t do anything more than that!” I said again.

  “Oh, I believe you. You didn’t do anything more than that last night, but what’s going to happen when you get home tonight? A hot bath with some flower petals on the floor?” she teased.

  “Stop!” I said as I playfully tossed a file at her. “Don’t you need to be making copies of these or something?”

  “Not when I’m here to tease you,” she said as she batted her eyelashes at me.

  I shook my head. It felt good to have someone to banter with, but it was hard for me to talk about what was going on with Blade without getting flushed. I didn’t want to get so flustered, because I knew whenever I did, it was a dead giveaway that there was more going on inside my head than I wanted to let on.

  And, the fact of the matter was that it was true. There was a lot more going on than I wanted to let on. After all, I had thought more than once over the past couple days I could actually see something going down between me and Blade.

  I just wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t think he could make me happy, but it was the fact I really was leaving, and I wasn’t going to change my mind for a guy. At the same time, I knew he wasn’t about to change his mind for me, either. His life was clearly tied to this place, and if I wasn’t staying and he wasn’t leaving, how was this going to work?

  As though he knew we were talking about him, I was shocked to see Blade walk through the door. Stephanie looked up and prepared to greet him with the standard welcome for all new patients who came in, but I beat her to it.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Are you having a lunch break soon, cupcake?” Blade asked, ignoring my question. My heart skipped a beat. He had only called me that a couple times, but I was already falling in love with the nickname. I knew he wasn’t the kind of guy to just give women nicknames, and it made me wonder if I really was someone special to him. But, I didn’t have time to think about it too much. Not here. As it was, I felt Stephanie’s eyes boring a hole through the back of my head.

  “In two hours,” I glanced casually at the clock, though I already knew what time it was. “Why?”

  “I’ll be waiting for you,” he said. Before I could ask what he had in mind, he turned and left, leaving me and Stephanie alone once more.

  At first, neither of us spoke. But then, Stephanie turned to me with her mouth hanging open.

  “That’s your neighbor?” she asked.
“Wowza! I can see why you had more than one one-night stand with him.”

  “Stop,” I said again as I shook my head. “It was just a fling, and I think it’s about over.”

  “If it’s about over, then why did you just tell him you’ll join him for lunch?” she asked.

  I paused. It had happened so naturally, I hadn’t even thought about it. But, she was right. I couldn’t be doing things like that if I was going to insist there wasn’t anything going on between us.

  “He said he would be waiting for me, and I promise you he’s not going to change his mind if I were to tell him I’m not going,” I replied defensively.

  “You can tell yourself that, but really, you know you wanted to go,” she said.

  “Suppose I do?”

  “I’m just wondering how you’re going to leave him when your contract is up,” she replied. “Unless, of course, you’re thinking of staying.”

  “No!” I said. “There’s no way in Hell I’m going to do that. I know, it’s going to be rough.”

  “Speaking of rough,” she said. “He seems a little rough for your taste. I mean, I thought we were talking some sort of clean cut doctor or something, not someone who’s a drug dealer.”

  “He’s not a drug dealer,” I said defensively once more. “He’s in the MC, but they aren’t dealers.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “He called me cupcake, what kind of drug dealer would do that?” I questioned.

  “The kind who likes you,” she shrugged.

  “Oh, stop,” I said for the last time. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She was right – he did look rough, and I couldn’t say with absolute certainty he didn’t deal drugs. I knew what I wanted to believe about him, and I knew MCs were prime clubs for dealers, but that didn’t mean Blade was part of it.

  I still wanted to believe he would have said something to me before now if he was. After all, I couldn’t have made it any clearer how I felt about it. That was for sure. I didn’t know Blade well, I was willing to admit it, but I felt I knew him well enough to be able to make that decision.

  “Suit yourself,” Stephanie said before heading toward the back. I knew there wasn’t much point to saying anything else. She had her opinions, and that was fine. She could have them.

  I wasn’t going to keep arguing with her.

  But, God knew I’d keep arguing with myself.

  “Thank you,” I said, taking the taco from Blade.

  We’d stopped at the Mexican food truck near the clinic, and we now decided to walk along the street and talk while we had lunch. I didn’t want to go too far from the clinic, but it was nice to get out and get some fresh air.

  “Thanks for joining me,” he said.

  “I appreciate you offering,” I replied with a smile. “But you continue to surprise me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean this. It’s the first time in my life anyone ever stopped by to surprise me like this. Just wanting to take me to lunch and all – it feels good,” I told him. I wasn’t quite sure what I was getting at, but I wanted him to know that I appreciated him coming to meet me.

  “Well, it was just as much for me as it was for you,” I told her.

  “Really?” I asked in surprise.

  “Of course, it was,” he said.

  “Why?” I asked with a giggle. I found it really hard not to be flirtatious toward him when we were together, and I hoped it wasn’t too obvious. I kept thinking about what Stephanie said, and what Chad had said, too. But, as hard as it was for me to wrap my mind around what they were telling me, I couldn’t argue with my own heart, either.

  “Because I needed to get my sugar fix, cupcake,” he said. “Just like you need to get your fix when you can, I need to get mine.”

  We’d finished our food, and we both dropped our garbage into the trashcan that was nearby.

  “And, I’m your fix?” I asked with a smile.

  “You’re my cupcake,” he said with a fierce grin. He put his hands around my waist and whirled me around, making me face him. Immediately, a hot flash ran through the core of my being, and I looked up into his eyes with my own bright gaze.

  There was something he did to me I couldn’t explain, and I craved him. I craved him every bit as much as he craved me, and it was hard for me not to just throw myself around him right there.

  “You can take your share any time you want,” I smiled, leaning in seductively.

  Without a word, Blade leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. His kiss came fast and hard, walking me back from the street and pushing me up against a tree. Our hands were all over each other, and had we not been in public, I knew the clothes would be coming off.

  But, we had to control ourselves, and though he left me wet and I left him rock hard in his pants, we knew we had to stop before it went too far.

  “I’m going to finish this later,” he breathed when he finally let me go and our kiss broke.

  “Good,” I said fiercely. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “Don’t worry,” he promised.

  He walked me back to the clinic, our fingers looped around each other along the way. I knew it was what couples would do, but it was hard for me not to allow myself that pleasure. I enjoyed being around Blade, and I wanted to make the most of the time we had together.

  Sure, this was intimate, and I knew Stephanie would have plenty to say about it when I got back inside, but for now, it felt so right – so natural – I couldn’t do anything else.

  Blade gave me another light kiss before I turned to head inside the clinic. “See you soon, cupcake.”

  “I’ll be thinking about you,” I breathed into the kiss. He smiled, and I had to force myself to turn to go. I didn’t want to leave him. I didn’t want to go back inside and work the rest of the afternoon, but I had to.

  I had to get out of there before the heat of the moment overtook me completely. As hard as it was for me to admit it, I knew I was falling in love with that man. I didn’t know what that would mean for me in the long run, but I knew it would be pure denial to avoid it now.

  I had feelings for him, that was fact. And with that fact swirling around in my heart, I pushed my way through the door. I knew I’d have to make a decision eventually, but I didn’t have to make that decision today. Today, I could be happy with what was happening.

  Today, I could let myself have this.

  Today, I’d let myself be in love.

  Chapter 15 – Two Weeks Later


  “And, will you be meeting with a bondsman, or are you going to take care of the bail yourself?” the clerk asked.

  “I’m taking care of it myself,” I told her. “And, the sooner we can get the ball rolling on this, the better. We’ve got things to do.”

  “That’s what they all say,” she muttered.

  I wanted to ask her if she would like to repeat that, but I held my tongue. There was no need to get into trouble with the cops myself. Today was going shitty enough as it was, I didn’t want to make it worse.

  It had started out alright. We were still working on getting the drug run in motion, but we were running into roadblocks here and there, which made it hard to pull off.

  But today, things took a turn for the worse, and I didn’t know how we would recover.

  Gin, one of our members, had been arrested that morning and was now in booking at the jail. Thanks to one of the prospects running his mouth, Gin was put in a tough position and nabbed by the cops when he was on his way home from the bar.

  He got lucky by getting out of there without any sort of alcohol-related charges, but he did get into a fight with one of the cops and was being held on assault charges. The entire thing was bullshit, considering the fact he never should have had them on his ass in the first place.

  This prospect, Junior, as he’d been calling himself in the club, was about to find himself in a world of hurt. But for now, I had to focus on getting Gin out of jail. We n
eeded him for the run, and none of us were happy with the fact he was going to have to deal with more jail time and a trial after that.

  Not only was that going to be hard on the club having to deal without him, but we would also have to deal with the fact the cops were going to be on us more now that one of us was in trouble again. Sure, it wasn’t anything new to have one of us behind bars, but we were always so careful when it came to these drug runs.

  With the wrong person caught at the wrong time, someone very important could end up behind bars, and that could be crippling to the rest of the club. I didn’t want to even think about what would happen if Jett was to wind up arrested at this point.

  I tapped my fingers impatiently on the desk. Bailing someone out was the last thing I wanted to do with my time today. But, no one else was available to do it, and the sooner we could get Gin out of jail, the better. We had things we had to get done with the MC we were trying to work with, and Gin, well, he had information we needed.

  “Alright, once that screen clears you can swipe your card. There’s going to be a three percent fee, I hope that’s alright,” the clerk said.

  “It’s fine. Let’s just get this going,” I said again.

  She gave me another look, and I knew I was on thin ice. It wouldn’t take much for her to call security into the room, and I could end up with a charge of my own. I bit my tongue and forced a smile, doing everything in my power to remain calm. I didn’t want to deal with her any longer than I had to, and the best way to avoid that was to keep her happy enough to deal with the rest of the transaction and get the Hell out of there.

  At long last, the rest of the paperwork was signed, and Gin appeared in his street clothes. “Thanks, man,” he said when I met him outside the jail. “I owe you one.”

  He had a black eye and a busted lip, but he didn’t seem too worse for the wear.

  “They roughed you up a bit, I see,” I commented.

  “I got in a couple licks myself,” he said. His tone was grave, but I could see the pride in his eyes.


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