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Omega Reimagined volume 2

Page 15

by Tanya Chris

  Tarek kept trying to make conversation and laughing at me for not being able to follow it. Either my mouth was full or my tongue was tied. He’d said we weren’t going to talk about my job, but he kept teasing at the edges of it, asking me questions about which packs I’d been to and how long I’d been traveling for a living.

  “You must pass through human territory a fair amount,” he said, pausing with a bite of meat poised on his fork. I didn’t know which was more appealing—the meat or the mouth about to swallow it.

  “I was just there,” I said, not realizing I was giving anything away, but he smiled as if I had.

  “Was that necessary?”

  “It’s faster.” That was the justification I gave when I submitted my expense reports. And cutting through human territory would be faster too, except that I always stopped for a couple of nights in one of the bigger cities along the way. Someplace where they’d have a gay bar—which catered to those human men who preferred men—or a BDSM club—which catered to people like me.

  “Do you like humans?” Tarek swallowed the bite he’d been tempting me with, but the sight of his lips closing around the sharp tines of his fork didn’t grant me any relief.

  “They’re all right, some of them.”

  “I like humans,” Tarek said. “They’ve got a lot of fight in them. I mean, they try.”

  We laughed together because even the strongest humans were pretty weak, but he was right about their attitude. They didn’t know they were weak. They all thought they were alphas, even though they’d lose in a fight with the lightest and most untrained of omegas.

  “I like a man who can fight,” Tarek said with a wink.

  “I can’t imagine you’d like losing.”

  “Oh, I don’t lose. I’m just letting you know you can try.”

  “Tarek,” I complained half-heartedly.

  He was being so open about his attention. There was a lot of random noise in the restaurant, but anyone who wanted to overhear us could. I shouldn’t care what these strangers might think about me, but I did.

  “Alpha Tarek,” he corrected.

  “What?” The title was a show of respect, used in diplomatic matters amongst strangers. We were having dinner together, sharing a bottle of wine like friends. I couldn’t call him that.

  “Alpha Tarek,” he repeated. There was a threat in the words, as if I were going to pay for every moment I delayed in saying them. That fight he’d promised me—he was going to win, and it was going to hurt.

  Humans were weak, as we’d just discussed. Even the strongest, most dominant, sexually cruelest of them couldn’t subdue me. Not unless I let them. Which I did. I let them think they could beat me because I wanted what came after—the rough and triumphant fucking that made my head spin and my cock explode. But with Tarek I wouldn’t have to fake a thing.

  “Alpha Tarek,” I said in a whisper, my voice strained with that heady mixture of fear and arousal that’d been taking me down all dinner.

  He smiled when I said it—wicked and mocking, but pleased too—and the ball of fear in my chest shattered into a thousand points of pain, rushing down my limbs and straight to my cock. Whatever he wanted. Whatever I wanted. It was one night.

  “Probably better if you finish that,” he said with a nod at my plate. “Might need your strength later.” He took another bite himself, chewing it thoroughly, not seeming to notice how his gaze made it difficult for me to swallow or maybe just not caring. The deer I’d been so looking forward to could’ve been skunk for all I cared. The flesh I tasted was his flesh. The blood that dripped from my fork my own blood.

  Our waiter approached the table. An omega—mated from the smell but allowed to serve alphas in a public place like this. She smiled cheerfully as she cleared our plates and I tried to remind myself that Carmen might be somewhere like this. Or worse. I had a job to do, but it wasn’t like I could make any progress on it tonight, not unless I wanted to sniff around outside a building and possibly get myself arrested as a creepy stalker.

  “Anything else?” the omega asked.

  I tried to silently communicate to Tarek that I didn’t want dessert, but he ignored my frantic signaling.

  “What kind of pie do you have tonight?” he asked, leaning back in his chair as if we had nowhere else to be.

  The waiter rattled off three or four different kinds of pie, but I didn’t hear what she said. If Tarek made me pick one, I wouldn’t be able to answer. I held my breath as I watched him debate his choices until his eyes flickered over to me and he gave a low laugh. “No dessert tonight, I guess. My companion’s in a hurry to get home.”

  “I’ll pay,” I volunteered. Jeans had pockets. Lots of them. They were so handy. But Tarek waved me off.

  “I asked you out.”

  “It’s not a date,” I said in a low hiss. The omega was standing right there, listening to every word.

  “Isn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow at me, giving me the choice. If I said it wasn’t a date, it wouldn’t be. I could go to the B&B, have a wank, and tumble into a sleep filled with dreams of Tarek fucking me until I was as boneless as the deer steak. Or I could say yes to everything he’d been promising me. Right here with the omega listening.

  “If it’s not a date,” he said when I hadn’t answered after a moment, “then I guess I’ll let you pay.” He slid the check across the table to me.

  “It’s a date.” I pushed it back, mad at him for making me do it and wanting him so fucking bad I was shaking with it. I kept my eyes on his smug countenance as he signed his name to the bottom of the check with a broad flourish, refusing to look at the omega hovering at his side, not wanting to see how she’d look back.

  Tomorrow, I’d be gone. Tomorrow, this would all be a memory. The best one of my life. It was worth the risk. That was what I told myself as I followed Tarek from the restaurant, stumbling and churning, my dick still hard like it’d been the entire meal, causing me actual pain now.

  “Where are we going?” I asked when we hit the cooler air outside. The temperature injected some reason back into my brain. I could hardly bring an alpha back to my room to fuck me.

  “My place. It’s not far.” He led the way, moving quickly as if he were as eager as I was. Now that we weren’t surrounded by a cacophony of other scents, I could easily pick out his and the underlying hints of arousal in it. I risked a glance in the direction of his groin and found a bulky bulge bouncing around in his shorts.

  “If I’d known I was going to have the pleasure of your company today, I’d have warn something more supportive,” he said with a laugh as he hooked a casual arm around my shoulders. I ducked out from under it only to find the back of my neck caught firmly in his palm. His sharp-tipped fingers curled around my throat to press against my Adam’s apple.

  “Going somewhere?” he growled against my ear. The streets were far from empty, the sun still not fully set. But no one reacted to the grip he had on me or the way our bodies brushed as he held me tight to his side. We were chums, that was all. It would be fine as long as I didn’t call attention to us.

  I shook my head, for as much as he allowed it to move.

  “Say no, Alpha,” he prompted.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Alpha Tarek.”

  He purred, a satisfied sound that sent lust echoing like a pinball through my veins, then his teeth met the lobe of my ear, one fang piercing the flesh there. I inhaled sharply, swallowing down the moan that wanted to be let out. He licked over the wound he’d made to wipe clear the blood he’d drawn.

  “Be good until we get home,” he warned. “Or I’ll forget to be discreet.”

  Discreet. I’d have laughed if I’d had it in me. He was doing this on purpose. Checking to see how far he could push me before I’d snap. Did he want me to be good for him or did he want me to fight? Some of the humans I’d tangled with wanted me to play at being a good boy, and I swallowed down my ego and did. There was a delicious humiliation to it, letting myself be subjugated by the
weak and undeserving, knowing I allowed it because I was so cock hungry.

  Other humans preferred a bit of a tussle, the sense of having won a prize not easily claimed. I could do that too, but it was more difficult—figuring out the exact point at which I was meant to surrender, holding back my full strength in order to boost theirs and wanting, all the time, to not have to hold back.

  Was Tarek really stronger than I was? Walking along together like this with his arm hooked over my shoulders, it was obvious we were nearly identical in height, but height didn’t mean much in wolf terms. Our strength was in our haunches and shoulders, in our teeth and claws. Tarek didn’t lack muscle. His shoulders were mouth-wateringly broad, and his thighs were thick and powerful. His ass was meaty and round, filling out those little shorts obscenely. He was compact, but built with it. Sturdy in his strength and fierce in his intentions. Even if I didn’t want to lose, I might.

  He led me through the rapidly darkening streets to the other end of town where it was quiet and the street lamps didn’t reach. He had a bungalow, right on the edge of the woods, one of a circle of bungalows all equally small. A chimney rose up from the center of the steep roof, but no smoke came from it, and when he opened the door, the interior was dark and quiet.

  “I live here alone.” He pushed the door shut behind me as I stood rooted to the floor on the small square of tiles just inside. “It’s basically this room and the bedroom. Through there.” He pointed to the other side of the open space where a door stood partially open. Beyond it lay a darkness that could be anything. Heaven or hell. I was about to find out.

  Chapter 5

  Tarek’s bedroom probably had stuff in it. Furniture, rugs. Maybe there was even a picture hanging on the wall. But all I could see was the bed. Like most beds in wolf territory, it sat low to the ground, just a mattress on the floor with no bedframe or headboard. And like most beds in wolf territory, it was placed square in the middle of the room. Den, nest, home. There was a typical bundle of bedding, not tidily made, not recently washed. The scent of Tarek rose up from it stronger than the scent coming off his own body. The bed was a distillation of Tarek, a pool into which he nightly dove and left some part of himself behind.

  His semen, for instance. It was there in the room—the odor of a previous release. With a partner? An eager omega careless about their virtue thanks to the Northern Pack’s liberal teachings? Or someone like me? But I couldn’t pick up a trace of any other wolf in particular. Either Tarek played the field or he kept to his own hand.

  He stood behind me in the doorway, watching me as I sniffed the air. Waiting to see if I’d bolt, perhaps. The urge to escape while I still had time hammered at me. This was a poor choice I was making, a foolish indulgence of a shameful desire. So many ways it could go wrong and yet too impossible a dream not to see it through. He shut the door to the bedroom, sealing us in together, and my nerves settled. A lightweight door like that couldn’t keep me in if I wanted out, but its closing suggested that this was just between us—something that could be contained.

  I swallowed as he approached me, wondering what he saw. Did he know how much I wanted this? Should I tell him?

  His big hand landed on the back of my neck, a solid weight of possession. His thumb and forefinger cupped the base of my skull, forming a saddle into which I was locked. He held me there as his mouth descended onto mine. I jolted at the first touch, almost ready to run. His lips were rough—hard and uncompromising as they separated mine—and the thrust of his tongue came fast and without invitation.

  We were the same height, but my legs refused to support me. They buckled, making me a few inches shorter, and my head tilted in compensation. I grabbed for his upper arms, off balance and needing something to close my hands around. His biceps were like boulders, round and hard and perfect, so steady compared to my wobbling knees. I gasped, breaking the kiss. It was just a kiss. I shouldn’t be so gone from it already. He’d said something about men who could fight, but I didn’t have any fight in me.

  “You know what I’m going to do to you tonight, right?”

  I really didn’t, but I nodded anyway.

  “Tell me.”

  Tell him? “I can’t. Don’t make me.”

  He grinned—that superior, sadistic grin that exposed the lowered points of his fangs. “I think I will make you. I’m going to make you do a lot of things. Tell me what.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  But Tarek didn’t leave it there. Of course not. “Should I make you take my cock?”

  I nodded.

  “Should I make you take my knot?”

  The grip I had on his arms was tight, but not tight enough to support me when I thought about taking his knot. I’d been fucked by more human males than I could remember, and some of it had been hard and punishing—almost punishing enough—but there was one thing no human male could give me, and that was a knot.

  I sank to the floor and Tarek let me go, guiding me with that single hand on the back of my neck so that I wafted to my knees with uncharacteristic grace. He leaned over me, still cupping that sensitive spot.

  “I’m going to knot you so good, Donovan. But not until you’re begging for it.”

  “I want your knot,” I said immediately.

  “That’s not begging. That’s only asking. But don’t worry, you’ll be begging soon enough.” He used his free hand to shuck his shorts. Beneath them was the cock I’d been smelling since I met him. It was as hard as mine and as nicely formed—bigger than the average human cock and not circumcised the way so many of theirs were. His foreskin had peeled most of the way back, revealing a round head considerably wider than the shaft it rested atop.

  The bigger the head, the bigger the knot. That was the conventional wisdom, but who knew if it was true. Most wolves only ever saw one knot.

  Tarek didn’t give me time to worry about it. He was too busy feeding his cock into my mouth, which gaped open for it. I loved cock, and I already loved this one harder than I’d ever loved one before because it smelled like alpha and tasted like wolf. I drooled around it as he fed it deeper, shoving it into my throat until it butted up against my vocal chords where it stifled the sounds that rumbled deep in my chest. When he’d loaded me with as much cock as I could take, he held it there. His thumb tipped up my chin, forcing me to look into his face and acknowledge the ownership stamped on it.

  “You know what you’re doing,” he observed with a sneer. He rocked his hips back and forth, and my eager mouth chased the cock he gave and took. “You’ve been practicing.”

  Shameful, shameful. My body lit up, my cock pulling just a bit more blood from my brain, growing impossibly harder. I reached a fumbling hand for it, but his foot diverted me.

  “You’ll come on my knot. Not before.”

  I wanted to come on his knot. Great Mother, did I. I just needed a little relief. Being this endlessly hard hurt. My balls were like stones, sucked in tight to my body, and I could feel a hot stretch around the base of my cock where a knot would form if I were the one doing the fucking. Tarek’s knot started to rise between my lips, and I was proud of that. My mouth stretched to take in the widening bulge as he slammed into me, my tongue seeking it out, flickering over it. He made a sound halfway between a moan and a growl, and his fingers against the back of my head were sharp with his extended claws, each claw a hotspot of pain that skittered through my nervous system.

  “Fuck, you’re sweet,” he said, as if an alpha being sweet wasn’t humiliating at all. “Look at how well you take it, down on your knees with your mouth open as wide as an omega’s legs. Great moon, I’d like to blast my load all over your face. Leave you dripping with it.”

  Yes, yes.

  But no, no.

  Knot. I wanted a knot. I tried to say so, but all that came out was a raw squeak of asphyxiation. He knew what I meant anyway, because he laughed.

  “Told you you’d beg for it,” he said. “But that’s not enough. Not nearly enough.” He slid his cock o
ut so I could speak more clearly.

  “Knot,” I said, hating myself for it.

  “Knot what?”

  “Knot, please.”

  “Knot, please, what?”

  I knew what he wanted. Of course I did. And like everything he’d done to me, I wanted it too. But it was hard, so hard. If only I could touch myself, if only this torment were anything like pleasure, if only he weren’t watching me say it, if only saying it wasn’t so likely to make me come…

  “Knot. Please. Alpha.”

  “Mm, better. I think you might be trainable. Maybe I’ll keep you. Would you like that?”

  Unfortunately, the answer to that could only be no. But I didn’t say so. It would break the bubble of our fantasy. Instead I gulped in several deep breaths of air. The oxygen went to my head with the rush of an impending orgasm and my cock pulsed, dangerously close to unleashing until Tarek’s foot pressed against my groin, his claws piercing me through the denim. I choked back a scream as pain flashed through me.

  “Not yet,” he said. “On my knot. Remember?”

  I nodded, but he only increased the pressure of his foot against my cock .

  “Yes, Alpha,” I gasped out, guessing what he wanted. The pressure let up, and I could see again.

  When he walked away from me, I had to stop myself from crawling after him. He went to a dresser I hadn’t bothered to notice before and extracted a tube from the top drawer.

  “Do you usually use lube?”

  I flushed, hating to admit there was any “usually” about my getting fucked, but I did prefer lube. Being taken hurt more without it, but not in a way I enjoyed. In a ripping, sticking sort of way that interrupted the sense of my partner being in complete control. I preferred a good, strong slide.

  “It’s okay to say so,” he said with a laugh. He tossed the lube onto the bed and came back to tip my head up again. “I worry about how seriously you’re taking this. I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to like it. That’s all, okay?”


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