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The Exit Strategy Bundle

Page 55

by Jocelynn Drake

  Before he could touch Justin, his lover grabbed his arm and roughly spun him so that he was facing the sink, the edge of the counter pressing into his stomach. Justin slid a hand around his front and cupped his cock, massaging it through his jeans. Blood rushed south and he instantly hardened under his touch. Gabriel couldn’t stop himself from thrusting his dick into his hand while sighing with relief. At the same time, Justin crowded closer, pressing his dick against Gabriel’s ass, making it painfully clear that he was hard as well.

  “We can’t,” Gabriel bit out breathlessly. His body was screaming for them to find a way, but they couldn’t. Their focus was supposed to be on keeping Jake and Devlin safe.

  “I thought you were a super assassin,” Justin whispered in his ear. His hot breath danced along the shell of his ear and Gabriel shivered. “You can be quiet.”

  “Justin,” Gabriel said in warning, but it sounded more like a plea.

  “Show me how quiet you can be. Quiet like the Grim Reaper.”


  “Not a sound. You just stand there with your hands on the counter. I’ll take care of you.”

  Gabriel swallowed a whimper as Justin fumbled with the front of his jeans. He wanted to reach down and help, but Justin’s no-nonsense tone made it clear that he didn’t want Gabriel moving his hands. After a few seconds, the jeans fell loose. Justin removed his hand from his cock long enough to pull both his pants and underwear down to his knees. Cold air rushed over his exposed skin and caressed his dick.

  Fuck, it was on the tip of his tongue to remind Justin that Devlin and his son were just in the next room. On the other side of that thin little door, but Justin knew that…and it made it all the more thrilling. The anticipation of being caught at any second. Any little sound could wake Devlin, have him striding through that door to find Gabriel standing there with his pants down, dick leaking pre-cum.

  Justin’s hand wrapped around his cock again, stroking in long swipes from the head all the way down to the root. Gabriel allowed himself a shuddering little exhale. With his free hand, Justin slapped a little packet of lube on the counter and Gabriel’s heart skipped a beat. Justin meant to fuck him. He thought the man planned to jerk him off. Maybe drop to his knees and suck him off.

  “Open it,” Justin commanded, sending another little shiver through Gabriel.

  He picked it up with trembling fingers and had to try three times to get a little tear in the packet before he placed it back on the counter. The words rose again to warn Justin that this was insane. That they shouldn’t be doing this. But if he spoke, Justin might stop and he didn’t want to stop, didn’t want to be smart and sensible. Fuck, if he wanted that, he would never have chosen to be a mercenary in the first place.

  Justin snatched up the lube. The hand around Gabriel’s cock disappeared too. He stood, his body shaking, waiting for Justin’s next move. He tried to focus on his breathing, slowing it down, making it silent. He didn’t want to give Justin a single reason to stop. God, he needed to come. Needed to feel Justin inside of him, the rush of heat when he came.

  “Spread your legs,” Justin murmured. Gabriel followed his order, spreading his legs apart as wide as the pants around his ankles would allow. As he found his balance, two lube-covered fingers pressed against his hole, pushing harder for entrance. Gabriel couldn’t stop the harsh sound of air being sucked into his lungs as the stretching burn hit his body.

  “Sshhh…” Justin whispered. His lips brushed against the back of his neck, kissing slowly up his bare flesh, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. “That’s it. Let me in. Gonna make you feel so fucking good. But you gotta stay silent.”

  Gabriel pushed back, willing muscles to relax and welcome Justin inside of him. Those two fingers slowly slid deeper, pushing lube inside of his channel. Suddenly, his other hand reached for his cock. Fingers danced lightly down his shaft and cupped his balls, massaging him. Gabriel couldn’t stop himself from shoving backward, taking more of Justin’s fingers into his body while fighting a deep moan. It felt so good. Touching, teasing caresses. He wanted to come from just this, but it wasn’t enough. Justin had him balanced on the edge, and Gabriel was struggling to stay in control. He wanted to feel Justin deep inside of him, the press of his muscular thighs against his own, trembling with barely controlled need.

  Justin continued to work his hole for a few more strokes and then he pulled out. A second later, the head of his cock replaced his fingers, brushing against the crinkled flesh. “You want me inside you?” Justin demanded. His voice was low and rough, like he was riding that hard edge with Gabriel.

  Gabriel gave a jerky nod, holding to the warning that he had to remain silent.

  Pushing forward, Justin paused with the head of his cock stretching the tight muscles of his entrance, letting Gabriel revel in that burn before he pushed fully inside of him in one long slide that stole the breath from Gabriel’s lungs. Justin wrapped a strong arm around his chest, holding them tightly together while the muscles of Gabriel’s ass flexed and shifted, adjusting to Justin’s thickness.

  Justin pressed his face into Gabriel’s hair at the back of his head. “Fuck, you feel good,” he sighed.

  Gabriel loved the feel of him, but he needed Justin to move. The hand wrapped around his dick was still, clutching him but not stroking. The contact was driving him insane, but he clenched his teeth, not making a single sound.

  “You love this, don’t you?” Justin said. He shifted, moving in and out of Gabriel in short strokes that drove his need even higher. “We could be caught at any second. Devlin could walk out and see you with your pants around your ankles and your ass stuffed with my dick. Just the idea of someone seeing you getting fucked hard makes your dick leak. I can feel it sliding down the head of your cock. You’re so fucking turned-on.”

  Justin was right. He didn’t think of himself as an exhibitionist. He didn’t really want anyone ever seeing him and Justin together like this. But just the potential of being caught added that extra little thrill to the moment, getting his blood pumping that much faster. It was part of what made being an assassin so addictive. There was always that chance of being caught. Of someone seeing him. Of his target being a little smarter, a little faster, a little more skilled than he’d expected. Justin understood it because he was addicted to the thrill as much as he was.

  Removing his hand from his cock, Gabriel nearly cried out, but he swallowed the sound. Justin grabbed his ass cheeks with both hands, spreading them. He finally started taking longer, deeper strokes, pushing Gabriel closer to that wonderful edge again.

  “I look so good inside of you.” Justin’s voice was rougher, more like a growl in his throat. “Stretching your ass. My ass. All of you is mine.”

  Gabriel nodded several times. Fuck, he’d agree to anything Justin said if only it meant that he could finally come.

  “Fuck, baby. I’m so close.” Justin released his ass and wrapped around him again. The hand returned to his cock but held it in a tight grip while Justin sawed in and out of him. “Gonna fill you up. You want that?”

  There was no stopping the whimper of need this time, but he wasn’t sure anyone could hear it over the soft slap of skin on skin. Justin sped up his thrusts. They weren’t nearly as hard as Gabriel liked it, but the filthy words out of Justin’s mouth already had him teetering on the edge.

  “Don’t come,” Justin warned. “After I fill your ass, you’re going to turn and come down my throat.” Gabriel’s cock jerked at his words, but Justin’s hand immediately clamped down on the base, keeping him from coming.

  It took only a couple of strokes before Justin was biting down hard on his shoulder, his entire body tensing and jerking. A flood of warmth filled Gabriel’s channel and he nearly moaned to know that Justin was losing himself deep inside of him. Justin lingered for another second, his still-hard cock sliding through his own spend before he pulled out.

  Cold wrapped Gabriel for only a second as Justin stepped away. He was quickly s
pun around by strong hands and pushed against the counter. He blinked and looked down to find Justin on his knees. His pants were still up, just opened in the front so that he could pull out his dick. And then Justin was swallowing him down, taking him to the back of his throat.

  Gabriel sucked in a harsh breath and threaded his fingers through Justin’s thick hair, getting a good handhold. He fucked his throat hard, loving those lips stretched and wrapped around him. Tears slipped from the corners of Justin’s blue eyes, but there was a look of love and bliss on his face. Without words, Gabriel knew that Justin loved when he let go, took exactly what he wanted.

  He wanted to go on fucking Justin’s lovely face forever, but he’d been on the edge of orgasm well before Justin pulled out. There was no fighting it. Clenching his teeth to hold back the loud cry that had risen in his throat, Gabriel came hard. Justin greedily swallowed his cum down, taking everything Gabriel could give.

  When he was left leaning limp against the counter, Justin licked him clean before allowing his dick to slide free from his mouth. Smiling wickedly, he grabbed Gabriel’s pants and pulled them up as he got to his feet again. He leaned close and Gabriel kissed him deeply, shoving his tongue inside his mouth, loving the taste of himself. A stamp of ownership that he didn’t want to think too much about. But in his heart, he knew it was true. Justin was his. And he belonged to Justin—heart, body, and soul.

  “Mmmm…that was so nice,” Justin purred against his lips.

  “You think you can sleep now?” Gabriel teased. They were both still whispering. There hadn’t been a single sound from the bedroom, but toward the end, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure he would have heard something. The blood had been pounding so hard in his ears, and there was the soft slap of Justin’s groin against his ass. Fuck, the world could have been ending, and all Gabriel wanted to do was come.

  “Oh yeah, I can definitely sleep now.” Justin dipped his head, nuzzling Gabriel’s neck. The damn man reminded him of the cats, pushing closer and closer for warmth and affection. It was hard not to melt against him and cuddle him close.

  “You know that was stupid, right?”

  “So fucking stupid,” he agreed with a chuckle.

  Gabriel sighed. “But worth it.”

  “Stealing any moment with you is so worth it.”

  And right there, that was why he was so lost over this man. Why he’d do anything to protect him and stay by his side. His love changed everything. It always would.

  “Okay, sexy. Clean up in here and catch some sleep on the couch. I need to clean up in the bathroom. You’re leaking out of my ass.”

  Lifting his head, Justin grinned at him. “Fuck, you say the sexiest things.”

  Gabriel stole one last kiss and disappeared into the bathroom to quickly clean up. When he returned, Justin was stretched out on the couch. He lifted one sleepy eyelid and made a little kissing motion before closing his eye. By the time Gabriel was seated with his e-reader, Justin’s breathing had evened out and he was asleep. He looked like a fucking angel, but Gabriel knew the truth. He was a dirty, wicked man at the core, and Gabriel wouldn’t change a damn thing about him.

  Chapter 9

  No kids.

  Justin was sure that he was not ever going to have a kid.

  Jake was adorable. He was smart, kind, and thoughtful. But apparently keeping a six-year-old on target and on a schedule was not something that was done.

  He’d hoped that they would be able to get out the door and on the road for Colorado by six a.m. Gabriel snickered at his optimism, and Justin soon learned that he had every right to snicker. It was almost seven-thirty when they finally got on the road, and it wasn’t all Jake’s fault. His father wasn’t the biggest help.

  Neither of the two was what could be called a “morning person.” They both stumbled out of the bedroom when Justin banged on the door for the third time at five-thirty in the morning, bleary-eyed and grumpy, demanding just a few more hours. The sun wasn’t even up yet.

  After pouring some coffee down Devlin’s throat and arguing with Gabriel that he couldn’t do the same for Jake, Devlin was awake enough to realize that they were trying to consolidate down to just one vehicle—Justin’s. Devlin didn’t want to leave his old truck behind. While Justin understood that he’d feel trapped at their house, Devlin seemed blind to the notion that the old truck was too conspicuous. The thing looked like it belonged in a museum and people noticed it. There was also the concern that the poor thing wasn’t going to make it to Colorado, and he didn’t want to worry about a vehicle breaking down when they most needed speed.

  By the time Devlin was convinced that they needed to all pile into Justin’s SUV, Jake had pulled toys out of his backpack to play and fallen asleep on the floor before he managed to get dressed for the day.

  Gabriel wisely stepped in and sent Justin out to the SUV to repack the vehicle while he rounded up Jake.

  Once they were on the road, things moved along a little better for the first couple of hours. And then Jake needed a potty break. And then it was a lunch break. And then another potty break because Jake had a big drink. And then he was bored and needed out of the car.

  The drive should have taken about eight hours straight or maybe ten hours with breaks, putting them in their driveway between two and four the afternoon, if they had left on time.

  The long gravel drive didn’t appear before them until nearly seven o’clock. Justin was exhausted and ready to be out of the car. He needed some alone time. It was one thing to adjust to having Gabriel nearby at almost all times, but Devlin and Jake were something he couldn’t adapt to yet. He needed breathing space and silence. He’d lived alone for so long, operated alone. The whole lone-gunman thing fit him to a tee. Now he was part of a quartet, and it all seemed too much.

  “Jess is here,” Justin said in surprise when they neared the house to see their neighbor’s older brown SUV parked in front of one of the garage bays.

  “I texted her when we got off the highway. I thought it would be a good idea to have the dogs here when we arrived. Let them run around the place. I told her not to get out of the car until we arrived.”

  As if on cue, a middle-aged woman with a broad smile in a pair of worn jeans and a black tank top climbed out of the SUV. She gave them a wave and laughed. The dogs had spotted them as well and were currently rocking the vehicle in their excitement to get out.

  “Thank you,” Justin breathed. It wasn’t just that the dogs added an excellent level of protection. They were a distraction. They calmed Justin’s nerves and always helped to make him feel more settled after being away from home for an extended period.

  “We also heard from Kai. It appears he dropped off around Fort Collins. Said everything looked clear to him.”

  Justin grunted. It was a start. He wasn’t too sure that Kai had been able to see everything while they were on the road, but it was nice to know someone was at their backs. He turned in his seat and looked at Jake and Devlin. Both looked disheveled and so ready to get the fuck out of the car.

  He couldn’t blame them. From what Devlin had told him, he’d tried to keep their driving down to only six or seven hours so Jake wouldn’t get too restless and anxious, but Justin hadn’t been willing to stretch the drive over two days. It was critical that they get to the house.

  “Hey guys,” he started with a forced smile on his lips. “I want you to wait in here while we talk to Jess real quick and get the dogs settled.”

  “Are the dogs gonna like me?” Jake said. There was no missing the fear thickly coating his question. From the large SUV, the two German shepherds were huge and looked more than a little rambunctious. They knew Justin’s vehicle on sight and were ready to see their two daddies again.

  “Oh, yeah! They’re gonna love you. We just need to let them out so they can run around and potty.” He also wanted them to run around the house and grounds sniffing for any intruders.

  “I’m going to go into the house and check it,” Gabriel a
dded. “Justin will come get you.”

  “Thanks again,” Devlin said with a shaky smile. “We’ll wait here and get our stuff together.” Jake had been carrying a backpack filled with toys and other random things to keep him occupied. Over the course of the drive, the backpack had been emptied and everything was spread about the back seat.

  As they climbed out of the SUV, they were greeted by Jess’s broad, hearty laugh. “I was expecting to hear from you guys hours ago.”

  “Yeah, well…I’ve never tried to travel with a kid before,” Justin admitted, which only earned him another laugh. Jess had five kids—three boys and two girls. Only two of them were still living at home, but they’d seen the pictures. They looked like they’d been a rowdy bunch.

  “How old?”


  Jess slapped him on the shoulder and chuckled. “It doesn’t get easier.”

  “Thanks,” Justin muttered. “But we’re not keeping him. Jake and his dad are just staying with us for a bit. An extended visit.”

  “Thanks again for watching over everyone on such short notice,” Gabriel said. Justin wanted to glare at his partner. Sure, he looked rumpled and tired, but the man also managed to exude dignified grace while Justin was just grumpy and crotchety. He didn’t know how Gabriel managed it.

  And Jess reacted to his grace as well. She gave him a gentle hug, adding a little rub to his shoulder like he deserved some extra coddling.

  “I’m always happy to help. The two princes were fed this morning and seem to be in a snit, but I’m sure they’ll mellow when they see you.”

  Gabriel huffed a little laugh and released Jess. “I’ll go see to them before Jake can meet them.” He gave Justin a quick wink and then walked to the front door.


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