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Just To Be With You

Page 31

by Bella Andre

Page 31

  Author: Bella Andre

  He didn’t stop his lips from curving into a smile this time. Of course, as an actress, she would ask him for direction. And he would give it to her. Only, it wouldn’t be anywhere close to the kind of direction she was expecting.

  “I want you touch yourself the way you have, alone in your bed, naked beneath the sheets, since the day you met me at the wedding. ” Her eyes grew even wider as he said, “I want you to show me if my own fantasies about you were right. ”

  “You fantasized about me?”

  “I thought you wanted me to teach you things,” he replied in a deceptively gentle voice, “but from the way you keep stalling with more questions, maybe you aren’t serious, after all. ”

  That was all it took to persuade her to shift on the bed so that she was lying on her back with her legs falling open on the messy bed covers. From his perfect vantage point, he could see that she was still aroused from their earlier lovemaking, the smooth skin between her thighs plump and slick. Her hair was wet and tangling over her shoulders, where a few marks from his lips and teeth were starting to come into stark bruised relief against the pale skin. There was no order whatsoever to any part of the picture she painted before him. . . and yet, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever set eyes on.

  Order, he was beginning to believe whenever they were together, was vastly overrated.

  She brought her hands up to her breasts and as she softly cupped them, her eyes fluttered closed. Looking as if she was going deeper into her imagination, into the fantasies she’d once created about the two of them, her hands squeezed, pinched, caressed her soft flesh and nipples that grew harder by the second. When a low moan fell from her lips, he decided it was time to push her a little farther.

  “Very pretty,” he said, wanting her to know how much he appreciated, and approved, of what she was doing before he shoved her all the way past comfort. “But I want more, Tatiana. ” Hell, he wanted so much from her that it was nearly ripping him to shreds.

  “Tell me what you want, Ian. Tell me and I’ll do it. ”

  “I want you to tell me what I’m doing to you in your fantasies. ”

  Her hands nearly slipped from her skin as a number of different emotions—surprise, lust, fear, along with determination to see this through—raced across her beautifully expressive face. But when only lust and determination remained, she held his gaze as she began to speak in an intoxicatingly sensual tone.

  “After we met at the wedding and you shook my hand, I couldn’t forget the way it felt. Your hand was so big, so warm, and rougher than I thought it would be for a businessman. I couldn’t stop thinking, fantasizing, about what it would feel like if you were touching me somewhere else. ” She didn’t so much as blink as she told him, “Everywhere else. ”

  He swallowed hard as she moved her hands away from her breasts to slide over her neck, and then to her flushed face. “I wondered what it would feel like if you held me still so that you could kiss me exactly the way you wanted to. And how it would be if you fisted your hands in my hair—” She moved one hand from her cheek to her damp locks. “—so that I had to go wherever you decided to take me. ” Her hips shifted slowly up and down on the bed in a rhythm that told him just how ready she already was to take him again. “I wanted so badly for you to take me. ”

  She was whispering now as she ran her hands back down over her neck, her collarbones, and then the upper slope of her breasts. And, oh, how he’d wanted it, too, wanted to take her every single second from that first handshake. Knowing that she’d been just as hungry, just as desperate for him, didn’t just send him all the way to the edge, it nearly tipped him into the abyss. But if he moved, if he spoke, he knew she’d stop confessing her erotic fantasies to him, so he stayed exactly where he was, even as he watched her fingers move over her nipples, rougher on the second trip so that her flesh stood hard on the tips of her full breasts when she finally continued her journey down over her ribs.

  “I knew that if—when—you took me, it would be good, better than anything I’d ever known. ” Her mouth curved up into a sexy smile as she brought one hand back up to her breasts and let the other move lower, then lower still, until her fingers hovered just above her sex. “I was right. ”

  Her fingers had barely slicked over her clitoris when Ian could no longer hold back from touching her, too. On a deep groan of need, he got up from the chair, moved to the bed, and slid one finger, then two, into her. She lifted her hips into his hand, but when she began to slide her own fingers away, he said, “No, I want you to keep touching yourself. ”

  “But you’re—”

  “Needing to be closer to you. ”

  The words that should have come out simply as sexy, ended up being about so much more. Because as much as he wished he could hide from her just how deeply and strongly she affected him, in moments like this when she gave herself entirely up to him, he couldn’t find a way not to give her at least part of himself, too.

  “I need it, too,” she said, and then just as he’d told her, she continued sliding her fingers over herself in a circular pattern that matched perfectly the deliberately slow pace he’d set between her thighs. She watched through heavy-lidded eyes the way their hands worked in unison over and into her, to bring her higher and higher with every stroke, with every swirl.

  “Did you ever dream of this? Of both of us touching you this way?”

  “No. ” The short word was little more than a gasp as he pushed just a little deeper, a little harder. “In my fantasies it was always just you touching me. Never both of us. ” She shook her head, admitted, “I didn’t know we could do this together. ”

  “So much,” he said in a low voice, “there’s so much we can do together. Like this. ” He took one of her nipples into his mouth. And as he suckled it, both of their hands naturally picked up the pace between her legs.

  Now that he knew just how sweet, how soft, how hungry she was, every time he had her only made him wild with craving more of her. “I want all of your orgasms to be mine. ” He’d already taken too much from her, but he couldn’t control the urge to want more.

  “They are yours. Only yours, Ian. ”

  He loved the way his name fell from her lips again and again, growing more and more ragged as they both took her closer to her climax. On a light scrape of his teeth over the tip of her breast, he growled, “Come for me. Only for me, sweetheart. ”

  A sob tore from her throat as she went completely taut at his command, then broke apart, inch by gorgeous inch, beneath his mouth and hand and her own, as well. Nothing in the world but Tatiana would ever be this beautiful, this precious.

  Between Thursday night and today, she’d come apart again and again for him. But his utter lack of control meant that he needed to see more, needed to feel more, needed to take her up even higher, needed to be right there as she experienced greater and greater pleasure, until he was absolutely certain that she had nothing left to give to him. And maybe then, he told himself, he would finally be able to sate his desperate need for her.

  He wouldn’t let her recover, not wanting to let her catch her breath or think or do anything but feel. She was still trembling as he moved to kneel on the rug beside the bed. Putting her legs over his shoulders, he found her core to be deliciously hot and wet against his lips and tongue. With his fingers still moving hard, fast, and deep into her, he nudged her own hand away from her sex.

  This time, there was no slow buildup to her climax, no need to coax—or demand—that she come apart for him. And as one orgasm spiraled into another, though she’d already given him so much more than he deserved, when he moved again to his feet and gripped her hips in his hands to pull her to the edge of the mattress, he couldn’t catch his own breath.

  All he could do was feel.

  A heartbeat later he was completely inside her and he couldn’t look away from her beautiful eyes, so green and so full of love f
or him.

  She’d done exactly what he told her to do from the moment he’d pulled the chair up to the foot of the bed, but now she surprised him by reaching up to wind her hands around his neck and kiss him so sweetly that before he knew what had happened, she’d rolled them over so that he was flat on his back and she was on top.

  They’d moved straight from lesson one to lesson two, but this time he wasn’t the teacher.

  She was.

  And, Lord, the things she taught him as she kissed him hungrily while rubbing her breasts over his chest and grinding her hips into his.

  He’d never known desire could be this sharp, this sweet, this overwhelming.

  He’d never known a woman could be this soft and this strong, this innocent and yet so beautifully sensual all at the same time.

  And he’d never known, until they drove each other higher before reaching the pinnacle of the storm together, just how high it was possible for a man to reach. . . or how far it was possible for a man to fall.


  Ian couldn’t remember the last time he’d awakened with a woman in his arms and wanted to keep her there. Even when he’d been married, he’d gotten out of bed as soon as his eyes were open to work. And with the women he’d had casual flings with, both before and after his marriage, he’d never been tempted to stay overnight or to have them at his place.

  But with Tatiana breathing softly and steadily in his arms, her chest rising and falling against his, with her hair tickling his chin and her warm curves pressing against him as he lay with her spooned against him, he now knew exactly what he’d miss if he got up to go use Tim’s house phone to check in at the office.

  So damned much.

  Loving the feeling of waking up with Tatiana in his arms was just one more thing that set her apart from every other woman he’d been with. Lord knew making love with her was on a whole different plane, as well. It would, he thought, be easiest to chalk it all up to their break from real life, but even back in Seattle when they’d been going from meeting to meeting, he’d been attuned to her in a way he’d never been with anyone else.

  Ian had never known a woman’s body so well. Before they’d landed on the island, before they’d been caught in this storm, he would have tried to tell himself that it was because they were discovering her pleasure together, kiss by kiss, caress by caress, climax by climax. But by now, there was no point trying to convince himself to believe such a blatant lie. . . not when he knew that what had grown between them was so much more than just pleasure.

  Ian had never wanted to understand a woman’s reactions this much. He’d never been so compelled to give a woman pleasure. He’d never worked so hard for a gasp, for a moan, for a smile. And yet, what stood out most for him wasn’t their phenomenal lovemaking, but the way she reacted when she’d walked into their room above the barn: Like it was heaven.

  The other women he’d been with, and especially his ex, had not only expected five-star luxury, they’d demanded it. Since he was rich enough to give it to them, he always had.

  Tatiana, on the other hand, was totally undemanding when it came to anything materialistic. It would be so much easier if she were, if she would ask him for something, anything, other than the one thing it would be impossible for him to give her.

  The night before, after making a simple spaghetti dinner, when Tatiana hadn’t been able to stop yawning, he’d tucked her into bed. By the time he was done pulling their damp clothes out of the shower and laying them over various pieces of furniture to dry out, she was asleep.

  This morning, with the rain still battering the barn, and the sky outside the window still a dark gray, he didn’t need to check with his pilots to know that they weren’t going anywhere today.

  Ian knew he should have been worrying about missing his meeting with Flynn. But when every stolen hour he spent with Tatiana was more precious than the last, all he could think was, What the hell am I going to do when the storm finally ends?

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