Book Read Free

Don’t Go

Page 21

by Paige, Violet

  I nodded. “Yes. Can I do that one?”

  “It’s a two-hundred-dollar change fee.”

  I dug through my wallet for the credit card that was an emergency-only backup. This was an emergency. I had to get home. Away from Aiden. Away from the super models in PR. Away from Thomas Corporation, or as Jackie fondly referred to it, Thomas Corp.

  I handed her the card. “Just get me on the flight please.” At this point I would be willing to pay another hundred dollars to make an earlier plane back to Padre.

  It took off in an hour. I returned the card to my wallet after she ran it through the scanner. I heard my phone ring. Aiden. I clicked ignore, and shoved the phone in the side pocket of my bag.

  “Here you go, honey. I hope everything’s all right.” She handed me a new ticket.

  “Thank you.”

  I walked toward the security checkpoint and put my bag on the conveyer belt.

  “Ma’am, your phone is ringing.” The guard pointed to my bag.

  “I can take care of that.” I picked it from my purse and powered it off. I didn’t need to talk to him. I needed to get out of here.



  I looked at the phone in my hand. The calls went straight to voicemail. Damn it.

  “Carter, what were you thinking taking her to PR?” I yelled. “I told her to stay in my office.”

  “She’s on the PR team, sir.”

  I threw my hands in the air. I should have told her. “Find out where she went, damn it!” I knew I was yelling and screaming like a dictator, but I felt all the control I had was lost.

  “How am I supposed to do that?” Carter was plastered to the wall next to the door.

  I sat in the chair. She was gone. No one had seen her in the building, and Jackie and Chelsea said she ran out of their offices like she was being chased.

  I didn’t know whether I should stay in the office or go out on the street to search for her. She could be at the airport. She could be in a coffee shop. Hell, she could be anywhere. I picked up the note she had scribbled on my desk. She signed it with three X’s. She had told me once they stood for more than kisses. They were kisses laced with fire.

  “I need James Booker on the phone now.” I glared at him.

  “Got it.” Carter raced out of the office.

  It had been a long time since I had used his services, but this was urgent. Veronica could be anywhere in the city. I couldn’t stay if she had left, and I couldn’t go if she had stayed. I felt caged. Worse, I felt helpless.

  The intercom crackled. “Mr. Booker’s on line one.”

  I yanked the phone in my hand. “James.”

  “Sounds like you have something urgent.” The retired detective had a slow drawl.

  “I do.”

  “What can I do for you, Aiden?”

  “Can you meet me at my place? I’m headed over there now.”

  “Sure can. See you in twenty minutes.”

  I barged past Carter and the rest of the staff. I turned to face him. “If you see her, call me immediately.”

  “I will, sir.” Carter shrank against the potted palm next to his desk.

  * * *

  I flipped the lights on in my penthouse, and threw the keys on a side table. I was going to show all of this to Veronica. I wanted her to see where I lived. See the view I coveted from this floor. It felt stuffy even with the air conditioner running. These windows didn’t open. It wasn’t like the condo in Padre, always circulating with salt air.

  I looked around, it wasn’t anything like Padre. This place was cold and unfeeling.

  I opened the bedroom closet and stared at the two racks of white shirts. Some had been monogrammed with my initials on the cuffs. Others were designed with a close fit by my tailor.

  I shut the door when I heard a strong knock. I crossed the hardwood floors to get to the door.

  “James, come in.” I showed the tall man into the penthouse.

  “You sounded out of sorts, Aiden.” He took the Stetson from his head and placed it next to him on the couch.

  “I am. I need you to find someone for me.”

  “Another missing family member?”

  I shook my head. I had used James’s services last year when I wanted to make sure Cole was Dad’s grandson. James had done all of the investigative work for me. I could trust him.

  “It’s a woman.” I pulled up a picture of Veronica on the beach. “I brought her with me to Dallas this morning. She might be headed back to South Padre.”

  The older man eyed the picture. “Pretty.”

  “Yes, gorgeous. And I have no idea where she is.”

  “Why is she missin’?” He eyed me.

  “She’s upset.” I paused. “With me.” It didn’t seem to faze James. He only wanted details if they would help him find Veronica. “She was at the office and got some news. She took off and no one knows where she went.”

  “Shouldn’t be too hard to find her.” He pulled out a small notebook from his starched jeans. “I need her number.”

  I wrote it for him. “And that’s it?”

  He grinned. “Pretty much.”

  I felt like I could breathe again. He rose to leave. “James, I have another project for you.”

  “What’s that?” He tucked the notepad behind his wallet.

  “Do you think you could find someone who didn’t want to be found?”

  He played with the inside brim of his hat. “Sure could. Who doesn’t want to be found?”

  “I don’t know much, but I can give you what I have.” I motioned for the notepad again.

  I jotted down Cassie’s and Lexi’s names. The town in Virginia where they lived. Anything I could remember Veronica telling me about her sister. I handed my notes to James.

  “You have unlimited hours on both of these. Veronica is the most important right now, but as soon as you’ve found here I want you to start looking for Cassie. I know it might take a while.”

  “Will do.” He fixed the Stetson on top of his head. I admired a man who could wear a hat like that.

  “I’ll be here. I’m not going to leave Dallas until I know where Veronica is.” I decided if she went home she would be safe and I could fly out later. If for some reason she had stuck around the city, I couldn’t leave her here by herself.

  It was a strange instinct that kicked in when she was around. I had this need to protect her. To keep the bad out. To keep the hurt and danger far from her. Only today I had failed. I had done it all wrong.

  I closed the door behind James. I tried her number one more time, but I got the same result. She was sending me a clear message. I had to figure out how to send her one.

  * * *

  I circled the apartment, checking my phone after I did a few laps. I turned on the business channel, then flipped it to the weather channel. There was a storm brewing in the Gulf. It didn’t look bad, but it was enough to have me worry if Veronica was in its path. I sank into the leather couch, angry, nervous, frustrated. She was out there somewhere and I was in here.

  I couldn’t help her from here. I couldn’t do a damn thing but wait for James.

  I checked the pantry for food, but I rarely cooked and the only thing that was meal-worthy was a box of pasta. I slammed the door, knowing I didn’t really want to eat anyway. I turned back to the TV, watching the swirling storm edging closer to South Padre.

  It was close to eight before I had a call from James. I answered immediately, my heart thumping loud and strong when his number flashed on the screen.

  “She’s back in South Padre, Aiden.” James didn’t rush the delivery of information.

  “And you’re sure?” The searing pain between my ribs finally subsided.

  “I got a ping off her phone about thirty seconds ago. She’s on the island.”

  I scratched my head. At first glance you wouldn’t think James would know what a ping is. He looked like the kind of guy who would meet you in the street for a six-draw shootout,
but he had access to technology and equipment that boggled my mind.

  “Thank, God. I’m taking the next flight out.” I grabbed my jacket from the back of the couch and turned off the lights as I walked through the penthouse.

  “Sure thing. And I’ll be in touch about the sister. That one is going to take me a little longer, but I’ll work on it for you.”

  “Thanks, James.” I didn’t care about the extra clothes I wanted to pack. I slammed the door behind me, ready to take down anyone in my way between here and South Padre.

  * * *

  I rubbed my eyes as I crossed over the bridge. The pavement was wet from the storm that had passed over the beach. My tires sloshed through puddles that had collected on the side of the road. The South Padre lights were in front of me. So was Veronica. She was on this island.

  I parked next to her car. It was late. Beyond late. But it didn’t matter that it was after one in the morning. If she were half as hurt as I was, she wouldn’t be sleeping.

  I climbed the stairs, taking the steps in rapid succession. I pounded on the door. “Veronica.”

  I thought I heard her walking on the other side. “Ronnie, let me in.” My fist beat against the wood. I’d kick the door in if I had to.

  “No.” Her voice was strong. “Get out of here. I don’t want to see you.”

  I stared at the door. “I’m not leaving.”

  “Then I’ll call the police.”

  “I’ll wake up all your neighbors before they get here,” I countered. I needed her to open the door. I was lost if she didn’t open the door.

  I heard the chain slap against the doorframe. She cracked it enough for me to see her face.

  “Please, Aiden. Just go.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not going. I will sleep outside this apartment if I have to.”

  “Ugh,” she groaned. “Fine.”

  I walked into the apartment. It glowed blue. The TV was on, but no other lights.

  “Can I sit?” I asked.

  She didn’t answer, so I found a spot at the end of her bed. “That’s twice now you have scared the shit out of me.”

  “I don’t really care.” She glared at me, her arms folded in a protective stance. I wanted to reach out and uncross them.

  “Well, I do. Something could have happened to you. I didn’t know where you were. I flew from Dallas as soon as I knew you were back on the island.”

  “Don’t act like you care about me.” Her voice was bitter.

  It was a punch to my chest. I cared more than I had ever admitted to her. More than I knew I could care about anyone.

  “I know you found out about the campground.”

  She crossed her arms. “You’re one secretive prick.”

  “It only happened two days ago. It wasn’t supposed to be a secret.”

  “Jackie and Chelsea sure did have all the details, didn’t they?” Her eyes were filled with rage. “By definition, a secret is something you intentionally don’t tell someone else. This was a big, fat, fucking secret, Aiden.”

  I felt my arms tense, and my jaw clench.

  “I was trying to figure out a way to fix it. I was hoping I wouldn’t even have to tell you. I’m trying to find another tract of land.”

  “So you weren’t going to tell me any of it?” She dropped on to the bed.

  “Yes. I would have once I had a solution.”

  “And what about Quinn and Harper? Do they know?” Her stare was accusatory.

  I shook my head. “No. No one else knows.”

  Her fingers began to tremble. “They don’t even know? Their house is about to get plowed over by a bulldozer, and they don’t know it?”

  “Hey, calm down. I won’t let that happen. I will figure something out.”

  “And if you don’t? What happens to them then?”

  I wanted to tell her what she wanted to hear. That there was some magic solution, but in the past two days we had gone through every parcel on the island. There was nothing for sale. There was no way I could move the trailer park. I was at a complete dead end.

  “They’ll lose their homes.” I couldn’t look at her.

  “They are counting on you, Aiden. Quinn and Harper. They don’t have anyone else. This was it. What about the swing set and the slide? And the swimming platform? You made promises that you were only going to keep if they were convenient.”

  I shook my head in protest. “That was never my intention. I had nothing to do with these damn endangered bugs. We did our due diligence. My legal team advised me. What did you expect me to do?”

  The green in her eyes flickered. “The right thing.”

  I closed my eyes. “The right thing for me was not to lose millions of dollars.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “You said Quinn was counting on me, but she’s not the only one. You met the people in the Dallas office. There are three floors of employees there. Don’t they matter? If this project goes under I will have to let people go. People will lose their jobs. The contractor will lose the job. The people in Padre who are counting on new tourists and jobs for their families will all be let down. This thing is bigger than one trailer park, Ronnie. And it’s all on my fucking shoulders.” I shoved off the bed.

  “I don’t want to let any one of them down. Not one single person.” I turned to face her. Her eyes wide with confusion. “And for one second I hesitated.” I bent so that my nose was within inches of her face. “I almost said to hell with all of it, and let the thing go under. I almost didn’t sign the contract. I was going to lose the millions. I was going to let people go unemployed. I actually considered it so Quinn and Harper could stay there. You know why?”

  Her head moved back and forth.

  “Because I didn’t want to see that look in your eye. I didn’t want to disappoint you. To hell with the rest of them. But you. I didn’t want to let you down. And I know that’s what you would think. You see your sister in her. You can’t help it.” I put my head between my hands. “And somehow you’d blame me for all of it.”

  “But you could have told me,” she whispered. “You should have told me.”

  “Not until I knew there was no way out.” I sat, the bed bouncing under my frame. “I would do whatever I had to not to see that look in your eye. It kills me. It cuts right through me.”

  I felt the exhaustion and the strain from the day. The ache in my muscles. The worry when Veronica was missing. The fear she was lost. The struggle to keep it all together.

  “Don’t leave me. Don’t make this the thing that breaks us. God, don’t leave me.” It came pouring out in a jolting, disjointed sequence. All I could think about was that I had ruined us.

  “Shh.” She wrapped her hands around my neck. “Shh. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her lips were on mine. I felt the heat from her mouth. My hands twisted in her hair, bringing her closer. Our cheeks were wet with tears. I didn’t know where hers started and mine stopped. I tasted the salt on our tongues.

  “Don’t leave. Don’t leave.” I felt the safety in her arms, the softness, the tenderness.

  “Aiden, you broke my heart today.” She sat forward, studying my face.

  “I know I did.” I only wanted her lips again, the feel of her body sliding against mine. Things were right when we were connected. The pressure was gone. The only responsibility I had was to keep her in the fortress of my arms.

  “I needed space. I needed time to think.”

  “I will make things right for Quinn. I swear I will.” I looked into her eyes. The tinges of hazel and amber that drove me crazy the first day I saw her at the Cove danced together.

  “It doesn’t fix everything.” She drew X’s over my heart with her finger.

  “No, it doesn’t.” I sat forward on my elbows. “But I learned something today.”


  “It doesn’t matter to me that we haven’t known each other long, or that we’ve burned through this relationship hotter and faster than we
should have. When I had to fly home without you, I knew why I was so crazy. I knew what had happened.”

  “What happened, Aiden?”

  Her hair fell loosely on her shoulders. Her long eyelashes were damp with tears. All I could think about was kissing her. Hanging on to every touch.

  “I fell in love with you.”

  “Oh my God.” She stared at me.

  I nodded. “I’m completely in love with you. Every part of you.”

  She kissed me, dragging her soft lips against my mouth. “I love you. I mean really love you. So much that I think my heart might pound out of my chest, or that you can see it on my face in the morning. I’ve been scared to tell you. I wanted to tell you, but it’s too fast, right? Too soon?”

  “No, baby.” I reached for the remote. The room faded to black. “You and me. I want all of it. All of you. I want to love you like you’ve never been loved. Your body. Your heart. The way your mind runs a million miles a minute.” I threaded my fingers through hers, carrying her hands over her head. “No more running. No more games. I’m not going to let you go tonight or any other night.”

  “Ohh,” she sighed.

  “I think I told you the first night we were together I wouldn’t stop until you begged me too.” I felt her squirm under me. “Well, not true. You can’t make me stop loving you.”

  I nipped under her ear, feeling her come alive beneath me.

  “Don’t stop loving me and I won’t stop loving you,” she breathed.

  I kissed below her neck. “This is the best part.” I smiled.

  “The makeup sex?” she suggested. Her hands had slipped free and she was running them up my back.

  “Yes. Makeup sex. And then after that comes the ‘I love you’ sex.”

  I had more to tell her. We could talk in the morning over coffee. Or in the shower. Or when we tried to figure out what in the hell we were going to do about the trailer park.

  I’d tell her I was trying to track down Cassie. I would also have to let her know I was headed to Europe in two weeks for a look at a champagne vineyard. But I didn’t feel like I had to rush it. We had time. She was going to wake up in my arms. Nothing else mattered.


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