Time Storm

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Time Storm Page 17

by Philip R Benge

  Tyler and Caroline moved slowly down the mountain slope with the light from the full moon lighting the way. After they had travelled for almost thirty minutes Tyler halted and looked back along the trail, but it was clear of pursuit. Tyler pulled out the flask of water that Tryon had thrown down to him and offered it to Caroline, who drank deeply to wash away the effects of the smoke. Then Tyler took a drink before turning to Caroline.

  “Thankfully they seem to have broken off their pursuit Caroline, so we can now take it a little easier; for I am not as fit as your people.” He said and smiled at his Neolithic Princess

  “You seem to be able to cope with whatever fate throws at you Tyler.” Caroline replied. She was quite content to rest here with him for as long as he liked.

  Tyler took her in his arms and looking deeply into her eyes, his lips just an inch away from hers, and he searched for the right words to ask the question that had been running through his head.

  “Caroline I have only been on your planet for a few days so I don`t know the customs of your people, I hope I haven`t broken any of your customs by kissing you back there, should I have met with your parents or something before kissing you?” Tyler said half in jest but partly serious.

  “You have not broken any of our customs Tyler, it is true that in the past that a single woman would mostly never kiss a man before they were officially engaged, and that most marriages were arranged by the parents of the couples. However, Tyler, even back then a few couples sealed their union with a kiss, and without their parents being involved. Now there are very few arranged marriages, but if you want to kiss me again you should understand that on Orion a woman would take a second kiss to mean that the man had feelings for her, and that the next step would be to inform their families that they wish to become engaged to one another.”

  Caroline was trembling ever so slightly as she waited for a reply from Tyler. Tyler knew that things were moving very fast, but as he looked down upon her face, which was lit up by the bright rays of the moon, he knew that he wanted to look forever at her beautiful face. He wanted to kiss her soft lips, to lose himself within her blue eyes, and so Tyler`s answer was swift, he kissed her for the second time. As they parted after their kiss Tyler saw her sweet face smiling up at him and then she spoke to him.

  “Tyler, I could rest here with you for eternity but we should be moving on, oh and it is the custom on Orion for the girl to inform her family of her decision to join with the man of her choice, so I will tell Appolon as soon as we find him and he can tell my parents.” Caroline`s sudden change of mind about resting there a long while with Tyler was because she now wanted to tell the world of their growing love for one another, and here in the emptiness of the mountain no one would hear her cries of joy, or see how happy she was.

  Tyler gazed down into her eyes and marvelled that he could have won such a prize as this, it was a much more confident man who stood before Caroline now. One that had saved his woman from a giant Magi bird and also rescued her from a tribe of Troglodytes, Tyler knew that nothing was beyond him now that he had won the fair Caroline, and as he stood there quite content a thought occurred to him.

  “Where are your parents Caroline, I didn`t see them in your village?”

  “It is your village now Tyler.” Caroline corrected him. “And my parents are visiting friends in another village about thirty miles away, they should be back by the time that we all return home, and we should really move off now Tyler, for poor Appolon will be worried sick.”

  Therefore, Tyler did as he was told, and after just another hour they saw ahead what looked like a small camp fire.

  “It could be the camp fire of Appolon, he always camp`s around here.” Caroline said.

  “It could be Caroline, but let`s move in slowly, so as to make sure.” Tyler cautioned.

  “That Tyler goes without saying.” Caroline replied smiling across at this new man in her life.

  Tyler in turn looked across to his Neolithic princess and smiled as they quietly crept in towards the camp site just ahead of them. When they were still some thirty feet away from it Appolon stepped out from behind a tree, a grin upon his face.

  “Is that a new scent you two are wearing or do you both stink? I could smell you both for the last one hundred yards.” Appolon might have sounded as if everything was normal, but relief was flooding through him as he looked at them.

  “Oh yes we know about our body odour my friend, but tell me is there any place around where I can clean up.” Tyler said laughing.

  Masters came out from the camp site and added his thanks for their safe return.

  “I thought that I would probably never see you again, Tyler, but once again you prove Tryon right. You must surely be the chosen one of the gods.” George Masters almost sobbed.

  “I don`t know about that George.” Tyler replied. “If I was we wouldn`t keep on getting into all of this trouble.” Of that Tyler was sure.

  “Yes Tyler, you are indeed a warrior amongst warriors, and as George says, the chosen one of the gods.” Tryon said. “Do you not agree, Appolon?” Tryon asked looking across at his friend.

  “If Tyler said he could walk on water, I would now believe him.” Appolon said. “Once more my family is in your debt my friend.”

  “Twice more my brother, for Tyler has saved my life twice today. Appolon, there is one more thing.” Caroline said, her hand moving to her knife, which for some reason the Troglodytes had failed to take from her, and she moved across to stand next to Tyler.

  “You can tell our parents that they are finally rid of me.” Caroline was referring to a constant jest that Appolon and Tryon teased her about. “Tyler and I kissed back there in the hills.”

  The reason behind Caroline putting her hand on her knife went back generations. It was meant to signify that she would protect her chosen mate, even against her family. Now it was just something a woman did when she proclaimed that she was in love with a man. To the eyes of someone brought up on Earth it may have looked ludicrously melodramatic but thankfully the people of Orion were not as sophisticated as those back on Earth.

  Appolon looked at Caroline and saw her proud look, and he knew that she was stating her claim to Tyler. Joy leapt to his eyes but he quickly hid this as he decided to tease his younger sister just one more time before she became a woman in the eyes of the tribe.

  “Then he is either in love with you or he is suffering from a disease of the brain, but either way he is my friend and I forgive him.”

  Caroline knew that her brother was teasing her, for she had seen the look of joy on his face that he had so quickly hidden, but she decided to play along with him for one more time, and so she crossed over to her brother and looked him in the eye.

  “My beloved brother, I shall pay you back for your insults, tit for tat, and at the earliest possible moment, mark me well.” With that Caroline turned away from him contemptuously.

  “First though Tyler.” Tryon said with a smile spread right across his face as he listened to his friends banter. “I think we had better get you some new clothes, for those ones are only fit for the fire, they smell, they are filthy and they are so bad badly torn that they are only just about hanging on your back.” The camp erupted in laughter and all was well, for now they were safely back together, a band of the best of friends.

  “Tryon is quite right George; we are both in need of a change of clothing and especially underwear.” Tyler said.

  “That is the least of your worries Tyler.” Parsons said smiling. “After all you have both done since crashing on Orion, and especially for my family, the Church will pay for everything through our emergency fund, and if Bishop Sinclair were to refuse then I would gladly pay for everything that you both need.”

  Tyler and George both said their thanks to the young vicar, who was yet another of the people who had befriended them since their nightmare journey to Orion.

  Chapter Fifteen

  June 26th the Year 2494

  New Eden

  In the morning, with the sun shining through the leaves of the trees amongst which they had camped the night before, both Tyler and Caroline walked thirty feet across to a fast running cold mountain stream. Caroline always carried soap with her on her excursions and this trip was no difference. Tyler was behind one bend in the stream and Caroline behind another. They first washed themselves and then their clothes, getting rid of as much of the grime and dirt, and of course the smell from their dip in the pool, and the sweat and grime from their tortuous climb up the rock chimney, as was possible. Tyler had also picked up quite a stench from his Troglodyte cape, and even though he had dropped it back down the rock chimney to the fire below, the stench had remained on his body. They were cold now but cleaner as they faced the others. Caroline was in her spare set of clothes that she always carried with her when going on a trip that would keep her away from home overnight, while Tyler was dressed in his bedraggled tattered and wet rags. Tyler was hoping for a hot day to dry him off a little, but for the moment he sat by the fire. The sun seemed to look down favourably on Tyler for it shone down brightly and, as there was only a light breeze, he soon became a little warmer, and so a little more cheerful. Caroline then applied some healing balm to most of their cuts and scrapes, a more comprehensive attempt would have to wait until they reached New Eden and the colony doctor.

  “We should arrive in New Eden sometime this evening, if things go well.” Parsons said to Tyler. “Don`t you agree Appolon?”

  “Yes, if as you say things go well, but so far on our journey they haven`t, so I will not tempt the fates and go so far as to promise such a thing.” Appolon said looking very serious today.

  He had in fact seen so much go wrong so far on their journey that he was expecting the worst. He was also just a little worried for the safety of his family. With the Heliot troops so near to his peoples land he would only be happy when he was on his way back to his home, so that he would be in more of a position to protect them.

  Masters, impatient as ever to be on his way to New Eden, harried them until they all got moving again. Tyler once more had his leather jacket on, hoping that it would warm him and stop him from coming down with a cold. Tyler had slept near to the fire the night before for the same reason, and he felt a lot better for the sleep, even though his bed had been a little hard, once again. They had camped down in the valley in a spot that was a favourite of Appolon`s whenever he was out this way, now they walked back up into the hills once more so as to bypass any bands of Heliot troopers who might be waiting to waylay them. Tryon led the way some twenty feet ahead of the rest of the party along a narrow track, and then came Appolon, after him were Masters and Parsons deep in conversation about the twentieth and twenty first centuries, a favourite part of Earth`s history for Parsons. Tyler and Caroline brought up the rear, both watchful for any dangers, but both also deep in each other`s company. If Annabelle back in the twenty first century could see this new Tyler she would have been deeply jealous of Caroline, but then Annabelle had David in her life now and hardly ever thought of Tyler.


  On board the Vega, Aswan was overseeing the refitting of the transport ships when the alarm went on his sensor console. A quick look was enough to show that it signalled more bad news. He quickly contacted Divilio in his quarters.

  “Generalissimo another space cruiser has just arrived in orbit about this planetoid, as it is of a similar design to the first one I assume it to be of Earth origin also.”

  Divilio was in his cabin passing a pleasant hour with Trajo, but this ended all thoughts of pleasure.

  “I will be right there, Aswan.”

  Divilio and Trajo quickly got dressed and hurried to the bridge of the Vega where Aswan quickly filled him in.

  “I am using an old fashioned surveillance camera to keep check on the region of space above the small town, you can see the new comer on this screen here Generalissimo.”

  On the old style monitor two space cruisers were now revealed in orbit above New Eden. Rada then added more information about the newcomer.

  “The new ship is sending greetings to their President, it seems that an Archbishop, that is some high level priest I believe, well he is aboard the new ship along with some members of the Government of Earth, and they are requesting an audience with the President down on the planet. From their tone I don`t think these new earthmen are friends with their President.”

  “This means that we will have to take out two of their space cruisers Aswan, how are our repairs progressing?” Divilio demanded to know of his first officer.

  “We were just about ready to blast that first ship out of orbit but now there are two ships up there. I think that we should wait until this evening when the last two transporters should be more fitted for battle, I only hope that the upgrades we have made to the transports will hold up under actual battle conditions, they have all been made at great speed and with few experienced technicians to oversee the work carried out.”

  “You are too pessimistic Aswan; of course they will be ok; for our crew are the best in the galaxy. Rada if the Earth colony or either of those two cruisers up there gets word of our presence here, ensure that you also get to hear about it.” Divilio then turned back to Aswan.

  “Have all the land troops disembarked immediately Aswan, along with all of their equipment; they can use the broken cruisers as their new headquarters. Then prepare all our ships to be ready at an instants notice for immediate lift off, ready or not. A moment after we hear that our presence is known we must be already taking off and starting the attack on those two space cruisers above us, before they can prepare to launch an attack on us while we are stuck here on this damned planet.”


  On the Indefatigable Captain Kruger had just about given up hope of successfully stealing the Time Machine now that a second ship from the space fleet of Earth had arrived. However, he was intrigued by what he had heard on the radio, and maybe with so many interested parties here he could still end up a winner when all the cards were finally played.


  President Michaels smiled as he took in the crates that stood within the Time room, they contained the Time Machine, everything was going as planned. His smile disappeared when he heard a shuttlecraft fly over the Science complex and touch down on the edge of the small space port which was situated at the edge of the town of New Eden. Wondering who had arrived he walked across to the space port. At the space port, Michaels saw Archbishop Collingswood being greeted by Bishop Sinclair, with the Archbishop were four senior members from the Government of Earth. Sinclair then escorted his guests to his offices above the temple, and on the way Collingswood explained why he had arrived.

  Sinclair smiled at his guests through gritted teeth, just as he had thought his problems had ended with the removal of the scientists and their experiments, his Archbishop arrives to try to disrupt the plans of the President. Yes the Time Machine must be taken back to Earth, but not on his ship. The Saviour would transport the Time Machine back to Earth, along with the geniuses that had invented it. The device would be under the protection of the Church, but also of the Government of Earth in the personages of the four members of the government who had travelled along with the Archbishop. The President of Earth arrived at the Sinclair`s office soon after, and when he heard just why the Archbishop had arrives at Orion, he angrily rejected the Archbishop`s suggestion.

  “No, my Archbishop, you and your four flunkies can return to Earth aboard the Saviour, or stay here if you so choose, but the Time Machine and the scientists who are responsible for it will travel back to Earth on the Revenge.” He finished off his salvo with a threat.

  “I have two squads of marines aboard the Revenge, plus Colonel Bragg and his remaining troops down here, and they are all loyal to me and they will do exactly what I ask of them.” Michaels eyes blazing with rage was triumphant before the Archbishop and the four members of the government, for them to think that he would let anyone
disrupt his plans at this late a stage was just ludicrous. The Archbishop was speechless for once, so President Michaels carried on.

  “The various parts of the Time Machine have already been disconnected and are all ready to be taken aboard the Revenge for transport back to Earth.” Turning to the four ministers he said. “I think you have had a wasted journey here, and you Archbishop.” He had turned once more to Archbishop Collingswood. “Should use your time to speak to your flock on this delightful little planet rather than meddle in things that don`t concern you.”

  The four Government Ministers were furious at the President for refusing to abide with the decisions of the Government of Earth, and for so completely disregarding its Ministers, and said so in words that made Bishop Sinclair gasp in shock.

  Sinclair was keeping well to the back of this heated argument, and just wished that they would all disappear and leave the planet in peace. President Michaels had excused himself for a moment and when he had returned the arguments carried on as before but without any change of mind on the President`s part.

  The scientists on Orion had just finished making sure that the Time Machine was ready for transportation when the Archbishops party had arrived, but they had of course heard nothing of the conversation that had taken place in the temple. They had wondered what was happening, but as Brian Goddard said. “They are probably just here to make the Presidents orders move a little smoother.”

  The Archbishop, in a blazing temper at the President`s intransigence, turned about and with the members of the Government left the room and made for the main doors of the temple, meaning to walk back towards his shuttle. Barring his way was a squad of marines led by a captain of the space marines, they had just travelled down from the Revenge.


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