Time Storm

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Time Storm Page 18

by Philip R Benge

  “I am here on the instructions of the President. He has changed his mind and asks if you will all kindly accept his offer to stay aboard the Revenge as his guests, he thinks that you will be far more comfortable aboard her than on the Saviour.

  “Thank you Captain, but I think that we will all be far happier if we stayed on the Saviour.” The Archbishop replied, and the four government ministers quickly agreed with his reply.

  “I am sorry gentlemen but the President insists that you do as he asks.” The marine captain insisted.

  “Do you happen to know who you are talking too Captain, I am the Archbishop of the Church of the Universe, and these four men are senior members of the government of Earth.”

  “I am sorry Archbishop, but the President`s orders are that you are not to re-board the Saviour.”

  “We are your prisoners then?” Collingswood asked. His voice rising, but it had lost its normal vigour. The four members of Government were all obviously shaken by this turn of events for they were noticeably paler in complexion.

  “If that is how you would like to see the situation, Archbishop, but I am sure that the President would say that for the moment only, you are to be his guests for the return trip to Earth, so as to free the Saviour for more important tasks.”


  Tryon was still leading the party, and he had reached a section in the path where he would be revealed to any alert sentry down below on the valley floor. Far below him Tryon could see the track that took a traveller to New Eden, and the town was visible now, some two miles ahead. Also below him was a small group of trees, under their branches a party of fifty Heliot troopers were concealed from view but not from the ears of Tryon, for they made enough clanking and knocking to alert everyone within a mile of their position. Appolon and then the rest of the band soon caught up with Tryon, and they immediately saw the difficulty of trying to pass the troopers during the daylight hours. They had made excellent time, even if Parsons and Masters were almost exhausted, and Tyler was also in need of a rest after all that he had been through.

  Appolon finally decided that, as there wasn`t any immediate hurry for most of them to get to New Eden, except for his desire to get home as soon as possible, that those who chose to wait could hold up here until the coming night. The moon was not due to rise tonight until the early morning and so under the cover of darkness they would be able to cross the open land below unseen, unless that is, they accompanied him now along a more dangerous route, if they didn`t mind getting very cold and wet that is. After Appolon revealed his alternative plan to his waiting friends, Masters and Parsons opted to wait until nightfall, as they considered themselves unable to complete such a perilous plan as Appolon had lain out before them. Even Tyler and Caroline were a little apprehensive about the proposed journey, but both of them knew of Appolon`s fears for his family and so agreed with the plan. Tryon agreed to wait with Masters and Parsons, so as to guide them by the troopers waiting down below, while Appolon, Caroline and Tyler went by the quicker but more dangerous route.

  Appolon told Tyler and Caroline to leave their weapons behind as they wouldn`t be able to take them along with them, not and safely reach the other end of the underground river, which was the route that he had proposed using, they could only keep their knives. Tyler also left his jacket with George Masters again, as Appolon had told him the way before them would be a little cramped for such a bulky jacket, for Tyler`s leather jacket was fully lined and designed to keep out the cold. With their weapons lying on the ground Appolon led the way, with Caroline and Tyler following behind him, their route took them up the hill some one hundred yards to a small cave entrance. Now both Tyler and Caroline had had enough of caves, and of being cold and wet, but the alternative was a four hour wait, and Appolon had said that even if no one else went with him he would go, for he was impatient to complete their task and then to return home to ensure the safety of his family.

  “Won`t we need a torch to light our way Appolon?” Tyler asked for there was no way that light could get further into the cave than the mouth of the cave before him.

  “No my friend, we will have no need of a torch, come let me show you nature`s own lighting system.

  The cave was long and narrow, Appolon led the way, as he was the largest of the three, and if he could get through then the other two would have no problem. As Tyler`s eyes grew accustomed to their surroundings Tyler realised that the entire cave system was lit by some sort of bioluminescence, and they could see the way ahead quite clearly The cave system narrowed quickly to a small narrow tunnel, as it dropped down sharply and took them deep into the mountain. The three of them had to crawl and worm their way along it for what seemed a very long time, and Tyler was worried now that he would become claustrophobic by the enclosed space that they were in. Tyler and Caroline`s bodies quickly protested as their sore bodies were again squeezed and rubbed by the unyielding rock, thankfully this part of the journey was just for a short time, and then they were able to move a little easier again. Tyler and Caroline had attempted to keep the sore spots on their bodies away from contact with the narrow rocky tunnel, but at times it was impossible and they had no choice but to bear the pain of it, but finally they came to the part of the system where they could once again stand. It was thirty minutes since they had entered the mouth of the cave, and after walking and crawling downhill for all of this time they heard in the distance the sound of rushing water, and then around a sharp narrow bend they saw an underground river rushing along before them. Appolon had been down here before, it had been during a very dry spell, and he knew that the water carved tunnel before them would lead them to a point beyond the troopers position. The river then surfaced which would make the final part of their journey easier, but they would still be concealed from the Heliot troopers by a high river bank carved out by the river when in full flood, as it almost was today.

  Unfortunately in this corner of Orion it was not a dry spell just now, so they would have to swim down the tunnel in icy cold mountain water, and sometimes for long stretches under water. Tyler and Caroline had agreed to accompany Appolon because they knew how anxious he was becoming about his family; otherwise they would have advised against such a plan unless really necessary.

  Tyler decided to take off his black leather shoes as they might impede his progress through this water highway, and he left them on a ledge in the hope that he might be able to reclaim them at a later date. They entered the cold water and slowly swam the first fifteen or so feet with the cold as the only discomfort that they had to endure. Tyler who was leading them hurried the pace, both to get some warmth into his body. He was also afraid that if they were to stay in the cold water for too long then one of them might get cramp, and if it happened while they were swimming under water, their trip might come to an end with disastrous consequences. Then in next section the roof of the tunnel dropped dramatically to only six inches above their heads, which made breathing much more difficult because if you misjudged the height above your head you could easily crack your head against the hard rock of the tunnel, something Tyler did twice, and he was not keen to repeat it. He now took great care when he wanted to breath in, in some instants drinking the water as well which then caused him to cough violently, greatly to Caroline`s distress who being a better swimmer she was afraid for him. Appolon was a very strong swimmer and had taken last place to assist the other two should it become necessary, but during the final stretch under water it was he who got cramp in his legs. Caroline, who kept a careful eye on both of the men, was the first to notice her brother`s distress and swam back to him to assist him. Tyler being the weaker swimmer of the three had been concentrating on his own problems, and he only realised that Appolon was in trouble when Appolon and Caroline finally broke water at the end of the tunnel system to breathe the fresh air under the blue skies of Orion. He immediately swam back and helped Caroline in assisting her brother to a rocky ledge that protruded out into the cold river.

  “Oh I rea
lly thought that I was about to meet our ancestors, Caroline, thank you for coming back for me and thank you both risking your lives on this insane journey of mine.” Appolon said while thanking the gods for their safe deliverance from the cold mountain river.

  “We both know that you are worried about Fleur and the children, Appolon.” Caroline said. “And we will both do whatever it takes to help you get back to our village as swiftly as is possible so that you can assure their safety.” Caroline assured her brother

  “Caroline is quite right Appolon, we will do whatever it takes to get you home.”

  With all three of them safe, but chilled to the bone, they continued along the cold waters of the river until they reached a place where the river widened, and finally they were able to climb out of the cold water and scale the high river bank. They had reached New Eden, and Appolon saw that they had left the river somewhere between the town square and the science complex. Their clothing now looking very wet and bedraggled and also, in Tyler`s case, not even suitable for a tramp.

  They were first noticed by trooper Ryan who was standing just outside of the temple, he and trooper Peterson moved over to intercept them.

  “It is Appolon and... Caroline isn`t it.” Ryan said. “What ever happened to you two, and to your friend here?” He said with a quizzical look at Tyler, his mode of attire and to the condition of the same.

  “We must speak to your Colonel and the Bishop at once; it is of the utmost importance to all here in New Eden, and indeed the entire planet.” Appolon said.

  “Of course, at the moment they are both inside the temple; I believe they are talking in the Bishop`s rooms.” Ryan said beckoning them inside the temple.

  Ryan quickly escorted them up to the first floor of the temple, and asking them to wait a moment, knocked on the door of the room where he thought his Colonel and the Bishop were. Inside the two men were discussing the present situation.

  “I think that the President acted improperly when he instructed his men to detain the Archbishop, he is the most senior man of our Church and a very influential man back on Earth, in fact on every colony world set up by the Church.” It was now that trooper Ryan entered the room.

  “I am sorry to bother you Colonel, Bishop, but Appolon, the chieftain of the village of the red plains that lies beyond the mountains, asks to see you both on an important matter, and from the look of his clothing it must be very important for him to go through so much to come and see you.” Private Ryan reported.

  “Of course Ryan, bring him in.” The Bishop and Bragg both said almost together.

  When the three friends entered both Colonel Bragg and Bishop Sinclair were a little surprised at their condition, and especially of Tyler`s ragged clothes and lack of shoes for Appolon and Caroline had retained their moccasins for the swim through the cave system. Water dripped off the clothes of the three friends forming puddles around their feet, making them look more like orphans than three people on an urgent mission.

  “What can we do for you, Appolon?” Bishop Sinclair asked.

  Appolon quickly told them of the one thousand alien troops beyond the mountains, of the plans that the alien general had for the people of Orion, and of the four large powerful looking space vehicles and the broken hulks of the other starships. Tyler, Appolon and Caroline were hardly judges of space ships, but even so the sheer size of the transport ships and the cruelty of the Heliots had made a lasting impression on each of them, and they tried to convey this impression onto Colonel Bragg and also to Bishop Sinclair. Tyler also told his own story.

  “I will have the starship Revenge scan the area immediately for signs of these aliens, if they are there, they will make short work of them.” Bragg said.

  “You doubt our words, Colonel, we are not children to come here and tell you about figments of our imaginations.” Appolon said angrily.

  “Appolon, we don`t doubt your words we are just amazed regarding the extraordinary way in which your friend says he got here.” Bragg said pointing to Tyler. “And these aliens could have arrived in that space storm too, it just seems so…. farfetched, I will have your information checked by the Revenge, but only because the information did come from you and your sister.” Bragg replied in a conciliatory way.

  “You must agree Appolon, it is all very strange.” Bishop Sinclair said.

  “Yes Bishop Sinclair, very strange.” Caroline said before her brother declared war on these ridiculous men from Earth. Why couldn`t they be more like Tyler, a real warrior, not at all like these stupid fools before them?

  Colonel Bragg left the room and went in search of the President of Earth who was taking in the warm sun of Orion.

  “You can`t expect me to believe such nonsense, Colonel.” President Michaels scoffed.

  “I think it would do no harm to have the Revenge scan the area for signs of a number of ships in the vicinity of the area mentioned by Appolon.” Bragg answered. “I was going to ask you to arrange that in any case, to ensure that all of the androids are gone from Orion.” Colonel Bragg recommended to his president.

  “All right Colonel, I will contact Captain Stalker and ask him to do as much, but I hardly expect him to find anything.”


  Behind the mountain range the troops had finally disembarked from the transports, and together with all their equipment had taken up residence within the broken armada. Rada was still listening out for any transmissions from the ships of Earth when he heard President Michaels speaking to the captain of the Revenge.

  “Generalissimo, word must have got through to the Earth colony about us, they are instructing one of the space cruisers to begin a search.” Rada reported immediately he heard the president`s instructions to the Revenge.

  “Those useless troopers must have let those primitives slip by them. Aswan, inform the other three transports, we lift off immediately, and that they are to assist us in attacking the two space cruisers in orbit, ready or not.”

  Aswan immediately contacted the Commanders of the other three transport ships and told them that the earthmen would soon become aware of their presence. They were to lift off immediately to attack the two space cruisers in orbit above them.

  Now Divilio was about to attack the two Earth ships he was back in his element, no more skulking about on this overgrown asteroid, now he could do what he did best, fight a war, and win a glorious victory against the two Earth ships.


  On the Revenge, Captain Stalker had only just issued instructions to scan the area beyond the mountain chain, and near to the large valley that stood out even in space, when his first officer spoke.

  “Sir, four large starships are taking off from the planet, if they are the ones that we are supposed to be looking for then we have found them.” He reported.

  “Raise our shields Number One.” Stalker ordered before turning to speak to Lieutenant Paul Jones who was the Communications officer.

  “Jones, instruct the Saviour to do the same, I think we might have a battle to fight, but scramble the message and all future ones in case our friends down there are listening in on us.” Captain Stalker ordered.

  “Arm all our weapons banks and await my instructions to fire at the leading ship.” Captain Stalker ordered. “Mr Jones, contact those ships taking off from the planet and ask their intentions.”

  Jones immediately attempted to contact the four Heliot starships, who of course ignored him.

  “They are not replying to our hails Captain.” Jones called across to his captain.

  “Captain they have raised their defence shields and they are arming their weapons.” Peter Osborne, the ship`s first officer called across to his captain.

  “Send a message to the President on Orion, tell him that we have located the alien ships, and as they arm arming their weapons and also seem to be getting into an attack formation, we are opening fire on them first, before they commence their attack on us.” Captain Stalker ordered his communications officer.

“As I said in my message to the President, Number One, their intentions don`t appear to be honourable, and I think that as there are four of them and only two of us that we can be forgiven for firing first.”

  Peter Osbourne was in agreement, for he did not want to die during his first battle with an enemy that looked to be a match for their ship.

  “Mr Jones let the Saviour know that we are going into battle and suggest they do likewise.” Captain Stalker ordered.

  “Aye, Aye Sir.” Jones replied.

  “Mr Woods target the leading ship and take out her engines.” Stalker ordered.

  The Revenge`s Phasers sent twin lines of pure energy towards the leading Heliot ship, the Exterminator. The Exterminator was the last of the four transports to be turned into a space cruiser, and its defence shields were still to be upgraded. The Phasers of the Revenge hit it full force knocking the crew of their feet but the technology of the Heliot ships was more advanced than that of Earth, so the ship shrugged off the powerful energy bolts and continued upwards towards the Revenge.

  “Return fire.” The commander of the Exterminator screamed out. A thin line of bright energy shot out from her broad bows to strike the Revenge near the bridge. Those of the crew of the Revenge who were standing were thrown to the floor by the power of the Heliot Phaser fire, but on the bridge of the Revenge the crew quickly recovered from the hammer blow to their ship.

  “Many more like that Sir and we will be in trouble," Osborne said.” Stalker grinned, he had hoped for a quick victory over the lead ship so as to shorten the odds some, but he hadn`t banked on it.

  “We aren`t finished yet Number One, send two torpedoes away Lieutenant Jackson.” Jackson was at the weapons console and was looking forward to basking in all of the glory that he was sure would surround them when he returned home after his first battle.

  “Two torpedoes away Captain.” The two torpedoes travelled some five seconds apart, firing this way ensured that the second torpedo would benefit from the damage caused by the first.”


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