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The Legacy Series (Book 2): The Ranch [A Legacy of Violence]

Page 35

by Liscom, Sean

  “You'll destroy the heavy armor if you try to run it that hard. You're going to have to leave it behind.”

  “I know and that's fine. Not like we have an abundance of tank crews hanging out around here. The wheeled vehicles are easy enough to figure out how to operate. Dan and Dennis are familiar enough with them to teach the rest of us.”

  “Don't forget that some of your conscripts used to operate that very equipment.”

  “I'm well aware of that and I'm still split over it. The guys that Alex and 3-2 have been working with have gotten a lot done on the observation posts in the last few days. A lot more than I expected.....”

  “Can I offer a suggestion?” Bill asked.

  “I wish you would,” Braden grinned.

  “Give them their freedom. Number one, they've earned it and number two, you might be surprised just how many of them throw in with us.”

  “Can we trust them?”

  “Can they trust us? It's one big guessing game, Braden. You want to go after Vegas, right?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then you need to throw everything you have at it, at Judge. You're going to get one shot at this. The only way you are going to prevail is to be decisive. Like Jason says, make a damn decision! Mayor Calvert will be here in about 30 minutes. Get Major Jackson and what's left of the senior staff and hammer out a plan tonight. Hammer out a decisive plan that you can start implementing tomorrow.”

  “Can you get me those satellite photos again?”

  “Of course.”

  “How in the hell did you get those?”

  “Well, ya see, back in the day I had this really cool job as a super spy,” he started with as much sarcasm as he could muster. “The EMP didn't get the eyes in the sky. They're well above the ionosphere. It took me a while to crack their

  encryption, but I did and now we have something the bad guys in Vegas don't!”

  Sunday August 27th, 2017

  Caliente (Blisshaven), Nevada.

  “Uhhh, I'm pretty much a jack of all trades and Eula here is pretty good with a gun. She's saved my ass a time or two,” crap, why hadn't I thought of a cover story? Dumb ass, I mentally scolded myself.

  “Oh, boy.” Thomas chuckled slightly and leaned forward. “We really need to get you a better story than that.”

  “No shit....” I muttered. He leaned back and went after another rib.

  “Mind if I give you a suggestion?” Thomas asked.

  “Please do.”

  “Rooster Cogburn is one of those classic movies that just about everyone can sit down and watch. It's not a bad flick. If you insist on using those names, make sure to use the plot of the movie as your cover story. It makes it easier to remember your lines,” he smiled and took another sip of his Jack and Coke.

  “Thanks for the tip,” I replied.

  “So, Mr. Cogburn, what was it that you said you did for work?” he smiled.

  “I used to be a lawman up north. Been spending a lot of time running down a gang that tore up the town and stole some explosives.”

  “Oh my. Sounds quite dangerous! Miss

  Goodnight, are you Mr. Cogburns partner?” he asked Jill.

  “Oh heavens no! My father is the town minister and he sent me along to make sure Mr. Cogburn brought these terrible men to justice,” Jill played her part flawlessly.

  “So much better!” he said enthusiastically.

  “You had a bit of practice at this sort of thing?” I asked.

  “My associate and I have found that the use of different personas can help us get some jobs and can also help keep us out of trouble.”

  “Thanks for the pointers,” Jill said. He raised his glass in a mock toast.

  “Anytime, hon, you seem like nice folks and I'd really hate to see you in a bunch of hot water over some bad acting.”

  We let the conversation die down and began to eat in earnest. Jill and I ate the entire rack of ribs, our salads and the massive baked potatoes. It had been a long time since either of us had eaten that good. When Sister Stephanie cleared away the plates she offered us dessert. Both of us had to graciously decline. We were about to excuse ourselves when Thomas spoke again.

  “Are you planning on being here another day?”

  “Not really sure to be honest,” I said as I stood from the table.

  “Tell ya what. Why don't you meet me and Anthony here after breakfast in the morning? We can have a pot of their finest coffee brought out and maybe figure out how to get you into Vegas. If you're still bent on going there that is.” I looked at Jill and she nodded her approval.

  “Alright, Thomas. Say 9am?”

  “Excellent! Looking forward to it!” He stood and extended his hand across the table. I shook his hand and a moment later, Jill and I were headed back to our room.

  Sunday August 27th, 2017

  The ranch.

  “I know it's getting late but I really appreciate all of you being here,” Braden began. They were all in the conference room in the basement of his house. “On the 29th of this month, this coming Wednesday, there is going to be a high level meeting in Las Vegas. The Warlord Adolpha, Ray Judge and the five leaders of the cartels will be getting together to decide how to divide up the resources they plunder from the state of Nevada.”

  “I've also gotten intelligence that once this meeting is concluded, Ray Judge will be returning to wipe out communities like ours. It won't matter how compliant we are, he will destroy us.

  I'm going to ask you for your help to keep that

  from happening,” nobody around the table had anything to say.

  “It is my intention to take the fight to Vegas,” now there were murmurs from the group. “At 5am tomorrow morning, Teams 1 thru 3, Major Jackson and his men, and all combat capable personnel from the ranch will load up in anything that runs and we will depart for Las Vegas.....”

  “Have you lost your mind?” Mayor Calvert asked heatedly. “We've had no time to prepare a proper plan of attack. We don't have the manpower!”

  “Jim, if you don't want in on this, I won't ask you to go. What I will do is ask you keep watch out here at my ranch. Anyway, it is my intention to hit the stronghold of Adolpha with everything we can muster. We will be outnumbered and outgunned but we will have the element of surprise on our side. We've also got some pretty good maps of their operation,” he said as he turned the laptop so everyone could see the satellite photos.


  Monday August 28th, 2017

  Caliente (Blisshaven), Nevada.

  After the feast of ribs the night before and the more than ample breakfast, neither Jill nor I really wanted to go anywhere this morning. Drinking the strong, hot coffee was almost euphoric.

  We dressed in our clean uniforms and strapped on our handguns. Anthony and Thomas had both been wearing theirs and we had seen several other men and women who were also packing. It didn't seem to go against any dress code or anything.

  Jill and I walked downstairs and into the main dining hall. Anthony and Thomas were already seated at the table. There was a large carafe and four coffee cups. Thomas waived us over. Both stood as we approached and sat as we sat.

  “Good morning,” Thomas said. Anthony just nodded. I'm not sure I'd heard the young man utter a word at all.

  “Morning,” Jill and I said in unison. Thomas set about filling the four cups.

  “I hope you don't mind. I've taken the liberty of inviting Mother Angelica to sit with us

  this morning. She should be along shortly,”

  Thomas said.

  “Mother Angelica?” I asked.

  “She's like the CEO here in Blisshaven.”


  “Yeah. It's always a good thing to be in her good graces. I try to have her sit in when I cut a major deal. People take her word very seriously and I like having her in my court.”

  “So, you're here to make some deals this morning?” Jill asked.

  “I'm here to make a deal, with you,”
he sipped at his coffee. “You two have sort of tickled our fancy.”

  “How's that?” I asked. I was beginning to get a bad feeling. I could see Jill bristle a little too. He smiled, leaned back and continued to sip at his mug.

  “Me and Tony got to talkin last night after you left the table and we came to the conclusion that we kinda like you folks. The problem is that you fit the description of two people that escaped Ray Judge’s custody. There is one hell of a bounty on your head and that's kinda got us in a bit of a pickle,” he set is cup back on the table.

  “You two have been a thorn in Judge’s ass and that really makes me, us, happy in some sick and twisted ways. Sure, we could turn you in to Mother Angelica and she would bind you over until Ray gets here to pick you up. He pays us the

  rather substantial reward, OR, we could let it ride

  and see where this takes us,” he seemed almost amused.

  “You could let us go,” Jill said.

  “And miss out on some golden opportunities? I don't think so, Jill. At the same time, turning you in seems like a dead end venture. Unless you and Jason would prefer that, why don't we see if we can't come to a better deal? One that benefits all of us,” he smirked.

  “How did you know who we were?” I asked.

  “You two fit in around here like square pegs in round holes. You might as well hold up signs that say HERE WE ARE!”

  “What do you want? Gold?” Jill asked.

  “Oh, please. We're business men, Jill. Gold would be a temporary solution but we're thinking a little longer term.”

  “Quit dicking around and get to the point,” I said, growing irritated.

  “Here’s kinda what we were thinking,” he refilled his cup and picked it up again. “You two, boy, you two have really gotten his panties in a bunch. My inside guy is telling me that he plans on returning to your ranch and erasing it from the surface of the planet. That’s how pissed off he is. Me and Tony don’t really have a horse in this race. We don’t like dealing with Judge so we just move our operations. It’s that easy for us. You on the other hand have a lot at stake, right?”

  “Yeah, we do,” I muttered. He nodded.

  “So, what if we could get you into Vegas?”

  “What’s in it for you?” Jill asked.

  “Straight to the point! I love that in a woman!” he paused for a sip. “It’s fairly easy to assume that you are going to go after Judge, yes?”


  “Alright, let’s say that the planets line up just so and you manage to take him out. You will have successfully removed a pain in our ass and a rather large one from yours. What are your plans for after the big showdown?”

  “I hadn’t really thought about it,” I admitted.

  “Of course you haven’t. That’s where we come in. We have a tendency to be fairly forward thinkers and we have an idea that we’d like to throw your way.”

  “You want control of Vegas once Judge is out of the way?”

  “Heavens, no!” both of them chuckled. “Return Adolpha to power. And we, all of us can go about our merry way,” Thomas said.

  “You want us to remove one warlord and install another one? I don’t think so.”

  “Listen to me. Adolpha was many things and a raving bitch was at the top of that list but she ran Vegas like a business. She worked her people hard but she also rewarded them. They

  weren’t starving and their medical needs were

  taken care of. They could also leave any time they felt like it.”

  “That’s not the way I heard it. I was told that she would work her people to death, literally, and that she has some sort of barbaric fight club going on to keep her amused…..” I started but Thomas waived me silent.

  “Those things didn’t start to happen until Judge and his ilk showed up a few months back.”

  “It’s still allowed to happen. I won’t be a party to that kind of shit. I’ve also heard that she is responsible for the incursion of the cartels. There is no way that we can support that. NONE!” I said heatedly. He put his cup on the table again and leaned forward.

  “I hate to say this, Jason, but you have been severely misinformed. Yes, Adolpha has had dealings with the cartels but it’s nothing like what you’ve been led to believe.”

  “Then set me straight.”

  “Let me ask you a simple question, if I may. Have you enjoyed the coffee this morning?”

  “What the hell has that got to do with anything?”

  “Have you?”

  “Of course!”

  “Where do you think freshly roasted coffee comes from? The fresh orange juice you had this morning?”

  “I don’t see what you’re playin at.”

  “Mr. Sterling, some of the amenities that you have enjoyed this morning are because of the very alliances that Adolpha has built with the cartels. While they do still have a very small drug trade, they have found it to be much more profitable to deal in goods that all of us can enjoy. Mother Angelica has used their services, through us, to build and maintain this wonderful oasis in an otherwise barren and godforsaken desert.”


  “But what? You’ve been fed a line of bullshit and you bought into it. There’s no shame in admitting that you may have been wrong. You have to realize, Jason, that there is an entire world outside of Elko and your walls. People are trying to move on with their lives as best they can. Sometimes that means dealing with people not unlike Adolpha or even ourselves for that matter,” Jill and I both sat in silence for a few moments before she spoke.

  “I guess you’re right. We’ve been kind of isolated from this sort of thing,” Jill said.

  “Yes, ma’am. You have. You guys really need to get out more,” he laughed. “If you want nothing to do with this, that’s fine. It’s our opinion that you could probably use our help though.”

  “What’s in it for you if we take out Judge?” I asked.

  “We get to expand our operation past highway 50.”

  “What exactly is your operation?”

  “We try to maintain our clients’ confidentiality, it makes for good business. I can however assure you that we do everything we can to stay out of hot water with the local authorities. That sort of attention is no good for any of the parties involved,” he stated.

  “What’s stopping you from working north of highway 50 now?” I asked.

  “South of the highway is pretty much the badlands of the west. Settlements are few and far between. Their needs are pretty simple and their enforcement of laws is fairly lax. Once you get up into your neck of the woods, things change. More black and white, less gray area to work with.”

  “How’s that a problem?”

  “As I said, we like to try and stay off the radar, as it were. Some of the things that we do, some of the ways that we operate may be questionable for you law and order types.”

  “Don’t break the laws and there won’t be any trouble,” I tried to reassure him.

  “It’s not that simple, Jason. Sometimes a man needs killin. Sometimes an item needs stolen. To be sure, we are very selective with the

  jobs we take. We won’t kill a man over a petty squabble but a man who has killed over that

  squabble could be fair game. We won’t take from those that have nothing but a man who hoards, refusing to help anyone, may also be fair game for a theft.”

  “And you want protection from the law should you be caught, right?”

  “Once in a while, Jason, it’s helpful if the authorities just happen to be looking the other way,” a sly smile started to break the corners of his mouth. “For instance, you and your lovely wife here are looking for passage into Las Vegas. Your intent to remove Ray Judge from the gene pool has been made quite clear. If you were a mere citizen in the city of Elko and made such intentions known, don’t you think the Sheriff’s office would take an interest in you?”

  “Knowing Darren, probably.”

  “Why? You plan on killing a m
an who very clearly needs it, right? Wouldn’t things be so much better if this Darren fellow just happened to look the other way at the appropriate time?”

  “That’s not how it works though…..” I started to say and realized that he had talked me into an argument with no clear ending.

  “That is how it works, my friend. You want us to help you get into Vegas, we want you to grant us some leniency when in your territory. If that’s a compromise you can live with, then I

  don’t see why we cannot come to an understanding. I need you to make your decision

  soon though. Your window of opportunity is closing with every passing moment.”

  “No operations inside the city limits and you will let us know when you are going to be in the area. Trading of goods and services are allowed as long as it’s kept as legal as possible,” Jill said from beside me. Thomas looked thoughtfully at her for a moment and then he turned to Anthony who just nodded his approval.

  “Is this acceptable for you too, Jason?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I think we can work with that.”

  “Excellent!” he flashed a smile and then waived to someone behind Jill and I. I turned to see middle aged woman who was wearing a white, satin robe with a blood red sash walking toward us.

  “Mother Angelica,” Thomas greeted her.

  “Thomas, Anthony. How are my two favorite, wayward souls today?” she said softly.

  “We are quite grand today, Mother. We appear to have reached an accord with the Sterling’s and we would like your blessing, if at all possible.”

  “Of course! Please tell me of the terms of this accord…..” Thomas spent the next 15 minutes filling her in on the details, to which she listened intently. When he was done, she looked

  at Jill and myself. “You understand that this is a binding contract?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jill and I both answered.

  “Please, call me Mother. Then from this day forward, you are bound by contract with Thomas and Anthony. I assume that all parties involved will treat this contract with honor and respect?” everyone acknowledged her with a “Yes”, even Anthony.

  “Do we need to sign anything, Mother?” Jill asked.


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