Book Read Free

Devil's Gate

Page 46

by David Roberts

  Second Rescue and

  size of

  supplies and diet of

  survivors of

  weather and

  Young’s greeting of

  Martin’s Cove

  Mather, Cotton

  Mayo, Mary

  Merrill, Elder

  Mexican War

  Mexico, territories of

  Michener, James

  Middleton, George W.

  Millennial Star

  handcart plan publicized in

  Jaques at

  Patience’s protest criticized in


  Mills, W. G.

  Milton, John


  handcarts given to


  Mississippi River


  damages sought from

  election-day riot in

  extradition order from

  Haun’s Hill Massacre in

  Smith’s grudge against

  violence in

  Missouri River

  Monson, Thomas

  Morgan, Dale


  final word on 1856 handcarts in

  handcart plan announced in

  John J. Boyd report in

  Mormon Battalion, in Army of the West

  Mormon handcart trail, maps of, x–xi

  Mormon Handcart Visitors’ Center

  Mormon History Association

  Mormon militias

  Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel

  Mormon Reformation

  doctrine of blood atonement in

  Mormons, Mormonism

  apostasy from

  assertions of superiority by

  British mission of

  church services of

  curiosity about and taunting of

  devoutness of

  doctrine of

  dreams of autonomy by

  driven out of Missouri

  early days of

  English prejudices against

  European Mission of

  fear of U.S. invasion by

  founding of

  hostility toward

  as most successful homegrown American religion

  in Mountain Meadows Massacre

  mythologizing of history by

  ordinances and “endowments” of


  paranoia of

  plural marriage doctrine among, see plural marriage population of

  predicted collapse of

  proselytizing by

  rebaptism among

  rectangular grid layout in settlements of

  schisms in

  speaking in tongues by

  temple ordinances of

  tithing among

  U.S. invasion feared by

  Utah statehood lobbied for by

  Mormons, or, Latter-day Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake, The (Gunnison)

  Mormon Tabernacle Choir

  Mormon Trail

  and California gold rush


  Morris, William

  Mortensen, Mettie

  Mortinsen, Bodil


  Moulton, Sarah

  mountain fever

  Mountain Meadows Massacre

  Mountain Meadows Massacre, The (Brooks)

  mountain men


  Museum of Church History

  Native Americans, see Indians

  Nauvoo, Ill.

  Nauvoo Expositor




  plains of

  sand hills of



  Wyoming’s border with

  Neff, Andrew


  New York, N.Y.

  Loader family in

  New York state, western

  Nielsen, Elsie

  Nielson, Jens

  Nilson, Ella

  Nilson, Jens

  Nipras, Brother

  No Man Knows My History (Brodie)

  North Platte River

  Oakey, Rhoda R.

  Oakley, John

  Oborn, John

  Ogden, Utah


  Oldham, John

  Oley, John

  Ollorton, Alice

  Olsen, Andrew D.

  Olsen, Anne

  Omaha Indians

  Openshaw, Eleanor

  Openshaw, Eliza

  Openshaw, Samuel


  emigration to

  settlers bound for

  Oregon Trail

  Oregon Trail, The (Parkman)

  Orton, Chad M.

  Orton, Samuel

  Osborn, Daniel

  Ott, Alexander


  cost of

  Padley, George

  Pahvant Utes

  Paine, Thomas

  Paiute tribe

  Palmer, William R.

  Palmyra, N.Y.

  Parish-Potter murders

  Park, Isabella

  Parkman, Francis

  Parrish, William

  Parry, John

  Parshall, Ardis

  Paul, Earl S.

  Pawnee tribe

  Peacock, James Alfred

  Perpetual Emigration Fund (PEF)

  Philpot, Sister

  Pioneer Camp of the Saints, The (Bullock)

  Pioneer Day

  Plains Across, The (Unruh)

  Platte River

  plural marriage

  non-Mormon opposition to

  official denials of

  seen as in opposition to adultery

  unwilling wives in

  Young’s admission of


  Polk, James K.

  polygamy, see plural marriage

  Potter, Gardner

  Prator, Sister

  Pratt, Orson

  Pratt, Parley P.

  Preuss, Charles

  Price We Paid, The (Olsen)–

  prophetic dreams

  Provo, Utah


  Rasmussen, Mettie


  “Reccolections of past days” (Loader)

  Red Buttes

  Martin Company’s camp at

  Reeder, Caroline

  Reeder, David

  Reeder, Eliza

  Reeder, George

  Reeder, James

  Reeder, Robert

  Reformation, Mormon

  Register Rock

  Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  Reports (Frémont)

  Rescue of the 1856 Handcart Companies (Bartholomew and Arrington)

  Richards, Franklin D.

  blame attributed to

  and handcart plan

  light-carriage return by

  resupplies promised by

  Richards, Willard

  Rigdon, Sidney

  Riverton, Wyo.

  Roberts, Brigham Henry

  Roberts, Eleanor

  Roberts, John

  Roberts, Robert

  Rock Creek Hollow

  Rockwell, Orrin Porter

  Rocky Mountains

  Rocky Mountain spotted fever

  Rocky Ridge

  Rodwell, John

  Rogerson, Josiah

  Rosing, Brother

  Rowley, Ann

  Rowley, Eliza

  Rowley, John

  Sabin, Mary Powell

  St. Louis, Mo.

  Salt Lake City

  and California gold rush

  Downtown Marriott hotel in

  Ellsworth and McArthur parties greeted by

  LDS Archives in

  Martin Company’s arrival in

  Pioneer Day in

  rectangular grid layout of

  Temple Square in

  as Zion

  Salt Lake Daily Herald

  Salt Lake

  “Salt Sermon” (Rigdon)


  Sanders, Walter

  Savage, Levi

  diary of

  wintering in Florence recommended by


  handcart pioneers from

  Mormon missions to

  working-class converts to Mormonism in

  Schindler, Harold

  Schlappi, Elder and Sister


  handcart pioneers from

  Mormon missions to

  Scott, Joseph

  Scott, Sister

  Second Rescue

  Secret History (Vor Tids Muhamed) (Ahmanson)

  Seedsakee National Wildlife Refuge

  seer stone

  Sermon, Elizabeth

  Sermon, Henry

  Sermon, John

  Sermon, Robert

  “She Stood Tall on Her Knees” (Palmer)

  Shoshone tribe

  Shumway, Brother

  signage, apocryphal

  Siler, Andrew L.

  Simmons, Joseph

  Sioux tribe

  Sixth Crossing, visitor’s center at

  Slack, Brother

  Slaughter, William


  Smith, Eliza

  Smith, Emma Hale

  Smith, Ethan

  Smith, George A.

  Smith, Hyrum

  Smith, Jedediah

  Smith, John

  Smith, Joseph

  appearance of

  arrests of

  background of

  Boggs’s murder and

  Book of Mormon and

  charisma and eloquence of

  colonies founded by

  counterfeiting charges against

  damages sought from Missouri by

  Danites and

  despotic absolutism of

  excommunications by

  final flight of

  healing by

  in Kirtland

  marriage to Emma Hale of

  miraculous visitations to

  in Missouri

  murder of

  in Nauvoo

  on plural marriage

  presidential run of

  sincerity or con artistry of

  and success of Mormons

  tarring and feathering of

  teenage character of

  title of

  as treasure hunter

  Zion edict of

  Smith, George A.

  Smith, Joseph F.

  Smith, Lucy

  Smith, Sardius

  Smith, William

  Smoot, Abraham O.

  Smoot freight expedition

  Snake Indians

  Snow, Erastus


  Sons of Dan

  South Pass

  Southwell, John

  Southworth, Agnes

  Spaulding, Solomon

  Spencer, Daniel

  blame attributed to

  Spencer, Prest

  Springville, Utah

  Squires, Echo

  Squires, Sarah

  Staley, Jean-Pierre (Peter Stalle)



  Steed, Thomas

  Stegner, Wallace

  Stenhouse, Fanny

  Stenhouse, T. B. H.

  Stigall, George

  Stoddart, Robert

  Stone, Jonathan

  Stone, Susannah

  Stout, Hosea

  Strang, James L.


  Stuart, Robert

  Sutherland, Thomas

  Sweetwater Rescue

  Sweetwater River


  Tait, Anna F.

  Taylor, John

  Castle Garden visit of

  in handcart campaign

  as hero of handcart campaign

  as Mormon editor

  Taylor, Stephen


  Temple Square

  Tennant, Thomas

  This Is the Place Heritage Park



  Toon, John

  Trail of Hope (Slaughter and Landon)

  Treasures of Pioneer History (K. Carter)

  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  Treseder, Charles

  Treseder, Richard

  Tune, Captain

  Twain, Mark

  Twelve Apostles:

  excommunications by


  Tyler, Daniel


  Under the Banner of Heaven (Krakauer)

  United States

  Mormon determination to leave

  Mormon fear of invasion by

  Mormon population of

  southwestern territories gained by

  Utah invaded by

  Utah territory gained by

  war with Mexico of

  Unruh, John

  Unthank, Nellie Pucell

  Unthank, William

  Urim and Thummim


  crop failures in

  Mormon colony in

  Mormon lobbying for statehood for




  state bird of

  statehood for


  Utah Lake

  Utah Supreme Court

  Utah Territory

  federal officials’ flight from

  Mormon settlements in

  population of

  U.S. invasion of

  Utah War

  Ute Indians

  Van Buren, Martin

  Van Cott, John

  Vasquez, Louis

  View of the Hebrews (Smith)

  Vor Tids Muhamed (Secret History) (Ahmanson)

  Wade, Minerva

  Wade, Trish

  Wadsworth, Joseph


  cost of

  death rates for pioneers in




  handcart pioneers from

  Walker, Henry

  Wall, Emily

  Wall, Joseph

  Walters, Archer

  Walters, Henry

  Wardell, Hannah

  Wardle, Isaac J.

  Warsaw, Ill.

  Warsaw Dragoons

  Washington, D.C.

  Washington, George


  Watkins, John

  Webb, Chauncey

  Webster, Francis

  Wells, Brother

  Wendin, Lars

  Werner, Morris

  West Valley, Utah

  Wheelock, Cyrus

  Whittier, Elder

  Wife No., or the Story of a Life in Bondage (Young)

  Wight, Joseph

  Williams, Mary

  Willie, James G.–

  Willie, Sister

  Willie Company

  apostates from

  backouts from

  in buffalo stampede

  deaths in

  diaries among

  documentaries about

  fictionalized versions of

  fiftieth reunion for

  mythologizing of experiences of

  rescue efforts for

  resupplies and

  Second Rescue and

  supplies and diet of

  survivors of

  travel time for

  winter weather and

  Young’s spin on

  Willow Creek

  Wilson, Mrs.

  Winter Quarters

  see also Florence, Nebr.

  Witbeck, Susan



  death rate among

  salvation through marriage of

  Woodmansee, Emily Hill

  Woodruff, Wilford

  Woodward, William

  Woolley, Franklin

  Worrell, Franklin

  Wright, John Pannel

bsp; Wyoming



  Nebraska’s border with

  plains of


  Yates, Richard

  Young, Ann Eliza

  Young, Brigham

  appearance of

  arrival in Salt Lake by

  Babbitt and

  background of

  continuing success of LDS and

  critiques of

  Danites and

  death of

  as de facto leader

  as despot

  direct revelations from God and

  divine inspiration not claimed for handcarts by

  doctrine of blood atonement and

  and drive to populate Deseret


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