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Radiant Joy Brilliant Love

Page 93

by Clinton Callahan

  2. Get copies of this book into the hands of your friends and keep talking it through with them. Meet regularly and practice doing experiments together.

  3. Use the authentic alchemical elixir Tonic Gold ™ to build your matrix. (More information in USA at or in Europe or Asia at I highly recommend this experiment. Take two drops every morning.)

  4. Subscribe to the free twice-a-month SPARKs newsletter that is emailed from Register online. S.P.A.R.K. stands for Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge. SPARKs are distinctions, notes and experiments excerpted from Clinton Callahan’s other book: Wild Thinking – 52 Adventurous Thought Experiments: Radical Knowledge for Liberating Your Effectiveness and Delivering Your Destiny (Published in German as Abenteuer Denken by Genius Verlag. Not yet published in English.)

  5. Bring Expand the Box trainings into your company to upgrade your organization’s thoughtware, unify team culture, and inspire employee engagement. To start the conversation about how to do this, please give us a call. Contact information is provided at

  6. Keep reading from the suggested books.

  7. Have fun!

  About The Author

  Clinton Callahan has been creating thoughtware upgrades and developing the field of Possibility Management since 1975. Born in Kansas, BS Physics from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, he has lived and worked in the USA, Australia, Japan and Europe. Callahan is a trainer, author, speaker, and co-director of Callahan Academy in Munich. Expand the Box innovation soft skills trainings have been included in professional development programs since 1998. Clinton Callahan is a student of Western Baul Master Lee Lozowick since 1989.

  Contact Information

  Tools and techniques from Possibility Management empower this book. Possibility Management is not a method or a system. It is an innovative cross-disciplinary context that liberates and applies unseen resources through new thought-maps and cutting edge soft skills. Like bicycle riding, what you learn of Possibility Management is not easily forgotten. The acquired skills are integrated and effective because the learning is body centered and not just limited to the mind.

  Callahan Academy provides authentic personal development for leaders, managers, consultants, coaches and trainers. The Expand the Box trainings integrate diverse company cultures, build teams and inspire unquenchable employee engagement.




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