Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 25

by Nikki Ash

  My heart stumbles and I grip him closer to me. “You what?”

  “You want to hear it again?” he says, his mouth teasing my ear. “Greedy.”

  “It wouldn’t hurt,” I admit.

  His smile strikes me in all the soft, tender places inside me. “You tell me first and I will.”

  “You’ve already said it!” He slides deep and I groan. “Okay. You’re right. I love you, too. I think that’s why I ran the first time. You scared the shit out of me.” Then he kisses me hard and when I have a moment to breathe, I gasp. “We’ll talk later.”

  And then he smiles and it’s blinding, and I realize we’ll have forever now for I love yous. For our family. For us.

  Forever with him sounds like the best sort of beginning I could imagine.

  Like a rainbow after a hurricane.

  My Ruin by Jacob Chance



  Have you ever wondered where you went wrong? What was the one moment that changed the course of your carefully planned future?

  Which simple decision set you on a path of self-destruction you never imagined you’d be going down?

  For me it was a day four years ago. I can’t forget, no matter how hard I’ve tried. And believe me, I’ve fucking tried. I still remember every moment as if it happened only yesterday…

  Four years ago

  There was a change in the air that morning when my eyes lazily fluttered open. Blinking repeatedly, the dark blue constellation-covered ceiling came into sharper focus as my sleep-filled vision cleared. Lying still, a low thrum of excitement coursed through my veins, and though I sensed the noticeable shift in the energy surrounding me, I didn’t think anything of it.

  Casting the premonition aside like any teenager would, I turned my thoughts to more important things, like my best friend Liz and the fast approaching end of high school.

  Little did I know what I perceived as a small intangible ripple of something new and exciting, was actually foreboding of what was to come. Fate had set in motion events that would almost cost me my future.

  I’d heard more times than I could remember how your life can change in a split second, but I never gave it any thought. I was an eighteen-year-old boy. I lived for the here and now and didn’t deal with what ifs or worry about consequences. I submerged myself in a sea of narcissism and I contentedly floated there. The world revolved around me alone and I never had any plans for that to change.

  Until I met her.

  In a single moment, my whole world was thrown off its axis and I fell hard—head over fucking heels.

  One glance in her clear, green eyes set me on a path I’d never intended to travel.

  There was no way I could’ve known all the heartache that would stem from our gazes connecting for the first time.

  I wish I would’ve realized the simple act of our palms meeting in an innocent handshake would be the catalyst for so much devastation.

  Now, I have to live with the fallout our actions set in motion.

  Lives were ruined from one innocent touch.

  Part I

  Chapter One


  The scratching and scuffing of the rake dragging across the ground is a familiar sound at my house this time of year. Massachusetts winters are cold and, for the most part, snowy. We might luck out every few years with a milder one, but this winter, that wasn’t the case.

  We’d been buried under blankets of white for months, and now that it’s Memorial Day weekend, it’s my job to do a spring cleanup on our yard. It’s usually done the first week of May, but I had finals to study for and senior activities to attend. My parents cut me some slack, but now that I just graduated, I can’t put it off any longer—no matter how much I wish I could. I’ve only been out here for two hours and I’m already sick of yard work.

  Why can’t my parents hire someone to do this shit like all the other people in our neighborhood do?

  Tugging the ball cap down, sheltering my eyes from the blazing sun, I continue working to clear away any leaves leftover from fall. I’m almost finished with the section along the side of our property when a moving truck reverses into the driveway next to ours. The high-pitched beeping of the backup warning breaks through the silence of the afternoon.

  Keeping my focus on the task at hand, I work to knock the rest of this out as soon as possible. I need to get online with my friends. We have a big match planned tonight on one of our favorite gaming sites and it’s against some other kids who went to school with us. The winning team only gets bragging rights, but it doesn’t take much to make us happy.

  Hearing the sharp slam of a truck door, I notice a guy who looks like he’s in his early twenties—possibly a college student. His dark blond hair is long, falling just shy of his broad shoulders. He’s tall and lanky like a basketball player. Looking over, he catches me staring. Shoving his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, he raises his chin in acknowledgement. I do the same, pausing to take a break and check out the happenings going on.

  The house next to ours is a cape style with dark blue shutters and a two-car garage. It recently sold, and there’s been a lot of speculation about who might be moving into this close-knit neighborhood. A shiny silver sedan pulls in beside the truck, and I wait to see who our new neighbor might be.

  The driver-side door opens and a woman steps out. The first thing I notice is how long and lean her legs look wrapped in tight-fitting jeans with brown ankle boots. When she faces the car and bends at the waist to reach inside, I’m pleasantly surprised by the sight of her generously curved ass. Damn. It’s the definition of heart-shaped.

  She straightens up, slings a purse over her shoulder, and shuts the car door.

  Returning to the job at hand, I resume raking the lawn, but like any teenage boy, I’m still picturing her ass.

  “Hi there.” A husky voice breaks into my lust-filled thoughts and clears my head of the inappropriate older woman fantasy I’m currently indulging in. My stomach muscles clench in reaction to her sexy tone. Tentatively flicking my eyes in her direction, all conscious thought of anything else flees when they meet her curious gaze. I lose my ability to speak for a moment. The rest of the world disappears around me while I’m submerged in a tropical sea of green that I’d happily drown in. She’s beautiful beyond belief with her shoulder-length sandy brown hair and deep pink, kissable lips.

  “Hi, I’m Emmett,” I break the silence, my eyes remaining on hers. I couldn’t move them if I tried. I’m locked in place, held captive by this energy buzzing between us.

  “I’m Juliet Thatcher. It’s nice to meet you.” She extends her graceful hand for me to shake. Holding my left arm around the rake, I extend my right hand. Our palms meet, my large one swallows the cool, pale delicacy of hers. My ears ring when our skin touches for the first time—or maybe I’m imagining the high-pitched whine. Her hand in mine feels right, like I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life.

  Her thickly lashed eyes flicker with surprise. She feels it too.

  “It’s nice meeting you, Mrs. Thatcher.” My voice is a hoarse croak. Releasing her hand, I grip the rake’s handle like a lifeline. I’m not comfortable with what just happened. She’s our new neighbor and a grown woman. I have enough to deal with already. I tick items off my fast growing mental checklist of why I need to stay away from Mrs. Thatcher. I’m sure I can come up with many more when she’s not within sight and I’m able to think clearly once again.

  Why am I so attracted to her?

  Because she’s gorgeous.

  I shouldn’t be.

  When have I ever done things the easy way?

  “Please, call me Juliet.” I give her a stiff nod, knowing I won’t be calling her anything other than her full name. It can serve as a reminder of the vast differences between us.

  Turning back to the task at hand, I ignore her presence while she remains quiet, observing my every move. There are leaves trapped between some shrubs that I focus on clea
ring out. Thick and wet from the rainy weather we’ve been having, it’s not as easy as it normally is. Add in the fact that Juliet—I mean, Mrs. Thatcher—is watching, and I’m all thumbs. My tired muscles tingle from her heavy gaze.

  “It was nice meeting you.” Juliet’s words break through the sound of my harsh breathing that’s caused by a combination of physical exertion and her nearness.

  “Yeah, you too.” My eyes stay focused on the ground. Do not glance at her.

  “I look forward to getting to know you better, Emmett.” Mrs. Thatcher's soft voice is as sexy as she is. I squeeze my eyes shut and tell my dick to relax. It’s only a voice and one I won’t be hearing very often if I can help it.

  “Bye,” I mumble. Staying focused on clearing the yard for the next hour or so is my priority. Using every bit of restraint I can muster, I never once allow myself to look over at the house next door. Instead, I think about the future I’ve got planned out. I’ll be at Ohio State for the next four years on a full athletic scholarship and then I’ll be drafted to the NFL. I find myself grinning as I think about what’s to come. The future sure looks bright.

  Chapter Two


  “Are you ready?”

  Liz thoughtfully chews on the left corner of her lower lip before exhaling with a large sigh. “Yeah, as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  I wink at her encouragingly. “Let’s do this.” Opening the door, I gesture for her to precede me inside The Bean Hub. The bright fluorescent lighting is harsh on our eyes at first and we both squint. “I might need glasses after working here.” She giggles. She’s not wrong. I’m still seeing spots everywhere I look.

  We move forward until we reach the back of the long line of people waiting to order. I maneuver Liz in front of me and my hands land on her shoulders. Resting my chin on her head, I say, “I’m gonna grab a table and stay here for a little bit.”

  She nods and smiles over her shoulder. “You’re such a great friend. How did I get so lucky?”

  “We both know I’m lucky that you put up with me.”

  She spins in my arms and rises on her toes to hug me. Tugging her closer, I wrap my arms around her. We’ve always been affectionate with each other and we’ve never once crossed the line. I can’t speak for Liz, but I’ve never been tempted to. I value our friendship too much to jeopardize it in any way. I can’t picture my future without her by my side. We’re going to different colleges in the fall, which will be a big adjustment for both of us. But ultimately, the distance will make us appreciate each other more.

  A throat clears behind us and we break apart to find the line has moved on without us. Liz’s cheeks flush pink with embarrassment as we shuffle forward to catch up. “I’ll see you in a bit. I’m gonna go clock in and talk to the manager.” She rubs her lips together and anxiously rocks back and forth on her feet.

  “Liz, relax. It’s just a job. If it doesn’t work out, there are a hundred other places looking for help.”

  She smiles. “You always know just what to say to me.”

  I shrug my broad shoulders. “I’m a smart guy.”

  “And a humble one,” she quips, stepping out of line and heading toward the back of the shop.

  Once it’s my turn, I place my order and take a seat at one of the tables. With my back to the wall, I have an unobstructed view of the entire space and I immediately notice Liz when she steps behind the counter. She looks so cute in the red apron her hands busily tie behind her back. Glancing up, she catches my eye, and we share a smile.

  Sitting quietly, I drink my hot chocolate along with keeping an eye on Liz. She seems like she’s perfectly comfortable behind the counter. If I didn’t know her, I’d assume she’d been here for months, and judging by the lingering glances some of the male customers are giving her, she might be a little too proficient at this job.

  The bell on the door jingles as it opens, catching my attention. My stomach sinks when I see Mrs. Thatcher entering.


  Our eyes meet before I can look away, and she smiles. “Emmett, it’s nice to see you again.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Thatcher.” My voice remains steady despite being shook by her sudden appearance. My leg bounces nonstop under the table like a jackhammer.

  “Please, call me Juliet. Mrs. Thatcher sounds like an old lady.”

  “Sure, Juliet.” What choice do I have when she’s mentioned it to me twice?

  She comes to stand at the edge of the table, and my heart thumps so forcefully, I’m sure she can hear it. “So, I have a proposition for you.”

  “Okay.” I have no idea where she’s going with this.

  “I have a lot of yard work that needs to be done and also a pool that needs to be opened. I’d like to hire you to help me out.” She shifts from one foot to the other, and I wonder if she’s nervous about asking me. “I mean, if that’s something you’d be interested in, and I’d pay you for your time,” she adds.

  “You don’t have to pay me.” Being around you would be payment enough.

  “Oh, I insist. What I need done is hard work and I won’t let you help me for free.”

  I smile. “If you insist.”

  “Excellent. We can schedule at a later time.”

  I want to ask when and what time. But it’s not like I won’t make sure my whole day is wide open for her.

  “Sounds good.”

  “I’ll see you then.” Her toothy smile is happiness personified, and I want to see it as often as possible.

  I nod.

  She gives me a small wave and gets in line. My eyes leave her to search for Liz and I find her studying Juliet. I’m sure she’s wondering who she is and will ask me later. I gulp down the rest of my hot chocolate before Juliet ends up sitting near me. Being around her was just as exciting, if not more so, as yesterday.

  Rising to my feet, I pause and wait for Liz to look my way. When our gazes connect, I smile and wave. She returns the gesture as I back out the door. I try not to seek out Juliet with my eyes, but the draw is too powerful and I give in. She’s at the counter waiting for her order. And her ass looks even better than I remember.

  After I left Liz’s work, I met the guys at the gym. We all worked out together and then played some basketball. Now, I’m chowing down on some pizza at my favorite restaurant with Tom, a friend from school.

  “Where’s Liz working again?” he asks.

  “Today’s her first day at The Bean Hub. I hope she likes it. She was wicked nervous.”

  “What’s she got to be nervous about? It’s not brain surgery, and she’s making money. It beats school,” he says.

  I nod. “Yeah, if we got paid to go to school, it would sweeten the pot for sure. I can’t wait to be done with school forever.”

  “Dude, what’s the rush?” Tom questions. “We have the whole summer and it’s sure to be sick. It’s our last hurrah together before we all go our separate ways for college. We better make the most of it.”

  “We will,” I say. I have no doubt that this summer will be the best one of my life.

  “Dude, my parents told me we can use their Cape house for a week in August. They’re not gonna be there. We can have a mad party and check out all the babes,” Tom tells me.

  “That’s awesome,” I say, rising. “I’ve gotta get home. I want to get up earlier than I have been and go for a run.”

  “You can run any time of the day.”

  “Yeah, but I have other stuff I need to do later on.”

  Tom holds his fist out for me to bump and then I head out the door.

  The drive home takes only five minutes. When I park my SUV in our driveway and scoop my workout bag from the seat, I notice Mrs. Thatcher struggling with grocery bags. “Fuck,” I mutter under my breath, dropping my backpack in the driver’s seat, before closing the door. After my weird reaction yesterday, I don’t want to be within five feet of her, but I can’t ignore that she needs help.

  I cross over the patch of grass separating the two driveways. �
��Let me help you with those,” I call out as I approach.

  She peeks her head out from behind the trunk and smiles. “Talk about a lifesaver. I was dreading having to carry all these by myself.”

  “No problem, I’m happy to help.” I string four bags on each arm and grab a twenty-four pack of water. “Where do you want me… I mean these?” I clench my teeth to keep myself from blurting out a four-letter word at my slip of the tongue.

  “Follow me,” she replies without hesitation. Falling in behind as she moves, I order myself not to stare at her ass wrapped in faded, tight, blue jeans like a gift I can’t wait to open.

  We enter the house through the garage, which is still jammed full of boxes. “One of these days, I’ll finish unpacking and be able to park my car in here.”

  My eyes take in the organized mudroom separating the garage from her kitchen. Looks like she’s gotten some boxes emptied. “Unpacking sucks. I was young when my grandparents moved into their house, but I still remember my mother was miserable for weeks,” I say. “Every day we’d head over to help them. That’s time I’ll never get back,” I joke.

  She laughs. “Yeah, I don’t think anyone enjoys having to pack or unpack. Both are equally horrible.”

  “I think packing is worse,” I state.

  “Really? Why’s that?” she inquires, setting the bags she’s carrying on the granite counter.

  “Because once you unpack you’re done. When you pack, you still have more work to do on the other end.”

  “Good point.” She winks, and my stomach lurches. “You can just drop everything on the floor and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  Gently setting the water down, I place the bags on the counter along with the others. “I’ll go grab the rest.”


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