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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

Page 45

by Nikki Ash

  I turn around. “You didn’t have to pay her. I have money.”

  “I know. I didn’t mean to step on any toes. But what you needed was sleep, and I needed to spoil this little girl.”

  I stand there and stare at him. “What about you? Aren’t you needed at the hospital?”

  “I’m taking some time off.”

  “You can’t just take time off.”

  “When you’re the best resident they have, you can. And I did. Nothing matters right now more than spending time with you two. Now, are you hungry? I made some breakfast.”

  I glance behind him at my small table filled with food. The scent of bacon and coffee teases my nostrils. My stomach growls, and I cover it, embarrassed. “How did you find bacon?”

  “I had some groceries delivered. Don’t give me that look. I know you don’t want anyone taking care of you, but that’s where things change. I would have done this from the beginning. Since I wasn’t given the option, let me do it now.”

  “I don’t need handouts.”

  “No, you need to find some peace, to breath lighter, and to know I’ve got you.” We have a stare-off until it becomes too much, and I wave my white flag. His smile is damn infectious. I can’t fight the laugh as I shake my head and situate myself at the table.

  I can’t remember the last time I’ve eaten so much. My stomach is full, and my cheeks are flushed as I take in the cleared table. It’s been a while since we’ve had enough ingredients to make a full meal in my kitchen. We make small talk, avoiding the heavy topics. Jake can’t get enough of Bria, playing airplane with each bite he tries to feed her. When it’s time for her nap, he puts her down and is gently shutting her door when I walk out of the shower.


  “Hey,” I reply, feeling shy in my towel, even though he’s seen, licked, and bitten every single part of me.

  “She’s zonked out.” He comes up to me, pulling me into his arms. “I want to stand over her and watch her sleep until she wakes up. I can’t get enough of her.”

  I chuckle. “Well, prepare to stand for a while. She normally takes a three-hour nap at this time.”

  His hand threads into my wet hair. “Then maybe I’ll spend my time showing you how much I can’t get enough of you.” His head dips, and I take the kiss he’s offering. I’m light on my feet when he finally pulls away, not realizing I released the grip on my towel, and it now lays at my feet. I go to pick it up, but he stops me. “No more hiding from me. No more barriers. No more games.”

  “I’m pretty sure there was no hiding or barriers last night,” I joke, my cheeks flaming.

  “Looks like I have three hours to make sure I didn’t miss anything.” Pulling me into his arms, he carries me back to my bedroom and leaves no inch of flesh untouched.

  Two days later

  “No more…” I breathe, unable to move my legs.

  “I can’t stop. I’m obsessed with these legs…this ass…these tits…” I moan as his mouth covers my breast. My eyes flutter closed, and I give in. Again.

  “The baby’s gonna be up soon.”

  “I can be quick.” His teeth graze my nipple just as subtle cries come from the other room. “Or not. Saved by my little princess. You’re lucky. I had plans for you.”

  I chuckle and shake my head as we both climb out of bed and dress. The past two days have been like this: Jake fawning over Bria, and when she goes down, he takes me into the bedroom and fawns over me. We haven’t left my apartment. Jake ordered in groceries and had clothes sent over from his place.

  “What do my girls want to do today?” Jake kisses the top of Bria’s head. I’m feeling a bit restless. Some fresh air sounds wonderful, but there’s this nagging feeling inside that says the second we leave my apartment, this little bubble of perfect is going to pop. “Uh oh, why the face?”

  “What face?”

  “The I have something on my mind face.”

  “I don’t—”

  “You’ve made the same face since you were seven.” He walks up to me, giving me the same sweet treatment as Bria, and lays a gentle kiss on my forehead. “What’s on your mind? No more secrets, right?”

  I sigh heavily. “I just…I’m worried about what happens once we leave my apartment. But I also know we can’t hide in here forever.”

  “Can’t we?” He waggles his brows.

  “Jake, I’m serious. You need to go back to work. So do I. The last couple of days have been amazing, but what happens when we go back to reality? When you have to tell your parents about us? When they threaten to cut you off too if you continue seeing me?”

  He can’t hide the stress in his eyes.

  “You know they won’t approve. They’ll give you the same ultimatum my parents did, and there is no way you’ll give up—”

  “Don’t tell me what I won’t do.”

  “I’m not. I’m just speaking the truth. I can’t see you giving up everything you’ve worked so hard for—”

  “For them. I’ve worked so hard for them. Because it’s what they’ve wanted. Not me.”

  “And are you going to tell me you don’t love it? You don’t love making a difference? They may have forced you into the profession, but you can’t stand here and tell me you don’t love helping people. You’ve always wanted that.”

  “That may be true, but there’s more to life than status. We’ve both always agreed on that.”

  “But they’ll make you choose.”

  “And I’ll choose you. The same decision I would have made two years ago if I had been given the option.” He cups my cheek, and I lean into his warm caress. “This is our fight. Together. We will hit some hurdles, I can’t deny that, but I want to be a family. Nothing matters more than that.”

  I fight to conceal my worry. His promises are comforting, but they’re only a blanket to cover the truth of what happens when his family finds out. And I hate that for us all. I smile, knowing he sees the unease in my eyes. “All right.”

  Bria takes this moment to make explicit noises in her diaper. “Well then, it’s settled. We’re going to clean whatever bomb she just detonated, and then we’re venturing out.” He offers me a quick kiss and a reassuring smile and starts babbling to Bria as he battles the blowout.

  Leaving the house ends up being a great idea. Jake takes us to lunch, and this time, I don’t run away when he brings us back to the Italian place. Francisco is happy to see us and fawns all over Bria. When I swear Jake will have to roll me out if I eat another bite, we say our goodbyes and leave.

  The sidewalk is crammed with the midday lunch crowds. Jake tucks me to his side as I push Bria in her stroller. He slows and stops suddenly in front of a huge department store. “What?” I ask, curious what’s caught his attention.

  “Now, hear me out. What would you say if we bought a few things for you and Bria to stay at my place? I know it’s rushing,” he spits out, “but I don’t want to be apart any more than we have to, and my place is close to the hospital. We can maybe stay there when I have shifts and go back and forth until we find something…more permanent.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, suddenly nervous.

  “What do you mean by permanent? Like, live together?” I know exactly what he means, but I’m enjoying giving him a hard time.

  “Well…yeah, ya know…live together. Like a family. Willa, I want to make this work. I’ll fight. I’ll do anything. I’ll—”



  “I’m messing with you. I know what you’re asking. And I’d like that. We both would.” I can’t help but smile wide at how nervous he looks. It’s cute and—

  “Ouch!” I half chuckle, half groan when he smacks my ass. An old couple walking by gawks at us, and Jake pulls me into his arms.

  “I’m going to make you happy, Willa. I promise you.” He kisses me without a care that we’re in the middle of a busy sidewalk. When he pulls away, I’m extra light on my feet. “Now, let’s go in and get a few things for my girls.”
  “Jake, you said a few—”

  “Necessities, babe.”

  My mouth falls to the ground when the cashier reads off the total. “Jake.” He didn’t buy necessities; he practically bought out the entire baby section. He hands her his gold card, and with one swipe, he’s thanking the lady and shuffling out with a million bags.

  “Why did you buy a car seat when neither of us owns a car?”

  “When you go back and forth, I don’t want you taking the subway. I’m going to hire a driver for you and Bria.”

  “Oh, that’s just insane.”

  “No, it’s protecting my family. If I can’t be there with you, I want to know you’re safe. Don’t fight me on this one.” His tone is pleading. I let it go because it does get unsafe on the subway—not that I’ve had to bring Bria out of the house since we’ve moved here.

  “Fine, but I’m pretty sure all those stuffed animals are a bit much.”

  He shrugs. “I asked her if she wanted them. Said smile if it’s a yes. She did.”

  I shake my head. “She smiled for almost thirty minutes straight. She needs a whole room just for these darn animals!” I shake my head on the way to the exit and find a car waiting for us.

  “Mr. DuPont.”

  “Good evening. We’re headed to my condo. If you could take these things, a driver will be by later with the rest.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The gentleman takes the bags, barely able to grab them all, while Jake installs the car seat. He folds up the stroller, and I settle Bria in, then climb in, the smell of new leather assaulting my senses. The last time I was in a fancy town car was the drive to the nunnery. I squeeze my eyes shut, pushing out the memory.

  “You okay?” Jake asks, sliding into the car. The driver pulls into traffic, and I sit back, taking long, deep breaths.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. So, where exactly are you living? Or dare I ask?” He looks away as if embarrassed to admit. “Jake, I was cut off, not you. It doesn’t change what I think.”

  “The Cornerstone.” I almost choke on my saliva. Of course. “For what it’s worth, I didn’t pick it. The living situation was arranged for me.”

  We fall silent, listening to Bria babble in her seat. She becomes fascinated with the busy sidewalk outside and the bursting of streetlights going on as the sun goes down. Every so often, she claps her hands and bounces in glee.

  We arrive at Jake’s condo, and he carries a smiling Bria in his arms. We take the elevator to the top floor, and he guides me inside. His condo is impeccable. Sleek and modern. The best money can buy, but I didn’t think it would be anything less. I stare off at the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, wondering how spectacular the skyline will look through the messy glass when Bria gets her tiny fingerprints all over them.

  “Come on. Let’s get you and Bria settled.” Jake orders food, and we put together the crib while we eat. Bria falls asleep the second we lay her down. We quietly shut off the light, crack the door, and walk out into the hallway.

  A squeal escapes my lips when I’m suddenly scooped into Jake’s arms. He carries me halfway down the hall and pushes open the door to his lavish bedroom. An enormous bed made for a king greets us, and I yelp when he tosses me on top of his feathered comforter.

  “I miss that sound,” he says, unbuttoning his shirt.

  My heart races at the beautiful sight of his toned chest. “What sound is that?”

  “Your little squeals. When I used to toss you in the pool or chase you, you would always make these cute little squeals. Sometimes I had to hold off on catching you because I was worried about what I would do if I did.”

  I sit up on my elbows, continuing to admire his naked chest while he works off his pants. “And what exactly would you have done?” I ask, biting my lower lip.

  “Oh, it depends. When you were twelve, I wanted to pull your hair. When you were fourteen, I wanted to see if your boobs were real or if you were stuffing. At sixteen, I wanted to drag you behind the guest house and kiss those pink lips. By seventeen…well, I wanted to do a lot of things to you. Very, very inappropriate things.”

  I can’t help but snicker at his confession. I remember once when we were goofing around in the pool playing Marco Polo. I was seventeen.

  “Don’t forget, only three feet circumference.”

  “Yeah, yeah. But you have longer arms than me. You can reach out and snag me at any time.”

  “Sounds perfect. Fine, four feet. If I catch you, you have to watch the entire Nightmare on Elm Street marathon with me.”

  “Ew…no way,” I groan.

  “Yes, way. Deal or no game. I’ll just go inside. I’m sure my needy mother would love for me to-”


  “Whole thing. All seven movies.”

  Ugh. “Whole thing.”

  He closes his eyes and counts to five, allowing me time to disguise my location. My heart instantly races as I move behind him, trying to swim away as quietly as possible.

  “Marco,” he purrs, his deep voice affecting my ability to play.

  “Polo,” I retort, swallowing and swimming in circles around him. We play this cat and mouse game for what seems like forever, until he cheats, launching at me. He grabs for my waist and tucks me back into him. His laughter vibrates against my shoulder blades, and his lips press against my skin. He doesn’t move, and I swear I feel the hardness of— His grip suddenly becomes too tight, and he quickly releases me.

  “So, what time are you coming back over? I’ll have the chef make us our favorite movie spread.”

  Jake has discarded his pants by the time my memory fades, and my throat begins to work again. “And what did you want to do to me at eighteen?”

  He climbs on top of me. His fingers move under my shirt, pushing it up my waist. “I wanted to do this.” He pulls my shirt up, exposing my breasts. My bra is pushed to the side, and his warm breath skates over my nipple as he takes it into his mouth. My eyes flutter closed, enjoying the way his tongue circles around my nipple as he palms my breast, getting a mouthful. My fingers slide into his hair.

  “That’s it? Feels like a sixteen-year-old fantasy to me.”

  His other hand skims down my ribcage, dipping into my pants.

  “Oh no, I wanted to do more than that. I wanted to do this.” His finger disappears between my thighs, and I release a soft moan as he finds my hot center and enters me. “Then, this.” He pulls out and inserts a second, then third. His thrusts are slow yet forceful. “But I knew this wouldn’t be enough. I knew I wanted all of you.” He works me faster until my legs begin to quiver, and I bite down on my bottom lip. He pulls away, taking my pants with him, and his fingers are replaced with his mouth. My back arches off the bed as he devours me. His tongue becomes ruthless, and mere seconds later, my fingers are gripping too tightly around his hair as my orgasm takes flight.

  My lungs struggle to inhale enough air when he comes back into full view. “I’m a fan of eighteen,” I pant. “Shame we didn’t play that one out back then.”

  Jake chuckles as he crawls up my still quaking body and places his lips on mine. “Oh, I think we did.” He kisses me again. “And it was one of the best nights of my life.”

  It was the night we finally fought the barriers of our feelings. The night we created Bria. The night he left.

  “Hey,” he pulls me back from the darkness, “I know where you’re going in your head. Let’s make a pact. From this moment forward, we only focus on the present and future. No more dwelling over a past we had no control over or a time we can’t take back or erase. I don’t want anything to tarnish what we’re creating here—our future—because, baby, that’s something we have control over. Things are different now; we’re not kids. They can’t control us. From this point on, no more sad faces. Just happy ones. And post-sex worn-out ones.”

  I laugh, swiping at a tear. “Post-sex faces?”

  “Yeah, ’cause we’re going to do that a lot. You’re so damn sexy when you have that glow.�

  “I am not glowing.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “No, I’m not—”

  His lips slam against mine, and he spreads my legs apart, finding my still pulsating sex. “Then I better make you glow,” he says as he slides inside.

  Chapter Nine

  “Hey, Willa?” I turn my head to Jake, hoping he doesn’t see the devastation lurking in my eyes. He leaves for college today, which means I won’t see him ’til Christmas. Every day for as far back as I can remember, I’ve been with him, and now he’ll be gone for months. I suck in a breath and turn around, hoping my smile looks genuine despite being a mess on the inside. “Catch.” My hands reach out, capturing the bundled-up cloth he threw at me.

  “Wh—What is this?” I unfold it to realize it’s his favorite t-shirt—the one he wore the night he kissed me. “Why…why are you giving me this?”

  “’Cause it’s my favorite shirt. Reminds me why I’m going to miss home so much. I thought you could keep it safe for me. Make sure you don’t forget to wear that smile I love while I’m gone. Maybe a little memory will help.”

  He smiles and waves, the same sadness lingering in his eyes. When I raise my hand to return the gesture, his mother is already shooing him inside the car.

  The sun begins to peek through the shades as I’m nestled in bed wearing one of Jake’s oversized t-shirts. Bria lays in my lap, giggling at the beam of light coming from the window. As she wiggles, I play with her tiny toes and graze my fingers up her belly until I’m tapping on her baby nose. “Do you like that?” I babble as she smiles back at me.

  Jake walks into the room, fully dressed. “I’m so damn sorry about this. If I could get out of it, I would.”


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