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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

Page 106

by Nikki Ash

  I nod, swiping a rogue tear from my cheek. “They’re so happy he’s going to jail.”

  Felix pulls a handkerchief from his pocket, handing it to me. “For now. We’ll get our day in court with Sean and your father, and when we do, I will destroy Gentry. His sentence will be much worse. Trust me?”

  “Yes,” I whisper. “I’m sorry about your son. It’s all my fault.”

  Felix shakes his head. “My kid is tough. He can handle this. We’ll be there for him when he gets out. This was the only solution. If not, your name would be all over every news headline from coast to coast. They would have shredded your life.”

  It feels selfish and wrong.

  “How could Dad even defend that monster?” I glower at my father.

  “They’re the same, Kerry. It’ll do you some good to break free from them.”

  I know he’s right. It’s the same thing Zane always says to me. The same thing my brother says when we speak on the phone.

  “I don’t want to leave Zane,” I mutter. “I should stay here in case—”

  The courtroom erupts into a dull roar of voices as we’re dismissed. My eyes find Zane. He’s wearing a suit that’s a little snug on his muscular frame. His attorney, Dane, clasps his shoulder and nods at him. They share a small smile. Then, as though he can feel my stare on him, Zane’s intense green eyes bore into me. Not long enough for me to get lost in, because we’re still hiding our relationship, but enough that I feel him inside every vein and muscle.

  “Go,” he mouths.

  To Brigs Ferry Bay.

  We’ve only corresponded through letters passed through Felix, but I know what he means. He wants me to leave this hell hole town and go back to where my brother lives. Where it’s safe. Where I can be free.

  “I’ll miss you,” I mouth back.

  He winks, heating my blood. It’s the kind of wink that promises he’ll come find me when he’s able to. They usher him away seconds later. I stand and follow Felix out of the courtroom, leaving my heart with the selfless man who owns it anyway. My father starts my way, but Felix stands in front of me, rippling with authority.

  “You’re not allowed to speak with my client,” Felix spits out. “And I suggest you tell your client to obey his restraining order.”

  Sean’s face turns purple with anger and he storms away. Daddy’s eyes narrow on me before he shakes his head in disgust, stalking off after Sean.

  I thought I might feel pain from having my father choose Sean over me, but all I feel is relief. Zane helped me unload the weights my father put on my shoulders and encouraged me to run free. I’m not tied down anymore, so I can do just that.


  Another roil of sickness churns in my gut. I wanted to tell Zane about the positive pregnancy test, but I couldn’t bear for him to have to live with that agony while locked away. It’ll be his surprise when he gets out.

  “Everything okay?” Felix asks.

  “It will be. Just help me bring Sean down first.”

  Seven months later

  It’s raining cats and dogs. A winter storm was supposed to hit, but at the last moment, it turned before it hit Beacon Island and went south. We caught all the rain and some strong winds, but no snow yet.

  I rub my palm over my swollen belly, a smile gracing my lips. “Three more months and Daddy will be here to see you.”

  My brother’s new girlfriend, Brie Larsen, and Brigs Ferry Bay’s deputy pokes her head into the kitchen dressed in a uniform for work. “Who are you talking to?”

  “Emily.” I smile at her. “You’re up early. After all the noise you and Keith made, I was certain neither one of you would get up this morning.”

  Her face burns crimson, but then she grins at me. “Who said I ever went to sleep?”

  “Gag,” I tease.

  She starts a pot of coffee and crosses her arms over her chest. “How are you feeling?”

  “Big,” I say with a laugh. “And melancholy.”

  Her features soften. “It won’t be long now, Ker. Then you and your baby daddy will be reunited.” She grimaces. “Are you sure you don’t want to tell him about Emily? Prepare him a little?”

  I think about all the heartfelt letters Zane has sent me. Ones that went from infatuation to full-on love. He’s dedicated to me and our future. Telling him about Emily is cruel. I know Zane. He’ll worry himself to death over it, letting the guilt turn him inside out. It’s better this way. When he gets here, he’ll get to meet her and fall instantly in love. I know it.

  “Zane will understand. If I tell him now, it’ll just make him worry. Keith is taking care of me and my new job at the library is great. Me and Ems have this. We’ll be ready for Daddy when he gets here.”

  She pours a cup of coffee and joins me at the kitchen table. “Is Felix still coming to visit this weekend with the weather being a bitch?”

  “He has to. We have some paperwork to go over and sign.”

  “How does he feel about being a grandpa?”

  I groan. “He’s just as bad as Zane. I swear if he buys one more outfit for Emily, I’ll never have to do laundry. She can wear a new outfit each day until her eighteenth birthday.”

  “That’s kind of sweet,” Brie says, chuckling.

  “Someone call for me?” Keith grunts, sauntering shirtless into the kitchen.

  Brie seems to melt at the sight of him. I’m happy for them, even if they do gross me out a bit sometimes.

  “You’re not sweet,” Brie sasses.

  He steps behind her, wrapping his muscular arms around her and kissing the top of her head. “Not what you said three hours ago, baby.”

  “Anyway,” I say in a shrill tone. “Enough of that.”

  Keith barks out a laugh. “I sure missed my prissy sister.”

  I flip him off, earning a giggle from Brie.

  “You two gonna drop by and see me tonight on my shift? I’m working at Focus. Water for preggo over there and the best wine on Beacon Island for my girl.”

  Again, she melts at his words.

  I let my gaze drift back to the window that faces the sea. With all the rain and gloom, you can barely see the ocean, but I know it’s there. I feel such a sense of peace here at Brigs Ferry Bay. This will be our home. And after today when we make it official, Felix will join us.

  I can hear the smacking and groaning of Keith and Brie making out. As much as I love their blossoming romance, it’ll be nice to get my own place. Felix found the cutest apartment on Main Street that sits above some retail space for Zane and me. When Zane gets out, it’ll be perfect for his shop and there’s room for Felix to office as well. Everything is coming together.

  The best part is, Sean is in prison.

  It took a lot of work, but we managed to build a case against him. Once we went public with it, many other women stepped forward with stories of their own. With their testimonies and mine, we were able to stack the charges on him. When I told the authorities about him already knowing my apartment number and having a key, coupled with how other women were speaking out, they had enough to get the proper warrants to search his belongings and home. And what they found was damning. This time, Judge Rowe wasn’t at all lenient on the charges. Sean Gentry will be spending the next fifteen years in prison. It would have been longer, but he admitted his guilt and motives in exchange for a lesser sentence. All he wanted was to marry into a wealthy, successful family since his own family’s money had run dry.

  A sharp pain lances through me, making me groan. They’d been happening off and on all morning, but I’d thought it was nerves. Emily isn’t due for a couple more weeks. Before I can recover from that one, another one rips down my spine, wrapping a painful claw around my belly.

  “Owww,” I hiss. “I think—”

  My words are cut off by the gush of warmth that floods out of me, soaking through my cotton pants.

  “Keith,” I cry out. “I think the baby is coming.”

  “You ready to have this baby?” Dr. Miller
asks, a smile on his handsome face.

  He’s not my doctor, though. Where is Dr. Hutchens?

  “I can wait until my doctor gets here,” I grit through clenched teeth.

  Keith barks out a laugh. “Lance has delivered babies before,” my brother assures me. “He’s a hospitalist who does it all. Basically, a jack of all trades. Don’t worry.”

  I am worried, though.

  This hurts and I wish Zane were here.

  My emotions win over me and I burst into tears.

  “It’s okay,” Dr. Miller croons. “Don’t cry. Right now I need you to be brave and start pushing. She’s ready to come out.”

  “Where’s Felix?” I hiss to my brother. “He should be here!”

  “Something important came up,” Keith says, his face splitting into a wide grin.

  “More important than the birth of his grandchild?” I shriek. “Tell him to get in here now!”

  “Can’t, sis,” Keith replies, a smirk on his face. “Only two family members at a time. I think dads trump grandpas.”

  I snap my head up to glower at him. “What?”

  “It means, little momma, you’re going to have to settle for having me in here.”

  Zane’s voice soothes all the battered parts inside me, mending every painful moment away from him. Slowly, I turn my head to find the man I’ve ached for standing in the room, grinning at me. Somehow, in the course of several months, he’s grown more handsome. Stronger, broader, wiser. Mine.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her,” I choke out, my hand stretching out for him.

  He stalks over to me, cups my cheeks, and kisses me until I’m dizzy. Another jolt of pain hits me, ending the sweet reunion.

  “Time to push, Kerry,” Dr. Miller says. “No more stalling.”

  Zane grips my hand, grinning at me. “Come on, Miss B, you’ve got this. I’m ready to meet my baby girl.”

  The pushing goes on for what feels like hours, but when Dr. Miller finally deposits the beautiful, messy baby on my chest, the world blurs around the three of us.

  “You got out early,” I murmur as I admire the gorgeous infant that looks just like her father.

  “Good behavior, baby.” He brushes his thumb along her dark hair. “She’s perfect.”

  Hot tears stream down my face as I press a kiss to her forehead. Then I turn and accept a kiss from Zane.

  “I missed you so much,” I choke out. “I know I told you in our letters, but I need you to hear it. I love you, Zane Mullins.”

  “Love you too, beautiful.”



  Late summer

  “Mommy is obsessed with that store,” I tell Emily, holding her to my chest and pointing through the window of Granger Home Décor. “She’s trying to make the dining room fancy now.”

  Emily smiles and drool runs down her chin. Fuck, this kid is so damn cute. I told Kerry we need to make ten just like her. She wasn’t keen on the idea of having ten, but promised me more one day.

  Addison Granger catches my stare from inside and waves me in. Emily and I step inside the shop. Kerry is at the register while Addison’s sister, Adeline, bags her purchases.

  “She’s getting so big,” Addison croons. “Pretty soon she’ll be crawling all over the place!” Then she leans in and says, “How’s Felix?”

  I smirk at her. They think they’re discreet, but Kerry and I busted them having dinner earlier this week.

  “I think you would know more than me,” I tease, enjoying the way her cheeks blush.

  “Go away, rascal.” She leans in and kisses Emily’s head. “Take care of my girl.”

  I chuckle and leave her be as I make it over to Kerry. She looks fantastic this afternoon in a pair of white shorts and a pale blue halter top. Her legs are tanned and hot as fuck today. Thank God Dad has offered to babysit Emily tonight. I’m dying to have some alone time with my wife.

  “Ready, Mrs. M?”

  Kerry grins at me. “I am now.”

  She coos at Emily and our daughter giggles with delight. Kerry was made to be a mother. Since I didn’t have my own mother around, I missed out on what a good mother would look like. Kerry is not just good, she’s the best. Emily adores her.

  “I booked us a room at Red Hake B&B,” I tell her as we walk out of the shop. “I figured if I’m going to spend the night ravishing you and trying to make another baby, we should do it in style overlooking Wolffish Bay.”

  “Another baby already?” she teases. “You’re certain we’ll make one tonight?”

  I grab a handful of her cute ass with my free hand. “I made Emily on the first shot.”

  She stops to look at me, a silly smile on her gorgeous face. Since we were married not a month after I got released and moved out here, I see those smiles all the time. It’s incredible how much this woman has transformed from the scared, timid thing who was afraid to disappoint her father into this carefree, happy wife of mine. It pleases me to no end.

  “You haven’t worn a condom most of the times we’ve had sex, Zane,” she sasses, her brow arching up.

  “Those other times were just practice.” I wink at her.

  She shakes her head as she rummages around in her purse. When she pulls out a sack from Reyes Pharmacy, I frown at her. Inside is a pregnancy test. “I don’t think you need to practice. You’re that good.”

  I pull her to me for a hug, making Emily squawk between us. “You really think so?”

  Kerry tilts her head up, her blue eyes shining with tears. “I don’t know for sure, but I did miss my period a few days ago. I didn’t want to take the test without you. This time, I want you to be there every step of the way, even if it turns out we’re not pregnant again.”

  I capture her lips with mine. “I’ll be beside you from now until the end, beautiful.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promised you I’d take care of you, didn’t I? After all we’ve been through, I’m still here. You’re my wife and we run a pretty successful apparel shop together. Have I let you down yet?”

  “Never,” she whispers. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  Emily whines in protest, making us both laugh.

  “Will you settle for second best thing?” Kerry teases.

  “Lose to this cutie? You bet, little momma.” I kiss Emily’s dark head and then point up Main Street to our storefront, Skalo. “Want to go see Grandpa, Emmers?”

  She babbles and squirms. I’ll take that as a yes.

  “Let’s get this little one dropped off to Grandpa and get checked into Red Hake B&B,” I tell Kerry as I wrap my free arm over her shoulders and inhale her floral scent. “We’ll do the pregnancy test in the morning. That way, beautiful, we can spend the entire night trying to make a baby.” I nip at her ear. “I might even put it in your ass if you’re a good girl.”

  “Mr. Mullins!” she shrieks, shooting me a wide-eyed stare as her cheeks burn bright pink.

  I chuckle, letting my palm slide to her ass and giving it a hard squeeze. “Maybe tonight I’ll let you be Miss B and I’ll be your naughty student.”

  “You’re horrible,” she groans. “The absolute worst.”

  “And you love me. What does that make you?”

  “Apparently that makes me yours.”

  “Damn straight.”

  If you enjoyed this Taboo Treat, Miss B, you can check out Principal Renner’s story in Renner’s Rules and if you’re curious about the small, seaside Maine town of Brigs Ferry Bay mentioned at the end, make sure to read Sheriff’s Secret! You’ll get to read about Kerry’s doctor, Lance Miller, in this anthology in Misty Walker’s story called Doctor Daddy!

  About the Authors

  About Nikki Ash

  Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out. – Pam Allyn

  Nikki Ash resides in South Florida where she is an English teacher by day and a writer by night. When she’s not writing, you can find her with a book in her
hand. From the Boxcar Children, to Wuthering Heights, to the latest single parent romance, she has lived and breathed every type of book. While reading and writing are her passions, her two children are her entire world. You can probably find them at a Disney park before you would find them at home on the weekends!

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  About Lacey Black

  Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and three rowdy chickens. Lacey loves watching NASCAR races, shooting guns, and should only consume one mixed drink because she’s a lightweight.





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  About Nicole Blanchard

  Nicole Blanchard is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of gritty romantic suspense and heartwarming new adult romance. She and her family reside in the south along with menagerie of animals. Visit her website for more information or to subscribe to her newsletter for updates on sales and new releases.






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