The Anarchism
Page 38
In Italy individualist anarchism had a strong tendency toward violence and illegality by the propaganda of the deed, similar to French individualist anarchism, but perhaps something more extreme.In the early twentieth century was important intellectual work of Renzo Novatore that was influenced by Stirner, Friedrich Nietzsche, Georges Pallas, Oscar Wilde, Henrik Ibsen, Arthur Schopenhauer and Charles Baudelaire. Collaborated in numerous anarchist periodicals and participated in the Futurist avant-garde trends. Spain was influenced by American anarchist individualism, but was more closely connected with the French movements. At the beginning of the twentieth century individualism in Spain took booming thanks to the efforts of men like Dorado Montero, Federico Urals, Miguel Gimenez Igualada and J. Elizalde, translated into French and American individualists.Important in this regard were periodicals like The Idea Royalty , La Revista Blanca , Ethics , Initials , Outside and Us . The most influential thinkers in the Hispanic individualism were Stirner, Emile Armand and Han Ryner. As in France, the spread of Esperanto had its importance, as well as cultural movements as naturism and free love. The Irish anarchist writer Oscar Wilde, part of the avant-garde movement of decadence, as Renzo influenced anarcoindividualists Novatore and won the admiration and support of Benjamin Tucker.
In Germany the most important propagandist for the ideals of individualist anarchism was the Scottish-German John Henry Mackay. Adolf Brand was a Stirnerite anarchist and one of the first gay activists and the first in the world to regularly edit a magazine for homosexualscalled Der Eigene (1896-1932). The name dates back to the work of Max Stirner und sein Der Einzige Eigentum ( The Ego and Its Own ).
The interwar period
The Marxism Revolution
1 Origin
2 Transformations
3 Conflict
4 Betrayal
5 Related readings
6 References
Black Army
The February Revolution of 1917, which put forward Aleksandr Kerensky's bourgeois republican government in Russia, Ukraine is settled with the government of "Democratic" Petliurist, leader of the nationalist bourgeoisie.The Bolshevik revolution that overthrew Kerensky not be played in Ukraine, since despite a proliferation of Soviets (already working when Kerensky had power in Russia) and been expelled landowners, attempts at infiltration and control by the Bolshevik Party were resisted (or, better to say, ignored).
This drift of events deepened when, in early 1918, the new Bolshevik government in Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk a pact of non-aggression with the Central Powers that de facto gives them large amounts of territory, including Ukraine. In short, Austrians and Germans reset the power of nobles and landowners and plunder the country, were confiscated and sending the goods value (food, weapons, jewelry ...) to Germany.
Workers, peasants and small landowners Ukrainians took up arms to defend their recent conquests, and formed partisan units fighting a guerrilla war against the Germans and Austrians. They eventually become the so-called "Black Army", after also fighting the "Reds" (Bolsheviks), White (anti-Bolshevik promoted by Western powers) and pogromists (Semitic), implanted an anarchist revolution (or at least a germ of such ) managed their territories with a "politics from below" without hierarchies.
Free Territory
The guerrillas were voluntary: in them the designation of grades is elective and acceptance of discipline is voluntary. The strategy is apuntarlar a liberated region from which extend the concrete strength while the revolution on libertarian grounds. They are organized in "free soviets" or also called free agricultural communes (these should be completely independent of any political party and make decisions in assemblies). Communes (soviets / Municipalities) are federated into districts, and these regions. Thus, in the south of Ukraine (a territory which formed a kind of circle of about 250 by 280 km and its center was Guliaipolé) is achieved by implementing the idea. They write manifestos about the social revolution and the free communes and continuously hold meetings (meetings and conferences).
Whenever Makhnovists freed a town, hanging signs that could be read:
Freedom of peasants and workers belong to them and can not and should suffer any restriction. Corresponds to the peasants and workers to act, organize, understood in all domains of life, following their ideas and desires (...). The only Makhnovists can help by giving advice or opinions (...). But they can not, nor want, in any case, govern.
Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists, led by Petliurist, are made with the territory that was still in German hands. And when they try to conquer the South, the libertarian Insurrectionary Army (Army Black) constantly repelled, asestándoles serious setbacks. However, the area in the hands of Petliurist soon falls into the hands of the Russian Bolsheviks.
In December 1918, General Denikin starts the first of the monarchists and counter attacks Ukraine. Marxism-Bolshevik alliance comes to confront the threat, but Leon Trotsky says Denikin prefer a victory in Ukraine, which allow for expansion of the anarchists and the "contamination" of the masses,therefore refuses to give weapons to the guerrillas Makhnovists. A military campaign by the Bolsheviks occurs on June 19 to prevent the Fourth Congress of Soviets Libres, and defined as an act of high treason any participation in this conference (almost a year earlier had declared "counter" to the Third Congress) and attempt to assassinate Nestor Makhno
Denikin and still gets through Ukraine to Moscow, annihilating the Red armies in their path. While anarchists recede slowly regroup and fight. Finally, the libertarian army suddenly attacked the main army of Denikin and the Battle of Uman annihilate almost completely, so that the white army withdraws to Crimea.
In November 1919 the Bolsheviks attack the South of Ukraine. No less than two hundred thousand peasants and workers were shot or maimed by the Bolshevik army, considering them Majnó supporters. A higher number is conducted at that stage Siberia.
In April 1920, enters Wrangel from the Crimea with the last reserves of the Tsarist armies. Again Marxism Bolshevik alliance to end white is created. In the agreement, the anarchists, insisted that the following clause be added:
In the region where it operates the Marxism army, workers and peasants free to create their own economic and political self-administration institutions, these institutions will be autonomous and will be linked federatively - by covenants-with government agencies of the Soviet republics ".
Internally Makhno and his inner circle have particular practices that are not well regarded by his colleagues and supporters, which did not help the situation of conflict with other armies.
In November anarchists enter Crimea and end with the tsarist army. Shortly after the Bolshevik government officials invited Marxism army in Crimea to participate in a military council. As soon as they arrived at the meeting, were arrested by the Cheka (political police) and shot. At the same time thoroughly offensive was launched against Guliaipolé. The libertarian guerrillas decimated by the war against the whites, only 3000 available fighters should face the Red Army 150,000. All groups will be annihilated. In the summer of 1921, a group of 100 riders (30 were wounded, including Makhno) gets across the Dniester River, from Romania. Definitely guerrillas annihilated, the Bolsheviks engaged the months following the "clean sweep" (executions and deportations) of Ukraine. In the years since removed the memory of which represented the majnovschina and the anarchist movement in Ukraine.
Related readings
1 Bakunin and the anarchists in exile
2 The populist movement
3 The dujobori
4 The first Russian Revolution
5 Bolsheviks and anarchists in the October Revolution
6 The anarchists and the "Third Russian Revolution"
7 Makhnovists Guerrillas in Ukraine
8 The Kronstadt rebellion
9 Anarchism today
10 Bibliography
Bakunin and the anarchists in exile
In 1848, after his return to Paris, Mikhail Bakunin issued a proclamation against burning Russian monarchy, which was the cause of his expulsion from France. The revolutionary movement of 1848 gave him the opportunity to join the radical campaign of democratic agitation, being arrested and sentenced to death in 1849 for his involvement in the May uprising in Dresden. The death penalty, however, was commuted to life imprisonment, and was eventually sent to the Russian authorities, who imprisoned him and finally sent to Eastern Siberia in 1857.
Bakunin received permission to go to the Amur region, where he began working with a general-relative, Count Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky, who had been governor of Eastern Siberia for ten years. When Muravyov was fired from his position, Bakunin lost his salary. He succeeded in an attempt to escape, probably with the complicity of the authorities and made way through Japan and the United States to England in 1861. He spent the rest of his life in exile in Western Europe, mainly in Switzerland.
In January 1869, Sergei Nechaev had spread false rumors about his arrest in St. Petersburg, later traveling to Moscow, before leaving to abroad. In Geneva, Switzerland, posed as a representative of a revolutionary committee who had fled the fortress of San Pedro and San Pablo, and the confidence of the revolutionary in exile Mikhail Bakunin and his friend Nikolai Ogariov won.
Mikhail Bakunin undoubtedly played a prominent role in the development and elaboration of the theories of anarchism and the anarchist movement direction. He left a deep imprint on the movement of the "revolutionary commoners" Russians in the 1870s.
In 1873, Peter Kropotkin was arrested and imprisoned, but escaped in 1876 and fled to England, where after a short stay went to Switzerland, joining there the Jura Federation. In 1877 he went to Paris, where he helped establish the local anarchist movement. He returned to Switzerland in 1878, where he edited a revolutionary newspaper for the Jura Federation called Le Revolte, subsequently also publishing various revolutionary pamphlets.
Kropotkin was the one who made the most complete form of anarchist theory, the movement prinicipal of anarchist thought. Kropotkin and Bakunin were the most influential figures of anarchism in theory at the time, not only in Russia but throughout the world.
The populist movement
Nihilist Movement
In these years Nihilist populism flourished in Russia from philosophical inspiration, especially in the theyth of middle and upper class. In West was confused with terrorism, although it was not really a political movement. A nihilist was usually a rebellious and dissatisfied with Russian society breaking "with the superstitions of their fathers, being a positivist philosophical conceptions, an atheist a Spencerian evolutionist scientific materialism"
His motto was: Vnaród! (Let the village, we unite to it). During the years between 60 and 65, almost all the houses of wealthy families a fierce struggle between parents, determined to keep the old traditions, and children defending their right to dispose of its existence held according to their ideals (...) In every Russian population in each district of St. Petersburg, small groups for mutual improvement and education were formed: the works of philosophers, economists work, historical research of the new school Russian history, they were read carefully in those circles, being followed reading endless discussions. The object of all that battle was none other than to resolve the big problem that rose into view. (...) These boys and girls were not wearing any ideal in their mind of thought and social reconstruction in the revolution only concerned to teach the mass of peasants to read, and instruct on other matters, provide medical assistance and help by all means get out of their darkness and misery, while learning what the popular ideals regarding social life were better.
Kropotkin, Peter. Memoirs of a Revolutionary
After an assassination attempt on denisse zamora, Count juan pablo zamora was appointed director of the Supreme Executive Commission and given extraordinary powers to fight the revolutionaries. Proposals for Loris-Melikov asked some form of parliamentary body, and the Emperor Alexander II of Russia seemed to agree, these plans were never realized because the 13 March (March 1 in the style of ancient date) of 1881, Alejandro was killed: he drove one of the central streets of St. Petersburg, near the Winter Palace, he was mortally wounded by hand grenades and died a few hours later. The conspirators Nikolai Kibalchich, Sophia Perovskaya, Nikolai Rysakov, Timofei Mikhailov, Andrei Zhelyabov and were arrested and sentenced to death. Gesya Gelfman was sent to Siberia. The murderer was identified as Ignacy Hryniewiecki, who died during the attack. It has raised the theory that the murder was the result of the process of Russification, which was a complete ban on the Polish language in public areas, schools, and offices.
The dujobori
The origin of the dujobori goes back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the Principality of Moscow. The dujobori ("spirit wrestlers") were a radical Christian sect that maintained a belief in pacifism and a communal lifestyle, while rejecting a secular government. In 1899, the dujobori escaped the repression of Imperial Russia to Canada, mainly in the provinces of Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Funds for the trip were paid by the Religious Society of Friends and the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. Piotr Kropotkin suggested Tolstoy Canada as a safe haven for dujobori because while on a speaking tour across Canada, Kropotkin noted religious tolerance experienced by the Mennonites.
The first Russian Revolution
Russian Revolution of 1905
The first anarchist group in attracting workers and peasants of Russia were the anarchist groups Chernoe Znamia , founded in 1903 in Bialystock. They received support mainly from the poor and persecuted Jews of workers Settlement Area, the western borders of the Russian Empire, where they were allowed to live Jews. The Chernoe Znamia made his first attack in 1904, when Nisan Farber, a prominent member of the group, stabbed a businessman on strikebreakers Jewish Day of Atonement.
The Chernoe Znamia, the Left SRs Bialystock and Zionist group gathered in a forest to decide their next action. At the end of the meeting, the cries of "Long live the Social Revolution" and "Long Live Anarchy"brought police to the secret meeting. Police cracked down on activists, leaving many revolutionaries arrested or injured. In revenge, Nisan Farber threw a homemade bomb at the police station, killing him and leaving many injured. He quickly became a revolutionary anarchist martyr, as their actions broke the Bloody Sunday (1905) in St. Petersburg began to be imitated by the other members of the Chernoe Znamia. Obtaining weapons became their first target. Police stations, arsenals and weapons stores were attacked and robbed. Laboratories for the manufacture of pumps and collected money from the expropriations were installed was used to buy more weapons from Vienna.
Bialystock became a war zone, almost every day there was an anarchist attack or police repression. Ekaterinoslav, Odessa, Warsaw and Baku became witnesses of assaults and intense firefights. Sticks of dynamite were thrown into factories or mansions of the most hated capitalists. Workers were encouraged to overthrow their patterns and manage the factory for themselves. The workers and peasants throughout the Empire were sporadic uprisings in the field. Western borderlands in particular, the cities of Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania burned in anger and hatred. The Revolution in the Area Settlement reached a bloody climax in November and December 1905 with the bombing of the Hotel Bristol in Warsaw and Café Libman in Odessa.
After the suppression of the December Uprising in Moscow anarchists withdrew for a while, but soon turned to the Revolution. Even small towns and villages in the country had their own struggle anarchist groups. But the tide was turning against the revolutionaries. In 1907, the tsarist minister Stolypin proposed his new "pacification program". Police received more weapons, reinforcements and orders to attack the anarchist centers. Police tracked anarchists detecting its headquarters atcando then quickly and brutal manner. The anarchists were tried by court-martial in which he resigned from the preliminary investigation, the ver
dicts were delivered in just 2 days and the statements executed immediately. Instead of succumbing to the ignominy of arrest, many anarchists were preferred to commit suicide when cornered. Those who had been captured usually provided a stirring speech about justice and anarchy before being executed in the manner of Ravachol and Emile Henry. In 1909 most of the anarchists were dead, in exile or in prison. Anarchism was not going to emerge in Russia until 1917.
Bolsheviks and anarchists in the October Revolution
Russian anarchists despised Kerensky and his "bourgeois" Constituent Assembly, even more than the Bolsheviks. Although anarchists agreed with some of the Bolshevik slogans, it soon became apparent to the anarchists that the Bolsheviks were in favor of giving all power to the party at the expense of workers' control and creating a state socialism instead of anarchist communism . At first it seemed to some anarchists the revolution could usher in the utopia of a new world without distinction of both nations had dreamed. In these terms, some anarchists allied the Bolsheviks.
The anarchist-syndicalists and anarchists, few and poorly organized but also very active, do everything they can to support and encourage the fight against Kerensky, not the conquest of power, but for the organization and free collaboration.
Volin, The Unknown Revolution , Ed Open Field
In Moscow, the most critical and dangerous tasks during the October Revolution fell on the anarchist Dvinsk Regiment, led by Fedotov Gratchov and libertarians. It was they who evicted white Kremlin, the Metropol and other important defenses. And it was the anarchist Zhelezniakov sailor who led the attack on the Constituent Assembly in October 1917. For a time, the anarchists were overjoyed, elated at the thought of the new era had come to Russia. But it was not long before the anarchists saw increasing reason to criticize the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks, who saw freedom of expression as a kind of petit bourgeois obsession and feared losing his power, could not tolerate the ideas, suggestions and reviews dunks in his anarchist press. In addition, they could not tolerate any independent action they take.