The Anarchism
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Also in Argentina the Russian Revolution generated an initial enthusiasm was soon replaced by a critical attitude to understand the authoritarian direction of Bolshevism, denounced by Kropotkin in his correspondence with Lenin, and at the congress of 1923 the FORA rejected "the so-called dictatorship of proletariat ". In January 1919 took place in Buenos Aires the Tragic Week, after the death of several workers due to police violence, protecting the scabs in a strike in the metal workshops Vasena. The FORA declared a general strike, followed unanimously by the Buenos Aires working class, the city was in the hands of the workers targeted by anarchists. But the movement ended up exhausted, about 55,000 workers were arrested, and the island of Martin Garcia was filled with anarchists. Fear of the government, the military and the bourgeoisie became thirsty for revenge, and the first in Argentine fascist organizations emerged, the "Patriotic League" with the support of the armed forces repressed with unprecedented violence not only workers , but also many people outside the strike.
In 1921, in Patagonia, a large number of laborers and rural workers on strike for achieving improvements in their working conditions were killed by the army. The promoters of the strike and the insurrection that followed, the rebel Patagonia, anarchists were of various nationalities, including Argentine Creoles had some. Lieutenant Colonel Héctor Benigno Varela, who stars in the deaths of the hunger strikers, was killed on January 23, 1923 by the anarchist Kurt Wilckens, who was murdered in turn by a member of the Patriot League in June that year. Since the coup of General José Evaristo Uriburu against President Hipólito Yrigoyen in 1930, unleashed a fierce crackdown on organizations that formed the FORA, murdering, torturing and imprisoning its members, closing and libertarians local newspapers. In 1931 he was shot Severino Di Giovanni, a fact that caused a sensation in Argentina, along with other militants in various summary judgments. Some anarchist groups, led by figures such as Miguel Archangel Roscigna, Gino Gatti and Juan Antonio Morán, clashed with the police but they were thwarted by the dictatorship in 1935.
Anarchist revolutions in Spain
Anarchism found on earth and the most congenial household Spanish spirit, and for fifty years, long after it began to decline their importance in the world, contributed in Spain an idea that had hundreds of thousands of adherents between workers of Barcelona and Madrid, and especially among the peasants of Andalusia, Aragon, Valencia and Galicia, with a moral intensity in many parts reaching the spiritual form of a new religion.Among the first apostles of anarchism in Spain should be reminded Forge Rafael Pellicer, Anselmo Lorenzo, Salvochea Fermín, José Salvador Sánchez Román and I followed. With a weak liberal tradition and systematic shutdown the church and the army had exercised during the nineteenth century about a possible liberal constitution, there was widespread skepticism strong conventional political processes. When the Spanish Communist Party was founded in 1921 the anarchists were four times more numerous than the Socialists, the masses of workers and peasants had followed Bakunin in his break with Marx. In time of the First World War the National Confederation of Labour (CNT) had one million members.
After attempts to release Casas Viejas and the Revolution of Asturias 1934 that were suppressed by the army of the Second Republic, the political climate in Spain was very polarized. When the February 16, 1936 the Popular Front (an alliance of liberal and left forces supported by the socialist and revolutionary anarchists) won the elections with a program of radical reform, a pre-revolutionary climate which was answered with a survey was created military whose failure led to the Spanish Civil War, and in its framework called Spanish Revolution of 1936, one of the most important libertarian experiences of all time.
Socialists and Communists were strong in Madrid, but Barcelona anarchists controlled, where all major industries were controlled by the CNT, and the expropriation was considered standard. There were several murders and the destruction of churches in some places the money was replaced by coupons while in Andalusia, where the anarchists were also strongly implanted, each population was acting on his own responsibility. The methods adopted anarchist military organization (Cipriano Mera), and in September 1936 entered the Catalan government, moving to call it "Revolutionary Defense Council," to indicate that they were not attached to a real government. Then they entered the central government in Madrid: Joan García Oliver as Minister of Justice, who established a new code of state law and defended the need for an iron discipline in the Popular Army of the Republic; Joan Peiro as Minister of Industry, John López Sánchez as Minister of Commerce, and Federica Montseny as Minister of Public Health. The CNT Republican state recognized as "an instrument of liberation."
What Spanish anarchists tried to reach in July 1936 was a massive social revolution, culminating in the formation of a non-authoritarian form of socialism, recognizing people, neighborhoods and workplaces and federated self-governing units through economic and social networks cooperatives, a vision of entirely new economy at that time, based on an alternative social concept. The agrarian collectivization sought to develop a model of agricultural production to provide the end of hunger and the basis for a society free of class. They sought to develop links between cities and rural areas, urban unions provided technical assistance to rural communities in water projects, work on crops and medical assistance, and the collectivized industries receiving fruits and vegetables in exchange for machinery and manufactured goods.
Participation in the government has been identified as a beginning of decline of anarchism, by 1937 about three million people living in rural communities, but the confrontation between anarchists, supporters of the revolution, and the communists who supported the return of government Republican grew and burst into Barcelona in May civil unrest with a result of over five hundred dead, in what has been known as the Days of May 1937. The anarchist influence over decline, the revolution ended and although the CNT continued to collaborate with the government retook not face responsibility for their actions. With the return of the republic in mind, the collectives were annulled, and popular militias integrated into the People's Army.
After the Second World War
The historic anarchist movement failed in creating an alternative to the nation-state or the capitalist economy that lastingly convinced any large segment of the world population, also in competition with other radical movements that were historical contemporaries revolutionary success authoritarian Marxism in Eastern Europe was the first defeat of anarchism, and attracted the revolutionary theyth and the working class that thrived bases.The second and final defeat in Spain was the anarchist social revolution against communism and the subsequent Republican victory of fascism in the Spanish Civil War. Unionism, hitherto dominated by anarchist ideas, diluted under the weight of reformism in Spain being the agreement between the CNT and the UGT in 1938 an exponent of an end. Anarchism had achieved local success and limited the application of libertarian ideas in projects and concrete and immediate moments, proving that in certain circumstances the voluntary methods of economic organization and industrial relations may work better than authoritarian methods. After the end of World War II movement was practically dismantled, leaving only individual anarchists or small groups scattered throughout the world, and the anarchist idea as a touchstone, knowledge of the existence and of the overbearing force of the movement toward universal centralization which has controlled the world and its rejection in favor of a vision of pure freedom. Economic reconstruction after the war also influenced the severe decline of anarchism that emerged marginally in the anti-imperialist struggles of the south, dominated largely by pro-Soviet influences.Anarchists sought to reorganize after the Second World War. In the early 1940s Antifascist International Solidarity of Cuba and the Federation of Anarchist Groups of Cuba joined by creating the Libertarian Association of Cuba national organization, which had thousands of members. Between 1944 and 1947 the Anarchist-Communist Federation of Bulgaria resurfaced as part of the movement of factory committees and jobs, but was suppressed by the new Marxist-Len
inist regime. In 1945 the Fédération Anarchiste was established in France, and the also synthesist Federazione Italiana Anarchica in Italy; Korean anarchists formed the League of Free Social Constructors in September 1945 and in 1946 Japanese anarchists joined different trend in the Japanese Anarchist Federation. An International Anarchist Congress with European delegates was held in May 1948. From 1956 the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation was founded, and in 1955 the Anarchist-Communist Federation of Argentina renamed the Libertarian Federation Argentina.
Anarchism continued to be an influence on important personalities of literature and intellectuals of this period such as Albert Camus, Herbert Read, Paul Goodman, Dwight Macdonald, Allen Ginsberg, Julian Beck and the French Surrealist group led by André Breton, who openly sided with anarchism and collaborated in the Fédération Anarchiste.
The anarchist had its influence in the movement against nuclear power and against militarism of the Cold War, As can be seen in the activism and writings of Alex Comfort, anarchist member of the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, or similar activism of the American Catholic anarchist Ammon Hennacy.
Contemporary Period
Emphasizes outreach work of historians of anarchism as Daniel Guérin, French anarchist militant organizations such as ORA, and UTCL (predecessor of the movement Alternative libertarian), which participated in the riots of May 68. A number of anthologies published during the 1960s and 1970s presented back to a modern audience not only the most famous anarchist texts, but also others who had long unpublished, Irving Horowitz noted his anthology The Anarchists (1964), Patterns of Anarchy , edited by Leonard Lewis Krimerman and Perry (1966), The Essential Works of Anarchism , edited by Marshall Shatz (1971) and The Anarchist Reader , George Woodcock (1977). Since then, minor but interesting figures of the anarchist ideas have been rediscovered.
The International Anarchist Congress of Carrara, Italy, held between August 30 and September 8, 1968, would rise to the International of Anarchist Federations, markedly synthetist character. The Congress of Carrara was widely covered by contemporary European press in light of the French May, participated libertarian known figures such as Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Federica Montseny.
Anarchism would influence revolutionary tendencies as situationism, and also in the riots of the seventies that had within it practical autonomy. In England he won major impact during 1970 and 1972 Enraged Brigade, direct actions including attacks on banks, embassies and conservative politicians, was finally arrested and sentenced to prison its main leaders. Anarchists were also involved in the riots around the end of the Franco dictatorship as in Spain or the Greek military junta, or resisting against neo-fascism and dictatorships as new rising of Uruguay and Argentina.
. Though the struggle of the 60s and 70s anarchist tendencies were present in groups like the anti-war movement Black Power, feminism, situationism, etc., did not give anything that could be identified as anarchism anarchist groups explicitly were housed and adopted strict liability positions of classical anarchism, as makhnovista platformism.In his book Anarchism: A history of libertarian ideas and movements , Woodcock says that as the historical anarchism was strong in countries except France, were in their technological and socially backward time (like Spain, Italy and Ukraine), new anarchism has developed more technologically advanced countries where the theyth was indignant against a State who understood that he had assumed a mask that hid his club partnership with multinational corporate capitalism.
Currently there are two trends in anarchism. One is those politically formed in the 60s and 70s, which subsists in different anarchist federations such as the International of Anarchist Federations synthesist, the International Libertarian Solidarity platformist and the International Workers Association (international anarchist-syndicalist unions), the second is evident in the networks of the new social movements.In the 1980s and 1990s and the first years of this century, the fall of the Soviet Union discredited authoritarian communism and anarchism regained some influence on the worldwide protests against the consolidation of the neoliberal economic model: the Zapatista uprising ( 1994), the Battle of Seattle (1999), the expansion of squatter movement and the ecovillage movement mainly in Europe and North America, groups that promote urban cycling, distribution and use of free software and the development of Web 2.0 the dissemination of free knowledge, green energy and sustainable development, and the development of social economy and fair trade, argentinazo (2001-2002) with its neighborhood assemblies and recovered factories, the teachers of Oaxaca conflict with their assemblies popular Chilean student protests, the French university in Paris (three in 2006) or the Greek riots and demonstrations in December 2008, as well as other initiatives and movements like anarchist-punk, the proposed Reclaim the Streets, or libertarians / Infoshop ateneos phenomena are considered anarchist influences.
Mainstream thinking
According to the Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, there is no single defined position that all anarchists hold, and the more they have in common that they are taken by anarchists is a certain family. Anarchist positions can be global in nature, preaching a revolution and total change of society, or more restrictive, focusing on small units and partial changes.
It is generally accepted that the starting point of the doctrinal debate about modern anarchist thought back to the late eighteenth century, in the work of William Godwin Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Modern Morals and Manners (1793), although the first author to call himself an anarchist was Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.
Academic sources agree as to the taxonomy of anarchist movements. Some make a distinction between two basic lines of thought, individualists and communists, Max Stirner and Peter Kropotkin as representative figures of both ideologies,placing the two ends of the spectrum other classical anarchist movements, as mutuality of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Mikhail Bakunin's collectivism. It is also common as a form of classification noted four major streams, which are individualist anarchism, mutualism, anarchism and anarchist communist, and according to some sources, also collectivism.
Individualist anarchism
1 Overview
2 Key personalities
2.1 William Godwin
2.2 Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
2.3 Max Stirner and selfishness
3 The U.S. anarchist-individualism
3.1 Origins
3.2 Boston Anarchists
3.3 The U.S. Stirnerite selfishness
3.4 postleft Anarchy and American anarcoinsurrecionalism
4 The European individualist anarchism
4.1 Mutuality
4.2 Anarconaturism
4.3 Lawlessness and insurrectionalism
4.4 France
4.5 Italia
4.6 Spain
4.7 Germany
4.8 Russia
4.9 UK
5 individualist anarchism in Latin America
6 Reviews
7 Related readings
8 References
9 Bibliography
Different trends of individualist anarchism have some things in common:
The elevation of the individual over any kind of construction or social and external reality as morality, ideology, customs, religion, metaphysics, ideas or the will of others.
Rejection and reserves to the idea of revolution, which is sometimes considered as a mass uprising that would lead to new governments. Instead, favor a gradualist and evolutionary approach to achieve anarchy through alternative experiences and experiments that could be applied in the present. This also because it looks as desirable for individuals having to wait for the revolution to begin experimenting alternatives that are outside the movement system.
The view that relationships with other people or things can only be freely contracted, interest in itself and can be both transitory and without compromises as desired. The experience and the individual pursuit are exalted.
But there are also differences. Wit
h regard to the justification of anarchist-individualism, Josiah Warren used the argument of individual sovereignty and fair trade , there are adherents to mutualism as Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Benjamin Tucker), selfishness does not recognize the "natural rights" (Max Stirner ) or natural law (Lysander Spooner), neo-Lockean (Murray Rothbard), consequentialist (David Friedman), the anarchist (Renzo Novatore) and individualistic to the idea of private property (Oscar Wilde) opposition. Alternative justifications were anarchist-individualism contractarian (Jan Narveson).
The movement individualist anarchism that is called egoism, derived from the philosophy of Max Stirner argues that individuals should do what they want, ignoring God, State or moral rule. To Stirner, rights are fallacies, reifications in mind ("spectra"), and held that society does not really exist but "individuals and their reality" and supported property by force as preferable to the moral law. Stirner advocated self-assertion and foresaw "associations of egoists" behaving together by mutual respect. Motivated by the egoism of Stirner appeared a European movement formed by marginal and called illegality gathered the idea of a obrerista anarchist sector, propaganda by deed, with the selfish philosophy, making what they called "individual expropriation" and embracing a lifestyle and justifying criminal theft.
An important trend in movement anarchist individualism emphasizes individual subjective exploration and defiance of social conventions. In this sense, trends advocating free love and other alternative lifestyles such as naturism been popular among individualist anarchists.Free love has its origins as far back as the philosopher Josiah Warren and experimental communities, postulating that sexual freedom is a clear and direct expression of individual sovereignty. In Europe the main propagandist of free love between anarchist individualism was Emile Armand.