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The Anarchism

Page 45

by Anna Georgieva

  Anarchist-syndicalism played an important role in Argentina, Italy, United States, Uruguay, France, Russia, Korea and Spain where, after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, the anarchist proved its effectiveness as a revolutionary force, collectivizing many factories and populations , generally with some success. Since the end of the Spanish Civil War there has been no other significant political movement anywhere in the world in terms of mass politics, although anarchist theory continued through many paths.

  New movements of anarchist thought

  After the eclipse of syndicalism, anarchist ideas reemerged in the context of student and anti-authoritarian movements of the 1960s. His influence continues to movements of workers self-management, animal liberation, anti-war, feminist, gay liberation, radical environmentalists and even the American anarchist individualism was retaken by the anarchist-capitalism, a significant trend of libertarianism New American Right. Also recovered the concept of direct action, classical anarchist alternative to conventional political action.

  They have also created organizations and institutes focused on the development of anarchist thought among which U.S. the Institute for Anarchist Studies in Spain or the Libertarian Studies Foundation Anselmo Lorenzo (linked CNT) and linked with the Fundació d'Estudis i Anarcosindicalistes Libertarian, based in Barcelona, Catalonia.

  Anarchism environmentalist

  Related readings: Anarchism and environment and anarchist-primitivism .

  The green anarchismr eco-anarchismis a school of thought within anarchism which puts an emphasis on environmental issues. A major influence was the thought of the American individualist anarchist Henry David Thoreau and his book Walden , which advocated a simple and self-sufficient life, integrated with the natural environment, resisting the advance of industrial civilization.

  Green anarchism incorporates a number of related political theories derived or inspired by philosophical and social movements like anarchist-primitivism, deep ecology, social ecology, feminism, selfishness, post-left anarchy, Situationists, surrealism, the neoludism, deindustrialization and hunter-gatherer societies.

  Among the eco-anarchists there is a strong critique of modern technology, though not all reject it completely. Some green anarchists can be described as anti-civilization anarchists and primitivists. Primitivists argue that the change to hunter-gatherer subsistence agriculture led to social stratification, coercion, and alienation, and advocate a return to a preindustrial and sometimes preagraria, hunting and gathering society. Develop themes in the political action of the Luddites, and the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, although its emergence primitivism was more directly influenced by the work of theorists such as Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, Marxist Frankfurt School, and anthropologists such as Marshall Sahlins and Richard Borshay Lee.One of the leading exponents in the American primitivism is the philosopher John Zerzan, reported by some media as a kind of "anti-globalization guru" after the 1999 protests against the World Trade Organization in Seattle, who in his book Primitive Future articulates a nostalgia for the pre-human, before the development of language and culture: "We come from a place of magic, understanding and correctly, and we've taken a monstrous path that has led us to the emptiness of the doctrine of progress, dragged by the symbolic culture and division of labor.Empty and alienating logic of domestication, with its demand to control everything, now shows us the ruin of civilization, rotting everything else. "

  The primitivist anarchism critical of the traditional support for civilization and modern technology, which consider inherently based on domination and exploitation. Most anarchists reject this radical critique of civilization, Noam Chomsky writes in his book Chomsky on anarquism , although sympathetic to them, do not think they realize that "are advocating mass genocide of millions of people because of the way they are currently structured and organized society, urban life and others. If they remove these structures everyone dies. " Other authors, although not considered themselves primitivists as Wolfi Landstreicher characters or insurrectionist anarchism (another anti-rationalist trend), the support.

  Many eco-anarchists prefer not to focus on future philosophical issues, and engage in the defense of the land and the social revolution in the present, and create alternative ways of living and sustainable. There are eco-anarchists who share common positions with radical branches of the environmental movement, as such with strong anarchist characteristics, and are defended by many people even knowing that tradition. For many green, in all countries, a future sustainable society would go through the elimination of the state and the creation of a network of self-sufficient communities, based on equality, participation and direct democracy.

  The figure of the anarchist Murray Bookchin and social ecology proposal, including the libertarian municipalism. For Bookchin, founder of the Institute for Social Ecology, the real green movement, or 'social ecology', as he calls it, is the culmination of several radical movements that emerged during the 1960s and the anarchist tradition, insisting that individuals are not responsible for the lamentable condition of the world, but the racist, sexist and capitalist system. Faith in the nature of classical anarchists like Kropotkin and Reclus Elisée echoed in Bookchin's writings when he says that in nature there is no hierarchical scales:Bookchin argues that the state expresses and reinforces a principle of hierarchy which, when applied to man's relationship with nature, encourages the proper relationship between humanity and the natural world is to control and conquer, producing environmental devastation. Understand the ecological society as an anarchist society, since the rejection of hierarchical values that threaten the environment entail abandoning hierarchies that oppress humans.

  Some eco-anarchists as Brian Dominick understand that veganism is an intrinsic part of the struggle for a free and healthy way of life. They see the state as unnecessary and harmful to animals, humans or non-human, and practice the vegan diet. The veganarquistas see their ideology as a combined theory, or perceive that both philosophies are essentially the same. It has been described as an environmentalist perspective antiespeciesista anarchism, or an anarchist perspective on animal liberation.

  Most eco-anarchists argue passionately ideals, and some are involved in direct action. Organizations like Earth First!, Root Force or the most radical Liberation Front Earth Liberation Army Earth or Animal Liberation Front develop direct action (usually, but not always, non-violent) against what they see as systems of oppression, such as the timber industry, the livestock and dairy industries, animal experimentation, genetic engineering facilities and, more rarely, government institutions. The mathematical and critical of American society Theodore Kaczynski, known by the nickname Unabomber , conducted a campaign of terrorism from 1978 to 1995 using bombs to denounce modern technological society. In his Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the "Manifesto Unabomber"), argued that the bombs were extreme measures but necessary to attract attention to the erosion suffered human freedom, erosion governed by the high technology needed an organization to large scale.

  Anarchist Feminism


  1 Ideology

  1.1 Primary Axes

  1.2 Approaches

  2 History

  2.1 Origins and sources

  2.2 Contemporary

  3 Issues

  4 Notes

  5 Related readings


  Primary axes

  Like all anarchist school is founded on the principles of individual liberty, free association and voluntary cooperation of every person without distinction. Additional features are:

  Apply the principles of anarchism from the condition and status of women.

  Identify the axis of the movement domination in patriarchy-State duo.

  They believe that patriarchy is one of the first, if not the first manifestation of forced or involuntary power hierarchy in human history and also the first form of oppression occurred in the domain of the male over the female and therefore a fundamental problem of
mankind. They argue that under this scheme is to standardize women under a single model, cultivated through mass indoctrination, and that men are also uniformed and forced to suppress their individual peculiarities. And on this ideology of patriarchal domination standardization and much of the legitimacy of the state is based, to repeat the same patterns of patriarchal domination.


  The anarchofeminist and conclude that if feminists are against patriarchy, should also be against all forms of forced hierarchy, and, therefore, reject the authoritarian nature of such institutions is an integral part of both the individual emancipation as of female identity, thus:

  Standing in opposition to the State and any coercive or involuntary order (political, economic, etc..) As manifestations of patriarchy as oppressive structures themselves, including the "bureaucratic feminism" or pro-government regulations on individual freedom. Individual freedom is anarchist target for road and at the same time.

  Likewise are placed in opposition to the "revanchist feminism" or hembrism at that point as resentful of machism reflection, because this should be a claim that men as partners, not enemies, and that patriarchy is an institution of social control indifferent to gender.

  His goal and strategy is usually to influence from within both movements, feminism and anarchism, some proposed free women (autonomous, federalist and decentralizing or polycentric) associations, taking charge of women have characteristics that embody them from Anarchy in particular, although not all are partakers of this idea. The classic modern anarchist feminism and anarchist appear in individualistic and collectivist versions, the first with more popular in America and the second with more emphasis on Europe.


  While feminist anarchism has been around since the beginnings of the anarchist movement, its modern conceptualization antipatriarchal and the term anarchist arise in second-wave feminism in the 1960s, at the hands of radical feminism, with characters like Peggy Kornegger or Cathy Levine.

  Origins and sources

  Inspired by authors and theorists American anarchist feminism of the late 19th century and early 20th century as Emma Goldman, Voltairine of Cleyreand Lucy Parsons. Also in the anarchist and feminist organization of the Spanish revolution, Mujeres Libres.Both movements were organized to defend anarchist and feminist ideas. In Latin America the first feminist wave in most of these countries arose in early anarchist women.

  This first anarchist feminism arises from considerations of some anarchists that patriarchy is a statist system problem or classes, and only disappear with this. Or because some anarchists assumed that the woman had to develop a traditional role in the family. At that early feminist anarchists argued that both conquests of freedom go together, and that the roles need to be developed or chosen voluntarily by women. It is noteworthy that the early feminist anarchist movement that poses the first sovereignty in all areas of the body, or pro-choice, as an expression of individual sovereignty.

  These features of early feminist anarchism (early twentieth century), plus the fact that they were abstainers, placed their party at odds with most of the first wave feminists, the suffragettes, and proposals within feminism were in a situation marginalization would not change until the second feminist wave (second half of the twentieth century), when some radical feminists resumed their approach to individual and gender, and also adopted the organizational model of small groups, flexible voluntary association not to neglect the development each staff as a basis for building a feminist movement.


  At one time it has been influenced by the difference feminism and ecofeminism. The difference feminism believes that people and genders are distinguished by their specificities and differences in equality, which has been a traditional anarchist concept of humanism. Ecofeminism argues that women have to give importance to the regeneration of nature and culture of harmonious integration with this, and as indicated by Janet Biehl, strengthen the holistic vision of anarchism (self-governing nature = self-governing society). In the case of anarchist typically include the concept of class struggle,however there is no uniform interpretation of this concept. The more anarcho-liberals instead defend equal rights and obligations between men and women and is against any kind of positive discrimination towards them. Both sectors emphasize the right and need for women to self-defense.

  Groups and Featured Women Creating contemporary movements are of Bolivia,KURWA Poland, Radical cheerleaders in North America and Europe, and the annual conference in Boston, La Rivolta!. There are also some cities anarchofeminist groups in the world, although purely local or sectoral relevance, eg within anarchist-syndicalism.

  Recently, Wendy McElroy has defined feminism or individualist feminism that combines feminism with anarchist-capitalism, arguing that a voluntary anti-state pro-capitalist vision is a position that implies equal rights and obligations, the free expression of sensuality body, and the empowerment of women.Individualist feminism is based on the classic anarchist feminist U.S. based on individualist anarchism.


  An important aspect of anarchist-feminism is opposition to traditional conceptions of family, education and gender roles. The state-ecclesiastical institution of marriage is one of the most attacked while been promoted in response the union freely agreed, relationships of shared responsibility, and a free and responsible sexuality. From Cleyre said marriage drowned individual growth, and Goldman argued that "is primarily an economic agreement that pays for it with their name, their privacy, their self, their own life." They also supported the families and non-hierarchical educational structures such as modern schools.


  ↑ What is anarchist?, in An Anarchist FAQ

  ↑ What is anarchist-feminism?

  ↑ Anarchist

  ↑ Feminism or individualism?

  ↑ Feminism, Class and Anarchism

  ↑ Anarchism: the Feminist Connection, by Penny Kornegger

  ↑ The free woman, by Emma Goldman

  ↑ Voltairine of Cleyre: Exquisite Rebel (English)

  ↑ Anarchist in Spain, by Laura Sánchez Blanco

  ↑ Anarchist in Latin America

  ↑ The anarchist movement in Argentina women by the early twentieth century, by Mabel Bellucci

  ↑ Anarchism concept

  ↑ Rights: Concept

  ↑ The tyranny of tyranny, by Cathy Levine

  ↑ Neither god nor master, nor husband, IFA Documents

  ↑ What that says affirmative action?, by Wendy McElroy

  ↑ Self defense for women

  ↑ Girls, grab their weapons, by Wendy McElroy

  ↑ Free, Cute and Crazy

  ↑ Agitacción No.4, especially feminist

  ↑ The right of women to pornography (in English), by Wendy McElroy

  ↑ Marriage and Love by Emma Goldman

  Related readings

  The emergence of the first wave of feminism came from the hand of Mary Wollstonecraft, wife of William Godwin predecessor of anarchism. In her book Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), Wollstonecraft argued that women are like men, essentially rational beings, and therefore capable of self-determination and deserving of freedom, rights and, above all, education.

  The anarchist feminism or anarchist-feminism, inspired by the writings of the late nineteenth century to the early feminist anarchists such as Lucy Parsons, Emma Goldman and Voltairine of Cleyre, and even Dora Marsden believes that the emancipation of women can be achieved only by abolishing state, which they consider a dimension of patriarchy and male domination expression. Like other radical feminists, criticize and promotes the abolition of traditional conceptions of family, education, sexuality and gender.

  The pioneer of anarchist Emma Goldman considered a masculine feature impersonal ethics "justice" backed by violence, which contrasted with the instincts and feminine ideals (as sexuality and maternity) that considered non-hierarchical and anti-authoritarian, anarchist attitudes typically. This theory is vulnerable t
o the same objections as identified in all forms of essentialist feminism, since there is no conclusive evidence of the existence of male and female natures, and therefore a male or female ethic.Goldman also criticized marriage, pure economic agreement in which the woman "pays for it with her name, her privacy, her self-respect, his own life."The defense of free love and liberation against the established gender roles are points of connection between anarchism and anarchist LGBT. Thus Emma Goldman campaigned for individual rights, especially the groups to which they were denied, and took up the defense of homosexual love before the general public.

  Besides the existence of a specific slope and consciously anarchist between radical feminism, anarchist ideas and attitudes have influenced the entire movement as a rejection of the conventional political forms (embodied by the political parties) and an emphasis on an organization decentralized and cooperative of small feminist groups.Within the burgeoning Spanish anarchist-syndicalism during the Spanish Civil War, the organization Mujeres Libres was one of the classic Spanish libertarian movement organizations. Distrustful of the established idea that women's liberation would come as a result of the triumph of the revolution, Mujeres Libres was based on the idea of a double struggle for the liberation of women and the social revolution to be addressed equally and parallel. Free Women's character was unique among women's organizations anarchists in Spain at the time, to stay independent organizations dominated by men as the CNT, FAI or FIJL.


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