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Friends with Benefits

Page 3

by Olivia Gaines

  Grayson wasn’t certain of what she meant. “Grayson, I am scared to do this.” In reality, so was he. In less than a week, everything would change between them, and neither was sure if it would be for the better or destroy them.

  “It has been three years for me,” she paused, “What if I get too attached to you and want more and you hook up with some Hawks cheerleader and leave me in the cold?”

  “I was thinking along similar lines. What if you are what I have been needing and you hate it, and run off and marry some dude named Bob who sells hip and knee replacements?”

  “How did you know Bob asked me out?” They both started to laugh.

  “Charlie, we are friends first, foremost and last. Our friendship is the priority, the other parts are just the benefits.” He was quiet for a minute and then asked the question that was truly troubling him, “You guys go to the lake several times every year. Why are you just asking me now?”

  “My dad is a great psychiatrist. He would know if what we had was platonic and you were being used as a front to keep them off my back. After I unleash three years of sexual frustration on you, no one will ever be able to question if what is between us is real.”

  Grayson pulled a pillow over his lap. What she said just turned him on. She was shocked to find it had for her as well. She slipped on her shoes, gathered her things and knew she needed to head home.

  “I will see you next week at my place. I am not sleeping in your bed.”

  He had not moved from the couch to walk her out.

  “One last thing, Grayson. Our other weekly dinners stay the same, no sex, no affection, no kissing, nor any of that grab and tickle shit. I don’t like it. We can be affectionate in moderation in front of family, but the rest stays in the bedroom. Okay?”

  What could he say? He was still stuck on her unleashing three years of sexual frustration on him. The only thing he added to her words was, “We will call our evenings, date night.” After she left, he downed the rest of the cognac and headed for a cool shower. Next week would change their lives; and he was ready for some change.

  GRAYSON SAT AT HIS desk, chin rested on the palm of his hand, staring out the window of his high rise office pondering the possibilities of life. At the tender age of fifteen, he made love for the first time, amid a cluster of nerves and uncertainty of the deed’s passage into manhood. At the end of the act, he felt relieved and energized, but no more of a man than before he inserted himself into the girl’s life. The question that hung in his mind on the night before he inserted himself into Charlie’s life, was, would he be a better man after the act?

  Angie, his assistant, stepped into the office to bring the revised contracts from last week and found him still staring out the window. “She must be someone really special,” she said as she laid down the papers, “Are you planning a very special evening?”

  “Yes, I am,” was all he said as he checked his calendar and made a phone call to a friend.

  “PAGING DR. FILLEMAN, paging Dr. Filleman,” Charlize turned to see Nancy, the lead therapist speaking to her. It was uncertain how long she had been standing there, but Charlize was in a world of her own. Three years is a long time to not be touched intimately by another human, regardless of the reasoning. Excitement filled her pores but doubt filled her heart. She wasn’t going to go through with this; her mind was made up, and she would call him and cancel.

  Nancy was still standing there waiting for an answer she was not going to obtain, but before she had a chance to respond, her phone rang.

  “Dr. Filleman, how may I help you?”

  “Please tell me you have a little black dress?” Grayson asked her through the phone.

  “I was just going to call you, and yes I do.” She wanted to know why.

  “Great, I will pick you up at 6 tomorrow at your office, for dinner, then dancing for the start of our date night,” he left the rest hanging.

  Charlize hated to admit that she was looking forward to going dancing and to dinner like on a real date, “I will be ready.”

  “Great, see you tomorrow Charlie,” and he hung up the phone. Charlize started to shimmy in the middle of the floor with her tongue hanging out of her mouth with her eyes closed. She completely forgot that Nancy was still standing there. She didn’t care, she had a date.

  And that was how Grayson Broche started the change in their relationship.

  Chapter Seven

  AT SIX O’CLOCK ON THE dot, Grayson arrived at Falcon Stadium with a half a dozen pink roses, wearing a three piece suit, and his hair pulled back into a pony tail. Charlize was finishing a last-minute meeting with her staff when she looked up and saw him standing in the door. Her words had trailed off in mid-sentence and the entire room turned to see what had drawn her eye; a few of the ladies said, ooh, and one or two of the gentlemen gave their nod of approval. She dismissed the staff wishing them a good weekend before grabbing her purse and wrap and heading towards to the door. Butterflies filled her stomach and she was amazed she was actually nervous.

  “These are for you,” he said as he handed her the roses, “You look amazing.” Grayson extended his arm and she looped hers into it, amidst whistles and cheering from her staff. Charlize rolled her eyes upwards and said, “This was not a very good idea,” before adding that he too looked quite handsome. It had been a very long time since she had seen him in a suit, let alone a tie. The navy suit fit him perfectly and the light blue and lavender waistcoat was the perfect accompaniment to the lavender shirt and navy tie. He had even done something with his hair! Normally, he dressed casually unless it was a special occasion, and Charlize felt special.

  That feeling continued throughout the night as they exited the building to be greeted by a driver next to a stretch white limo. The conversation remained light as her date told her about the restaurant they were heading to and how much he was looking forward to some dancing. Over dinner, after the amuse-bouche, he pulled an elongated velvet box from his pocket, “I had to pick up my watch today from the jewelry store and saw this,” he said as he handed her the box, “I think sapphires are your birthstone?”

  She opened the box to find the most beautiful tennis bracelet. Her hand went to her chest as her eyes got wide. He helped slip it on her wrist and it was the perfect fit.

  “Uhmmm, thank you Grayson, it’s beautiful. I love it,” she leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned his face to ensure their lips met. Charlize was blushing like a school girl.

  “Grayson, you have pulled out all the stops; none of this was necessary. You do know you are going to get lucky tonight.”

  He took her by the hand, flipped it over and kissed her wrist, “I am well aware of how lucky I am.” He gave her a huge smile and cut into his steak. In his mind this evening was about more than sex—it was about her. If anyone deserved a nice evening out, it was his friend. There had been far too many jokers in her life who attempted to take advantage, and if nothing else, he wanted to set a standard on her expectations. Whoever came after him would have to work hard....with that thought he stopped chewing. For a minute, Grayson did not like the idea of the possibility of a someone else. After holding her in his arms on the dance floor, his discomfort of the thought of someone else became an irritant.

  THE LIMO DROVE THEM to her house and she was surprised to see his car there, but he explained that he had the service pick him up from her house, to make it easier for them both in the morning. The word “morning” made her realize, with absolute certainty, this was going to happen. Although Grayson stayed over often, as did she at his place, the guest room was used. Tonight, he would be sharing her bed.

  The door was opened and with chivalry, he entered first to ensure no one was hiding inside the house before securing the door. The overnight bag that he often traveled with had been removed from his car and like clockwork, he headed to the guestroom to change into something comfortable. Charlize was terribly nervous as she made her way to her bathroom for a quick refresh before slipping into
a blue silk peignoir. She opted for baby blue instead of the red; she didn’t want him to think she was trying too hard.

  A few minutes later, she heard the tap on her bedroom door. Slowly, she opened it to find him standing there in lounge pants and a tee shirt. His eyes never left her face as he entered her private chamber and closed the door behind him. Only twice had he been in her bedroom and on both occasions she had been ill. In his right hand, he held his health card that told her he was disease and drug free. In his left hand he held protection.

  Nervously, she went to her nightstand and removed her card and presented it to him. Bending slowly, she lifted the hem of the gown to reveal the birth control patch on her lower abdomen. The concern he saw in her eyes worried him.

  “Tonight is all about you Charlize,” he told her as he moved closer, taking her face into his hands. Butterflies swirled in her stomach; he rarely used her given name. “Tonight, teach me what pleases you,” lowering his head, he finally got the kiss he had been waiting for. His mouth slanted over hers again and again while he pulled her in closer allowing her to feel how excited he was to be with her in this way.

  The strings to the silk robe were tugged open to reveal lace which created a visual feast. Slowly, using index fingers, he removed the shoulders of her robe allowing the silken material to pool on the floor at her feet. Small kisses were placed upon her neck while he whispered in her ear, praising her beauty, as his hands slowly roamed her hips, back and thighs. “Charlize,” was the only thing he said as he lifted her from the floor and carried her to the bed.

  He had managed to work his way out of his clothing and her gown was bunched around her waist as he used his mouth to explore every inch of her body. Grayson’s hands were everywhere as he prepared her body for his entry. His initial attempt was met with three years of resistance. “Take me in your hands Charlize, guide me....”

  She reached down between them to take hold and her eyes got wide, she had no idea that Grayson was, there was a great deal more to her friend than she ever knew! Her hands guided him in but there was still a great deal of resistance. “Charlize,” he said as he looked down at her, eyes heavy with passion, “when I push, you exhale and say my name, okay?”

  She inhaled and nodded her agreement. Grayson pulled back and pushed slightly forward, and as instructed, she exhaled, breathy, saying, “Grayson.” He rolled slightly to his side, still looking down at her while whispering, “Good, again,” as he pulled back, then pushed forward to hear his name being called. He repeated it over and over each time hearing his name, forging deeper into their agreement as he built trust, as well as pulling her into the moment. Her passion had been ignited and she was fully relaxed when he pulled all the way back and plunged deep. Grayson watched her eyes roll up into her head and he quickly realized it was too much, too soon; this was his Charlie, not some hungry vixen.

  “Charlize,” he kissed her again, “make love to me.” He rolled to his back bringing her with him, as she straddled his waist. Deft hands worked the peignoir over her head and dropped it to the floor. His hands rested on her thighs as he made eye contact while gnawing a little on his lower lip, she felt magnificent, powerful, and he was fully engaged. She took control and fulfilled his request.

  Tentative movements were used to take in the fullness of him, but once Charlize was comfortably seated, she turned up the heat. True to her statement, she unleashed three years of sexual repression upon him. Grayson was shocked as his sweet Charlie maneuvered into some positions he had never seen. His toes curled when she swung into a reverse cowgirl without detaching herself, but he lost the battle when she swung back around, braced one hand above each of his knees and stuck each of her feet into his arm pits for leverage. She threw her head back, using minute Keegle movements, she began to milk him. He gripped her hips, “no puedo esperar más , Charlize.....”

  The assault she had laid upon him for the past thirty minutes had been a test to his manhood. What she was doing now felt like she was extracting all of his resolve, he was gritting his teeth as he forced the words out in English, “Charlize, mi querida, no puedo esperar más .....”

  In a flash, she had shifted her position and was staring him in the face, she responded to him in English understanding that his pleas of barely holding on was to give her a warning that he was ready, “Well what are you waiting for, an invitation?”

  He sat up, wrapped his arms around her and rolled her to her back, holding her gaze as he thrust deeply into her, filling her with the possibilities of the next encounter. She had the finer moments in this happenstance, and sadly, he was left with little reserve. Next time, he would be able to do more, now, he just needed to end this sweet torture.

  “¿Estás conmigo, Charlize?”

  She shook her head no. She wasn’t with him. She wasn’t ready for it to end. Grayson plunged deeper.

  “Charlize, Estás conmigo?”

  Again, she shook her head no. She would hold out as long as she could. He withdrew completely, used his mouth until he heard her squeal. Quickly he came to his knees, raised her hips and pulled her body forward, covering his need. Face to face they sat in the bed and she moved her hips and began her ascent. In the middle of her cries, he pushed her back onto the bed and moved with her until he felt the start of his own climax. It was all-consuming. No matter how much he pumped, there seem to still be more. Charlize’s nails razed his back as she cried out his name.

  Grayson collapsed on top of her and for an instant, he could barely catch his breath. Slowly he extricated himself and rolled to his back, pulling her sweat-soaked body with him so that her head rested upon his chest. Damn. That was really good. Labored breathing filled the air as Grayson tried to slow his heart rate; it felt as if he had just run a four-minute mile. Now he knew.

  A few thoughts came to his mind, but none he wanted to verbalize. He kissed the top of her head as his thumb gently rubbed her hip. His first thought was his friend was an amazing woman, a fabulous cook, and one hell of a lover. His second thought was that he would have to wait thirty days for round two; he may also need that much time to recuperate from round one. But it was the last thought that troubled him the most—he never wanted another man to touch her in this way.

  And that was when Grayson Broche decided he wanted something more permanent than just the fringe benefit with his friend.

  Chapter Eight

  FOR BREAKFAST, CHARLIZE made them baked eggs in the hole before seeing him off and heading to her parent’s home. Grayson had honored her request and this morning, there was no awkward affection, but breakfast chatter with a promise of more details on the New York trip. He stood in the doorway for a brief minute looking back at her, wanting to kiss her good bye, hold her again, thank her for an amazing night, but he could not. Instead, on Monday, he sent a ridiculous bouquet of flowers to her office with a note that simply said, “Wonderful.”

  During Friday dinner at his house, they discussed the New York trip, which was happening in two weeks, followed by her trip to Dandridge to the lake house the following week and his arrival on Friday night. “I will pay your expenses for both trips since you are doing me the favor.”

  “Nonsense,” he told her, “you do the hotel and I will take care of the flights.”

  Charlize spoke about her favorite spots in New York as she served him seared mustard crusted salmon, an a frisee salad with warm vinaigrette dressing.. It took a concerted effort not to stare at her beautiful lips and think of the intense passion this lady could muster. Grayson had been sore for three days after that row with this soft spoken woman. He looked up and realized she had been speaking to him, “I’m sorry, it was a hell of a week.”

  Dinner progressed nicely and she opted not to stay. The following Friday, he took her out to dinner for fear that stepping into her home again would lead them to break the once-per-month agreement. On the Wednesday that followed, they were on a plane headed to New York. He had a client who owned a G6, which was flying back to
the Empire State. It was no problem to fly along with him and his wife, since Charlize wasn’t a celebrity hound. The conversation between the couples were kept to a minimum and out of respect to the pop diva wife, Charlize kept her eyes trained on Grayson, only looking at or speaking to the mogul husband, when he spoke to her.

  They arrived in New York and checked into the hotel. The rooms, although on the same floor, were on different ends of the hall. Boundaries are a bitch. It was all good—next week would be week four and the second date was coming up. Grayson was very proud of himself for honoring the agreement and had surprised himself with a new-found patience.

  The true surprise came the night of the awards dinner. Charlize had never mentioned that she was the one presenting the award to her father. It must have been a surprise for Dr. Frazier Filleman Sr., as well, as he was overcome with emotion as he accepted the award from the American Medical Association. Grayson felt honored to be part of such an event. His chest swelled with pride at the thought of his friend asking him to share in this special occasion. Too bad her dad didn’t feel the same way.

  Dr. Filleman was uncertain of what to make of this new development between his daughter and her longtime friend, turned boyfriend. Experience, patients, and a small fortune had been earned from women who had not recovered from making the poor choice to do the same. The only worse outcome he had found in his years of counseling, was the feeble attempt to turn a homeboy into a husband or a whore into a housewife. The next few weeks would tell the truth as well as tell on this new couple. He would find out for certain next week at the lake if this was something real, or if Grayson was taking advantage of what was lying within his reach.

  CHARLIZE HAD LEFT FOR the lake last Wednesday, and with the exception of a call on Friday night, he had not heard from her. It was even worse that he had not seen her in ten days and he was feeling out of sorts. The staff said he was being irritable; he even snapped at his assistant on Tuesday. This was truly unlike him, and by Thursday, they were pushing him out of the office. His assistant even went as far as having the vehicle he was driving serviced, gassed up, and she even offered to go shopping for any items he would need for the trip or to pack his things to speed his timeline for getting on the road. He got the hint. Without Charlize, he was a bit of a bear. It still befuddled him how anyone could miss another person this much; he was ready for the drive to go and see her.


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