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Searing Need

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by Tracey Devlyn

  Searing Need

  Steele Ridge: The Kingstons

  Tracey Devlyn

  Searing NEED

  Steele Ridge: The Kingstons Novel, Book 3

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  To escape a brutal killer, a brilliant researcher teams up with a tortured soldier who poses an even greater threat . . . to her heart.

  Her sister might be the law and her brothers the brawn, but Riley Kingston is definitely the brains of the family. She’s a talented botanist well on her way to a PhD—so why does she feel like a failure? Fired from a dream project in Costa Rica, Riley’s stuck back in her hometown. Cataloguing plants on Steele land keeps her busy, but it’s far from compelling work. Until she discovers a fascinating new specimen. One with a body made for pleasure . . . and eyes filled with a pain she longs to understand.

  Delta Force operator Coen Monroe doesn’t want to be studied. Not even by the sexy scientist whose inquisitive glances stir up desires he isn’t ready to handle. He came to Steele Ridge to be alone, to battle his nightmares and the memories triggering them. But Riley’s gentle seduction is as relentless as her curiosity. She soothes his wounded soul . . . and fires up his defensive instincts. But once her research sparks a deadly conspiracy, Coen is exactly what she needs.

  When Riley is targeted by a sociopath bent on silencing her forever, Coen will do anything to protect her. But can he save the woman he loves without losing himself in the process?

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  Published by Steele Ridge, LLC

  Steele Ridge Characters

  The Steeles

  Britt Steele - Eldest Steele sibling. Construction worker who has a passion for the environment and head of Steele-Shepherd Wildlife Research Center.

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  Miranda “Randi” Shepherd - Owner of Blues, Brews and Books aka Triple B and Britt Steele’s love interest.

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  Grif Steele - Steele sibling. Works as a sports agent and Steele Ridge’s city manager.

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  Carlie Beth Parrish - Steele Ridge’s only blacksmith and Grif Steele’s love interest.

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  Reid Steele - Steele sibling. Former Green Beret and head of Steele Ridge Training Academy.

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  Brynne Whitfield - Owner of La Belle Style boutique in Steele Ridge and love interest of Reid Steele.

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  Mikayla “Micki” Steele - Steele sibling and Jonah’s twin. Master hacker.

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  Gage Barber - Injured Green Beret and Reid Steele’s close friend who comes to Steele Ridge to help run the training center. Love interest of Micki Steele.

  Jonah Steele - Steele sibling and Micki’s twin. Video game mogul and former owner of the billion-dollar company, Steele Trap. Responsible for saving the town of Steele Ridge, formerly known as Canyon Ridge.

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  Tessa Martin - Former in-house psychologist at Steele Trap and Jonah Steele’s love interest.

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  Evie Steele - Youngest Steele sibling. Travel nurse.

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  Derek “Deke” Conrad - Commander of SONR (Special Operations for Natural Resources) group and love interest of Evie Steele.

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  Joan Steele - Mother of the six Steele siblings.

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  Eddy Steele - Father of the six Steele siblings.


  Steele Ridge Characters

  Steele Ridge: The Kingstons

  Steele Ridge: The Steeles

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Discover More Steele Ridge

  Also by Tracey Devlyn


  About the Author

  Steele Ridge: The Kingstons

  Craving HEAT, Book 1

  Tasting FIRE, Book 2

  Searing NEED, Book 3

  Striking EDGE, Book 4 (Coming 2019)

  Burning ACHE, Book 5 (Coming 2019)

  Don’t miss out on a single release—or sexy hero!

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  Want to help Kelsey, Tracey, and Adrienne get the word out about their Steele Ridge series? Write a review and/or recommend to a friend!

  Steele Ridge: The Steeles

  The BEGINNING, A Novella, Book 1

  Going HARD, Book 2

  Living FAST, Book 3

  Loving DEEP, Book 4

  Breaking FREE, Book 5

  Roaming WILD, Book 6

  Stripping BARE, Book 7

  Enduring LOVE, A Novella, Book 8

  For my talented editor, Martha Trachtenberg,

  whose keen eye, humor, patience, and advocacy of a certain character’s continued existence

  made Riley and Coen’s story immeasurably better.


  An animal’s scream pierced the moist North Carolina air.

  As she’d heard all manner of screeches, cries, chirps, ribbits, and howls, Riley Kingston’s radar barely blipped at the minor disturbance. She swiped at a bead of sweat on her nose before entering the GPS coordinates for the precious patch of Panax quinquefolius she’d located.

  American ginseng, also known as seng, thrived in shaded, moist, well-drained slopes located across the middle and eastern United States. Many believed the root, resembling a windblown parsnip, cured diabetes, boosted energy, and managed sexual dysfunction, making it a coveted commodity across the globe, especially in Asian cultures.

  Kneeling, Riley concentrated as her fingers wended their way between the compound prongs in search of the thick sympodium rising out of the rich black soil. “One, two, three…” She counted each plant with painstaking precision, careful not to miss a single one. In the growing shadows, she relied more on touch than sight.

  Although she still had quite a bit of the Steele Conservation Area to survey, she was growing concerned about the scarcity of Panax she’d logged so far.

  “Riley, you there?” barked a familiar, staticky voice.

  She closed her eyes and drew in a deep, frustrated breath before resuming her counting. “Four, five, six, seven—”

  “Riley, it’s Britt.”

  No duh.

  “Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve—”

  “Answer the damn radio, Riley, or I’m coming out there to find your scrawny ass.”

  “Gahrrr!” She dug into one of the many pockets of her field vest. “Can’t a girl get some freaking alone time?” Being a female in the Kingston-Steele family was a royal pain in the butt sometimes.

  Walkie-talkie in hand, she asked in her calmest voice, “What can I do for you, boss?”

  After her Costa Rican research trip abruptly ended, she’d returned home in utter misery. Noticing her struggle, her cousin Britt offered her a much-needed distraction. A job.

  At first she’d refused his offer, unable to bear the possibility of another failure, especially one where her strong, got-it-together cousin was concerned. But Britt’s annoying and persistent texts and the enticement of getting back into the field lured her into acceptance.

  “Are you headed back?” Britt asked.

  “Not yet. I want to finish this transect first.”

  “Look around, Riley.”

  “Okay.” She scanned her immediate surroundings. Patches of jewelweed intermingled with sprigs of Solomon’s seal and mayapples on the forest floor. Great canopies of oak, hickory, and maple darkened the landscape above. “Am I searching for anything specific?”

  A very male, very big sigh preceded, “Daylight—or lack of it. You need to get out of there before nightfall.”

  Riley blinked several times, only now realizing she’d been squinting into the shadows. “Um, right. I’m on my way.”

  “Straight back,” he warned. “No distractions.”

  “Did you miss the part where I grew up and became an adult?”

  “No, but I think you did. Hurry up. Randi’s taking me out to dinner.”

  “You don’t have to wait—”

  “Chop-chop, Riley.”

  The whole alpha-male thing was downright suffocating. So much testosterone surrounded her that it was a wonder she hadn’t grown a set of balls yet.

  Clenching her teeth, Riley dropped her walkie-talkie back into her vest and stowed away her handheld GPS unit. With the coordinates marked, she would be able to return tomorrow and finish inventorying Panax.

  If she didn’t love Britt so much, she would’ve taken the long way back just to piss him off. But no matter how much she’d like to kick his shins, he’d saved her in ways even she didn’t comprehend when he offered her this job.

  Following her internal compass, she set off for where Britt awaited her at the wildlife research center. Rather than retrace her steps, she made a sharp ninety-degree turn, opting for a shortcut. She knew this land better than anyone. Well, maybe not Britt, but she was gaining ground on her cousin.

  She’d spent hours traipsing these hills, conducting vegetative surveys and observing Britt’s beloved red wolves. Watching the emergence of a new pack of pups this spring had been amazing. Calypso and Apollo demonstrated as much tolerance of their babies’ antics as Ross and Sandy Kingston showed their five children.

  The importance of the survey and the knowledge that Britt trusted her to do a good job went a long way in repairing her battered ego. But lately a restlessness had settled into her bones, scrambling her thoughts and feelings into a million different directions.

  She needed… something more.

  Another scream arrowed through the trees, sending ice shards down her spine.

  “That was no animal.”

  Riley sprang forward before her brain could catch up. Ascending a steep rise, she grasped small tree trunks as the toes of her hiking boots dug into the loamy earth.

  Once she reached the crest, she spotted a creek cutting along the hollow, creating a shimmering dark ribbon in the gloom. Stands of towering silver-barked beech trees and glossy-leaved rhododendrons fanned out from the rushing water. Not a single bird fussed at her nor did a mosquito buzz at her ear. Every creature in the vicinity held its breath, anticipating.


  Another scream, more guttural, more wounded, barreled into her, stripping away her breath and shoving against her heart.

  Sweat snaked down her temple as she stalked the ridgeline, searching for the source of so much torment, so much pain.

  Time slogged by, though her pulse ticked away each nerve-racking second.

  Another scream. No. A man’s roar of anguish and hatred and fear.

  This time she caught movement up ahead. She sprinted the short distance, her chest near to bursting with anxiety. Below, a small two-person tent, the color of muddy grass, sat amid a blanket of ferns. The domed structure shook as if it straddled a seismic fault line.

  Her instincts urged her to rush down the hill. But her too-stupid-to-live meter was clicking off the charts. What if someone was being attacked? Or murdered? Or…

  Riley threw her imagination in neutral and reached for her walkie-talkie.

  That’s when the tent’s occupant flung himself out of his shelter and clambered to his feet.

  His hair disheveled.

  Eyes wild.

  And body buck-ass naked.


  Riley’s thumb hovered over the Talk button on her walkie-talkie. All thoughts of calling Britt had been obliterated by the panting, sweat-slicked brickhouse of a man below.

  His short, military-cut dark brown hair stood out in direct contrast to the several days of growth covering his square jawline.

  Lord, have mercy. His body could rival any gladiator’s physique. Broad shoulders rolled down to thick, rippling biceps. The slope and depth of his pectorals gave a whole new definition to the term man chest, and the deep ridges of his abs could send even the most enthusiastic thrill seeker into a bout of motion sickness.

  A line of sleek, dark hair arrowed downward from his navel to his groin. She stared in astonishment at the sight of him until something began to stir deep in her core. When heat crept up her neck, she forced her attention to the thick muscles that stretched across his thighs to the tops of his bare feet.

  Even through the deepening gloom, she could make out every bunching muscle, every laboring breath, every shaking limb.

  When she zoomed out and took in the whole of him, she noticed him scanning the area while he rubbed the back of his neck. He appeared… vulnerable. How could someone so powerfully built seem so lost?

  Had he awoken from a nightmare?

  Surely not. The sun was only now setting.

  She assessed his campsite, his naked body, his physical reaction to whatever emotion he was riding. Riley’s stomach slowly folded into itself, clenching and squeezing and then roiling as realization stretched to the surface.

  Had the guy been… masturbating?

  She craned her neck forward, squinting at the area between his legs. “Oh God,” she whispered.

  The universe couldn’t be that cruel.

  Well, at least no one had been murdered.

  Shaking off the last tentacles of panic, she gave the camper one final disgusted look before turning away—and that’s when her walkie-talkie crackled to life.

  “Riley,” Britt called in an exasperated voice. “Where the hell are you?”

  She fumbled with the device, stuffing the speaker into her armpit. With slow, precise movements, she peered down at the naked man, praying he hadn’t heard her cousin, and found his gaze zeroed in on her.

  His eyes were no longer wild and disoriented.

  They were savage.


  Coen Monroe blinked hard. Images from his nightmare faded in and out, overlaying the woman on the bluff. His pulse hammered against his skull, making his vision blur.

  Who was she? What was she doing here? Spying on him? Or passing by?

  Looking beyond her at the rapidly darkening sky, his heart sank. She could get off course, lose her way. Fall into enemy hands. Be tortured. Be bru—


  He shook his head. Focus, Monroe. Focus.

  He forced himself to concentrate on a pair of wide, wary eyes outl
ined by dark frames. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, revealing a pale, heart-shaped face. It glowed on the ridge like an angelic beacon. A beacon he ached to follow, to touch, to protect.


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