Book Read Free

Knock Three Times!

Page 9

by Marion St. John Webb


  _Planning the Search_

  They turned out of the square into a wide avenue, bordered on eachside with beautiful trees. At the end of this avenue stood the Palacegates, and behind these, glimpses could be caught of the Palace itself,gleaming white through the trees and bushes which surrounded it andalmost hid it from sight of the gates; the only parts which wereentirely visible were its four white towers which rose high above thetree tops. Having ascended the flight of wide, marble steps before thegates, the four visitors passed the sentry--who seemed to know Glanquite well--and made their way through the grounds to the main entranceof the Palace.

  Jack and Molly were lost in admiration of the beauty of the scenebefore them. The creeper-clad walls and white towers of the Palacestood in well-wooded grounds through which a little river wandered,sparkling in the sunlight. Along the central avenue that led to thePalace, and up the great wide steps to the main door, there moved aconstant stream of people, dressed in all sorts of lovely shades andcolours; from a distance you might almost think they were the movingreflections of the flowers that clustered in profusion wherever youreyes turned. Had this been really so, Glan in his white suit might havepassed for the reflection of a white stock, perhaps; Molly for a blueand white periwinkle; Jack for a dark blue hyacinth; and Aunt Janet,who was all in brown, for a large autumn leaf.

  They joined the moving procession, and as they began to mount thesteps Glan explained to the children that all these people were on thesame errand as themselves; they had come to offer their help in theorganized search that was about to take place. The main doors of thePalace were soon reached and they passed through, and were presentlyushered into a spacious hall, panelled with dark oak. (For althoughthe outsides of the buildings in the City were white, the children hadalready noted that the insides were coloured in many and varied styles.)

  The hall was already crowded with people, and on a raised dais at thefar end there sat the King's Councillors--a group of wise and learnedmen and women--round a long table. At first Jack and Molly could notsee very well, but when a sudden hush fell on the assembly and thepeople all bowed, the children could see over the bowed heads that someone of importance was entering. They were made sure of this by thenudges of Aunt Janet. And looking up they saw it was the King.

  His Majesty was middle-aged and rather tall and well built, and hada strong, clean-shaven face. The children liked his appearance. Thathe was 'every inch a king' could truly be said of him, though he woreno crown or velvet robes as the kings usually did in the children'sstory-books at home, but was dressed very simply in a suit thatreminded Jack vaguely of an admiral's uniform.

  "What a decent sort he looks," whispered Jack to Molly.

  After a few words of welcome to the people the King called upon one ofthe Councillors--a shrewd little man with tufty white whiskers--to tellthe true story of the Pumpkin's return to the Possible World, which theCouncillor did, having obtained a full account from Old Nancy. Theonly question which still remained unsolved was: Who was the traitorwho had drugged Old Nancy, and so aided the Pumpkin to return? Thismystery, he said, they hoped to clear up when the Black Leaf was found.

  When he had finished his story and had sat down, a buzz of murmuringvoices filled the hall, and people turned to one another commenting onthe story about Old Nancy which they had just been told, and comparingnotes on the exaggerated versions of the tale that had reached themfrom various quarters.

  Silence fell as the King rose again. After a few comments on thePumpkin's return, he began to speak of the plans for searching, whichhe and the Councillors had discussed at an emergency meeting early thismorning.

  "To make sure that every likely inch of ground is searched," he said,"we have taken a map of the City and the outlying country, as far asthe boundaries of this kingdom extend--and this is the only kingdomin which the Black Leaf can grow, remember--and we have divided thismap into a number of small squares. Now what we want you each to do isto choose a square of the map, which you may take away with you--andsearch thoroughly every inch of the ground marked.

  "In this way the Black Leaf must be found sooner or later--unless thereis any careless searching or delay in searching. For, remember, we haveonly _eleven days left_ before the Black Leaf disappears--and if it isnot found before then the Pumpkin will remain with us for a year untilthe Leaf appears again and another search can be made.

  "Those who volunteer outside the City are advised to search in couples,as the Pumpkin will be a constant source of danger to a person alone,whereas, if there are two of you, one can always keep watch while theother searches difficult places, or rests for a while."

  And here the King said a special word of warning regarding decoys andtraps set by the Pumpkin in order to hinder the searchers, and thenwent on to explain what should be done if the Black Leaf was found,repeating the words that Jack and Molly had already heard from OldNancy.

  "As soon as it is known that the Black Leaf is found," the Kingcontinued, "signals will be given throughout the country, so that allthe searchers can cease, and make their way back to the City andthe hill by Old Nancy's cottage, in order to witness the Pumpkin'spunishment. These signals will be given by means of beacon fires whichwill be lit on the hill tops near and far. And when the glad newsreaches the City all the bells will be set ringing."

  "Your Majesty, would it be possible for one of the Pumpkin's friends tostart the first beacon blazing, before the Leaf was found, in order tostop the searchers?" some one in the hall inquired.

  "No," replied the King. "Because we are so arranging it that only theperson who has actually plucked the Black Leaf, and has it in his orher hand, can set a light to the first beacon. Each beacon is beingspecially guarded ... well, I will admit that we have called in theaid of Old Nancy to help us in the guarding of them. So you may restassured that none of the Pumpkin's friends will be able to touch thebeacons.... So, whoever finds the Black Leaf, remember to set thenearest beacon on fire before starting back to Old Nancy, that we mayall know the good news at the earliest possible moment."

  The King concluded by asking for volunteers to search outside the Cityand inside the City to come forward and sign their names in the bookwhich had been placed on a table half-way along the hall.

  "The Pumpkin has already, in the last few hours, caused much sorrow,"he said sadly. "Let us make certain that this is the last time he shallever bring disaster and misery to our country. Let us put our bestefforts into this scheme for finding the Black Leaf, and so banish forall time the Grey Pumpkin."

  He sat down amid a great cheer which came from the hearts of the peoplein the crowded hall. It was obvious that the King was very popular.The people pressed forward eagerly to sign their names, and Jack andMolly together with Glan and Aunt Janet were among the foremost tosignify their willingness to help. Both the children caught the waveof enthusiasm which swept through the hall, and felt that here was acountry and a King well worth working for. And their dislike of thePumpkin who would spoil everything grew more intense.

  "I'm afraid I can only volunteer to search inside the City," saidAunt Janet to the children as they turned away from the table. "Ican't walk very far without getting a bit tired. And as for running--Icouldn't--not if fifty Pumpkins were after me."

  "I think it's jolly sporty of you to offer at all," said Jack.

  "Oh, we all want to do what we can, dearie," she smiled.

  The four of them moved on and joined a group of people who wereexamining one of the large maps of the City and surrounding countrywhich were hanging round the room. They had begun to discuss what partof the country would be the best for them to search, when they heard,much to their surprise, someone call out the names of the two childrenin a loud voice. Turning quickly they saw that the King had the bigbook of names in front of him, and with his finger to a name on thepage, was looking round the room. It was one of the Councillors nearhim who had called out their names, evidently at the King's request.Before the children could wonder
what they ought to do, the King spoke:

  "I see," he said, "that we have two friends from the Impossible Worldwho have kindly offered to help us. I should like to thank thempersonally. Strangers are often lucky!"

  Some one started a cheer which was quickly taken up by the entire hallfull of people, and Jack and Molly, both blushing furiously at thisunexpected attention, were pushed forward by Glan and Aunt Janet, tothe foot of the raised dais where the King greeted them, welcomingthem to the country, and warmly shaking hands with them. They chattedtogether for a few minutes, the King asking many questions about theImpossible World.

  "But, ah me!" the King said. "I am afraid this will be the ImpossibleWorld now that the Pumpkin's returned."

  "We will soon make it Possible again, your Majesty," said Molly. "If itis in our power to do so."

  "I'm sure we shall all do our best," said the King. "Now which part ofthe country would you prefer to search?"

  The children said they did not mind, as all the country was strange andfresh to them, and asked his Majesty if he thought the Leaf was morelikely to be outside the City than inside.

  "Of course, one can never be sure, but I think it's much more likely tobe outside the City than inside," the King replied. "But still it _may_be inside! We shall make a thorough search inside, naturally: in everygarden, and street, and plant-pot, and window-box--everywhere, in everyplace likely and unlikely."

  When the children heard that the Leaf was more likely to be outsidethey at once made up their minds. Outside the City walls they wouldsearch, Jack and Molly together. And so it was arranged.

  They chose a little square of the country that lay outside the EastGate of the City. It was entirely fresh country to them, and Mollyliked the names given to that part of the country. Down the Three GreenLanes, over Goblin's Heath, through the Orange Wood, and the countryalong the banks of a broad river to Lake Desolate, and the Brown Hills.Although these names were all marked in one little square on the map itwas really a good many miles--especially when every likely part must becarefully gone over and examined.

  After Jack and Molly had received their small square of map, Glanstepped forward to pick his square. He shook hands and chatted with theKing for a second, and then stood before the map trying to make up hismind. While he was deciding, tracing along the map with his plump whiteforefinger, the children stood aside watching the stream of peoplepassing to and fro, choosing their square of map, shaking hands withthe King, and passing on and out of the great door at the end of thehall. Most of them had a friendly smile and nod for Jack and Molly asthey went by, and several came up to the children, and shook hands withthem, thanking them for offering to help their country in this trouble.

  At length, after Glan had chosen, and helped Aunt Janet to choose herbit, and shaken hands excitedly with everybody round about (includingAunt Janet, by mistake), he, Aunt Janet, Jack, and Molly bade farewellto the King and made their way out of the Palace. They retraced theirsteps through the Palace grounds, passing the sentry at the gate, andwent toward the Market Square again. Glan and Aunt Janet insisted onshowing the children the way to the East Gate, and so the four wentalong talking eagerly, the children full of enthusiasm for the comingsearch, for the King, and for the Possible World.

  "I've got a big forest to search in my bit," said Glan. "I likeforests. And I'm arranging for father to help me if he feelsinclined--on the days when he's not at Court. I wish I could have gota bit to search outside the East Gate--so as to be near you both--butall the bits I wanted were already taken by other people. Fortunately,though, I've managed to get a square that backs on to a piece of theground you'll be searching--though I start from the West Gate. You seethe wood bends round at this point----" and he compared his square ofmap with Jack and Molly's square, and showed them where his groundtouched theirs. "So I shan't be so very far away," he laughed. "Youcan't get rid of me, altogether."

  "I'm sure we don't want to," said Molly.

  "Rather not," said Jack.

  "Oh, Glan, you will be careful, won't you?--and not get caught by thePumpkin?" added Molly anxiously.

  "Of course, little lady," Glan replied. "You should see me _run_ ifI want to. I'll not get caught." He was still studying and comparingthe maps. "Why, look here!" he exclaimed, "you've got the Orange Woodin your bit. Well, I never! D'you hear that, Aunt Janet? The OrangeWood.... We've got a relative who lives in that wood. I must give youhis name." Glan scribbled something on a piece of paper and handedit to the children. "Any of the people in the village near by willdirect you to his house--they all know him. Papingay's his name--I'vewritten it down, you see. He'll be delighted to see you--tell him youknow us, Aunt Janet and Father and me. But don't be surprised at hisfunny little ways--he's a queer old soul--a very queer old soul." Glanchuckled to himself at some recollection.

  "He's a kind of cousin of Glan's father, dearies," observed Aunt Janet.

  The children were glad to hear of this one person, at any rate, whomthey might trust in the strange, unknown country before them.

  "Be sure to humour him, though," added Glan. "He's worth it. Don'tforget."

  While they had been talking they had been passing through many quaintstreets on their way to the East Gate: streets that on an ordinaryoccasion would have made Jack and Molly long to stop and explore themslowly, there were so many tempting and curious things to be seen. Butthere was no time for loitering now. There was serious work to bedone. So they hastened along until at length the East Gate was reached.

  Here Glan produced two neat little boxes of sandwiches and cakes,giving one of them to Jack and one to Molly. "A snack for lunch," hesaid.

  "You're sure to find plenty of friends as you go along," said AuntJanet. "But do take care of yourselves, dearies. Good luck be withyou." And she fumbled for her pocket-handkerchief and dabbed her eyesrapidly, while Glan patted her on the shoulder.

  "Here's to our next meeting," he cried cheerily, "and may it be soon.Who's going to light the first beacon, little lady, you or I?"

  "Neither," said Jack, laughing. "I am."

  "That's the sort," cried Glan, patting Aunt Janet vigorously, as hebeamed at Jack.

  The keeper of the East Gate had by this time appeared and wascautiously opening the gate. Finding the way clear he opened it wide.

  "Laugh at misfortune," Glan shouted gaily, as Jack and Molly passed outon to the High Road. "Keep up a good heart, and--tss--remember--weshall win. Good luck! Good luck!" They saw him wave his white cap inthe air; there was a flutter of brown-gloved hands, then the gateclosed.


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