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The Biker's Plaything (Straight to Hell MC Book 1)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Ally, If I claim you, you’re the only woman I’ll ever have eyes for. Just before my mother passed away, I remember swearing I’d never hurt my old lady the way she’d been hurt. It’s not who I am.”

  “Old lady?”

  “One day. That’s the goal, right?”

  She wanted to belong to him, to belong period. Living on her own, pinching pennies, having no support system, it wasn’t an easy life. Love was a distant thought, something she never dreamed to obtain. If anything, she expected to be used by men, have her heart broken time and time again. From what she’d seen at the bar, most men were cheaters, and that was one thing her heart couldn’t take.

  “Everyone here hates me.”

  He smirked. His beard was coming in thicker. The way he looked at her brought her body to life, even though it had been broken earlier.

  “Everyone will worship every step you take after tonight. We’re having a meeting, and I’ll set the club straight. It won’t be a problem.”

  “What will you tell them?”

  She wanted him to take ownership of her, to make her his old lady. But they’d only been together such a short time, and it was too soon. It didn’t stop her from wanting it, though. She worried he’d tire of her, change his mind once he got to know the real her.

  “That you’re mine. And if anyone lays a finger on you, they’ll answer directly to me.”

  Ally licked her lips. Right now, she wished her body wasn’t achy and bruised. She wanted Lord all over her, his hands and mouth exploring every inch of her body. Even without their deal, she wanted him to have her virginity. Any other man would be a disappointment in comparison to Lord. He was all male, powerful, no holds barred, and apparently, he wanted her.

  He trailed a finger along her cheek, down her neck, and over the swell of her breast. Her heart raced, her pussy throbbing. She breathed in shallow gasps, anticipating his next move.

  He rested his forehead against hers. “Don’t ever feel ashamed of this body. Those club whores aren’t even in your league, baby girl. They give themselves away for free. You’re different. You’re all mine.”

  She remembered how they’d taunted her. They reminded her of how fat and out of shape she was—a waste of space, covered in cellulite, worthless garbage. It had been an excruciating experience emotionally. How could the prez choose someone like her? Her self-esteem was so shattered, it was hard to accept any positive words from him.

  “You could do better.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “I’m partially to blame for his bullshit. I shouldn’t have tried to push you away, but it sure as hell wasn’t because I thought I could do better,” he said. “I went to that farm to kill you, but one look at you, and I fell hard. One fucking look and I was a goner. That doesn’t happen. It took me by surprise, and I didn’t like feeling weak. But this body of yours is all I can think about. You’re all woman. Perfect.”

  “You’ve barely touched me.”

  He wet his thick lips, turning her on even more. “And I won’t. Not until these bruises have faded and your hand’s healed.”

  She didn’t want to wait that long. But the fact he’d hold off for her benefit made her feel special.

  “And then what will you do to me?”

  “I plan to fuck you raw, little girl. I’ll have you begging me for cock. I may be an ugly motherfucker, but when I’m done with you, I promise you won’t care.”

  Chapter Seven

  Lord had hoped Ally would finally believe him and allow herself time to relax around the club. Two weeks later, though, he knew she wasn’t going to give him the chance to prove anything.

  They’d all decided on a barbeque for dinner tonight. A couple of the club pussy had gone with some of the guys to the store, grabbing meat and vegetables to throw onto the grill. A buffet table was set up, and music filled the air but not too loud that conversation couldn’t be heard.

  He watched Ally. She didn’t try to make any kind of run for it. Not for the last two weeks. And not today. Whenever he got to his room, she was always sound asleep, curled up in the corner of the bed.

  The bruises had mostly faded away. He didn’t like the way she kept a wall up between them. How long was he expected to wait?

  The night she’d been attacked, he’d called church and made sure everyone knew what it meant if they messed with Ally. He forced them all to realize she was important to him, and not to fucking mess with her. There was no way in hell he’d entertain a replay of what happened two weeks ago, and everyone knew it.

  With the fact he’d already killed one of the whores and buried her, the women had fallen in line. None of the old ladies were present tonight. They hadn’t hung around the club much. From what he could see, Ally tended to help with cleaning up after parties, and then she’d take her seat outside and watch the sun set.

  Like now, she had a plate in front of her filled with food, but he’d yet to see her eat anything. Maybe taking a civilian as his woman would never work.

  She ran her fork across everything, without pronging it. Would she ever accept life in the club?

  “You okay?” Brick asked.

  He’d been asking that question an awful lot lately, and Lord was tired of it.

  “Why the fuck wouldn’t I be?”

  “You’re staring at that chick real hard. She’s your property, man. Go over there and tell her what it’s all about.”

  Lord looked at Brick. He trusted the man more than anyone else. It was why he’d made him VP, why he was willing to listen to him.

  “What have the boys been saying?” he asked, taking a bite of his burger.

  “About what?”

  “About anything.” He didn’t care what they thought of his leadership skills. All he cared about was what they thought of Ally.

  “They think you’re pussy whipped. They’re curious about her, that’s about it. None of them have anything else to say otherwise.” Brick shrugged. “It’s hard for them to understand. Pussy is pussy, Lord. What makes her so different?”

  He watched Ally. She put her fork down to tuck some hair behind her ear. She stared across the yard, not making eye contact with anyone, forever in a daze. He’d already gotten a full background check on her and there was nothing about her life that she would miss. No one waiting for her. She had a couple of friends, but from what he’d read, they were so hung up on their own lives they didn’t give a shit about the friend who never called back.

  Gripping the back of his neck, he frowned as he watched her.

  She was really something.




  That was what he’d gotten from the information, and it seemed hard to believe she was Richard’s daughter. The pain he’d heard in her voice after she’d been attacked, he’d wanted to take it all away. To protect her. He’d never wanted to help anyone.

  Ally was different. No doubt about that.

  He swallowed the last of his beer, tossed the bottle into the trashcan, and made his way over to her.

  “That food isn’t going to yell at you if you eat it,” he said.

  Her brow rose. “I’m not very hungry.”

  “You haven’t been very hungry for two weeks.”

  “I guess this place is the best diet I’ve been on.” She pressed her lips together. He wanted to force-feed her, but instead, he held his hand out.

  She frowned at his hand.

  “Come on,” he said.

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “I’m not asking permission, princess. I can make you, and you will follow my orders.”

  She looked like she wanted to throw her food at him, but instead, she put her plate on her chair and stood. She wore a pair of sweatpants and the ugliest shirt he’d ever seen. None of it highlighted her feminine curves. It was like she was trying to hide from him, but he wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of doing that.

  Sliding his arm around her waist, he pulled her close. Her soft curves
felt like heaven as they pressed against him.

  The music turned up even louder. He didn’t care that it was a heavy beat and not the kind to slow dance to.

  “You don’t believe I can take care of you,” he said.

  “I haven’t said anything.”

  “And you’re always sitting so far away, Ally. Why is that?”

  She sighed and her gaze moved to his shoulder. “You can try to force your club to like me, Lord, but … they don’t. People whisper and they’re saying you killed someone for me. I didn’t ask for that.”

  “I didn’t kill anyone for you.” The lie fell easily from his lips.

  She tensed in his arms. “I’m not a child. You don’t need to keep treating me like one.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are.” She tilted her head back to look at him. “I’m not stupid. You lie so easily to me. You want to know why I can’t believe what you say. Can you even believe it?” She pulled out of his arms. “Thank you for the dance.”

  She surprised him even more by grabbing her plate and throwing it in the trash. They were paper plates. No one liked doing the dishes after a nice barbeque feast.

  He ran his hand through his hair and grit his teeth.

  Lord wasn’t done with this conversation. Without looking at his men, he followed Ally into the clubhouse. She wasn’t in the kitchen, nor in the main room. It meant she’d already made her escape to his bedroom, which only served to piss him off.

  She didn’t have to keep on hiding. The fact she didn’t believe him spoke volumes to him. He would’ve hurt anyone else who dared to question his authority.

  No woman had him chasing after them.

  It seemed he was constantly making exceptions when it came to Ally, which he didn’t fucking like.

  Charging upstairs, he saw his bedroom was empty but the bathroom door was open. He walked in to find Ally already undressed. The shower was running and she tried to cover her body, but he’d already seen her completely naked. He wasn’t disappointed.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He walked right toward her, forcing her to take several steps back as he advanced until her back finally hit the wall, stopping her progress.

  “You’re scaring me,” she said.

  “No, I’m not.” He slammed his hands at either side of her head, trapping her between his body and the wall. “I’ve told you I won’t hurt you, and anything I do to you, you’re going to want.”

  “I want to go home.”

  “Well, you’re not getting that,” he said.

  “Because you reneged on our deal and I’m not supposed to be here. I hate it here. I want to go home, and I don’t care how much that makes me sound like a child, it’s true.”

  He stared at her. He liked that she still had fire. At least she was speaking to him, getting it all out.

  Most women wanted to please him, not Ally.

  He stroked her cheek, and she tensed up. There were still shadows of bruises on her face and body. Making a decision, he lifted her up, tossing her over his shoulder. She let out a cry. “Put me down.”

  He did on the edge of the bed, where he spread her legs, exposing her sweet pussy to him. Her virgin cunt. He placed his hands on her inner thighs, keeping her open to him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What I should have done the first night you were fucking here.” Pressing his face against her pussy, he licked and sucked at her clit, tasting her sweet virgin cunt for the first time. Damn, she was even better than he imagined. He’d never been the kind of man to eat pussy before, but he knew he was going to be spending a lot of time between Ally’s spread thighs. She was the best thing he’d ever tasted. After one lick of her, he wanted more.

  Sliding his tongue back and forth across her clit, he glanced up to find her eyes closed. Her hands gripped the bedsheets tightly as if her life depended on it.

  She was such a beautiful sight.

  His cock was unbearably hard as he watched her, tasted her. He wanted to hear her come.

  With her distracted, he opened the top button of his pants, sliding the zipper down. He’d stop if she asked, but tonight, she was going to belong to him.



  Ally had no idea someone’s tongue could feel so amazing. She’d watched a few porno movies and seen a man going down on a woman, but she’d never given much thought as to how it would feel to have a man licking her between the thighs.

  It was a heady experience. One she didn’t want to stop.

  Even when he used his teeth to a point of almost too much pain, she didn’t want him to stop. Holding on to the bed as if it was a lifeline was all she could do.

  “You have the nicest pussy I’ve ever eaten.”

  His words found her through the fog of arousal, the gruffness of his voice making her nipples tighten. His tongue flicked back and forth across her clit. Any coherent thought was lost to her on a wave of overwhelming need. She couldn’t stop the way she was feeling, nor did she want to. He was filthy and she loved every minute of it.

  “Please,” she said.

  She felt desperate, wanton, and needed to jump off this precipice.

  “Come for me, Ally. I want to hear you scream for it.” She did as he asked and came hard.

  Her entire body was thrust into shockwaves of pleasure so intense it shook her to the core. She hadn’t even finished enjoying this heady sense of release when Lord moved over her. He didn’t go far as he settled between her spread thighs. The tip of his cock traced along her wet slit. He was going to take her.

  She knew it.

  His frame was huge and he smelled so damn good.

  Part of her wanted him to stop, but the other part of her didn’t. She’d never been considered desirable and as he looked at her, she felt this pull. Lord not only wanted her, he craved her. He was like a man possessed in his need for her.

  She didn’t tell him to stop, even as fear started to rush through her body at the feel of his hard cock.

  Lord wasn’t small. His cock was poised at her entrance and she knew he wouldn’t be gentle.

  “You’re all mine now, Ally.” He thrust hard. Pain erupted as he slid in balls deep.

  She cried out. Gripping his shoulders, her nails sank into the flesh, trying to throw him off but to also keep him inside.

  He didn’t stop. His cock kept pushing in deep.

  She felt like she was being torn in two before he finally seated himself to the hilt within her, pausing, holding himself still.

  The vision of him swam as tears filled her eyes. She tried to breathe through the pain, but it didn’t help.

  Lord leaned down close, his lips brushing across her ear. “I’m sorry,” he said.

  She wondered if he was used to apologizing. At that moment, she couldn’t even remember if he’d apologized for the way his men and women had attacked her.

  Slowly, the pain that had sliced through her began to ebb away. Lord pulled back, still within her.

  He’d been fully dressed. She didn’t know how he’d gotten his jeans off.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you,” he said. “I never had a virgin. Thought hard and quick would be best.”

  “It wasn’t.”

  He continued to stare at her.

  “Do you always break your promises?”

  “Ally, I’m going to protect and take care of you. You can trust me.”

  “My bruises haven’t all faded.” It was a poor excuse, as most of them had been. She wasn’t in pain. The few pulled ligaments had started to feel fine again. Staring up at him as the pain lessened, she didn’t hate him.

  Lord was used to taking what he wanted.

  Even as she wanted him, she’d also been afraid that the moment he got what he wanted, he’d pass her over. Without her virginity, would he even want her for much longer? She didn’t want to be cast aside and forgotten.

  “Does it still hurt?” he asked.

  She shook her
head. “No.”

  “Good, you can hate me all you want, Ally. I wasn’t responsible for my men or the bitches doing what they did. I will pay for their sins, but I’m not giving you up. I haven’t reneged on our deal once. You belong to me, and since you’re alive and breathing, I’m doing a damn good job.” He pulled out of her and she tensed up, but he stopped.

  His hand moved to cup her cheek and he came close to her. His lips a mere breath away. She could almost taste him.

  Ally watched, waited. His tongue traced across her bottom lip and she gasped at the sudden contact. He kissed her as he pressed forward and she opened her mouth to receive him.

  He released a groan as he kissed her.

  At first, she didn’t know what to do. She hadn’t kissed him back.

  “I don’t mind if you don’t want to kiss me, but I’ve been told I’m not too bad at kissing.”

  She jerked back and glared at him. “Don’t talk to me about what you do with other women. I don’t want to hear about them, and I certainly don’t want to know what you do with them.”

  He started to laugh. “Babe, I want you to kiss me back. Believe it or not, I haven’t kissed any of the women here. I know where their mouths have been, and I’m not interested in sucking one of my men’s cocks.”

  “That wasn’t very nice.”

  “The image of me sucking a man’s cock?”

  “No, making me think there were other women you’ve kissed.”

  He sighed. “I’m balls deep inside of you, but I’m not going to lie to you, Ally, I’ve been with plenty of the women who frequent here. I’m not a saint.”

  “I know that, but I don’t have to know details, do I?” She looked at him, wanting to demand some exclusivity, but at the same time, feeling so far out of her depth, she didn’t know what to say or do. Instead, she kept her thoughts to herself.

  “I won’t say anything. Now, can I actually fuck you and prove to you it’s not all pain?”

  She nodded, and as he started to move, she tensed up. She couldn’t help it.

  He let out a curse, but rather than stop, he began to slowly rock in and out of her. Ally expected pain, but there was none. Staring up into his eyes, she watched him. Lord stopped all of a sudden and reached between them. His fingers stroked over her clit.


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