Book Read Free

Enemy Myself

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by Daniel OConnell




  Copyright © 2017 Daniel O’Connell





  The year is sixteen hundred and fifty-nine and the legendary ship Paladin sits in high orbit above a well populated planet. The capitol world of Avalon in yet another civilization created by Caleb. This particular world resides within the Triangulum galaxy. Resting quietly in his quarters Caleb dreams once more of a future where he can share his life with his family in peace. It is a similar dream that has resonated throughout Caleb’s entire life. Regrettably, this night’s dream is unexpectedly interrupted as Caleb is ripped into the psychic plane and confronted with a duplicate image of himself. The duplicate Image stares directly at Caleb, pausing to allow Caleb to become cognizant of what is happening. Caleb quickly comes to his senses, asking, “Flower Stone?”

  The Image responds, “Yes Caleb, I have need of your help once more and have chosen to contact you. You will need to move swiftly and travel a great distance or this entire universe will fall.”

  Caleb now alarmed shakes his head in disbelief, stating, “Wait, didn’t you tell me a few thousand years ago that we will never see each other again.”

  The Flower stone reluctantly replies, “It would appear that I was mistaken.”

  Caleb exhales concerned, replying, “Mistaken, wow that’s’ something to hear from you, considering you’re a celestial deity or something like that. So just what is this babble you’re telling me about how I have to save the entire frigging universe?” Caleb takes in a deep long breath as he collects his thoughts and asks, “Ok just what the hell is happening now?”

  The Flower Stone begins showing thousands upon thousands of psychic images, stating, “My knowledge of space and time is infinite but there will always be variances in the time lines that become stronger as you and your people continue to affect this new time line. You and your people have created multiple variations. So many in fact that even I cannot possibly predict the eventual outcomes. Nevertheless, a new time variance has become prevalent.” The Flower Stone focuses on a specific psychic image and states, “This is the future you dreaded. The return of the Demon Queen. Regrettably, her arrival is now imminent. The Meli’s arrival will be here far sooner than originally anticipated and her target will change from your daughter to a far more powerful target. One that under her control can and will destroy this universe.”

  Caleb immediately reacts as his eyes light up wide, replying, “You’re her target.”

  The Flower Stone grimaces briefly, responding, “Very perceptive Caleb you are correct. The Meli will eventually become aware of my presence in this time line and will seek me out. If the Meli is able to enter me I will not be able to expel it and it will eventually take control of me, forcing me to expand within this very universe, thus destroying everything in existence while recreating this universe into a future of its choosing.”

  Caleb groans heavily as Paladin telepathically speaks to him, stating, “Cale the Flower Stone is a Cosmic seed of unimaginable potential and under the control of the Meli it would create a dimension of unthinkable despair and evil.”

  The Flower Stone interrupts, saying, “Your symbiot is correct Caleb, your options are limited. You could attempt to destroy me or try to defeat the Meli, either outcome has little promise of success. However, I hope you choose the later as I wish not to be destroyed.”

  Caleb grins, answering, “Well seeing as how I’ve already hidden hundreds of super psionic bombs across every human colony, including Earth I’m guessing I made my choice a long time ago to finish off that creature.”

  The Flower Stone returns Caleb’s grin with one of its own, stating, “The Meli will arrive in four hundred and fifty-six years. I will place its location into your symbiots navigation. Be wary Caleb as the time line has many more possible variances that could still cause for unexpected results.” The Flower Stone vanishes as Caleb is now fully awake.

  Paladin reports telepathically, “Cale we have much to consider before taking this journey, I will get things into motion.”

  Several days pass as Caleb and Paladin prepare for their mission, making last minute adjustment to plans he had long set into motion such as saving his Family. Paladin is currently in low orbit directly over the capital city of Eloso of the Planet Avalon. Caleb sits in his command chair on the Bridge, recording his log, “The choices we make continue to ripple through the cosmos as I once more have to push myself to save not only my people but perhaps every living soul in this universe. I made a choice to stop this evil from ever happening and in doing so I have created an opportunity for that evil to not only reclaim its place in this timeline but to rewrite all of history. So, once more I risk my own personal wants in a desperate undertaking to save my people but at what cost.”

  Paladin interrupts, stating, “Cale I know you're trying to record a log entry but as I have told you since our very first meeting I already record everything you do, say and even think. So, this log entry is pointless.”

  Caleb sighs heavily as he rubs his hands across the back of his neck. He then chuckles leaning back in his chair, replying, “Pal I know that you record everything but sometimes I like to feel like I can actually do a few things the way I use to do.”

  Paladin apparently annoyed at Caleb’s statement responds, “Cale we have been together for nearly seventeen hundred years, the way you use to feel is barely a heartbeat within the way we have done things since our melding. Nevertheless, since you brought about the subject of time I have calculated the time for our mission and we have much to discuss.”

  Caleb grins, stating, “Ok Pal hit me with it.”

  Paladin begins, “As we expected you should remain in stasis for virtually the entire journey to have any hope of returning home to fulfil your promise of seeing your daughter. That is of course should we survive our initial encounter with the Skull space station and the Demon Queen. I have had Oz’s personal Black guard load our hanger with the forty-seven gateways that we will need in our journey. Forty-five to use for our return and the two we will need to enact your attack plan. These gateways will be deployed by me during our journey as you sleep. Correspondingly, I have set a program that will deactivate all the gateways throughout all our civilizations when the Psionic super bombs detonate to prevent Carla from attempting to interfere. The gateway system will stay down for six months.”

  Caleb, considering the ramifications of what Paladin has just stated asks, “What about us getting back home Pal? Going to be a bit of a wait before we can come home.”

  Paladin responds, “These forty-seven gateways will not be deactivated, nevertheless to prevent your daughter’s interference they will remain cloaked and undetectable.”

  Caleb reluctantly asks, “And what of the Phace’mal? Have our people reached them to ask for help?”

  Paladin replies, “The Phace’mal have been contacted by the Black Guard descendants of the Salem. The Candorian Captain was able to communicate your request just as you asked and the Phace’mal have agreed to send two of their elders to assists us. They should be here within the day. I have had our people construct a shielded room that should hopefully mask their incredible energy signature.”

  Caleb slowly gets up from his command chair as he walks over towards the main observation portal. He takes in a deep breath, marveling at the magnificent city of Eloso, requesting, “Pal can you get me Oz on the holocom.”

  A moment later a humanoid being appears on the holoscreen. The alien is just slightly larger than a human in stature and is covered in thick plate like skin coverings, similar to that of a tortoise. The cre
ature is named Oz and he is startled at seeing the holoimage of Caleb appear instantly before him. He beams, laughing, “Yes Caleb, what may I do for you today.”

  Caleb returns the grin as he looks towards his Alien colleague and responds, “Oz my friend I will be leaving soon and I don’t know when or if I will return. Now with that being said I have a favor to ask of you. A favor that I’m afraid that only you can complete.” Caleb pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts he states, “Oz I am aware that your race is one of the few that is capable of living for over a millennium and you are the only person I can trust to help me.”

  The being known as Oz stares at Caleb for a moment and replies, “Caleb you are of course mindful of all our people’s abilities, starting with the humans from which you originated or the psionic Candorians that you have saved and brought here hundreds of years ago and finally to my people the Ogo to whom you saved over two hundred years ago, in all that time you have never asked anything from any of us other than to live in peace and harmony with each other.” Oz pauses as he ponders what Caleb has asked and after a moment he replies. “I would be honored to help you in any way.”

  Caleb modestly shakes his head and states, “Oz in a few hundred years there maybe a need for me to activate the Psionic Super Bombs should the Meli try to attack my Daughter. I will need you and your Black Guard to be diligent in protecting her and watching for any disturbance in the psychic plane. Eventually my daughter will find her way to this civilization and ultimately to you, when she does I want you to give her this device.” Caleb pauses as he holds up a small briefcase device. Finally, he concludes, stating, “Oz, I will need you to give it to her only when the time is right.”

  Oz confused by this last statement asks, “Caleb my good friend I am well aware that device is one of those psionic recorders from the alternate time line and I understand what it can do, nevertheless if I am to give this device to your daughter as you have asked of me just how am I to know when the time is right?”

  Caleb sighs heavily, answering, “Oz I have recently seen a new variance in this time line and know that a threat of unbelievable evil is fast approaching and that threat not only threatens my daughter’s life but every living being with in this universe. My daughter will be coming here some day in the not to far future and she will want answers, answers which I want you to delay for as long as you can.”

  Paladin speaks telepathically to Caleb, “Cale Oz is a kind-hearted soul with not an ounce of deception within his body. He could not possibly be able to lie to Carla and succeed.”

  Caleb frowns, replying in the same manner, stating, “I know Pal but even a few days may make the difference.”

  Oz even more confused asks again, “Why Caleb?”

  Caleb despondent replies, “Because she is too much like me and will risk everything to intervene and if she does she and everyone she cares for could suffer the price. She needs to wait for as long as you can make her wait before finally giving her access to this device.” Caleb pauses for a moment and then says, “You see my friend should she try and to interfere in my plan then the outcome could be her death.”

  Caleb holds the device out before him in the air as Paladin shifts it directly to Oz. Caleb then states, “My friend Oz I will tell you that my daughter will not be easy to deal with and may try to force the issue. Nevertheless, if my daughter attempts to help me she will most certainly fail and the cost could be the life of someone she loves most dear.”

  Oz being fully aware of Caleb’s history asks, “Cale my friend, I am not one that is well versed in the art of deception, especially to one who is kin to such a person as you. I know only as much as you have told me about these visions this Flower stone bestowed upon you and that they are often true but as you have said many times before the time line is always changing and continuously moving.” Oz pauses as he wishes not to upset Caleb and speaks very humbly, asking, “Caleb you are far wiser a man than any I have met before but surely you must question all these visions the Flower stone has shown you?”

  Caleb smirks, responding, “The Flower Stone has never personally confronted me as it did this time and its message was one most grave indeed. This new vision has shown me just how much we have already changed the time line and although the effects are mostly positive still there is a chance that it can all be undone should I fail. Regardless of the outcome to me I believe I will be able to stop or delay this impending doom long enough for my daughter to master her abilities to there fullest.”

  Oz alarmed at Caleb’s last words states, “The possible outcome being your life. Caleb this is most distressing to me and trying to hide this from your daughter seems wrong.”

  Caleb lowers his head for a moment, saying, “Oz you have always been a good friend to me so I will not lie to you.” Caleb pauses once more as he looks upward, collecting his thoughts. Finally, he looks back towards Oz and speaks, “Oz, I have seen the possible future my daughter is destined to live in and she is very much like me and will become easily aggravated with the lack of responses from you. I know she will forces the issue with you to find her answers and in doing so she will read your mind, so if she chooses not to listen to you directly perhaps she will listen to me.” Caleb pauses once more as he is now looking directly at Oz and states, “Carla you know I promised to see you one more time before my death and that’s a promise I intend on keeping but you must understand that what I’m about to do is far too dangerous to expose you too. Oz is my friend and I have placed my trust in him as you should too. Carla, I must travel to one of the furthest points within our known universe and I have no time to spare. I have to prepare a trap to destroy the Demon Queen and the Super space station Skull.”

  Oz stands nearly speechless as he stumbles across his words asking, “Caleb how far are you traveling?”

  Caleb exhales, saying, “The journey will take me over four hundred and fifty-six years to complete.”

  Oz’s mouth opens as he stands in front of the holoscreen completely dumbfounded.

  Caleb looks at Oz, saying, “Goodbye my friend, I hope that we may once more see each other yet again.”

  Paladin ends the transmission as the massive ship pulls up and away from the city and out across the solar system where it waits for the Black Guard to arrive with the Phace’mal. After half a day, the Black guard ship Salem arrives, docking with Paladin as the two Phace’mal are hastily brought on board Paladin through the adjoining airlock. The Captain stands at the airlock with two of his crew and sees no one, asking aloud, “Hello, is there anyone here to direct us where to bring our guests.”

  Paladin responds, “Good day Captain Pica. I will illuminate your path to their quarters.”

  Pica looks around and asks, “Is Caleb not planning on greeting the Phace’mal?”

  Paladin responds, “Is there reason he should Captain?”

  Pica huffs, answering, “Well Paladin they are here knowing they maybe asked to give up there lives in order to save their race. Perhaps they should meet with the man that is asking so much of them.”

  Paladin confused by Pica’s comments replies, “Caleb will speak to them in due time, we do have a long journey ahead of us.”

  Pica now confused states, “Paladin I was going to offer my assistance in communicating with them as they only speak telepathically.”

  Paladin now aware of Pica’s concern responds, “I see your concern Captain. Thank you for your offer but Caleb is capable of telepathic communication.”

  Pica surprised at this revelation states, “My apologizes Paladin, I was unaware that Caleb could speak telepathically as he has never done so before.”

  Caleb suddenly appears, grinning he states, “It is ok Captain Pica I don’t often share much of my abilities to many.” Caleb leans down and touches the two massive Phace’mal crystals as they begin to communicate.

  Pica stands in awe at seeing Caleb. A moment later Caleb stands and smiles at Pica, saying, “These two are very taken by you Captain Pica and thank you f
or your assistance.”

  Pica lowers his head apologetic, stating, “I’m sorry Caleb but when I spoke with these amazing beings I was smitten with there pure innocence and willingness to sacrifice themselves without hesitation I just wanted to ensure their safety for as long as I could. I meant no disrespect.”

  Caleb places his hand on Pica and says, “I know all to well the pureness of the Phace’mal, I have seen it first hand.”

  Caleb picks up the two Phace’mal and bows his head to the Captain and his crew, brining the Phace’mal to their chambers.

  Paladin states, “We wish you well Captain Pica, you have an amazing legacy behind you and hopefully an even greater one ahead of you.”

  Pica lowers his head as he and his crew return to the Salem. Minutes later Salem quickly moves off.

  Caleb shifts back to the Bridge and watches as the Black guard ship Salem heads off into hyperspace. He turns away and walks back to the command chair, sitting back down as he tries to wipe the stress he feels away.

  Paladin reluctantly speaks, “Cale I have prepared the stasis chamber but I do not know how the effect of such a journey will weigh on you even while in stasis.”

  Caleb curious replies, asking, “What do you mean Pal?”

  Paladin responds, “Cale I believe we may need to consider the possibility that we need help.” Paladin pulls up a holoimage of Caleb’s body and continues speaking, “Currently your life force has been artificially extended three times, once by me. The second time by your battle with the Halimag and the final time by our joining with the Flower stone. All of these events were done so artificially and although you may be able to survive the strain of long life both mentally and physically, our X’ena energy source is another story.”

  Caleb suddenly becomes concerned with this revelation and states, “Okay Pal I’m guessing you have already figured out the answer to this problem.”

  Paladin aversely responds, “Cale we will need an infusion of pure X’ena energy to balance all these artificial extensions to your human life force and I have been considering all available options but I can only see one possibility.”


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