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Enemy Myself

Page 5

by Daniel OConnell

  The image looks towards Abe, answering, “No, not exactly Abe. Although I do share his body and have currently assumed his image in order to speak with you. Currently, Caleb remains in stasis while we approach our target.”

  Abe is for the first time in his life dumbfounded, asking, “Paladin? Where are you? What is going on?”

  Paladin cautiously responds, “Caleb and I had to travel over a few billion light years from you. A journey that took over four hundred years to complete. In that time Caleb has had to remain in stasis while we approach our target. Throughout his time in stasis I have been fulfilling other phases of our mission during our long journey. Including monitoring developments of the time line changes. I was also aware that you and Carla would soon be arriving to Avalon and was preparing to speak with you once Carla activated this device. I was however surprised to see this child before me when I appeared. Obviously, a child of yours and Carla’s.”

  Abe stands stunned, unable to grasp everything as his mind races through the information. Speechless, Abe just stares at the holoimage for almost a minute before, asking, “Paladin why have you traveled so far away? What mission?”

  Paladin remains focused on Marianne as he replies, “You see Abraham we were given a vision by the Flower stone of an imminent threat. A threat that we had known about for thousands of years and that this threat would eventually arise. Regrettably, the Flower stone was unable to give us enough time to prepare for our mission properly so as Caleb often does we improvised as best we could with the time allotted us. Oz was asked to delay your involvement for fear that Carla or yourself would be placed in jeopardy should you attempt interfere. Nevertheless, our vision never showed us the child that you and Carla have conceived. This now confounds our mission as your child would also be in jeopardy.”

  Abe shakes his head as he tries to understand Paladin’s story, finally asking, “First off Paladin its plural as in Children. We have a boy and a girl. Now for god sakes will you answer me…What mission?”

  Paladin responds, “The super space station Skull and the Demon Queen from the previous time line were pulled through the time stream when we escaped and they have recently appeared in this time line some nine months ago. My long-range scans have just recently been able to reach the them and it has shown that the station is heavily damaged and currently surrounded by what appears to be a large collection of space faring races, possibly scavengers. Nevertheless, we are still more than a week away. I have been hesitant to wake Cale for fear that the Demon Queen may sense him and we would lose our ability to surprise them.”

  Abe, now coming to grips with meeting Paladin hastily states, “Carla is more than a match for the Meli, she has already defeated it once before. She should be able to destroy it again.”

  Paladin grudgingly responds, “Abe you and Carla were able to defeat the Meli with a plan that Caleb and myself created in the alternate time line thousands of years ago. You yourself played a major role in capturing the Meli. Carla may have better knowledge and control of her powers than before but she is not ready to defeat this version of the Meli.” Paladin hesitates to speak as he continues studying Marianne. Finally, he turns his attention back to Abe declaring, “This version of the Meli not only possess all of Carla’s power but the additional energy of every last X’ena from the alternate time line. No Abe, I’m afraid this will take a very different plan. One that only Cale and myself have any hope of completing and one for which I cannot reveal to you.”

  Abe becomes curious and asks, “Wait a second, just how are you able to communicate with us when your practically on the other side of the universe?”

  Paladin responds, “The Phace’mal are psionic beings that even in death possess incredible psionic power. Each of these recording devices possess the remains of a Phace’mal from the alternate time line, which allowed Cale to record all his thoughts. Conversely, these devices also posses the ability to communicate with each other through the psychic plane with virtually unlimited range.”

  Abe alarmed at these revelation demands, “Paladin you need to wake Caleb now. We are far stronger together than apart.”

  Paladin considers Abrahams request for a moment, responding, “Abe I understand your reasoning but I also know that there is a distinct possibility that we may fail with or without you. No Abe I must decline your request at this time as I know all to well that Caleb would not wish to risk your lives in an attempt to help us and secondly, exposing Caleb now to possible detection before we are close enough to attack would be terminal error and would more than likely end up in his death. Abe if Cale fails than you and Carla are the only hope humanity has.”

  Marianne yells, “Yes Momma! Momma wants to talk Papa! She’s really yelling at me.”

  Abe and Oz both sigh at the same time as Oz states, “I momentarily forgot about the psychic bond that the Ocoda’s all share. Regardless if Carla wants to come here or not we must first deal with the Dorsa before allowing a psychic of such power to enter our world. By now their fleet would be rapidly closing in on her location and they will soon be able to use their psychic powers to reach her. I feel an introduction of Master Abraham is in order to quell their fears.”

  Abe looks to Marianne and says, “Carla just be patient a little while longer, I’ll go deal with these Dorsa.”

  Eldridge speaks up, stating, “The Dorsa consulate is close by, I can take Master Abraham there and act in your stead Lord Oz.”

  Oz looks at the image of Caleb and says, “The Dorsa are not going to be easy to deal with Eldridge, No my friend I feel it would be better if I accompany Master Abraham and only Master Abraham as his Daughter is obviously a very powerful psychic and could be perceived as a threat.”

  Paladin states, “The Dorsa alliance is very important to our plan should we fail. They will be needed should the Demon Queen survive.”

  Abe looks to Zeta Seven as he orders, “Zeta Seven defense mode Marianne.”

  Ulysses steps forward and says, “Abe I will stay with her as well.”

  Abe places his hand on Ulysses shoulders and states, “Thank you Ulysses.”

  Ulysses smiles as he turns to Marianne and asks, “Would you like to stay with me while your papa goes to see some people?”

  Marianne huffs aloud saying, “Okay I guess but I want to play in the head place.”

  Abe chuckles as he states, “She means the psychic plane.”

  Ulysses grins as he replies, “She is already there Abe. Go now, I will keep her safe.”

  Paladin announces, “I have much to prepare for and very little time left, I will contact you all later.” Paladin disappears before anyone can react.

  Oz and Abe hastily head out of the central spire and to a waiting hovercraft, which takes the two to the Dorsa consulate near a massive river at the outskirts of the city.

  As they approach Oz turns to Abe and states, “The Dorsa are aquatic creatures and most of their embassy is underwater. My species is capable of breathing either air or water you will however need to use your personal force field and Master Abraham, you must use great caution in speaking with the Dorsa as they will use any advantage to steal secretes from your mind.”

  Abe pulls his bag around and pulls out his PCD and psionic scrambler, checking both he turns them on as the force field surrounds him momentarily. He then places the psionic scrambler on his belt and turns to Oz and smiles, saying, “Yeah I’m good.”

  Oz grins, stating, “I wish to apologize for trying to deceive you earlier I am not very good at lying.”

  Abe chuckles, “Well you kinda of showed your hand when you already announced that you knew we had already captured the Meli.”

  Oz smirks, stating, “Caleb personally appointed me as the leader here stating to the council that I am a being with the least skill in diplomacy or the interacts of politics but that I am a good man that can admit to his mistakes. That was over six hundred years ago and although I have tried several times to step down as council leader the people here will not
allow it. I have been re-elected so many times I have lost count. Needless to say I have learned much but have always remained true to myself.”

  Abe returns Oz grin with one of his own, saying, “I know very little of the man who is responsible for so much in my life but from what I know I believe he tries his best to keep us safe, just sometimes I think he tries to hard.”

  They finally arrive out in front of the Dorsa consulate as two Dorsa warriors stand guard in large heavily armored environmental containment suits just within the gates. A moment passes when one of the guards who is clearly annoyed at their presence speaks through his suit in a mechanized voice, stating, “Lord Oz your visit is unexpected.”

  Oz briefly grins, stating, “I’ll need to speak to the Ambassador at once.”

  The guard irritated grumbles as he opens the gate allowing Oz and Abe to enter. The second Guard then moves one of his mechanical tentacle in front of Abe and asks, “Who is this human.”

  Oz replies, “He is the reason that I need to speak to the Ambassador.”

  The two guards look to each other as they are obviously deep within a psychic conference.

  Abe curious asks, “What’s the Ambassadors name?”

  Oz answers, “Dorsa have no names only designations of position. They function as a part of a collective mind as each individual is a part of a greater mind.”

  The two guards turn to Oz and Abe, stating, “Ambassador Oz you may enter but the human may not enter. Not without being scanned.”

  Oz angered at this speaks firmly, “That is unacceptable, you can tell your Ambassador I attempted to inform him of what is about to take place but you have insulted me and my guest.” Oz turns away, heading back to the hover craft as Abe stands in place looking at the guards and then towards Oz whom is walking away, trying his best to understand just what is going on.

  Abe grins as he hastily turns away from the guards and catches up to Oz and whispers, “Oz I will allow them to scan my mind. It will be okay.”

  Oz alarmed at Abe’s response replies, “Master Abraham, your mind possesses some of the most advanced and sophisticated technology of all our people. The Dorsa would be able to learn all that you know.”

  Abe chuckles aloud, stating, “You do know whom I married too Lord Oz. I do know a thing or two about mind scans.”

  The guard speaks, “The scan must be done to allow entry to our Embassy.”

  Oz turns away from Abe and turns back towards the guards, stating loudly, “Tell your Ambassador he may come to me now when the ship arrives in orbit.” Oz enters the hover craft as Abe reluctantly follows.

  The Dorsa Guard yells out, “The Ambassador wants to know what ship.”

  Oz grins as he stares at the guards, allowing his diplomacy to work. Nevertheless, Abe however speaks up instead, “My ship.”

  Oz grumbles as he places his hand on Abe’s chest, shaking his head, stating, “I will not carry on a conversation of such importance in this manner. If your Ambassador will not allow us entry then I will not be held responsible for his or your stupidity and embarrassment to the Dorsa.”

  The guard grumbles, stating, “You may enter.”

  Oz slowly gets up and whispers to Abe, “Master Abraham I know you are perhaps the smartest human alive but when it comes to dealing with the Dorsa in matters of diplomacy it is best that you allow me and my eight hundred years of experience in dealing with them to lead in our conversation.”

  Abe chuckles slightly, responding. “Ok Oz it’s your show I’m just going to sit back and follow your lead.”

  The two enter a foray as Oz turns to Abe and states, “I’d suggest you activate your PCD force field.”

  Abe clicks a button on his PCD as a shield envelope’s him. Just at that moment the foray descends as the two are completely submerged into the river.

  After a few minutes, the two enter a massive chamber as Abe floats into the room. Several guards hold weapons to their sides as a smaller looking Dorsa approaches the two. He grabs a small cylinder and begins to speak, “As you two have shielded your minds from me I will have to use this device to communicate. What do you and your human associate want of the Dorsa.”

  Oz reaches for another cylinder and speaks, “Ambassador I am sure your people are already aware of the ship that passed through our galactic gateway yesterday. I’ve come to inform you that this ship will be arriving here later in the day and the occupants of that ship are our allies and I’ve come to personally assure you that they pose no threat to you or your people.”

  The Ambassador looks towards Abe and states, “You are the mate to the child of Caleb. It was foretold that she could become the ultimate threat to our people. The one called the Demon Queen.”

  Oz concerned at the Ambassadors revelation begins to speak hastily, “Ambassador I’ve already discussed those stories with you before…”

  Abe interrupts as he pulls his psychic scrambler from his belt and says, “Trust is only earned through faith of one willing to take the first steps.” Abe shuts off his psychic scrambler and is immediately ripped into the psychic plane where dozens of Dorsa immediately besiege him as they try to forcibly enter his mind. Nonetheless, Abe is far from a novice when dealing with psychics, stating, “I am here of my own freewill to share why we are here, not to allow you to steal technology. So, I ask you, are you noble beings or are you petty thieves that lack honor.”

  The Ambassador halts the others from their aggressive probes, stating, “You are indeed well skilled in hiding your thoughts Abraham Jackson. Never before have I dealt with a human mind that could shield himself such as you. What is it you want of the Dorsa?”

  Abe exhausted by the Dorsa assault on his mind hastily collects himself and asks, “You have obviously heard the tales of the Demon Queen and the alternate time line but are you aware of our mission to prevent this future from ever happening?”

  The Ambassador responds, “We have known of this time lines deviation for some time. We have also known that they’re many possible outcomes that could also reignite this time line into existence and all of these possibilities center around your mate. It would be better for everyone if she did not exist.”

  Abe surprised at the Dorsa’s candor responds, “The Meli is the center of the tragedy known as the Demon Queen not my wife. If it was not my wife who fell to this creature power then who’s to say that the Meli could not have eventually infected your people’s collective mind. Perhaps it may be best that we should eliminate any and all psionic based creatures from existence. Would that not also be a solution to your quandary?”

  The Ambassador pauses as it speaks with its people. During this time Abe senses several minds trying to gain access to his thoughts but Abe has long been trained in hiding his thoughts and shielding them from psychic probes. Abe speaks to the Ambassador, “Honor and nobility are traits not only found within humans but within all races. However, I see that many within your race do not seem to see its value as they continue to try to pry into my mind to find the secretes I possess. Alliances must be based on trust, not on deceit.”

  The Ambassador is alarmed as Abe quickly senses the Dorsa minds pull away. The Ambassador then speaks, “Hundreds of years ago the human hybrid known as Caleb saved my kin and most of us that reside on this world in an act of selflessness. He never asked anything from us in return. We have long studied your people and not all of what we have discovered is good but every now and then you humans surprise us.” The Dorsa Ambassador pauses as it considers its options and finally asks, “Abraham Jackson, we are aware that you seek an alliance with us against the power of the Demon Queen. This alliance may cost our people thousands if not millions of lives. Tell me why I should trust in your words? Tell me why we should risk so many of our people for a war not of our choosing?”

  Abe exhales as he states, “Ambassador I have studied much about the alternate time line and although many facts were hidden from me one fact was very clear. In the alternate time line your people were nothing but a mili
tary force trying its best to survive a war that they had no hope of ever winning. You can choose to stay behind but eventually the war will make its way to your worlds. So, if you choose to remain neutral then this war as you say, “not of your choosing” may still find its way to your door. Ambassador, War does not care if you choose it or not.”

  The Ambassador pauses as it confers with its people. After several minutes have passed the Ambassador speaks, “When and if we choose to take part in your war it will be at our choosing.”

  Abe smiles briefly and asks, “And when my ship enters the orbit of this world what reaction if any should we expect from your people?”

  The Ambassador responds, “Our reaction will be one of deep concern should this vessel be as powerful as we expect but we will make no aggressive moves towards it and as for now nor will we be actively involved in your impending war unless provoked. Abraham Jackson because your ship will be in orbit around this world so too will our fleet.”

  Abe grins as he replies, “Looking forward to their arrival.” Abe activates the psionic scrambler as he awakens in his body, seeing Oz starring at him angrily.”

  The Ambassador uses the cylinder to speak, “Lord Oz the humans ship will not be interfered with by my people unless provoked. Nevertheless, my peoples fleet will take up orbit around this world while it remains here to ensure my peoples protection on your world.”

  Oz clearly annoyed at Abrahams recklessness shakes his head as he turns back towards the exit as he and Abe are swiftly raised out of the water and back to the entrance. After a brief walk the two reach their hover craft where Oz finally speaks, “Master Abraham I understand your family lineage is one of bravery and honor but what you just did was simply foolish. You could have exposed your vast knowledge to the Dorsa who could easily become a greater threat than they already are.”

  Abe shrugs his shoulders responding, “There will always be a new threat. A new possible enemy but it takes brave men to stand strong in the face of doubt and show trust and honor if we ever have any hope of ending this cycle of war.”


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