Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 7

by Daniel OConnell

  Ronin finally speaks, stating, “The Demon Queen absorbed all the X’ena energy within this space station Skull when it began absorbing it. It appears that in the alternate time line that this A.I. which controlled Skull killed every X’ena in the previous time line and absorbed all their energy. This Space station was created over centuries by a mad crazed scientist called Noskcaj and he downloaded his consciousness into the Skull station. The Demon Queens current psychic power now dwarfs Carla’s. Nevertheless, this piece of the symbiot that sacrificed itself shared with us much of its knowledge and without this symbiot shard being rejoined with the Demon Queen then the Demon Queen will not be able to control all that power properly. The Meli will eventually purge herself of this extra power quickly and thus give us an opportunity to defeat her. I am sure most of you all remember Mistress Carla had a similar issue in controlling her power when I first manifested myself. This coupled with the fact that Caleb knew about this separation and prepared for it to be corrected in the new time line, it is more than feasible that the Demon Queen may indeed be still vulnerable.”

  Ismail confused momentarily focuses on one word in Ronin’s tale, asking, “Noskcaj? I recall Cotto mentioning that name to Abe.”

  Kalen grumbles as he pushes back against his seat, reluctantly speaking, “Most if not all records of this Noskcaj were destroyed over the two thousand-year history of our people. All we know is whispers and fairy tales about a human that supposedly was as evil and vile as the Demon Queen and its power rivaled even the Demon Queen’s.”

  Carla grumbles loudly, stating, “Noskcaj is Jackson spelt backwards. Noskcaj was Abe.”

  Raphael looks over to Kalen in shock and then to Carla, asking, “How is it that you came to know of this?”

  Carla lowers her head, answering, “In the alternate time line the Demon Queen just as the Meli did here, feeds off the despair and pain of others. The greater the pain the more it feeds. When the Meli had gained complete control over me in that time line it learned of my love of Abraham. The vile spawn took great pleasure in torturing him so to inflict the greatest pain it could on both of us. This continued for decades until the Demon Queen had twisted Abe so much he had become just as evil as it. Finally, one day Abe used his superior intellect to escape and created this super space station Skull. After a time passed he began attacking the Demon Queen’s forces. At the time people thought Abe was doing these attacks against the Demon Queen as a sign of hope for humanity but Abe was dead inside, all Abe wanted was to hurt the Demon Queen. This is when Abe stopped being Abe and Noskcaj was born and all Noskcaj wanted was to do grow its space station and its power base to rival the Demon Queen. Over the years that followed Abe’s body finally became too old and he transferred his consciousness directly into the space station. For three thousand years Noskcaj grew in power but never directly challenged the Demon Queen, only attacking her forces instead. No one ever knew why. However, I just discovered through my momentary connection with this symbiot piece that the Demon Queen had altered Abe’s mind so it would never be able to attack her directly. Noskcaj was always an unknowing pawn of the Demon Queen.”

  Ismail, taking everything in gives pause, standing up he looks towards Carla and asks, “Does Abe know about this?”

  Carla grimaces momentarily, answering, “Mostly he does. My connection with Cotto gave me most of the history of Noskcaj, which I recently shared with Abe. This more recent information he doesn’t know about yet.”

  Frasier annoyed and suspicious asks, “Why then was all recorded history of this Noskcaj destroyed?”

  Ronin responds, “Because Caleb believed that Abe would be too vulnerable to defend himself from possible attack from all these radical groups so he had the Black guard destroy all recorded history of Noskcaj.”

  Carla than adds, “My Father knew I would be able to defend myself but not Abe. Despite Abe’s superior intellect he is still only human.”

  Ronin continues, “The tales of the Demon Queen and this Noskcaj eventually just became the Demon Queen.”

  Kalen grumbles, saying aloud, “Once more our people are manipulated for Caleb’s grand plan.”

  Frasier in apparent agreement states, “Always cloak and dagger when it comes to your family Carla.”

  Ismail, having heard enough yells, “You ignorant buffoons wouldn’t be alive if not for Caleb!”

  Kalen stands up, responding in the same tone, “Forgive us for living then mister ambassador!”

  Ismail pushes the table away from him as he charges Kalen, with his fists clenched.

  Carla however is not amused as she freezes both men in their place, stating, “Really now. I think that’s enough from both of you.” Carla pulls both men into the psychic plane.

  Ismail enraged continues with his wild rant, “Carla release me so I can show this idiot the error of his ways!”

  Kalen alarmed at being brought into the psychic plane roars, “I demand that you return my mind to its body at once!”

  Carla however states, “I really don’t have the time and most defiantly the patience for this so let me get this through both of your thick skulls right here and right now. I need you to focus on what is about to happen and I need you both to do so together. My Father is about to attack the Demon Queen and he has no chance of surviving unless we as a team figure out what he is doing and find a way to help him.”

  Kalen scowls towards Ismail and slowly turns towards Carla, stating, “Your Father’s mission is to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the Meli. We have had evidence for centuries of Caleb’s willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good. It was long thought that these tales were just propaganda created by his devoted followers but his foolishness of attacking such an enemy in such a manner is obviously a suicide mission.”

  Ismail returns Kalen scowl, rebutting, “That would make no sense Kalen. Caleb is over four hundred years away and it would take the Meli at least that long to reach us here. If you had any understanding of battle tactics you would know that Caleb would not sacrifice himself so foolishly when the threat is still hundreds of years away.”

  Carla groans clearly annoyed, stating, “The Meli possess all my power, which is now amplified a hundred times, and as you both clearly know I can traverse the universe at the speed of thought. Her whereabouts is more of an asset than anything else. So, my Father wouldn’t be trying to sacrifice himself needlessly. We all know my Father is a military tactician that always thinks through multiple assault plans on many different levels. All his military training is a part of me. I believe my Father has a plan to defeat this Meli, I just need to figure it out and see what I can do to help.”

  Carla returns both men to their bodies as she states, “When we reach this Avalon world I will have a chance to ask all the questions I need but until then we need to get all our people ready.”



  Several hours later the massive ship Ronin enters standard orbit around Avalon as hundreds of ships in orbit look on in amazement. The ship known as Ronin is by far larger than any human ship ever built before. The Dorsa fleet hastily takes up a strategic formation in a counter sync orbit while several Avalon ships take up escort positions.

  Frasier, sitting at the command chair looks over the data that he is reading and states, “Well we are being scanned by over a hundred and forty different ships, fortunately no weapons locks.”

  Carla takes in a deep breath and says, “Well Anthony this is where I give you back your ship.” Carla immediately begins to pull herself from the Uari ship Vengeance as it quickly becomes enveloped in a ball of energy and is transformed back into its original form.

  Ismail alarmed says, “Carla perhaps it would have been better to at least wait until we can be sure we are safe.”

  Carla, floating above the deck looks over to Ismail, stating, “I know you are always looking at everything as a possible threat Ismail but I can assure you that what threatens us now is very far away.”

sp; The communications officer announces, “I have Abraham Jackson on the holocom.”

  Frasier quickly states, “Put him through at once.”

  Abe appears on the bridge as a holoimage, asking, “Well that was pretty quick, almost ten hours faster than we had originally calculated, care to tell me how that happened?”

  Carla frowns, replying, “I’ll explain everything once I get there but needless to say it’s not good.”

  Raphael appears on the bridge with Jesse and a shift cloak stating, “Mistress Carla I’ve had all your personal items transferred to a shuttle that will be bringing them down however, considering the risks of you traveling by shuttle I’d suggest that you take this phase shifter and shift directly down to your husband’s location.”

  Abe still on the bridge holocom states, “Probably a good idea Carla, I don’t know who we can trust and who we can’t but until we do I’d agree with Raphael’s idea that you shift down.”

  Ismail, looking perplexed asks, “Carla as close as we are can’t you simply reach your mind out to scan for any threats?”

  Carla grabs the cloak, placing it on herself while replying, “These people have so many psionic defense shields and scattering fields it’s virtually impossible for me to use my power here without exerting a massive amount of energy.” Carla reaches down, grabbing Jesse into her arms as she prepares to shift.

  Ismail now very concerned asks, “Carla your most powerful defense is useless and you’re going to a world where we have no idea of the threats that could present themselves.”

  Carla grins as she walks over to Ismail and gives him a peck on his forehead, stating, “I know how much you care for me and my family Ismail but it’s time for you and everyone to go home. You need to get everyone ready.” With that statement Carla shifts down to Abe’s side.

  Shifting is very taxing on the human body and as this is the first time Jesse has ever shifted Carla holds onto him ever so tightly. Jesse however is part alien and is immune to the negative effects of shifting. Carla emerges from the shift with her son Jesse in her arms who immediately sees his Father and asks, “That was so cool Papa, can I do that again?”

  Carla lets Jesse down as she sees the psionic recording device directly in front of Abe and says, “Ok let me see that thing.”

  Carla, who is totally focused on the device races to it and touches the device but just as when Marianne had tried to use it before nothing happens. Carla aggravated yells, “Paladin answer me now!” Carla grumbling as she tightens her grip on the device.

  Oz cautiously steps forwarded and says, “Mistress Carla it is an honor to finally meet you, although I would have hoped it to be under far better circumstances.” Oz slowly places his hoof like hand on Carla as he calmly continues, “I’m sure if Paladin were able too, he would be speaking with you.”

  Abe also steps up and puts his arms around Carla, pulling her away from the device, saying, “Carla calm down for a bit before you break the foolish thing and I have to put it back together. Come on now we have your mother and brother nearby, let’s go find them.”

  Eldridge calmly states, “Well not only have her Mother and Brother Master Abraham, we have her entire family. All of them are currently in stasis.”

  Carla, who’s mind is more focused on the device as she is still dealing with Paladin not responding quickly refocuses her attention. She hesitantly looks over at Eldridge in confusion and asks, “Why have you kept them all in stasis for so long?”

  Oz steps forward, answering, “This was always your fathers plan Mistress Carla. He knew the Demon Queen had access to all your knowledge and would use that information against him and eventual against you should he fail. It was on his orders that we keep them all on stasis until after the defeat of this Meli. His plan was so meticulous that we have a contingency of elite Black Guards on Earth to take Val and his family when ordered too, placing them in stasis as well.”

  Carla looks down at the device infuriated as she begins to crush it.

  Abe rapidly reacts, stopping her as he yells, “Carla no! if you destroy it we will have no way to communicate with them.”

  Carla quickly stops herself before doing serious damage to the device. She stands up slowly, walks to Oz and says firmly, “Take me to my Mother now.”

  Oz lowers his head and says peacefully to Carla, “Mistress Carla if we release them from stasis we risk exposing them to the Meli, which would endanger your father’s plan. It could even get him killed.”

  Carla looks at Oz in contempt and states even more firmly, “Take me to my Mother now!”

  Oz looks directly into Carla’s eyes and can see the rage within her and sighs heavily, “Mistress Carla I know you are powerful enough to face off against almost anyone on this world but I implore you, don’t do this.”

  Carla clearly irritated places her hand on Oz chest and breaks through his psionic shield as she tears into his mind, looking for the location of her family. Unexpectedly she sees a memory of her Father and quickly looks at it. She sees her Father on a holocom holding out the very device she was just moments before crushing with her hand as she hears his voice say, “My friend I will tell you this as I know my daughter will be tempted to read your mind. If my daughter attempts to help me she will most certainly fail and the cost will be the life of someone she loves most dear.” Carla quickly becomes emotional as she sees yet another part of their conversation, which is directed at her. Caleb speaks, “Carla you know I promised to see you one more time before my death and that’s a promise I intend on keeping but you must understand that what I’m about to do is far too dangerous to expose you too. Oz is my friend and I have placed my trust in him as you should too. Carla, I must travel to one of the furthest points within our known universe and I have no time to spare. I have to prepare a trap to destroy the Demon Queen and the Super space station Skull.”

  Carla suddenly reels back, breaking contact from Oz as she studies the memory of her Father’s last words to Oz. She looks up at Oz and stops herself, saying, “I am sorry Oz.”

  Oz is stunned at Carla’s power and replies, “Never could I have imagined anyone with such power as yours. These psionic shields were built with some of the most advanced technology we have ever conceived and yet you were able to pierce through it like nothing. Even more amazing is your Father knew that you would do this and purposely left me with that message. My goodness how could he possibly have known this would happen.”

  Carla sighs heavily as she states, “I don’t think he knew everything Oz because he’s heading into a trap and the Meli knows he’s coming.”

  Abe adds in, “Not everything was known to them Oz. When Paladin made his appearance earlier in the day he was surprised by Marianne’s presence.”

  Oz still amazed at Carla’s power and Caleb’s prediction states, “Your Father knew much about future events and I’m sure he is prepared for any trap the Meli has set for him.”

  Carla exhales as she says to Oz, “Please take me to my mother Oz. I can access her mind while she is in stasis but only when I’m close by. We don’t have to release her from stasis and I can at least see her again.”

  Oz smiles briefly, stating, “I would be honored to show you to her Mistress Carla.” Oz takes Carla’s hand and says, “Please everyone, follow me.”

  The group, consisting of Oz, Carla, Abe, Jesse, Marianne, Eldridge, Ulysses and the drone Zeta Seven travel down a series of long spiral corridors descending deep underground. Oz goes to an alcove and places his hand on a hidden lock system which appears from the alcove wall. Oz stops himself and turns to Carla, saying, “Mistress Carla, perhaps it would be best if it was you to unlock this door. It has been sealed for over thirty years, ever since we brought your family here. Only the medical drones have access to this room.”

  Carla hesitantly places her hand on the locking mechanism and the walls open, revealing eighty-seven stasis chambers all under the care of several medical drones.

  Oz gradually walks over to two special
stasis pods that are directly in the center of the room, stating, “This is your mother and brother Mistress Carla.”

  Carla slowly walks over and sees her mother for the first time in decades. She is instantly overcome with emotion as she gazes down at her mother’s face as her eyes instantly water up uncontrollably.

  Abe quickly walks over to here, wrapping his arms around her and whispers, “Talk to her.”

  Carla still overwhelmed asks, “What do I say to her? What if she doesn’t remember me?”

  Abe looks over at Marianne and Jesse. He smiles as he turns Carla around towards her children, saying, “Could you ever forget them?”

  Carla smiles at her children, turning her attention back to her mother as she closes her eyes and enters her mother’s mind.

  While in stasis the human mind enters a timeless dream like state where they live in. Carla enters her mother’s mind and sees her sitting on a grassy field, watching out over a hill that leads to a beach. Carla slowly approaches and sits down beside her, asking, “Can I sit here with you?”

  Emily quickly turns towards Carla and smiles as she stares at her for a few moments and says, very confused, “Well I know I must be dreaming because you look a lot like me.”

  Carla giggles as she begins to cry, saying, “I’ve always been told that I looked like you.”

  Emily becomes more confused as she starts to become frightened and asks, “Carla?”

  Carla begins to sob, saying, “I’ve missed you so much mom. I just don’t have the words to say how much I missed you.”

  Emily now overwhelmed asks, “Carla your all grown up, what’s going on?” How did you get so old?”

  Carla has always understood the way in which dreams work in the human mind and just how the mind perceives those dreams, having since early in her life played with people’s minds and dreams. She quickly realizing the potential trauma she may cause to her mother reacts swiftly by cloaking her true image making herself look like her younger self, saying, “Mommy I’m a big girl.”


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