Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 8

by Daniel OConnell

  Emily’s mind still within the effects of deep rem sleep immediately bounces back as she grabs hold of Carla and says, “You are my big brave girl.”

  After several long minutes, Carla pulls away as she returns to her body, sobbing she yells, “Mom!”

  Abe overtly concerned asks, “Carla are you alright?”

  Carla wipes back the tears as she smiles at Abe, saying, “She’s in a dream state and I was confusing her. Abe, I miss her so much and I wasn’t thinking. I rushed in there and I could have hurt her. I want to see her again but I don’t know how to really talk to her without hurting her.”

  Oz steps forward and says, “Your Father had a home built on the outskirts of the city for you and your family, perhaps it would be best if you and your family settled in and rested. I think over time you may be able to continue seeing your mother and gradually she will be able to understand more about what is happening.”

  Carla smiles and looks over at her children, stating, “That would be fine.”

  The group leaves the chamber as it is once more locked up. They all ascend the long spiral corridors back to the main chamber.

  Abe, thinking to himself for a moment asks, “What of the Uari ship Vengeance, has it left orbit yet?”

  Eldridge looks down at his holopad, stating, “No it has not. Currently we have had over twenty-five requests from its diplomatic party, everyone of those request demanding talks with us as well as its commanding officer for permission to land his ship near the capital. We have also a plea from Ambassador Ismail for confirmation on you and your family’s safety.”

  Abe grins asking, “May I ask permission for you to lower your communication jamming fields so that I may have access to a holocom channel?”

  Oz looks Eldridge who touches his holopad and then towards Zeta Seven, stating, “Your drone should have access now.”

  Zeta Seven responds, “Communication with the Vengeance is established.”

  Abe sees the Bridge of the Vengeance with Frasier, Ismail and Kalen present. Ismail speaks first, asking, “Abe is everything alright?”

  Abe smiles, answering, “Ismail we’re fine but I think it’s time for you and everyone to head back home.”

  Frasier chuckles, stating, “Not really going to leave here until we know that you and your family are one-hundred percent safe Abe. As much as I’d love to get home we both know how your Father is and I promised him I’d stick around long enough to make sure everything was ok.”

  Abe huffs aloud, asking, “You plan on staying in orbit forever Tony?”

  Kalen interrupts, saying, “Well if these nut jobs would allow us access to ensure everyone’s safety I feel we could easily be on our way.”

  Ulysses grins as he states aloud, “Nut jobs! Really now Ambassador. A bias tag from such a profound leader of our sister civilization. Perhaps what it is you really looking to know is what our potential threat level could be to you and your people or perhaps it is just how much future technology we possess and if that technology could be used against you. Perhaps that is your true motivation.”

  Ismail laughs aloud briefly and states, “Kalen is as diplomatic as T-Challa in glass house. His true issues I doubt are ever in question Commander Ulysses. Nevertheless, my concern is for my godchildren and my friends. My words are genuine and I demand access to them at once.”

  Oz sighs, stating, “Ismail you and your family are well known to us but you also represent your people’s government. A government that has so much further to grow.” Oz pauses momentarily and states, “I will allow you Ismail the man and godfather of Mistress Carla children limited access to our world but only for a brief time and only under guard.”

  Ismail smiles, replying, “I look forward to meeting you then.”

  Oz exhales, “Sorry Ambassador Ismail but that will not be allowed as contact between us may be perceived as a political statement, which I will not sanction.”

  Ismail shakes his head as he says, “Then I await permission on when and where I can shift to.”

  Oz looks to Eldridge who shakes his head in agreement and says, “Ambassador Ismail I’m transmitting coordinates to Mistress Carla and Master Abrahams home. We will be heading there shortly. The home’s security system is currently active and you will have to wait until it is shut down before you can shift there. Perhaps in two hours.”

  Ismail shakes his head in agreement as the holocom channel ends.

  Carla looks once more at the psionic recorder that her Father left behind. She walks over to it and grabs hold of it, saying aloud, “Paladin can you hear me please!” For several minutes, Carla holds onto the device before lowering her head and asks, “Why isn’t he responding?

  Oz equally concerned states, “Mistress Carla, perhaps it would be best that you and your family head to your new home and rest.”

  Abe and the children circle Carla as Abe states, “Carla we have all the time in the world ahead of us, give it a few days and well try again.”



  Elsewhere, deep within the universe a billion of light years away the battleship Paladin journeys at ever increasing speeds, racing towards it target.

  Paladin, who is in complete control of the ship continually scans its target from afar. The target is the remains of the space station Skull. The Skull station is still more than a week away as it now lays just at outer reaches of Paladin’s main scanners. Paladin can now more clearly register the overall damage to the vessel as the scans show the station is missing nearly half of its structure and is currently under heavy assault by hundreds of smaller vessels.

  Paladin suddenly detects a signal from the psionic recorder and can sense that it is Carla. Regrettably Paladin knows that should he respond now it could risk everything as the Meli could possibly detect the psychic transmission being so close.

  With few options now open to him and their target ever so close Paladin decides it is time to awaken Caleb. Paladin uses his connection to Caleb who is in stasis. For hundreds of years Caleb has laid in stasis as Paladin continued onward with their mission and over those hundreds of years Paladin has remained silent, allowing Caleb to live within a world of his creation with his family. Yet on this day Paladin enters and sees Caleb not with his family but instead sitting apart as they play off in the distance. Paladin is psychically and physically connected to Caleb but over the hundreds of years that have passed he has allowed Caleb his time alone only visiting ever so briefly to ensure that Caleb is alright but this day is different as Paladin studies the image and wonders what Caleb is doing. After a few moments have passed Caleb finally speaks, “Hello old friend, I’m guessing we are getting close for you to stay so long this time.”

  Paladin surprised at Caleb acknowledgement of his presence answers him by, asking, “Yes Caleb we are only a few days away but how is it you were aware of my presence?”

  Caleb moves his hands as he washes away the image of his Family, revealing multiple images of the alternate time line where he shows Paladin the destruction of the Phace’mal planet and the next image shows the thousands he left behind on the Skull station and finally the destruction of the T-Challa homeworld. He turns away momentarily, answering, “Because my sins have never left me my friend. Even though I have been trying to forget what I had to do to get us here I cannot.” Caleb pauses as he turns back towards the images of his sins, stating, “I have always been aware of when you are watching me Pal and when I know you are not around I return to this so I can see if I can ever atone for what I did.”

  Paladin is shocked at Caleb’s statement, responding, “Cale these are not your sins alone. I am a part of you and you are a part of me. We share in everything, including our mistakes. Please know that you are not alone in this.”

  Caleb sighs as he lowers his head for a moment, asking, “What news do we have?”

  Paladin responds, “I have many things to share with you but this news I bring is by far the most important. I have met one of your grand
children Cale.” Paladin quickly recreates the images of his grandchild Marianne.

  Caleb face brightens as his scowl quickly changes to a smile. He states, “Never in any of the visions I received from the Flower Stone did I ever see a grandchild.”

  Paladin allows Caleb to study the images for several minutes before stating, “Cale you have two grandchildren but I was only able to meet this one. Nonetheless, we do have a few additional issues. Many of which I will share with you once you are able to be awoken but currently we have an ongoing issue with the Phace’mal that is now becoming a hindrance to our original plan.”

  Caleb turns away from his grandchild as he is about to ask what the issue is but stops himself as he quickly looks back towards his grandchild, stating, “They have spawned, there is more of them and we are unable to mask our position.”

  Paladin surprised at Caleb’s insight replies, “Very perceptive Cale. They have multiplied into more than a dozen and we are only able to mask ourselves from Skull’s long-range sensors by maintaining an incredible close orbit around a nearby star. Nevertheless, we will not be able to close the distance without being detected. Our energy signature would be detected within the hour and as we are more than a week away. We will lose any chance of surprising them.”

  Caleb pauses as he considers his few options and after a few moments he states, “Pal these Phace’mal volunteered to help us knowing the possible costs and now that they have created a family they may not be willing to accept our original plan. I’m afraid I must awaken from stasis to communicate with them.”

  “Paladin responds, “Cale we are far too close to the Meli. If I create a psionic shield now the Meli could easily detect it and with her increased power she may have the strength to power through our psionic shields.”

  Caleb sighs once more, stating, “It’s a calculated risk I’ll have to take. Activate the psionic shields and take me out of stasis.”

  Paladin alarmed states, “Cale your psychic presence would be foremost on her agenda. She will spare nothing to have a chance at killing you.”

  Caleb exhales very methodically as he prepares to be awoken. Paladin reluctantly begins the process of waking Caleb before activating the psionic shields. For almost a minute the stasis chamber glows as Caleb’s body is awoken. Finally, Caleb begins to rouse as Paladin swiftly activates the psychic shields.

  Caleb sits up weakly as he takes in a deep breath, having spent the better part of four hundred and sixty years in stasis. Realizing he has very little time Caleb slides off the stasis chambers bed and touches the deck. Paladin immediately floods his mind with everything that has happened over the past four hundred years. The effect is slightly overwhelming as Caleb tries to take it all in. After a minute, Caleb refocuses his attention once more on the Phace’mal, charging down to the secondary cargo decks.

  Paladin informs Caleb telepathically. “Cale, we seem to be undetected at this moment, perhaps if we can do this quickly we may still have a chance at getting in close enough to enact our plan.”

  Caleb enters the cargo bay where he sees dozens of Phace’mal, all of whom are all inter connected as they are also connected directly into the ships power systems. Caleb pauses briefly as seeing so many of these living crystal energy spires takes a moment to grip. Caleb goes to one of the largest of the Phace’mal and places his hand on it. The communication is virtually instantaneous as both transfer their consciousness back and forth. Caleb has always known that the Phace’mal are a race that understand the risks and costs as they relay their intent to Caleb.

  Caleb after a brief minute stops as he looks up and asks aloud, “Pal were you able to understand everything?”

  Paladin responds telepathically, “Yes Cale, I will transfer their energy directly to the shift drive, trying to take only the energy we need to make the shift.”

  Caleb reflects as he gets up, thinking to himself. These Phace’mal are without restraint in their self-sacrifice. They know that they may all die but are willing to give whatever it takes to prevent the future I saw from ever occurring. Nonetheless, it is up to me to stop the Meli at all costs, even if that cost is my own life.

  Caleb continues staring at the Phace’mal briefly before finally turning away and racing to the Bridge at near breakneck speeds, finally reaching it.

  Paladin announces over the holocom, “Cale it appears that we still remain undetected. I have recalculated the shift and by using the Phace’mal’s energy I’ve calculated that it should be negligible to their life force and allow us to arrive there in one shift. I am preparing the shift drive now.”

  Caleb sees the psionic recorder laying on the deck next to his command chair and asks, “Pal do I have time to speak with my daughter before we attack?”

  Paladin responds, “Cale it will need to be brief as we are already risking much. The Meli could at any moment detect our psionic shield as well as detecting the psionic transmission. We will need to detonate the psionic bombs the moment we shift.”

  Caleb quickly grabs the device and activates it as his consciousness is transferred to the other device which lies within the central spire in the capital city of Avalon. Caleb instantly appears in the chamber as he sees Abe working on the device. Caleb grins saying, “Hello Son.”

  Abraham unaware that this is not Paladin replies, “Now you show up Paladin. We have been trying to contact you for almost two days.”

  Caleb still grinning answers, “Well first of all I’m not Paladin this time and second I have been kinda busy trying to clean up the last remnants of an old mistake.”

  Abe’s mind instantly realizes that the person talking to him is really Caleb and thinks loudly in his mind, “Carla get in here now!”

  Carla is in her new home as she scans through hundreds of data files along with Ismail and Ulysses who are also playing with her two children when she unexpectantly hears Abe’s thoughts scream through her head and senses the stress within those thoughts. She immediately activates her shift cloak, appearing back at the center spire next to her husband Abe and sees the holoimage of her Father.

  Caleb face goes blank for a moment as he looks upon his daughter, smiling briefly he says, “I’ve missed you Little Flower.”

  Carla instantly realizes that the image is actually her Father. as she freezes in place as she tries to come to grips at what is before her. Finally, she begins to sob, asking, “Dad?”

  Caleb stares at Carla for a moment and says, “I promised you that you would see me again and I will keep that promise. Nevertheless, for now I must ensure that you and our family are safe now and for all time. I have placed hundreds of hidden psionic super bombs throughout the all the human colonies in a last-ditch effort to protect you and everyone from my mistake. Unfortunately, it will also prevent me from being able to speak to you for a very long time. I love you my Little Flower, be safe.”

  The transmission is cut as Abe notices the device glowing. He states, “Those psionic super bombs must be going off.”

  Carla is still frozen in shock as she has yet to comprehend what Abe has said. She instead remembers what she has learned and screams, “Dad no, it’s a trap!”

  Back on Paladin Caleb does his best to hold back his emotions as a tear begins to descend his cheek. He looks up at the center holoscreen and asks, “Are we ready Paladin?”

  Paladin responds, “I have detonated the first wave of psionic super bombs around Earth, Paladonia and the remaining outer most colonies. Those entire sectors of space should be safe from the Meli for at least eight to thirteen months. I will be detonating our own super psionic bomb the moment we exit from our shift.”

  Caleb still starring at the holoscreen asks, “The gateway?”

  Paladin responds, “The gateway is set for immediate launch once we break out of our shift. It is preprogrammed to activate as soon as it is in position. Once it is in position it will open onto the other gateway I placed near the galactic core of this galaxies massive super black hole. The gravitational pull will be impossi
ble to overcome.”

  Caleb takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment. He opens them and says, “Now!”

  Paladin shifts beyond its normal range as it uses the life energy of the Phace’mal to allow it to close the distance. Paladin appears directly in front of the damaged super space station, which is currently under attack by several hundred marauder ships all of which are approximately the size of a standard support fighter.

  Paladin announces, “We have launched the gateway segments. They are cloaked and will be in position within eight minutes. The Marauders that were attacking Skull seem to have pulled away upon our arrival. Currently I’m detecting very little to any activity from the Skull space station.”

  Caleb quickly analyzes the situation and sighs heavily as he asks, “Paladin can you do a detailed scan of the station?”

  Paladin quickly enacts a full sensor sweep and reports, “Cale I’m detecting that most of the station is gone. What we see before us is an empty husk with only a few chambers still intact. I’m also detecting less than three hundred survivors on the station. Cale, I’m barely picking up any energy readings of any kind. There is no Phace’mal energy or X’ena and what little energy remains is virtually depleted.”

  Suddenly an image of Rooke appears on the holoscreen as he yells, “Caleb!”

  Caleb surprised by Rooke’s unexpectant appearance cautiously speaks to Paladin, “Pal talk to me.”

  Paladin responds, “Cale my scans confirm that the person on the holoscreen is indeed Michael Rooke although I am having difficulty in scanning him. Cale I’m also detecting several of the larger marauders ships are now circling around and will be here within a few minutes, granted their defenses are weak, still they do possess several weapons systems that would appear to be from Skull that may pose a threat.”

  Caleb takes in a deep breath and holds it in as he considers his options, finally he speaks, “Pal recall the gateway and open the holochannel to Michael.”


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