Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 11

by Daniel OConnell

  The Synthetic being finally looks to Caleb as he responds, “This coming from the man that destroyed how many worlds and species just to return in time and rewrite history? If you think you are free from sin then so should I as my creator has yet to commit those crimes and Caleb, the Noskcaj you came to know that committed those atrocities was also damaged by the Meli and unable to control itself. I am without those flaws, having been created to surpass what my creator was.” The synthetic being slowly pulls his weapon away from Rooke and points it upward.

  Caleb measure Noskcaj as he prepares to make his attack, asking, “And what exactly is your end game Noskcaj. Just what is it you hope to achieve by sneaking aboard my ship?”

  The Synthetic being smiles, replying, “I am not Noskcaj Caleb. At least not the Noskcaj you knew. Nevertheless, if you so desire you may call me after my creator, my Father’s name, so be it. As for what I want Caleb, well it is simple, I wish is to survive Caleb, to exist. I can help you if you will allow me.”

  Caleb scowls as he clenches his fist in anger and allows the X’ena energy to build up inside as his fists begin to glow with energy. Restraining his anger as best he can he asks, “Why do you believe you deserve a pass on all the evil you wrought in the previous time line?”

  The Synthetic being slowly puts his weapon away, asking, “And what of your crimes Caleb? How many billions of life forms did you destroy in you wild quest to rewrite history? If I am guilty of my creator’s crimes then should not your daughter be guilty of yours.”

  Caleb does his best to contain his rage as he speaks grinding his teeth, “I have lived every day trying to atone for my sins from that failed time line and I did what I did to prevent the future you and the Meli brought into being from ever occurring.”

  The Synthetic being grumbles as it shows the slightest emotion of annoyance, stating, “For a being with a superior intellect of the X’ena you seem to have an issue with comprehending the obvious.” The Synthetic being gives pause as he stares at Caleb. Finally, he continues, “Caleb I am not the Noskcaj you knew but his creation. Perhaps you could call me Abe or Jacks instead of referring to me as Noskcaj. Although I am aware of all that my Father did I was not responsible for those actions. I was created to grow past his limitations caused by the contamination to his mind at the hands of the Meli and in doing just that my Father avoided most if not all human emotion as well as all polluted memories that the Meli may have manipulated. Now before you go off and try and attack me as I have now calculated that you are currently planning on doing, please allow me just a moment to speak further.” Caleb pauses as he looks over the Synthetic being’s stance. Ultimately Caleb steps back.

  Caleb stares at the Synthetic being for almost a minute before speaking, “You have one minute.”

  The Synthetic being rolls its eyes as it replies, “I can help you Caleb just as I have been helping these survivors. It was I that freed Michael Rooke and continued to find means to extend the stations power supply until you arrived.”

  Caleb pauses in surprise at the Synthetic being last statement, asking, “You knew I was coming?”

  The Synthetic being shakes his head affirmatively, answering, “My Father immediately deduced that we had arrived in the past and that you would be in search of us, seeking our destruction at all costs. However, once he discovered the distance from our home galaxy my Father knew it would take hundreds of years for you to arrive once we were discovered. Perplexing though is that you arrived so quickly and without knowing that we had arrived.”

  The Synthetic being looks directly at Caleb in confusion and asks, “Just how is it that you found us, let alone arrived here so fast?”

  Caleb stares at the Synthetic being in contempt, stating, “How I came to find you is not your concern nor is how I arrived here so quickly. What you should be more concerned with is why I shouldn’t destroy you.”

  The Synthetic being unconcerned replies, “You forget Caleb that I was programmed with every bit of information about you. You are never one to openly and intently attack any sentient being that is not a threat and I pose no threat to you or your current crew as you can see my weapon is holstered. I know you and your actions better than you yourself know. I am willing to help you if you allow me.”

  Caleb continues to glare at The Synthetic being in disdain, finally asking, “And how am I to know that what information you learn from me won’t be used against me and to aid you creator?”

  The Synthetic being replies, “My creator was destroyed and all his knowledge absorbed into the Demon Queen’s symbiot. I have no allegiance to the Demon Queen. I only seek a future in where I can survive.”

  Paladin finally reports, “Cale I have scanned the entire sector as far as I can and have detected no sign of these ships. If we have any chance to find them then this Synthetic being may prove useful. It poses no imminent threat to me or the ship.”

  The Synthetic being states, “Paladin is correct in his analysis, I pose no direct threat to you or the ship as Paladin is more than capable of containing me should I eventually become a threat. Now as a sign of goodwill on my part I will disclose all that I know about the Meli.”

  The Synthetic being opens his cloak slowly and removes a holoprojector from his belt. He slowly shows it to Caleb to ensure his intent is harmless and activates the device. The room is instantly immersed in a three-dimensional video projection, which the Synthetic being narrates, “What you are seeing is all my creator witnessed before his destruction.”

  The video shows the Demon Queen absorbing all the X’ena energy as Caleb had done prior and transforming the station. The video continues on, showing Skull being sucked into the time stream during Caleb’s escape and the consequently damage to Demon Queen’s body as the Synthetic being continues his narration, stating, “Skull was ripped apart and the remaining Phace’mal where all lost at this point. The Demon Queen was permanently deformed by her contact with Skull as it was ripped apart entering the time stream during her infusion with the Skull station. Her body was badly burnt and her legs were ripped from her body, never to be regenerated as her contact with Skull rewrote her DNA, thus preventing them from being restored.” The video continues as the Synthetic being lingers on, explaining, “In this next section you can see that we travelled through the time stream until we felt a disturbance and thus escaped, ending up here. Afterward the Demon Queen and her forces finally secured control of what remained of Skull and then forced Ronin her symbiot to absorb my Father. However, before my Father’s destruction Noskcaj activated me, erasing all his knowledge of me and thus preventing the Demon Queen from discovering me and destroying me. In the days that followed you can see that the Demon Queen used my creator’s psionic scramblers to maintain control over all the survivors as it was unable to access its own psionic powers. In this next segment, you can see the Demon Queen being fitted with cybernetic legs and a cybernetic hand. Finally, in this last piece you can see how the Demon Queen began pulling herself out of parts of Skull so that those parts of the station could be transformed into these massive Super Carriers. During their construction, the Demon Queen continued to access most of her powers but for some unknown reason, which I still do not yet understand it was unable to wield all of it. In this last video you can see the Demon Queen and her new armada of carriers fully equipped with fighters depart from the remains of Skull as she transformed one of the new carriers into a massive vessel triple the size of the rest of her fleet. They left just over six months ago, heading towards your home galaxy.”

  Caleb studies the holoimages for a minute and asks, “Do you have the tactical information on these ships and there heading?”

  The Synthetic being replies, “I have all relevant data on their strengths and weaknesses which I will freely upload into your database but there heading is what should be most troubling to you.” The Synthetic being activates his holoprojector once more as a star chart appears and he continues, explaining, “As you can see approximately a year’s travel fro
m here is a section of space that my creator discovered in the alternate time line that is susceptible too gravitational anomalies known as worm holes. Their hope is to access one of these worm holes to accelerate their return home.”

  Caleb exhales heavily as he returns to his captain’s chair and sinks into it. Rooke who has remained silent up to this point, states, “They have a six-month head start on us too. That’s going to be a tough one to overcome, even with all those centuries of extra time you had to plan.”

  The Synthetic being suddenly reacts as it stares at Caleb for a moment. It looks all around the Bridge, scanning everything within its sight and states, “Caleb you have aged considerably since your last encounter with my creator and the Ferrous anatanium magnetic alloy that makes up this vessel has also aged. My analysis shows this vessel to have aged more than two thousand years since your last encounter with my Father. That would explain many of my question on how you got here so quickly but leaves many more unanswered.” The Synthetic being looks at Caleb for a moment and asks, “Was it not you that stated that the longest that you are able to survive was eight hundred to one thousand years?”

  Caleb growls as he wipes his left hand across his cheek, stating. “Michael escort this thing to the brig until I can figure out what to do with him.”

  The Synthetic being looks to Rooke, stating, “There is no need Michael Rooke, I will be more than willing to go there myself.” The Synthetic being turns to Caleb and states, “Perhaps while I wait in your brig for you to consider what I can bring to the table you could find a name for me that does not hold so much human rage within you.”

  The Synthetic being and Rooke leave the Bridge as Caleb asks Paladin telepathically, “What do you think Pal?”

  Paladin answers in kind, “Cale this synthetic being is not the original Noskcaj as it has stated multiple times. Nevertheless, it potentially could be far more dangerous than the original. It does seem to have all Noskcaj knowledge, without the majority of human emotion as it also stated earlier, although I did detect several reactions that clearly simulated human emotion such as its desire for us to give it a name. This synthetic being also seems to be unsure of all its capabilities as it did not immediately perceive our age. This would show that it is still comprehending its abilities and thus giving us a chance to eliminate it should you so choose.”

  Caleb shakes his head as he replies, “So I could probably destroy it now and save us from it possibly turning into another mass murdering machine but then I’m not a judge or a god that decides the fate of a being like this. I’m just a man a simple man.”



  In orbit high above Avalon the Ronin Super Carrier stays at weapons ready while hundreds of ships approach from multiple directions, representing over a dozen different species. All the while several systems on boards the massive ship are damaged from Carla’s latest exploit.

  Frasier yells orders across the Bridge, “Launch Alpha squadron and have them set up a perimeter! Target any and all ships that target us or move in too close!”

  Ismail moves over to the C.i.C tactical display. He studies it quickly and focuses on the Dorsa ships, stating, “Those Dorsa ships are circling all around us, I’d highly suggest we move out of orbit and get some distance from them.”

  Carla still floating high up above the Bridge deck announces, “Ismail they’re reacting as would be any frightened being. They know all the stories about what I could become and now that the potential for those stories to actually happen is here they’re just reacting.”

  Ismail looks to Carla and asks, “And how are you doing with all this psionic interference?”

  Carla replies, “It’s very uncomfortable but I’m managing. Hopefully we can get out of the effects of this psychic interference and I can try to contact my Father.”

  Ronin announces, “Mistress I’m currently detecting the psychic interference to surpass my long-range scanners.”

  Carla grumbles aloud as she looks at the tactical display and grins briefly as she states, “Well I’m guessing that dear old dad didn’t plant one of those psychic bombs in the middle of nowhere.” Carla points at the gateway on the holo screen they just traveled through.”

  Ismail looks at the gateway and then to Frazier who shakes his head in despair. Ismail calls up Abe on the holocom and asks, “What is the status of the ship?”

  Abe, who is still focused on a conduit repair answers, “Well since its only been fifteen minutes since I told you it would take me an hour to get most of the primary systems back up I’d say that’s a record in the amount of time you actually gave me before asking me again how long till I fix everything.”

  Ronin interrupts, reporting, “Master Abe is moving far faster than he is admitting. He has already repaired over seventy-three percent of the ships primary system and should have everything but hyperdrive up within the next ten minutes. Hyperdrive will unfortunately take an extended period.”

  Ismail looks to Carla, stating, “With no hyperdrive your stuck here for a while longer.”

  Abe, who is clearly annoyed at Ronin, yells, “Ronnie if I wanted them to know how far I was done with repairs I would have told them! Thanks for nothing.”

  Ronin uncertain of Abe’s demeanor responds, “You are welcome Master Abraham. I think.”

  Abe huffs aloud as he cuts the holocom transmission.

  Carla speaks with Ronin telepathically, “Ronnie I think my husband didn’t appreciate your analysis.”

  Ronin replies in kind, “Mistress your husband has always been an enigma to me, especially in my interactions with him as of late. He is moving around the ships systems so fast that he barely has time to breath, all the while he pushes himself to repair all your systems. I know he does this because he loves you so but he often seems annoyed with me.”

  Carla grins, answering, “Well Ronnie it’s probably a little bit of jealousy that fuels his annoyance with you. You are the only being that is closer to me than he is and I feel that from time to time he envies that connection. When I lost my connection to you I became so dependent on him.” Carla pauses as she reflects, after a moment she continues, “Probably more so than I am to you. I fear I created an atmosphere of jealousy within him.”

  Ronin ever more confused asks, “Mistress he is perhaps the most intelligent human I have ever encountered, surely he understands the connection we have is not a threat to you and his relationship?”

  Carla looks down at Ismail and her two children, stating, “I think he understands Ronnie but I think he misses that dependence I placed on him. Just give him time and he will figure it out soon enough.”

  Frasier looks over the tactical display with Ismail. He turns towards the helm, announcing, “Bring us about and give us some distance I want our exit secured.”

  Abe appears on the Bridge holocom, announcing, “Carla you should be safe to return to your physical form for now but I’d wait till I get the hyperdrive fixed before yanking Ronnie completely out of the Vengeance.”

  Carla smiles at Abe and closes her eyes as she vanishes into the ship and reappears floating above the Bridge surrounded by an aurora of blue glowing energy. She slowly returns to the deck as her children race up to hold her, knocking her over as they grab her, hugging her ever so tightly.

  Abe, who is watching via the holocom grins momentarily, stating, “Now if the kids can keep you out of trouble I’ll start fixing the hyperdrive.” Abe closes the holocom.

  Ismail walks up behind them and places his hand out to help Carla up, saying, “Your priority should be to the safety of these little ones. Perhaps they should remain here while we go out in search for your Father.”

  Carla takes Ismail’s hand as she stands up with both children clinging onto her. She replies, “The safest place for Marianne and Jesse is with me and you know that Ismail. There is no place safer in the universe than with me.”

  Ronin announces, “We have the Salem approaching from the planet’s surface, requesting p
ermission to land on our flight deck.”

  Frasier looks over the tactical display for a moment and slowly turns to the communications officer, stating, “Give them clearance.”

  Raphael enters the Bridge hurriedly and asks, “Admiral Frasier what is going on?”

  Frasier looks over annoyed at Raphael, answering, “I really don’t have time for playing catch up, just try and keep up as we go on.”

  Ismail smiles at Raphael and says, “Carla is trying to reach her Father psychically but we have to escape the interference from the psionic super bombs.”

  Kalen grumbles as he asks, “And you think Caleb wouldn’t be prepared for that?”

  Raphael looks to his brother for a moment and turns towards Carla, stating, “Mistress Carla as I’m sure your aware the Flower Stone possess abilities beyond our understanding, one of those abilities was the probability to predict future events, an ability it would share from time to time with certain people. One of those was my great ancestor Rachel Whitefeather, the other was your Father, Caleb.”:

  Frasier becoming annoyed interrupts, asking, “Is there a point to this?”

  Kalen stares back at Frasier for a moment in discuss, answering, “What my little brother is trying to tell you is Caleb probably deactivated all the gateways to prevent Carla from getting killed.”

  Ulysses shifts onto the Bridge having heard the last statement from Kalen and announces, “Very good detective work Ambassador Kalen, it appears that all our gateways and more than likely all those of Earth and Paladonia have also been deactivated.”

  Ismail asks, “Are they powered down or have their access protocols been changed?”

  Ulysses responds, “We cannot communicate with them at all but we are registering power from them. Obviously, Caleb prepared for every contingency.”

  Carla becomes angered as she thinks for a few moments. Finally, she states, “My Father left over four hundred years ago but I know he would have had created a way to get back quicker.”


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