Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 12

by Daniel OConnell

  Ulysses exhales, stating, “Well Salem’s record show that we brought two of the Phace’mal to his ship before he left, perhaps he planned on using their energy to return home.”

  Ismail recalls the Phace’mal being peaceful creatures, stating, “They are living sentient creatures that Caleb went too great extremes to protect, it is very unlikely that he would waste their lives to simply return home so quickly. Caleb would have had a different way to return home.”

  Ronin activates the holocom, showing Abe working upside down suspended from a safety harness. He moans heavily, asking, “Okay its been what five minutes, really in five minutes you have to bother me again?”

  Ronin responds, asking, “Master Abraham it has come to our knowledge that Caleb has deactivated all the gateways to protect Carla. It has also been discussed that Caleb took two of the Phace’mal with him to intercept the Demon Queen. Our query would be this, is it possible Caleb is planning to use the Phace’mal energy to accelerate his return?”

  Abe’s mind goes into processing all that Ronin has just told him and within a moment he replies, “Caleb stated earlier he is over a couple billion light years away and shifting that far would definitely kill the Phace’mal and that’s only if they had enough energy to shift that far. Caleb would never do something so petty as to waste a life for something like that. No, its more than likely Caleb would have planned for something else to accelerate his return trip home.” Abe pauses as he realizes the answer and scowls as he says, “Ronin you already know the answer.”

  Ronin responds, “Master Abraham I thought it best to allow you the opportunity to confirm my hypothesis.”

  Frasier, becoming exasperated, yells, “Will someone please tell me what the hell you are talking about!”

  Abe continues repairing the conduits as he states, “Caleb would have created a gateway bridge to return back here quickly. He would have had to use close to fifty gateways to create something so massive. Those gateways are more than likely hidden and probably known only to Paladin and him. So, more than likely not part of Caleb’s master plan on keeping Carla here. We need to find the first one and use it to get us to him.”

  Ronin quickly adds, “I have scanned the gateway systems used by the Avalon people and have determined that they have over two hundred gateways, perhaps Ulysses and Salem can shed more light on this query.”

  Ulysses curls his furred lips, answering, “We have two hundred and sixty-nine gateways that I know of. However, Salem would have far more knowledge.”

  Ronin instantly connects to Salem to the holocom system as the A.I. of the Salem responds, “Commander Ulysses, Ronin has been sharing your recent conversation with me and the answer is that we have two hundred and seventy-one gateways in use but forty-seven gateways were built specifically for Caleb by the Black guard five hundred years past. All intel of their construction was destroyed, I however decided not to erase that information as I believed it to be unnecessary. Two of those gateways were reinforced to withstand extreme gravitational stress.”

  Ismail grins, stating, “A very colorful A.I. you have Commander.”

  Kalen smirks, stating, “Probably plans on using those two as weapon like the T-Challa did back when Caleb was forced into the time stream.”

  Ulysses exhales loudly, asking, “You wouldn’t by chance have the access protocols for these gateways Salem?”

  Salem responds, “I have the base code but Paladin would have changed the primary access protocols. Nevertheless, we do not know the location of any of these gateways.”

  Abe, who is still hanging suspended upside down and connecting power conduits states, “If you have the base code of this gateway system I can hack the primary access protocols but Salem’s right, you’re still going to have to find the first one as I’m sure its cloaked. All we need is to find one and it will bridge us to the next and so on until we are there.”

  Carla grins, answering, “Well I know that it would be near here as my Father promised he would see me again. So, it has to be within a day’s journey from us to be within Paladin’s shift distance of Avalon.”

  Ronin responds, “Still a proverbial needle in a haystack Mistress Carla. Although we have a reduced the probably location and range, Paladin has infused different cloaking technology within each of the civilization he created thus making it virtually impossible to detect without knowing the frequency of these gateways cloaking fields.”

  Salem responds, “I do not have the data of the cloaking frequency but I am aware of one person still alive that would. Lord Oz.”

  Ulysses huffs heavily, stating, “Well he’s currently with the Dorsa, trying to calm them before they start up an all-out war. Even with Mistress Carla allowing the Dorsa a few minutes of communications the Dorsa are still very nervous.”

  Carla confused states, “I was told he was being released.”

  Ulysses retorts, “He was released but chose to stay with them to make sure things would not escalate. Nevertheless, I seriously doubt Lord Oz would willingly surrender such information to us. However, I do believe we may have another source that may know where this gateway could be.”

  Ismail turns his head in wonder at Ulysses, asking, “And who would that me Commander?”

  Ulysses takes in a deep breath as he approaches the communications officers seat, asking, “Admiral Frasier may I have use of your holocom?”

  Frasier chuckles, answering, “Please, go right ahead.”

  Ulysses takes the communications officer’s seat who steps aside, allowing Ulysses access. Ulysses immediately begins adjusting the holocom frequency and activates the holocom. Suddenly a large Dorsa appears on the holocom. Ulysses quickly stands in front of the holocom and asks, “Hello my old friend how are you handling yourself with all the psychic interference caused by the psionic super bombs?”

  The Dorsa looks across the room as it slowly picks up a device and places it in front of him. The Dorsa speaks, “Commander Ulysses, I know you are not interested in my well-being so please let’s move onto your reason for communicating with me. You see Commander, your interaction with me is not unexpected, so please get down to what it is you want and I will decide to participate or I will dismiss this conversation.”

  Ulysses coughs a little as he looks to Frasier and briefly smiles, stating, “I know your people have spent hundreds of years scanning the sector around Avalon and I’m sure you are aware of any possible cloaked devices within this sector.” Ulysses pauses for a moment and asks, “I would like access to that information?”

  The Dorsa pauses as it considers exactly what Ulysses may be asking. After a long minute the Dorsa replies, “I do not have the information you require now but I can get it.” The Dorsa stares at Carla for a moment and asks, “What is the reason for this request?”

  Carla interrupts, stating, “We are searching for a possible cloaked gateway that my Father may have hidden somewhere near Avalon.”

  The Dorsa once more pauses as it appears to be considering its options. Finally stating, “I see. So, your hope is to locate this gateway in the hopes of traveling to where Caleb Ocoda may be.” The Dorsa contemplates their request for a moment, finally responding, “My payment will be very high Commander Ulysses for this information.”

  Ulysses sighs heavily, asking, “What will be the cost this time.”

  The Dorsa replies, “I know you will not give me technical information so I ask instead that I be allowed to accompany you and the daughter of Caleb Ocoda on this mission.”

  Ulysses stands aback as he considers what this Dorsa is asking. He looks over to Frasier, waiting for an answer.

  Frasier groans, lowering his head as he states, “Very well.”

  Ulysses turns back to the Dorsa, answering, “Your terms are accepted.”

  The Dorsa responds, “I will gather the information you need and will be over in my shuttle momentarily.” The holocom ends.

  Ismail takes in a deep breath and asks, “Who exactly is this Dorsa?”

  Ulysses swallows and clears his throat, answering, “Well, Dorsa don’t exactly have names like we do, they have designations, this particular Dorsa is an acquirer of information.”

  Kalen laughs aloud, stating, “You mean he’s a spy.”

  Ulysses exhales heavily, “Well, yes. However, I’ve had dealings with him in the past and he has always been honorable.”

  Frasier grumbles loudly, stating, “So you’re bringing an alien trained in espionage and information gathering on the most advanced and powerful ship ever created! I think that information would have been helpful before I agreed on allowing this creature on the Vengeance.”

  Carla smiles, stating, “It Ronin now Tony. It stopped being the Vengeance the moment I bonded with it.”

  Frasier throughs his hands up in the air and points to Ismail, stating, “Well this fish guy will be your responsibility Ismail.”

  Ismail looks confused and distraught, asking, “Hey, why the hell are you making this my problem?”

  Frasier storms away towards the main lift, stating aloud, “Because you’re probably the best at keeping this fish guy out of sensitive areas and I trust you above everyone else. Finally, the main reason is you’re the only one that will probably listen to me.” Frasier enters the lift and exits from the Bridge.”

  Ulysses meekly grins at Ismail who is clearly annoyed, saying, “Sorry Ismail but for a Dorsa he is rather unique.”

  Ismail grumbles loudly.



  Back on Paladin, the day finishes as Caleb heads to the brig where the synthetic being created by Noskcaj waits. Caleb enters the brig as the synthetic being waits patiently in his cell. Caleb stairs at it for a moment finally stating, “Syn, for now I will call you Syn. You are free to move about my ship, excluding areas Paladin has deemed too sensitive to allow you near.”

  Syn tilts his head as he stares at Caleb for a second, asking, “Syn as short for what I am a Synthetic being or Sin as for your part in for my creation?

  Caleb glares at Syn in contempt. He lowers the brig’s shield, replying, “Syn as in synthetic. I may be responsible for giving your creator the gift of knowledge that lead up to your creation but for you to be considered a sin will be determined by your own actions, for now I have decided that I will allow you to exist, that is until I determine that your presence becomes a threat to this time line.”

  Syn huffs, stating, “So you will be my judge, jury and executioner. Perhaps this would be a good time for me to disclose that I am powered by a Phace’mal power cell and should you choose to destroy me while I reside inside your ship it would be rather catastrophic.”

  Caleb’s eyes go wide in rage as he clenches his fists, yelling, “You’ve imprisoned one of those Phace’mal with in you!”

  Syn responds coldly, “Yells the man who possess several Phace’mal hidden deep with in a heavily shielded cargo bay on this very ship. You currently have them attached to your own ships power core, augmenting Paladin. You see Caleb, although I am not psychic the Phace’mal within me is and I have learned to communicate with it since my birth and my Phace’mal is currently communicating with the other Phace’mal on board your ship.”

  Caleb is stunned at this revelation and states, “The Phace’mal on this ship volunteered to help me, I highly doubt the one within you was allowed such a choice.”

  Syn stares at Caleb, rebutting, “The Phace’mal’s energy I use in negligible to its existence, I know the ones hidden within your ship suffered greatly as they allowed so much of their living energy to be used to shift Paladin to Skull earlier today. The Phace’mal within me is the last and only one left from the previous time line. My Father hid this one from the Demon Queen while the rest he possessed were lost. My Phace’mal would have perished if not for me.”

  Paladin telepathically speaks to Caleb, “Cale this could explain the Synthetic beings reasoning and emotional responses. If the Phace’mal is truly able to communicate with this synthetic being than perhaps this Syn as you have decided to name it could truly be an ally to us.”

  Caleb snarls as he turns away, exiting the brig. Syn follows him out stating, “I am not your enemy Caleb, I can help you.”

  Caleb turns back towards Syn in complete disgust, asking, “And just how do you plan on helping me?”

  Syn smiles, answering, “There is much I can offer Caleb. I can show you how to increase your power cores efficiency by more than sixty-eight percent, increasing your shift drives recharge rate from eight hours to three hours. This will allow you to close the distance on the Demon Queen’s fleet from four months to two months”

  Caleb grumbles, stating, “You’ll overheat the shift drive.”

  Syn chortles, refuting, “No Caleb, I said I could increase efficiency not ram more energy down the shift drive unit. You forget I have all the knowledge of my Father. What I say I can do can be done with ease.”

  Caleb stares at Syn deep in thought as he tries to evaluate this being’s motivations. Finally, Caleb asks, “You stated you only want to exist, so why help me when you could simply escape Skull and find some world to live out in peace.”

  Syn still smiling responds, “The Meli destroyed my Father and although I do not seek vengeance as that is a human emotion it would only be a matter of time until the Meli became aware of my existence and it would eventually seek me out and destroy me. If the Meli reaches the Phace’mal world its power would be unmatched. It could easily destroy entire planets and there would be no place I could hide. So, you see Caleb, I could either help you defeat the enemy of my enemy or wait until it eventually defeats you and then learns of my existence. I have calculated the odds as it stands at this exact moment for you and you currently have less than a four per cent chance of defeating the Demon Queen without me.”

  Caleb grits his teeth and groans ever so slightly, asking, “And with you?

  Syn responds, “Eighteen percent.”

  Caleb shakes his head as he takes in a deep breath, exhaling slowly. After a moment passes he looks at Syn and asks, “How much of your programming is Noskcaj and now much of it is Abraham?”

  Syn pauses as it studies Caleb’s question, finally answering, “I possess the memories of both as they are the same person but I believe your true query is am I more like Abraham or am I more like Noskcaj.” Syn stares at Caleb for almost a minute further, answering, “I am like both and neither. My Father’s original plan was to transfer as much of himself into this synthetic body as he could but that became impossible as his mind expanded beyond this vessels ability to contain. My Father had previously transferred uncorrupted files of his personality into this vessel to test its limitations, removing all possible contaminated fragments of his psyche, which the Meli had corrupted. So, when the Demon Queen took over Skull my Father knew he was doomed and released me as I was. I am my own sentient being Caleb.”

  Caleb exhales heavily, turning away from Syn, stating, “Go to engineering and do what you can do to improve the ships power efficiency but know that I will be watching you.”

  Syn grins momentarily, stating, “I will endeavor to excel in my duties.”

  Caleb leaves Syn as he heads back to the Bridge. Paladin speaks to Caleb telepathically, “Cale I will watch Syn as you wish but if his intent is to do us harm he will never have a better chance of doing so then being given free access to the engine room. Perhaps you could have given him a less volatile area to test his loyalty.”

  Caleb grumbles, replying in kind, “If his intent is to destroy us he could have simply overloaded his Phace’mal power core. No, my friend, he needs us and we need him.”

  Caleb reaches the Bridge where Rooke is working with a few of the other survivors, assigning them various duties on the ship. One woman sees Caleb and immediately charges towards him, angrily asking, “Where is my son Edgar?”

  Caleb huffs loudly as he stares at the woman, answering, “You’re Elise, the mother of Edgar, the first leader of the world I called Rooke. Your son Edgar
lived to be the ripe old age of three hundred and forty-six before he passed away of old age some seventeen hundred years past. Nevertheless, you should know his legacy lives on in disgrace as the damage caused by your heirs is causing untold strife to humanity.”

  Elise’s eyes go large as she tries to fathom just what Caleb has said. Rooke however is equally alarmed, asking, “Are you telling me you named a planet after me?”

  Caleb chuckled, answering, “It’s actually a moon but yes we named it after you. Well, Rachael and me.”

  Elise is virtually speechless as she stutters out, “Seventeen hundred years.”

  Paladin announces, “Elise your son was a very formidable politician that became a constant thorn in our side but regrettably a necessary one.”

  Elise snaps back angrily, “You took my son and left me behind.”

  Paladin immediately pulls up a holo image of Edgar and Dorian pushing others away from one of Celesta’s docking bays, allowing the two to enter, leaving behind Elise.

  Caleb looks to Elise and states, “I left far too many people behind but I had no choice as I could not carry everyone. Nevertheless, if I had it to do over again I cannot say I would change anything.”

  Rooke, reflecting on Caleb’s depiction of Edgar asks, “What did you mean by Edgar being a necessary thorn?”

  Paladin responds in Caleb’s place, answering, “We were give a glimpse into multiple time lines as we traveled through the time stream and we were shown just how badly the time line could and would turn out if certain things happened or did not happen. Caleb was forced to let some people grow in power that normally he would have stopped.”

  Caleb looks towards Rooke and Elise, stating, “Humanity is still in its infancy and most need something to hate or fear in order to rally together and grow. You cannot have order without chaos. Your son and his friend Dorian created an atmosphere of fear and hate that became toxic, separating most of the survivors into political sects. These sects grew into a force, trying to grab power until just a few years past when a civil war broke out amongst all seven moons. Most of the Paladonian people banded together, forcing out your son and Dorian’s heirs as well as all their new friends into exile. Regrettably, those that escaped will grow to become a force to be reckoned with someday.”


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