Hawk (Reckless Kings MC 2)
Page 11
If it was in the past week, she’d either been at the Reapers’ compound or here with me. I didn’t think anyone at either location would have done something like that. I trusted my brothers with my life, and the Reapers were family. Which meant it happened more than a week ago.
“See what you can find out,” I said. “Even if we called her dad, I’m not sure he’d admit it if he’d been tracking her. I think we need to up our security just in case.”
“I’ll get Forge on it. I’m going to reach out to Torch and Venom, see if they’ve heard anything. It’s a fuck ton of drugs for such a small car. Someone is missing this shit, and I’m betting they’re pissed as hell,” Beast said.
“We’ll finish up here and head home. I’d planned to have the dealership deliver one of the cars and take the other to run some errands, but I’m not sure I feel too safe with her out in the open. Not now.”
“You at Carlton’s place?” Beast asked.
“I’m sending Wrangler and Nitro your way. They’ll tail you if you need to stop anywhere else. I don’t think anyone will fuck with your girl while she’s out with three Reckless Kings, especially since she’s the property of the VP.”
“If they do, I’ll be happy to send them straight to hell.”
“Keep an eye out until they get there. I’ll call Torch as soon as I have those two heading your way.” Beast disconnected the call and I shoved the phone in my pocket.
I made my way back over to Hayley, who’d finally caved and was checking out an SUV. It wasn’t much bigger than the sedans, and knowing someone had been keeping tabs on her, I’d prefer she have something a bit sturdier. I just didn’t know how to steer her toward a bigger vehicle without making it too obvious. The last thing she needed was more stress. I caught the salesman’s eye and gave a subtle nod toward a blue SUV on the next row. I’d looked at the model a while back, back when Beast had talked about getting another SUV for his family, and knew it had scored well in collision tests.
By the time Hayley agreed to get it, and I’d picked out my new truck, Wrangler and Nitro had arrived. They’d hung back and appeared to be browsing vehicles. Hayley glanced their way a few times, but didn’t seem to suspect why they were here. I’d have to tell her, eventually, so she’d be extra careful if she left the compound.
Since I paid for both vehicles in full, the paperwork was a little lighter than if I’d financed them. We were out of there before too much longer.
“Hayley, I’m going to have the dealership deliver your SUV to the house. I thought we’d go buy a few things for Freya’s room before we go home, and there’s no point taking two cars.”
“Shouldn’t we go get her?” she asked. She twisted her hands together, and I noticed she trembled a little. “We’ve been gone for a while. She’s never been away from me this long.”
I hesitated. “Baby, she’s in good hands with Lyssa and Beast. I promise she’s okay. The question is how are you holding up?”
She frowned and looked down at her feet. “I don’t know. My breasts hurt from not feeding her, but mostly I think I’m just anxious. I know it’s good for her to socialize, probably good for both of us, but it’s harder than I’d thought it would be.”
I hadn’t really thought about how she’d feel being away from Freya. I knew Hayley knew Lyssa, even if they weren’t great friends. I hoped they would be eventually. For now, Hayley probably felt like strangers were watching our daughter. But Beast and Lyssa were family. My family.
“You gave them some formula you’d been using to supplement your breastmilk, right?” I asked.
“Yes. I gave them enough for two bottles.” She dropped her voice. “And I packed some pads for my bra so I wouldn’t leak through my clothes.”
“I’ll message Lyssa. If they need us to get her sooner, or if she seems hungry and they’re out of formula, we’ll go home.” I paused. “Or if you just really want to go back to her, or get too uncomfortable we can leave.”
After she agreed, I sent a text to Lyssa and one to Beast. I helped Hayley into the lifted truck, reaching over to buckle her. Reaching up to cup her cheek, I turned her face to mine and lightly brush my lips over hers.
“Our girl is fine, baby. She’s in good hands. You know I wouldn’t put either of you in danger, right?” I asked.
“Is that why those two men are here?”
I sighed, wishing I’d had more time. “There’s some things we need to discuss. I’d rather do it at home. To answer your question, Nitro and Wrangler are here as extra security for you. They’ll follow us to the baby store and tail us on the way home. It’s just a precaution.”
“Because there’s something to worry about.” Her shoulders sagged. “I don’t like this, Hawk. I hate not knowing what’s going on, and yet, I’m not sure I want to know either. One of those damned if you do and damned if you don’t situations.”
“Trust me to take care of you, Hayley. You and Freya are my priority. I’m not letting anything happen to my girls, okay?”
She gave me a smile, then leaned forward to kiss me. I threaded my fingers into her hair, holding her close as her lips lingered on mine. As much as I wanted to continue, the parking lot wasn’t the place for it.
I pulled away and shut her door. Before I got into the truck, I let Nitro and Wrangler know exactly where I was heading next. When I pulled out of the parking lot, they were right behind me. I reached over and placed my hand on Hayley’s thigh. I could feel the tension in her body and wished she didn’t have a reason to worry. As soon as we found out who’d targeted her, I’d make sure the asshole paid.
The baby store wasn’t as much fun as I’d hoped. While I did pick out a few things for Freya and encouraged Hayley to get more clothes for our daughter, I could tell Hayley was too worried to enjoy the shopping trip.
“Baby, nothing is going to happen to you, okay? Let’s get whatever you think Freya needs, or some toys she’d enjoy. Let me spoil the two of you a little.”
I got a faint smile and nod before she threw her arms around me. I hugged her to me and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m sorry, Hawk. You’re right. This should be fun, and we’re getting to spend time together without our daughter crying non-stop.”
“Get a package of diapers for her and more formula, then we’ll get the fun stuff.”
I paid attention when she placed the necessities in the basket so I’d know what to get next time. While Hayley added frilly dresses to the basket, I tossed in tiny shirts and leggings. My daughter might be cute as hell, but I didn’t know what the fuck to do with a girly-girl. I’d teach her how to change the oil in her car, fix a flat tire, and how to ride a Harley. I’d leave the other stuff to her mom.
I picked up a toy that lit up and played music, showing it to Hayley.
“Hawk, it says it for six months and up. Our daughter isn’t old enough for that one yet.”
“But we can put it aside for when she’s older, right? The months will fly by. Better to be prepared.”
She rolled her eyes at me, something I noticed she did frequently. Good thing I found it endearing. “Fine. Go wild! Buy whatever you want.”
I grinned. “You’re learning.”
I swatted her ass when I walked past her, making her squeak in surprise. If I’d known how much I’d like having an old lady, I might have gone looking for one sooner. Then again, it wouldn’t have been Hayley, and I was starting to think we were meant for each other. Why else would she have gotten pregnant our one and only night together?
By the time we checked out, we’d filled two carts and even Nitro and Wrangler had tossed in some items. Yeah, my little princess was going to be spoiled. And I’d spoil her mother too. I’d touched Hayley every chance I had. Innocent touches, but they were enough to heat my blood. A slide of my fingers against her waist as I leaned past her to grab something off a shelf. The brush of my hand against hers. I hoped no one noticed I was sporting wood in the baby store. D
efinitely not the time or place. Although, the way her cheeks pinked told me she was just as affected.
I loaded everything into the back seat, except the larger things like the baby swing. I put that in the bed. Nitro said he’d help unload everything when we got to my house. Once we had Freya home, and got her new things put away, I’d sit Hayley down and tell her what was going on, even though I still didn’t know a damn thing other than she seemed to be in trouble again.
The last thing I expected was to see Chief Daniels leaning against his truck at the gate to the compound when I got there. To anyone passing by, he would seem relaxed. He’d folded his arms and crossed his booted feet, almost looking bored. I knew the moment Hayley spotted him. She let out a gasp and gripped my hand tight.
“I didn’t think he even knew I left,” she said.
“Wait. What the fuck, Hayley? You didn’t tell your family you were moving?”
Jesus fucking Christ.
Something told me I was about to get my ass chewed by her dad, and I couldn’t blame the guy. If our roles were reversed, I’d want to stomp the fucker into the ground. It didn’t even occur to me to make sure she’d told her family goodbye. I’d just packed her up and moved her here. I’d known they’d thrown her out, but I should have clarified that she’d had no contact with them. That was on me.
I rolled down my window and yelled out to Iggy. “Let him through. He can follow me to the house.”
“You know him, VP?” Iggy asked.
“He’s Hayley’s father.”
Iggy got an oh shit look on his face that I seconded. The chief followed us down the road to the house and he pulled to a stop at the edge of the grass out front. Hayley’s new SUV was already under the carport next to my bike. I stopped the truck in the driveway and heard Nitro pull up.
I got out and went around to Hayley’s door, opening it for her and helping her down. Nitro stood next to me, eyeing the chief.
“Problem, Hawk?” he asked.
“Yeah, but it’s a family issue. Unload this stuff into the house for me? I need to see if he’s going to take a swing before we go inside. Don’t need him breaking anything.”
Hayley grabbed my hand. “I’m more worried about him breaking you. He looks pissed.”
I approached the man with his daughter in tow. He took off his sunglasses and hung them from the collar of his tee. He looked Hayley over then craned his neck to watch the truck.
“Freya isn’t here,” I said.
“And where the fuck is my granddaughter?” he asked.
“Safe. The Pres is watching over her while we ran some errands.”
Chief Daniels narrowed his eyes and scanned the house, stopping on the new SUV under the carport. “Something wrong with the car I gave Hayley?”
I rubbed my ear. “About that… I think we need to talk. I haven’t told your daughter yet, but I was going to as soon as we put Freya’s new things away.”
He moved closer, stopping in front of Hayley. “What the fuck were you thinking? Do you have any idea how freaked out your mother is? You just vanished! Someone spotted you leaving town, but we didn’t know where you were going right then, or if you were coming back. The guy didn’t think anything of it until I started doing my best to track you down the next day.”
“Dad, you kicked me out. When I lost my job, and my apartment, I didn’t think you’d let me come home. Delilah and Titan forced me to tell Hawk.” She looked up at me. “He’s Freya’s father.”
“I figured that much out already,” the chief muttered. “Really? A biker?”
I straightened to my full height. I’d known a cop wouldn’t be thrilled his daughter was with a biker, but it wasn’t like we were low-life scum. He had to know that since I’d heard he’d worked with the Dixie Reapers before. I didn’t know what his problem was. Didn’t matter. He’d have to get over it. Hayley and Freya were mine, and fuck if I was letting them go.
“You want a beer?” I asked.
“I could use one. Or a dozen,” he said.
I nodded, knowing exactly how he felt. We went into the house just as Nitro was leaving.
“That was the last of it, VP. I left it all in the nursery. Figured you’d put shit where you needed it.”
“Thanks, Nitro. Stop by and let Beast know I have company?”
He gave me a chin lift and headed out.
I motioned for the chief to come to the kitchen, and I pulled Hayley in my wake. I settled her at the table and handed her a glass of sweet tea before taking two beers from the fridge. I gave one to the chief and kept the other for myself.
Cuddles came waddling into the kitchen, eyed his empty dish, then chittered at me. I got up and took an apple from the fridge, sliced it the way I’d seen Hayley do it, and placed the pieces in his dish. I gave him fresh water before I took my seat again.
Hayley’s dad shook his head, smiling a little as he watched the raccoon. He might be pissed his daughter was with me, and that she’d left town without notice, but it was clear he adored her and even had a fondness for her strange pet.
“Now about Hayley’s car… I’m hoping you were the one who put the tracking device on it,” I said.
He leaned forward and braced his arms on the table. “I think you need to start at the beginning. And by that I mean, how the fuck did you meet my daughter? Because she was already pregnant when I introduced the two of you the night you caught her stalker. Why did you leave her to have a baby on her own? Seems like a shitty thing to do.”
Figured he’d go right for the jugular.
“I met Hayley when she was chasing after Cuddles. He’d yanked his leash from her hand and taken off. As for the other, I wouldn’t have. She never told me she was pregnant. First I heard of it was nearly a week ago. I packed up her shit and brought her home, where she belongs.”
Hayley kicked my foot and glared at me.
“I’m not tracking her car,” the chief said. “One of my officers saw Hayley leaving town with bikers. Took them a day or two to remember your cut said Reckless Kings MC. Otherwise, I’d have been here sooner. Now, how’d you find the device?”
“I had someone clear out her car while we shopped for a new one. Got a call they found a tracking device and… someone hid drugs in her car. A lot of them.”
The muscle in his cheek tightened and his lips thinned. Yeah, he was pissed. So was I. Whoever put that shit in her car needed to fucking die. Although, I didn’t think a cop would let me murder the guy responsible. He’d probably want to lock them up, except a drug charge wouldn’t exactly give them life behind bars, so sooner or later, they’d get out. If they blamed Hayley for their arrest, she’d be a target.
“I had drugs in my car?” she asked, turning deathly pale.
“Yeah. Hidden in your trunk under the spare, inside the back bumper, and in the wheel wells. It’s a lot. If you’d have gotten pulled over and a cop had seen it, you’d have been booked for possession with intent to distribute,” I said.
Chief Daniels arched an eyebrow at me.
“All right, maybe not back in your hometown because of who your dad is, but once you left? All bets were off.”
“Who would do that?” she asked. “When would they have done it?”
“Baby girl, you weren’t in your car or have it within sight at all times,” her dad said. “I need to know where your car was located the times someone might have had access.”
“To the trunk?” she asked. “I always kept it locked. The only person who ever had the key to it, other than you, was… the mechanic.”
The chief leaned back in his seat. “Lance Gilbert?”
“No. I mean, yes. He worked on it several times, but once his son James hired me, I let his garage do any maintenance on it. After I started working at the garage, the car needed an oil change. I had a flat tire they patched another day. Then it wouldn’t start one time after I’d gotten to work. I don’t remember what they had to do to it.” She sucked her lips into her mouth and shoved her hands
between her thighs, rocking back and forth. “It couldn’t be James. Right? He seemed so nice.”
“How many people worked for him other than you?” I asked.
She shrugged a shoulder. “I think two or three guys either ran the tow truck or worked in the bays. He had someone leave while I was there. A new guy started about two months before I lost my job.”
“I need his name,” her dad said.
“I don’t know. It started with an S. Sam? Saul? You’d have to ask James.”
“I’ll do that,” her dad said. “And then we’re going to discuss you running off without even telling your mother.”
He pulled out his phone and made a call. I reached over and tugged Hayley’s hands free, lacing our fingers together. Between her dad, the Dixie Reapers, and the Reckless Kings, we’d figure out who’d put the drugs in her car, who was keeping tabs on her location, and we’d put a stop to them. I didn’t think we’d be lucky enough it would be the same person, but I could hope.
* * *
I’d disappointed my dad and hurt my mom. I felt horrible about it. I should have called before I left town. Or maybe I should have let them know I was losing my apartment. I’d been stubborn and refused to ask for help. To be fair, if I’d gone crawling home, I never would have seen Hawk again. He still wouldn’t know about Freya, and I wouldn’t be here with him right now. I’d always thought things happened for a reason, even when we didn’t understand them.
Beast came over to talk to my dad and Hawk. He brought Freya home. I cleaned her up and fed her while the men dealt with the issue of the drugs in my car. She yawned and smacked her lips once her belly was full and I’d put a fresh diaper on her. I almost placed her in her crib, but my dad had never held her. He’d seen her around town, and even up close a few times. Not once had he asked to hold her. It had broken my heart.
I carried her to the kitchen and the men lowered their voices so they wouldn’t wake her. I paused next to my dad’s chair and held Freya out to him. His gaze locked on mine before taking her into his arms. His face softened as he looked down at her. I’d have even sworn it looked like he might cry for a brief moment, but I couldn’t remember ever seeing my dad shed a tear.