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Death Game: Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers Book 3)

Page 5

by Kelly St Clare

  “We need to meet twice weekly until I’m up to date,” I announced. “This is around my hours for Live Right Realty.”

  Kyros never eliminated that term from my repertoire. Kind of hard to if he wanted me to secure properties.

  “You’re working there?” Treena said. “We thought you were trapped. That’s why Rory Senrite was on such familiar terms with you at the NJB function.”

  Uhm, kind of.

  “I don’t just secure houses.” Hmm, how best to tell them I worked on Level 66 with the royals?

  Hothen stiffened. “What hours do you work?”

  Dithis moved to place a clock before me. My grandmother had fondly referred to the man as Pie because he had his fingers in so many. There wasn’t any Bluff City industry that Mr Dithis’s wealth didn’t touch.

  I was able to answer that without help. “Midnight until 3:30 a.m. Weekdays.”

  “You’re there for the…” He trailed off, eyes lighting up.

  The roll? Yes.

  My shoulders sagged. It was such a fucking relief to get some of this out, no matter how frustrating the process. Once they knew my situation, and I knew theirs, things would move faster. But to have their support—even their knowledge of what being compelled felt like—it meant everything to me right now.

  “Wait. You’re in the place after it too.” Mrs Syrre gasped.

  The six sets of eyes that unofficially ruled Bluff City alongside my family estate watched me.

  “Yes,” I answered, then thought of Queen Elizabeth. “Royals.”

  Dame Burke swore long and hard. “You’re in on the strategy meetings with the royal siblings.”

  She exchanged a shocked look with Lady Treena.

  Six identical smirks spread across their faces.

  My lips curled too.

  “There’s a problem,” I told them. “A big problem. One that could end the…” Game. “Battle. Not on my terms. Soon.”

  “One of the groups is going to win?” Mr Hothen asked, straightening. “They’ve been locked evenly for so long.”

  Yeah, I’d get to that part eventually. As much as I wanted to hide it, these were the people who could help me restore the clans to an even match. As soon as that happened, my guilt would be assuaged and I could continue playing Ingenium in relative peace.

  The details would be tortuous to convey, but it was torture I longed for. Because then I wouldn’t feel so damn alone anymore.

  I dragged an alphabet board toward me and fixed the rake-thin woman on my left with a grim smile. “I’ll need your help first, Lady Treena.”

  I had one idea to pursue at this point.

  Mr Ringly had lodged a development application for rezoning agriculture land to residential. There had to be some way to stall the project until I could sort things out. I needed to comb his application with a fine-tooth comb.

  My grandmother’s best friend raised her champagne glass. Tipping the chute back, she didn’t drink a single drop. “Naturally, Basi dear.”

  I woke more comfortable than I’d been in my life. A perfect warmth suffused me. Heaviness filled my limbs. A massive erection rested in my hand.

  I froze.

  What. The. Fuck!

  Nearly giving myself whiplash, I twisted to discover Kyros behind me.

  Kyros in my bed.

  Kyros on the estate.

  I blew out a breath as quietly as possible.


  Okay, we’d agreed on him sleeping here. Well. I’d agreed so I could get off his territory.

  When Fyrlia rolled, he would stay at the estate.

  When Sundulus rolled, I’d sleep at the tower.

  What he hadn’t agreed to was my fingers around his junk. Dying inwardly, I eased my hand away, wincing as his hips jerked at my touch.

  I tucked Kyros Jr safely beneath the waistband of his black sweats and eased back down.

  I stole a peek at the vampire.

  “You can leave it there if you want,” he murmured, eyes closed.

  “You! How long have you been awake for?” Slapping his chest, I climbed to my knees.

  His lips curled.

  Laughter choked in my throat as his amusement soared. I toppled back to the bed beside him, laughing my ass off.

  “Oh my god. I’m so sorry,” I choked out, staring up at the canopy as my body shook. “I was asleep.”

  Mortifying much?

  He rolled to face me, eyes still closed. He draped an arm over my hip. “I arrived at 4:30 a.m., climbed into your bed, and fended you off twice before I fell asleep. You’re persistent.”

  Heat flooded my cheeks. “Oops.”

  How long did I hold his penis for? That seemed the most pertinent question.

  “Not a complaint. I kissed you when I arrived. We’re even.”

  Were we though? They seemed to be on different levels.

  I cleared my throat. “I really hope I don’t do that again.”

  I’d spend every night with Kyros for the foreseeable future, and my body had a secret agenda. When I agreed to his terms after driving off the damn cliff, it didn’t seem like such a big deal. That was before sleep Basi took matters into her own hands.


  “Time?” he muttered, toffee strands splayed over his cheek.

  I needed an air conditioning unit installed in my uterus. Rolling over, I tapped my phone, squinting. “Eleven.”

  Knowing Kyros would be here every second day, I’d rearranged my schedule to work from midday until eight at night. Really, it made sense to sleep in one chunk instead of breaking it into two shifts so I could work normal hours.

  My stomach gurgled. “Breakfast time for me.”

  He rubbed his face. “Us.”

  I shot him a look, dragging my eyes over his biceps. “You sleep until one. I can just—”

  “You can just have breakfast with me,” Kyros rasped, cracking open his eyes. Humming low, he drew me flush against his body.

  His lips brushed against mine. “You look damn good in the morning, Basilia Le Spyre.”

  Was it weird to be freaking out because Kyros was in my space? I had a vampire in my room. A really hot one. Which was ridiculous because this was the most normal location we’d spent time together. The current between us steadily climbed and an answering languidness spread through me. Doing my best to force the will of the bond to one corner of my mind, I tilted my head back and regarded him.

  Kyros rested his head against the pillow and regarded me right back.

  He had the appearance of someone my age—in terms of the smoothness of his skin. At a glance, a human would see a genetic royal flush. Now I knew him better, the surety in his eyes and the serious set of his mouth were two signs of his immortality. When he spoke or moved, it was the same. Old people didn’t give a shit what people thought because they’d learned there was no point to it. Kyros had lived one-and-a-half-human lives so far. That quality, in contrast to his youthful appearance, told me he was other more than his fangs did.

  The closer I dared to look, the more of Kyros I was forced to acknowledge.

  His uncertainty about who his father was.

  His guilt over a game he never asked for.

  The burden of his siblings’ lives on his shoulders.

  The playfulness that may be a much larger part of him if he hadn’t been drawn into Ingenium from birth.

  His constant battle to remain in control. He could never relax entirely, and that would only get worse as his alpha power matured.

  Kyros had lived through one hundred and fifty years of that already. Wanting to fight that battle took a dedication so deep, I couldn’t fathom it.

  Ambition, cunning, confidence.

  There had to be an end to this man, but I hadn’t found it.

  “A million dollars for your thoughts,” Kyros rumbled.

  I blinked and met his green gaze. “Isn’t it meant to be a penny?”

  “I wasn’t sure you knew what a penny was.”

; Pssh. “I was thinking that you have more than one level. That maybe I assumed a few things about you at first appearance.”

  “A few things?”

  “That’s all you’re getting.”

  He captured my bottom lip with his teeth, eyes dancing. My eyes widened and my chest rose in surprise.

  Releasing me, Kyros murmured smugly, “I’m the penthouse.”

  The penthouse? Yep, couldn’t deny that.

  I was far more worried he was all sixty-six levels.

  Gah. A shudder overtook me.

  This freakin’ current was about to leave me in a quivering mess.

  I rolled over to tug the bell.

  He snorted. “You have bell pushes? Rich people used those in my childhood years. Or people who wanted to appear rich.”

  “A lot of the house and furniture are original, including the… bell pushes? I had no idea that’s what they were called.” I shot him a look. “You must have interesting stories. I can’t imagine living one hundred and fifty years ago. No televisions. No rocket ships. Weird.”

  “I’m relieved it’s only occurring to you that I could recount the invention of telephones and the women’s rights movement,” he said drily.

  I grimaced. “Right. I didn’t mean it that way. I forget how old you are because you don’t look old. It’s your hair.”

  He chuckled sleepily. “No, I really am relieved. Remaining current is easy for the first thirty years, then you develop paranoia about becoming outdated. We do our best to listen and observe and adapt, but it can feel like an act. We always wish to do things from our own era.”

  Huh. “That’s eye-opening. What old things do you like to do?”

  “My mother always instilled in us an interest in changing times. Those who don’t change become isolated. But I’ve always worn suits. I wear other clothes if necessary—when sleeping or going to the beach. Otherwise, suits are most comfortable for me.”

  “Good. Because they’re comfortable for my eyes.”

  He arched a brow.

  “And?” I pressed, clearing my throat.

  “Things weren’t as noisy when electricity wasn’t widely used. My childhood and most of my teens were blissfully free of the buzz. I prefer quiet spaces still. I don’t understand why people feel unsettled in silence or like they constantly need to fill it.”

  I wasn’t sure how to take that. “I find that time hard to imagine if I’m honest. I’m imagining dirt roads and Mr Darcy.”

  “Maybe we can look through pictures one day.”

  My stomach gurgled.

  Hopefully it covered my discomfort. I didn’t know whether uncertainty or guilt was more rampant inside. When he spoke long term like this, I couldn’t make head or tail of it. In fact, it was gravely important that I didn’t think long term when it came to the blood bond. I had a job to do.

  A knock sounded.

  I straddled the vampire, grinning wickedly. “Come in!”

  Rosie opened the door, and I screeched.

  “I apologise, Miss Le Spyre,” she said calmly. “Shall I return at a more convenient time?”

  Damn, nothing could shake her.

  I huffed. “Do you play poker, Rosie?”

  She flicked a glance at Kyros, cheeks pinkening. “I dabble, miss.”

  Mmm-hmm. Sure she just dabbled.

  “We’d like breakfast. Better make a lot,” I said, studying the half-naked male between my thighs. His eyes were fixed on me.

  “At once,” she bobbed a curtsey.

  “By the pool, please.”

  She curtsied again, shutting the door.

  “Do you always mess with your staff like that?” Kyros rested his hands on my hips. He pulled me down hard and circled his hips.

  A breathless moan slipped between my teeth as my legs shook. “Why does that feel so fucking good?”

  He ground his erection into me again, and my head dropped forward until our gazes locked.

  “Do you like that, my beauty?”

  “I can’t think when we touch,” I said between pants.

  Both of us trembled against the urge to drink blood and fuck for three days.

  “You’re not the only one. To my memory, I recently forgot we were in the ocean and I should swim to keep us afloat.”

  My husky laughter trailed off as I dragged my fingernails through the middle line of his torso.

  His sharp inhale was music to my ears.

  “We should discuss the fifth exchange,” Kyros said in a ragged voice.

  I stilled, returning my hands to my lap. “Uh, that’s…” Sudden.

  Fear. Resolve.

  “Kyros?” I pushed backward so I was crouched between his legs. “Is everything okay? Why do you feel that way?”

  He followed me up, capturing one of my hands. “There’s nothing to fear.”

  “Is that so?” I scowled at him. “How about this then? I’m going to have a shower, to which you are not invited, and you can have another think about your plan of attack because the nothing to fear line didn’t work.”

  Kyros’s lips twitched, and I jumped off the massive bed and snatched up my kimono on the way to the bathroom. Part of me was just proud I managed the move without face planting.

  When I exited ten minutes later, feeling unusually bubbly about the day, Kyros was looking through my stuff.

  “Having a good snoop?” I asked, entering my closet.

  He followed close after me, inhaling deeply. “Just returning the favour. You have a lot of clothes and shoes. I like how they’re organised.”

  That actually hit me in the feels. “Thanks.”

  His anticipation curled around me like a litter of puppies.

  “You’re excited to be here.” I grabbed jeans and a T-shirt seeing as he was just in sweatpants and a black Tee.

  “To see the home of my true mate, yes. I’m excited. You continue to keep me at a distance. I’ve wished to know you better for some time.”

  “Your penis entered my vagina, Kyros. Your face has been between my legs. Not sure what distance you’re talking about.” Grabbing underwear, I dropped my kimono and dressed in the black panty and bra set.

  His storming lust left me breathless. “You’re purposefully being obtuse. I refer to emotional distance, not physical. And what we shared was much more than me pleasuring you, vixen. Don’t make it sound empty.”

  I glared at him. Why wasn’t he letting me get away with shit this morning? I didn’t do deep emotions before midday. Or after midday. Not with him.

  “I’m unsure how to respond to that.” I tugged my jeans on and slipped the see-through T-shirt over my head.

  Kyros’s eyes tracked me like a hawk. “You’re beginning to relent. Soon you’ll be mine.”

  Reluctant laughter fell from my lips. “Can you stop? What woman wants a man saying that to her?” I picked up a sandal and hurled it at his head.

  He caught the shoe. “You see me as a man?”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Stop being weird.”


  “Weren’t we discussing the fifth exchange?” I huffed, snatching the sandal from him and locating the other.

  Kyros whirled me around, pressing me against the wall. “Were we?”

  Good try. “You wanted the fourth exchange because it would prevent others from compelling me, but why the fifth? Why, really?”

  “Things are reaching a head in Ingenium, Basilia. I wish you to have every possible advantage in case things don’t go as planned. Our blood will further merge in the fifth exchange. You will heal at an accelerated rate and become faster and stronger.”

  Unease stirred within me. “I thought you said I wouldn’t become a Vissimo.”

  He cocked his head. “Not through the exchanges alone, and you must be invited by the clan alpha. Am I to take it you don’t wish to join my kind?”

  We’d never talked about it. But no, I didn’t.

  I was human—lifespan, wrinkles, and all.

  Kyros caught my fro
wn and tilted my chin up. “The fifth exchange is all we’re discussing.”

  I tried to free my face, glowering at him. Like he never downplayed anything that may freak me out.

  “I’m just not sure why I’d do the fifth exchange,” I said, abandoning my attempt to shake his hold. “I’ll be better able to protect myself, yes, but each exchange makes it harder to think of anything but you. If we exchange again and you’re taken away, it will be harder to live without you.”

  A hardness settled over his emotions—something I’d noticed Kyros did when he wanted to guard me from something.

  “Can you say you’re immune to the drive to continue the mating exchanges?” he eventually asked. “That your entire being isn’t desperate to intertwine with mine?”

  The urge to blame the urge on the blood bond stalled on my lips. Because that excuse wasn’t true anymore. Even if I hated that lines were blurring, feelings were becoming tangled.

  He crowded me against the wall, threaded his hand through my hair and tugged until my head was tipped back to see his face. “When will you admit how you feel for me, my beauty?”

  My breath hitched.

  “You drove off a cliff for me,” he whispered, trailing his nose from jaw to temple.

  My hands shook. His were in the same state.


  His growl slipped between us. “The thought of claiming you as my mate keeps me up at night. I want to bite and fuck you through the three remaining exchanges back to back.” He leaned in for a kiss that I could tell would leave me legless.

  I placed a hand on his chest, mind scrambling. “Is losing Ingenium a possibility? You said winning was a certainty a few weeks ago. Why the rush to jump into the fifth exchange?”

  “There are no certainties in life,” the vampire purred, slipping his leg between mine.

  “Kyros, I can literally feel when you’re downplaying shit,” I said angrily.

  I needed this to happen and didn’t expect Kyros to come out with it so soon. Yet I was putting up more barriers than security at a Justin Bieber concert.


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