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Her Dream Cowboy

Page 6

by Laura Ann

  Scarlett felt as if all the air had been stolen from her lungs again. “Oh my gosh, Mr. MacMillan.” She scrambled to her feet, then paused when the world spun. A warm hand landed on her back and Scarlett forced herself not to lean into Noah’s touch. “I’m so sorry about the trouble I caused.” She wrung her hands together. “I promise it wasn’t on purpose, and I promise to apologize to Romeo.” She scrunched up her face and ducked into her shoulders. “I really wasn’t trying to offend him. But please don’t send me home. I’ve spent so long trying to get here, it was my mo—” She bit her lip, not ready to tell her sob story, and decided to change tactics. “It’s taken me a long time to get here. Please let me stick around a little longer.” She eyed Noah standing next to her and felt a sinking depression at what she planned to say next. “And I promise to stay away from No—”

  “NO WORRIES!” NOAH’S hand on her back bunched her shirt into his tight fist. He immediately forced himself to release her and stepped away slightly. He knew exactly what she was going to say, and for some insane reason, Noah had no desire for her to keep her distance. However, the moment the words left his mouth, he knew he’d just invited the worst trouble of all. Mom is gonna jump on that like a homeless man on a bologna sandwich. Crap, crap, crap.

  His entire family was looking at him as if he had grown a second head, all except his seventeen-year-old brother, Lucas, who was shaking so hard from his suppressed laughter, it looked like he was having a seizure.

  Noah closed his eyes and groaned internally, knowing that his family would never leave him alone now. I should have just let her say it. Why would it bother me so much if she made that promise? It shouldn’t have. I barely know her. He paused in his mental scolding. But how do you stay away from something that feels so natural, so addicting, so...right?

  He shook his head to clear his thoughts and forced himself to come back to the present predicament. “So, I think what my dad is really asking is if you plan to sue the ranch?”

  Scarlett’s eyes widened and she jerked her head toward Noah’s father. “Oh my word, no. Absolutely not. I was the one being an idiot. I would never blame that on anybody else.”

  A collective sigh went through the family and Noah’s dad walked forward. “We appreciate that. Thank you.”

  Scarlett shook her head, then paused with a grimace. “No, thank you. I’m so grateful you’ve let me come.” She chewed her lip, looking uncertain. “You, uh, you’re not going to kick me out, are you?”

  It was Noah’s turn to be shocked. “Is that what you’ve been worried about?”

  Scarlett winced under his exclamation. “Yeah,” she admitted.

  He shook his head. “No. No one is planning to kick you out.” Noah looked up at his father. “Right, Dad?”

  His dad nodded. “Absolutely not. It takes a bit more than that to get hauled outta here.”

  Scarlett let out a pent-up breath and put a hand on her chest. “Thank you,” she said breathlessly. “I mean, it would be so awful to have to go before I can finish...” She trailed off and Noah frowned.

  She’d made remarks before that made him wonder about her backstory, but Scarlett continued before he could ask her anything.

  “Like I said, I’ve just been waiting for this for so long.” Scarlett smiled wide. “Anyway, thank you for letting me stay. I promise to do better.”

  Noah’s dad chuckled. “I think we’re all still learning,” he assured Scarlett. His face became serious. “However, I’m worried about the fact that you passed out. No one has had time to check you out.” He glanced at his wife. “We’re happy to take you to the hospital, but it’s about an hour away. Or my wife here could take a look at ya. She does most of the doctoring for our ranch boys.”

  Scarlett waved everyone off. “I’m fine. I didn’t hit my head at all.” She laughed lightly. “Truth is, I was so afraid that I held my breath, and then when this handsome guy” —she elbowed Noah in the ribs— “saved me, I was just so overwhelmed by his heroics that I blacked out.” Her smile was a little too wide, letting Noah know that she was teasing him on purpose.

  He felt as if his cheeks would melt right off. His brother and sister had both scurried out of the room, trying to hide their laughter, but he knew they were still listening in the doorway. Brats. Both of them. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. He wanted nothing more than to banter back and forth with her, but having his parents in the room made it more than a little awkward. Which is probably why she’s saying that junk. She knows I can’t dish it back right now.

  His mom walked over and took Scarlett’s hand. “If you decide you need anything, like some headache medicine or something, you let me know, okay? We don’t want you hurting.” A sly smile crossed her face and Noah tensed. “And you’re right. My son is pretty wonderful. We’re so grateful to have him around.” She glanced up and winked at Noah, which made him want to groan and disappear into a hole in the ground.

  “Right?” Scarlett exclaimed. “I mean, geez, who wouldn’t want to be saved by a big, buff cowboy?” Scarlett stood and followed Noah’s mom into the kitchen. Right before they disappeared, she looked over her shoulder and pumped her eyebrows in challenge as she turned back to Noah’s mom. “You wouldn’t happen to have any baby pictures sitting around, would you?” Her voice trailed off as they rounded a corner and Noah let the groan out, putting his face in his hands.

  As he sat there, trying to figure out what to do next, Noah felt eyes boring into the top of his head. “What?” he snapped, when he looked up to see his father smiling.

  David put his hands in the air. “She’s a cute one, huh?”

  Noah rolled his eyes. “Plenty of cute girls have come through the ranch, Dad.”

  David shrugged. “Maybe so, but not all of them think you’re some kind of cowboy superhero.”

  Noah growled, which only made his dad laugh harder. “She doesn’t think that, she’s just egging me on.” And the fact that I like it, which only makes it worse.

  David walked past Noah, slapping him on the shoulder as he went. “The admiration of a beautiful woman isn’t a bad thing, son. Enjoy it while you can.”

  Shaking his head, Noah headed out of the house. “Two weeks. She’s here for twelve more days and then she’s gone. No way can I let myself get too attached. Besides, I’m gonna leave myself. Just have to get through this job.” Slapping his baseball cap on his head, Noah headed back toward the barn to make sure Romeo had been taken care of. He knew one of the other workers had probably settled the horse, but he needed the excuse. He was finding himself far too interested in the beautiful redhead and her earth-shattering smile. Not to mention, the thought of giving her a proper kiss was swimming dangerously through his head. Hopefully the smell of manure and horse would help banish the idiotic thought.


  Despite the disaster of her first attempt at riding, Scarlett was in good spirits when she left the MacMillan household. She’d had a lovely talk with Mrs. MacMillan, and had thoroughly enjoyed the woman’s mother hen personality. Bethany MacMillan had unknowingly helped fill a little part of Scarlett’s heart that had been lonely for a long time.

  Scarlett grinned as she thought of Noah’s face when she’d begun teasing him in front of his family. The fact that he couldn’t get back at her had made the whole situation far too delicious. But what else is a girl to do when she gets caught almost kissing someone’s son? I had to turn the tables somehow.

  She snorted and shook her head. Mrs. MacMillan had been more than willing to answer all of Scarlett’s questions about the ranch and everybody on it. Apparently when you live in the middle of nowhere, your only source of entertainment is everybody else’s lives, Scarlett mused. Her smile faded as she approached the door to the barn.

  Scarlett took a deep breath. She owed Romeo an apology, and Scarlett was determined to get on good terms with the beautiful animal. Before her time was up, she had every intention of getting back in the saddle and having that ride
she and her mother had dreamed of for so long. With a deep breath, she pushed open the thick door and stepped inside. The inside was darker than outside, so Scarlett’s eyes took a moment to adjust and for Violet to come into view.

  Noah’s sister was tucked in a corner directly to Scarlett’s right, devouring a letter as if it contained the secrets of the universe.

  “Hey, Violet,” Scarlett said, putting a hand in the air.

  Violet jumped, obviously not having heard Scarlett enter. The letter was quickly stuffed in a back pocket and Violet straightened. “Oh, hey,” she said awkwardly. Her eyes went everywhere but at Scarlett, and Scarlett got the impression she’d interrupted something important.

  “I was just coming to apologize to Romeo,” Scarlett finally said when Violet didn’t speak again.

  Violet nodded. “Great. That’s uh...great.” She bit her lip and edged toward the door. “I guess I’ll just leave you to it then.” She smiled a little as Scarlett moved away from the entrance so Violet could slip out.

  Scarlett squished her lips to one side. On one hand, she wanted to know what Violet was hiding. On the other, she prayed Noah’s sister didn’t hate her. Maybe she’s upset about the way things went down with Noah and Romeo. But back at the house, I’d gotten the impression she thought it was funny. Scarlett sighed and pushed a hand through her messy hair. “Guess time will tell.”

  She turned to the rest of the barn and located Romeo’s stall. “Hey, Romeo. I came to talk to you.” Scarlett started forward and the horse snorted. “Easy, boy. I just wanted to apologize.” She left one hand up as she approached. At first, Romeo seemed to put his nose in the air, like he couldn’t be bothered with someone as ridiculous as her, but when Scarlett pulled a sugar cube that Mrs. MacMillan had given her out of her pocket, his nostrils flared.

  After a moment of eyeing her, Romeo reached down and ate the sweet treat, tickling Scarlett’s palm with his lips. “Uh-huh.” Scarlett grinned and ran her fingers through his mane. “Not so high and mighty now, huh? A little sugar goes a long way.”

  She laughed when Romeo tossed his head.

  “I just wanted to say, sorry,” Scarlett whispered. “I was too excited and I shouldn’t have shouted.” She tilted her head from side to side to look into Romeo’s eyes. “Forgive me?”

  The beautiful horse leaned forward and huffed against her cheek.

  “All right, all right.” Scarlett laughed and ducked away. “I appreciate it, but I don’t have any more sugar.”

  With another snort, Romeo turned and put his back to her.

  Scarlett shook her head, amused, and straightened her shirt. “Got the message loud and clear, buddy,” she said before turning toward the doorway. When she turned, Scarlett saw a large body only a few feet in front of her and she jerked to a stop. “Noah,” she breathed, putting a hand to her heart. “How in the world does someone as large as you get around so quietly?”

  Noah’s chuckle sent a tingle down Scarlett’s spine and she shivered slightly. “Can’t say I’ve ever been accused of being sneaky.” He stepped closer, his face coming out of the shadows. “In fact, if my sister is to be believed, I’m a flat-footed Neanderthal. It always seemed to be my fault that we got caught on Christmas mornings.”

  Scarlett couldn’t help but laugh. “I think most sisters think that about their brothers.”

  Noah shrugged, his hands in his pockets. “Probably so.” He looked at her intently before dropping his gaze to the ground and clearing his throat. “Dinner’ll be on in a few. Did you want to go clean up before we go eat?”

  Scarlett looked down at her muddy clothes. She’d spent the whole afternoon with Mrs. MacMilllan and hadn’t been back to the cabin yet. Now here she was, still dirty and standing in front of a man who played with her emotions in a way no one else ever had. No wonder Jaz always says I’m a mess. “I hate to admit you’re right,’re right. I should get cleaned up.”

  Noah’s lips pulled up into a half-smile. “I’ll have to mark that one on the calendar.”

  Scarlett laughed softly and glanced up at him from under her eyelashes. “Score one for the cowboys.”

  “Or for all men in general.” He turned and tilted his head toward the door. “We know we’re right, but how often does a lady admit it?”

  “Only when the man is actually right, which is why you hear it so little,” Scarlett retorted, marching past his still form in the doorway.

  Noah chuckled and hurried to catch up with her. “Duly noted.” They walked for a moment before he cleared his throat. “So, uh...just what did you talk about with my mom?”

  Scarlett pinched her lips together. He’s wondering if I saw any baby pictures. She barely contained her laughter, and also knew that this could be way too fun if she let it be. “Why? Worried I know about the Batman underwear?” She laughed so hard, she snorted when Noah’s face blanched. The underwear thing had been a shot in the dark, but obviously it had hit him.

  As they approached her cabin, Scarlett gave him an overly sweet smile. “See ya in a few!” Then she hurried up her steps before he tried to stop her. Once inside, she shut the door and leaned against it, letting out a long breath, followed by one last laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Betsy asked from her spot on the couch. She had a book in her lap and was eyeing Scarlett suspiciously.

  Scarlett shrugged, forcing herself to be nonchalant. “Nothing.” She pushed off the door and winced. “Shoot, guess I’m gonna be a bit sore tonight.”

  Betsy shook her head and raised her book. “At least you got to be carried by a strong, handsome man. That oughtta make any pain worth it.”

  Scarlett smiled and walked toward the bedroom to grab her clothes for a shower. “I do believe you’re right,” she quipped right before closing her door.

  NOAH TAPPED HIS FINGERS against the woodgrain of the table and then glanced at his cell again.

  “Nervous?” Oliver asked as he set his tray down to Noah’s left.

  Noah immediately dropped his hands to his lap. “What? No. Why would I be nervous?”

  Oliver was chewing as he looked at Noah, but his eyes said enough.

  Noah sighed and ran a hand through his wet hair. The feel of it reminded him of the fact that he’d showered and freshened up before dinner. Why? Why am I bothering with this? Just because a pretty girl knows how to keep up with my sarcasm? He snorted, then glanced up at Oli, who was still watching him intently. “Nothing to be nervous about,” Noah said, hoping he came across as nonchalant.

  Oli’s mouth worked its way into a grin as Noah continued to squirm under his gaze.

  Clearing his throat, Noah looked away, his eyes automatically drawn to the doorway. His breath caught as a couple of the women walked in at once, one in particular catching his eye. Her dark hair was laying around her shoulders, the sunlight behind her showing off the red.

  Tight jeans showed off her curves, leading down into a pair of bright red cowboy boots, while a white T-shirt hugged her upper body. Noah swallowed, feeling like a lead weight had settled in his gut. “Ow.” He came back to the present, glaring at Oli who was still smiling wide after elbowing Noah in the ribs.

  “Thought I’d stop you before you drooled,” Oli said around his mouthful of roast.

  Noah scowled. “I wasn’t drooling,” he said, defending himself.

  “If you say so,” Oliver pushed.


  Scarlett’s soft voice caused Noah’s heart to start thrumming. Slowly, to give himself time to school his face, Noah turned and smiled. “Oh, hey. You made it.”

  Scarlett smiled shyly. “Hey. Is this where you want to sit?”

  Noah automatically glanced at the table and caught Oli’s ever present smirk. He made himself look away without responding. “Yep. This work for you?”

  “Sure.” Scarlett glanced over her shoulder. “Let me go dish up and I’ll be right back.”

  Noah watched her go until Oli kicked his foot under the table. Noah spun on h
im. “What?” he snapped, tired of his friend’s antics. Noah’s nerves were already on edge and Oli was about to push Noah over the edge.

  Oli put his hands up. “Easy. Down, man.” He laughed. “You’ve definitely got it bad.”

  Noah pushed a hand through his hair again. “I don’t know what I have,” he muttered. His comment only made Oli laugh harder. The chair next to Noah pulled out and Scarlett slipped into the seat. Her smile was slightly strained and she had trouble meeting his eyes, leading Noah to believe that she was just as nervous as he was, which only amped up his own anxiety. Crap. I’m like a stupid teenage boy. What is wrong with me?

  “This looks great,” Scarlett said, managing to glance at him. “Have you already eaten?”

  Noah couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from her face until Oli kicked him under the table again. Noah looked over and glared, but Oli just touched a napkin to the side of his mouth, infuriating and embarrassing Noah even more. “No,” he finally answered. “I’ll grab something in a few.”

  Scarlett frowned then turned to Noah’s friend. “So...Oliver, right?” she asked right before putting a bite of potatoes in her mouth.

  Oli nodded. “Good memory, Ms. Dylan.”

  Scarlett laughed. “Your cowboy manners are wonderful, but please call me Scarlett.”

  Noah watched Scarlett and Oli laugh and chat, and he felt those stirrings of jealousy form in his chest again. This is so ridiculous. I can’t be jealous. I barely know her. Scarlett laughed again and warmth spread over the feelings of jealousy. That. That is exactly why I’m acting like a hormonal teen, he thought glumly. Everything about Scarlett was drawing him in. Her kindness, her smile, her teasing personality. It was completely opposite of how his life had been going for the last couple of years and he was finding it addicting. He wanted to experience it more. Needed it like a man in the desert needed water. But the fact that he needed it made him angry.

  He clenched his fists under the table, ignoring Scarlett’s curious glances. Glances that soon became concerned. Her small fingers landed on his tight forearm.


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