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Her Dream Cowboy

Page 10

by Laura Ann

  Betsy nodded toward some chairs. “We’ll be over there.”

  Scarlett gave her a mock salute and headed toward the end of the food table. Picking up a paper plate, she grinned at Mrs. MacMillan. “It all looks so delicious!” she exclaimed. “I’m sure they’ll be rolling me back to the cabin!”

  Mrs. MacMillan threw her head back and laughed. “You always have a kind word, sweetie.” She smiled wide. “Don’t you worry about ruining that figure. One night of enjoyment won’t hurt you a bit.” Mrs. MacMillan made a shooing motion. “Now go on, and eat to your heart’s content.”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Scarlett grabbed a spoon and began to dish herself up. About halfway down the table, someone came up beside her.

  “Is it too late to apologize?” Noah’s deep voice took her by surprise and Scarlett spun too quickly, nearly losing her plate.

  “Sorry!” She got herself settled. “You startled me.”

  Noah grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. I wasn’t trying to be sneaky...again. We seem to do this a lot.”

  Scarlett shrugged. “That’s all right. And why would you need to apologize?” I know, but I want to know if you know.

  Noah squished his lips to the side. “For being a downer.” He kicked at a rock. “I shouldn’t have shut down like that. Everyone’s here to have a good time and I’m being a jerk.”

  Scarlett nudged his shoulder with hers. “You weren’t a jerk...just...solemn.”

  “I’d like to be less solemn and more about having a good time,” Noah said, grabbing her plate. “Let me help you with that.” He winked, sending Scarlett’s heart into palpitations. “The least I can do is show you the cowboy manners you came expecting.”

  Scarlett tried to keep her smile under control, but there was no stopping it from spreading widely across her face. “Why, thank you, good sir,” she teased.

  Noah chuckled. “That sounds more like old-timey England.”

  Scarlett waved a hand dismissively. “Same ole, same ole.” With a wide smile, Scarlett worked her way down the food line, filling her plate to the brink and enjoying Noah’s attention and flirtations as they went.

  “I’m not sure I can carry this all the way to the table,” Noah said, hefting the plate up and down as if it weighed a ton.

  “Should I take it?” Scarlett asked. “Is it my turn to show off my muscles?” She flexed her thin arm.

  Noah’s grin was completely enthralling. “Might have to have you show me how it’s done. It’s clear you’ve been practicing.”

  Scarlett laughed and took the plate. “Are you going to get your own dinner? Should I save you a seat?”

  Noah looked around the chairs before them, then back to her. “I’d like that,” he said softly.

  Scarlett’s heart did that fluttery thing again and she smiled. “Sounds good.” She sat quickly, before her knees could give out on her, and then looked at the rest of the crew. “Hey, guys!”

  Betsy smiled and waved, a grinning Levi at her side. Levi tilted his chin and his eyes darted to Noah’s retreating back, then to Scarlett. His smile widened when Scarlett’s cheeks grew warm. Suddenly her plate became the most interesting thing in the circle. Looking up from under her lashes, Scarlett could see that Oli was next to Levi and the family from Seattle had gathered in their own group a little farther away.

  “Hey, little lady,” a slick voice said from behind Scarlett.

  She twisted so she could see over her shoulder and the potato salad in her mouth turned to ash. Trent, the man Scarlett had tangled with during orientation, was standing behind her with an oily smile on his face. So far, she’d done a heck of a job avoiding him this week, despite the fact that they’d done several of the same activities. Tonight, however, it seemed her luck had run out. “Hello, Trent,” she said coolly, then faced forward, putting her focus back on the food.

  Without asking permission, Trent slipped into the seat beside her.

  “I’m saving that seat,” Scarlett said, not taking her eyes off her food.

  “You know...I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot,” Trent said, ignoring her statement.

  Scarlett looked over. “Excuse me? What foot is that? The one where you insult me?”

  He smiled and chuckled, as if her anger was nothing to worry about. “If that’s what you want to call it.” He glanced around the group. “Can’t blame a man for wanting to enjoy the company of a pretty woman now and again. Right, boys?”

  Oliver and Levi both scowled and didn’t answer.

  “I’ll bet you’ve made some friends at the ranch this week,” Scarlett lied with a fake smile. “Don’t you want to go sit with them?”

  Trent slung an arm over the back of her chair. “I’ve just been hanging out with Oliver over there.” He waved a dismissive hand toward the worker. “I thought maybe I’d see if I could get some better company tonight.”

  Scarlett scooted forward so his arm wasn’t against her back. “Well, you’ll have to do it somewhere else. Noah will be coming back for that seat any moment.”

  Trent made a point of looking around. “I don’t see a sign.” He grinned in a way that Scarlett thought looked practiced, as if he knew exactly what emotion he was going for. “Guess he lost his chance.”

  “OR MAYBE YOU JUST NEED to move,” Noah said darkly. He’d seen Trent come over from a distance and hadn’t missed how Lettie stiffened and tried to move away from him. But it wasn’t until Trent put his arm on the back of Lettie’s chair that Noah had seen red.

  Trent looked up sharply, then an easy smile spread across his face. “Hey! We weren’t sure you were actually coming.” Trent stood and offered the seat to Noah. “Just keeping it warm for ya, buddy.”

  Noah stood still and waited for Trent to slink off. The guy was a sleaze, but hadn’t actually hurt anyone physically. Noah wanted to be sure it stayed that way. Once the other man was across the space, Noah sat down, putting a can of pop next to the leg of his chair. “You okay?” he asked Scarlett.

  She smiled gratefully, making Noah feel much taller than his five-foot-eleven stature usually did. “Much better now! Thanks for the save...again.”

  Noah tipped an imaginary hat. “All in the name of cowboys,” he teased back.

  Lettie laughed and went back to her dinner.

  Noah glanced around the group and cleared his throat when Oliver and Levi both raised their eyebrows at him. Smooth, Noah. Real smooth.

  “Is he really here for book research?” Betsy asked quietly enough that no one outside their group would hear.

  Lettie looked to Noah, as if assuming he would know the answer.

  “Yep. According to him, he’s an author,” Noah said before stuffing a bite of pulled pork in his mouth. “Said he writes mysteries and is planning on doing one set on a ranch.”

  Lettie shook her head. “Can’t he just Google it?” she muttered.

  Noah chewed and swallowed. “Probably, but it’s more authentic this way.” Noah shrugged. “He insisted it would help him understand the lifestyle better. And truth be told, he’s not wrong. Even Google doesn’t know everything.”

  “I think he needs to figure out a different lifestyle to learn,” Lettie grumbled under her breath as she speared a pickle. “Maybe one that includes manners or reading body signals.”

  Noah choked on a laugh, while Oli and Levi snickered.

  Levi pointed his fork at Lettie. “Scarlett, you’ve caused more trouble this week than a herd of loose cows. I wish we had someone like you in every session.”

  Betsy whacked his arm. “What am I, ya big lug? Without me, you wouldn’t have laughed half as much this past week.”

  Levi choked and sputtered a response while Oli continued to laugh.

  Noah leaned in close to Lettie. “Your humor seems to be saving our sanity this week. Now who’s the cowboy in shining armor?” he whispered, then glanced down. “ boots?”

  “Green!” Lettie scowled. “They’re mint, thank you very much!”

  Noah pu
t up his free hand. “Sorry. That’s totally not a man color.”

  “Here, here!” Oli shouted. “If it’s not one of the primary colors, it doesn’t really exist.”

  “Oh?” Betsy asked, tilting her head. “And what would you call Scarlett’s blouse?”

  Oli narrowed his eyes and studied Lettie’s cream-colored shirt. His brown eyes met hers and Lettie smiled back while they all waited for his response. “Beautiful,” he answered, then grinned in triumph when Levi snorted.

  “Oh, man!” Lettie began to fan herself. “If that isn’t the best answer ever!” She laughed and winked at Oli playfully.

  “Show off,” Noah grumbled, then scowled when Lettie whacked his arm. “What?”

  She pointed to Oli. “That’s how cowboys are supposed to act.”

  “You want me to be sappy?”

  Lettie rolled her eyes. “No. But cowboys should be romantic.”

  Noah scoffed. “Said who? Cowboys are tough, dirty, and hardworking. Nowhere in the description does it say they have to be romantic.”

  Lettie tilted her head to the side and gave him an unimpressed look.

  Noah held back a smile. He was thoroughly enjoying their banter, despite Oli’s flirtations.

  “My books say you’re wrong.”

  Noah shook his head, irritated. Always back to the books. “Well, maybe you need to be taught what a real cowboy is about then,” he challenged. He chuckled at Lettie’s wary expression and the rest of their group’s laughter.

  After a moment, Lettie schooled her face and set her plate down under her chair. Sitting back, she folded her arms and put a smirk on her face. “Well, go on then. Teach away, Obi-Wan.”

  “Hey, now. I’m ancient compared to the rest of you, and even I know that Obi-Wan was not a cowboy,” Betsy piped up. “Not even a space cowboy.”

  Levi snorted again as he put another bite in his mouth.

  Lettie smiled. “True enough.”

  Noah, however, wasn’t ready to let the moment go. He leaned over. “Take a walk with me and I’ll teach you everything you need to know.” He whispered as quietly as he could, hoping and praying that Levi and Oli wouldn’t hear him, but by the sniggering coming across their little circle, it would appear his invitation wasn’t as private as he wanted.

  “I’d take a walk with ya,” Betsy said with a wink. “Although I have a sneaking suspicion you wouldn’t teach me the same things you’re willing to teach Cutie Pie here.”

  Noah turned back to Lettie, who was as red as a tomato. At first she didn’t speak, but just as Noah was sure she would turn him down, she smiled softly. “I’d like that.”

  Noah set his plate down, stood up, and reached out a hand. “Come on. There’s a lot more to ranching than what you’ve seen so far.”

  With her small fingers in his, Noah felt like he was on top of the world. Confidently, he began to guide her toward the barn, when Levi decided to break the sweet moment.

  “Hey, Noah! You’re going the wrong way! The chicken coop is behind you!”

  Noah growled softly and fought the temptation to turn around and deck his best friend. Looking over at Lettie, he relaxed when he saw her smiling at him, despite the teasing. Deciding the frustration wasn’t worth it, he grinned back and squeezed her hand as he led her away from the rest of the group.


  Scarlett’s nerves were hopping like she had drunk an entire pot of coffee. Her hand was tingling from where Noah held it. Her heart was fluttering like she had just run a marathon. Her head was swimming from the playful banter she and Noah had shared at the fire and all the teasing they had received from the rest of the group.

  She couldn’t seem to help the smile that adorned her face as they walked away from the others and into the darkened property. With the sun nearly gone, Scarlett’s visibility was waning. She clung to Noah, hoping he knew where he was going. “So...what are you planning to teach me?” she asked.

  Noah chuckled, but didn’t answer right away. He led them into the horse barn, then left her by the door while he walked to the side to turn on the lights. “I thought I’d show you how we cowboys treat a pretty lady.”

  Scarlett folded her arms over her chest, hoping to hide her trembling hands. “I thought you said cowboys weren’t romantic.”

  Noah smiled and began to walk toward her.

  For some reason, his walk seemed slightly predatory and Scarlett found herself backing up. She wasn’t afraid of him. The reaction had been more of a natural instinct to his intenseness. Noah continued after her until Scarlett bumped into a stall. The gate bounced behind her and a horse huffed its annoyance.

  Noah put his hands on the gate behind her, caging her in.

  Scarlett was absolutely positive that her heart was about to beat right through her ribcage. Her breath was shallow and fast, and the blood rushed in her ears...and she was loving every second of it.

  Noah leaned in and put his lips to her ear. “Want to see how a cowboy woos a woman?”

  Scarlett gulped audibly, then nodded once.

  Leaning back, Noah let go of the wood and grabbed her hand. “Come with me.”

  Scarlett stumbled after him, still too woozy to really understand what was happening. Noah stopped her at another horse stall.

  “Romeo!” Noah called, patting the top of the gate. “Come on, boy.”

  Scarlett blinked rapidly, trying to make her brain function again. It was having trouble coming down from the electric tension Noah had built up, only to then walk away. She watched as the beautiful dark horse she had ridden, only a few days previously, came from the corner of the stall to stand in front of them.

  “Good boy,” Noah crooned.

  Scarlett grimaced when she found herself jealous of Noah’s tone of voice. Good grief, I’m ridiculous, she scolded herself.

  Noah let go of Scarlett’s hand and brought both his hands up to Romeo’s face. “You ready to show this little lady how it’s done?”

  Romeo nodded his head up and down, making Scarlett smile. “It’s like he knows what you’re saying,”.

  “He does,” Noah said easily. He winked sideways at Scarlett. “I told you I’m pretty good with the animals.”

  Scarlett kept smiling, but shook her head.

  Turning his body toward her, Noah kept one hand on the side of Romeo’s neck. “This ole boy here isn’t named after the story,” Noah said. “He earned his name.”

  “Oh, really?” Scarlett teased. She looked at the horse. “Are you going to tell me why?”

  Noah grinned widely. “All right, Romeo. Showtime.” He patted the horse’s neck three times. “Give her...the look.”

  Scarlett frowned and smiled at the same time as she watched Romeo turn his head, so his eye was level with hers. He got really close, allowing Scarlett to see straight into his black orb. Scarlett couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Not enough?” Noah tsked his tongue. “All right.” He patted Romeo’s neck twice. “Better show her how good your kisses are.”

  Scarlett jerked back. “What?”

  “Just hold still,” Noah whispered.

  Scarlett closed her eyes as Romeo leaned in and began nibbling at her cheeks and hair. “Oh my word,” Scarlett said through her laughter, “you really are a Romeo.”

  Noah was smiling as Romeo pulled back. “And that is how a cowboy woos a girl,” he said proudly. “Good job, boy,” Noah said, rubbing Romeo’s nose.

  Scarlett stepped forward to give Romeo a little loving as well, but she couldn’t help but look at Noah. “As amazing as that was, a girl is usually looking for attention from someone in her own species.”

  Noah’s eyes lit up and he leaned forward. “Really? You haven’t fallen in love with the big guy here?”

  Scarlett rubbed her nose against Romeo’s. “Oh, I’ve definitely fallen in love with him, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in getting to know someone else.”

  Noah covered Romeo’s ears with his hands. “Don’t listen to h
er, boy. We don’t condone cheating.”

  Scarlett laughed. “It’s only cheating if the feeling is mutual.” She looked back at Romeo. “I’m pretty sure this pretty boy is charming every woman in his path.”

  Noah studied the horse. “True enough. I can’t say he’s ever been very good at staying focused. His affections are rather fickle.” His gaze turned to Scarlett and she took in a sharp breath.

  “And you?” she asked breathlessly. “Are your affections fickle as well?”

  Slowly, Noah shook his head. “No. In fact, I’ve very rarely ever given my affection to anyone.”

  Scarlett swallowed hard as Noah stepped away from the horse. He moved toward her, making her release Romeo. Once again, Noah put his arms up to cage her in. His body was large and warm and sent her blood humming through her veins. “What would a girl have to do to grab your attention?” she whispered hoarsely.

  Noah leaned down and rubbed his nose along her cheek. “You don’t have to do anything,” he whispered back. “You caught my attention on day one.”

  Trembling from head to toe, Scarlett didn’t respond immediately when his lips brushed hers. This kiss was so different from the one in the chicken coop. This one was planned, careful and heightened by the fact that they had already admitted to having interest in each other. Her body was ready to take flight, and when he pressed his mouth to hers a second time, she lost all her inhibitions and threw caution to the wind.

  NOAH COULDN’T HELP but chuckle as Lettie fairly leapt into his hold. She wound her arms around his neck and clung to him for dear life as they shared their mutual attraction to each other. He tightened his grip and lifted her slightly off her toes as he deepened the kiss, reveling in every moment.

  She tasted like sunshine and laughter and...home. He knew it was crazy, but even after only a week of knowing her, Noah knew there was something extra special about Scarlett Dylan. His wanderlust was nowhere to be found, and for the first time in several years, he thought he would be happy staying right where he was.


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