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Her Dream Cowboy

Page 15

by Laura Ann

  Scarlett smiled. “I forgive you,” she said softly. She blinked back more tears, this time happy ones. “Does this mean we’re getting back together?”

  Noah stepped up and slid a hand into her hair. “I don’t think we were ever truly apart. We just both needed some time to think it through.” As he moved closer for a kiss, Scarlett suddenly remembered her duffle full of gifts for him.

  Just before his lips met hers, she put a finger against his mouth. “Wait,” she whispered.

  Noah frowned and straightened.

  Scarlett took a deep breath. “Before this goes any further, I have something for you.” She tilted her head. “Well...some things.”


  “Come on.” Scarlett took his hand and led him to the couch, where she settled him in the middle. “Just let me grab my bag.” She hurried over and grabbed the heavy duffle, and brought it back to the coffee table.

  Sitting down next to Noah, she pointed at the zipper. “Open it.”

  Noah gave her a funny look before slowly obeying her command. “I’m a little worried something is going to jump out at me,” he murmured.

  Scarlett chuckled. “Would I do that?”

  He gave her a look.

  Scarlett rolled her eyes, still smiling. “Just do it, scaredy cat.”

  Noah pulled the two sides apart and let out a low whistle. “Whoa.” He reached in and pulled out a bag of his favorite specialty chocolates.

  Scarlett put a hand on his arm. “I heard you, Noah.” She swallowed hard, suddenly nervous about her offering. “I heard you when you said you like Theo’s chocolate.”

  Noah gave her a sideways glance and nodded, setting the chocolate to the side. Next he pulled out a pair of leather gloves.

  “I heard you when you said this brand was your favorite. You said they last longer and leave fewer calluses.” She touched the edge of the gloves. “You also said you can hardly keep them in stock because everyone else likes them too.”

  Noah stared at the gloves. “That’s a pretty good memory,” he said softly.

  Scarlett didn’t respond, simply let him go back to the bag. When he pulled out a pair of ropers, he jerked his head toward her.

  “I saw that your pair was starting to wear out,” Scarlett explained. “I noticed your boots from the first moment I saw you because they weren’t as authentic as I thought they should be.” She shrugged and grinned. “At first, I told myself it didn’t matter because nobody was perfect, but later, I realized it was perfect. They’re the perfect fit for you, and you’re the perfect fit for me. The shape of the boot didn’t matter.”

  Noah’s jaw was clenched as he pulled out a stack of books. He thumbed through them and hung his head.

  “You said you wanted to raise horses,” Scarlett explained softly. “I was hoping these might offer some advice.”

  Noah nodded. “These are great. Thank you.”

  “There’s more in the bag, but my purpose in putting it together was to show you that it wasn’t about you being a cowboy, Noah. I was interested in you. I paid attention when you told me about what you wanted for your future. I listened when you mentioned your favorite foods and treats. I remembered because they were parts of you that were important to me. Important because they were details about you. Not Levi, not Oli, not any other cowboy, but you.” She licked her lips. “I meant it when I said I’m in love with you, Noah, but I don’t want you to ever doubt why I’m in love with you.”

  Noah dropped the books on the coffee table and grabbed Scarlett around the waist. She squealed when he pulled her into his lap and grabbed her face. “I love you too,” he said in a husky voice. “And if I had half a brain, I’d have shown you that, rather than making a fool out of myself by singing a love song on your front stoop.”

  “Silly cowboy,” Scarlett cooed. “That showed me exactly how much you love me.”

  Noah smiled as he pulled her in and their conversation stalled for a long time.

  WHEN NOAH FINALLY MANAGED to pull himself away, he tucked Lettie’s head into his shoulder and leaned back against the cushions with a sigh. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her forehead, leaving his lips against her skin. He couldn’t seem to sate his desire to touch and enjoy her, which was just another sign that he was right where he belonged.

  “I’ve missed you too,” she said softly. Her fingers toyed with the collar of his shirt. “So what do we do now?”


  Scarlett sat up so she could look him in the eye. “Where do we go from here? You’re still living at the ranch and I’m here in Vancouver. How are we going to make this work?”

  Noah huffed and pushed a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. There’s no work for me over here and I hate to ask you to move closer.”

  Scarlett squished her lips to one side. “I’m sure I can find a job closer, but it would mean leaving behind Jaz, and I’m not quite ready to do that.”

  “Then I’ll guess we’ll have to make the long-distance thing work,” Noah said matter-of-factly. This connection between them was stronger than anything he’d ever felt before, and he felt confident that although distance would be difficult, it wasn’t going to be a deal-breaker.

  “I can come visit you on the weekends,” Lettie offered.

  Noah shook his head. “We’ll take turns. My mom will be so thrilled that we’re together that I have no doubt they’ll let me leave every couple of weeks if it’s to see you.”

  Lettie’s cheeks pinked up and Noah let his fingertips trace the pattern it created. Her skin was warm and soft and made him want to go back to kissing, but he held himself back. They still had things to figure out.

  “How long are you here for?” Lettie asked.

  “I need to go back tomorrow night,” Noah admitted. “I’ve been in Arizona for the last two weeks, so Dad could really use me at home.”

  “You didn’t want to stay down there?”

  Noah shook his head. “No. The only thing I enjoyed there was the horses, and even those didn’t keep my interest.” He gave her a half-grin. “Every time I saw one, I pictured you pulling your Lone Ranger impression, and it ruined my concentration.”

  Lettie threw her head back. “Ugh! I’m never going to live that down.”

  “Probably not,” Noah admitted. He brought their foreheads together. “But you fulfilled your goal. Your mother would be proud.”

  Lettie sniffled. “Thank you.” She huffed a laugh. “I think I’ll keep you.”

  Noah chuckled. “Too late. I’ve already decided to keep you.”

  “We can keep each other.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Noah rested his head against hers and they both quieted down, simply enjoying the moment. His eyelids grew heavy and the stress of the last few weeks began to slowly drain out of him. He was right where he wanted to be, holding the woman he wanted to hold. The next few months would probably be difficult as they navigated the road of dating over a distance, but he knew they could do it.

  He felt Lettie’s hand fall from his chest and land in her lap. Glancing down, he realized she had fallen asleep. Guess she was just as worn out as I am. Noah leaned in to give her a feather-light kiss on the forehead. “Sweet dreams,” he murmured as he allowed his own eyes to close. A nap with Lettie sounded like the best way to spend his afternoon.

  “You’re my dream,” Lettie mumbled, letting Noah know she wasn’t quite asleep yet. “And you’re the best dream I’ve ever had.”


  “Can I look yet?” Scarlett asked through her laughter as she tripped over a rock on the ground.

  “Nope. Not yet,” Noah whispered in her ear, sending shivers down Scarlett’s spine. “I told you it was a surprise, and it’s going to stay a surprise.”

  “Well, I can hear that we just walked past the chicken coop, so how much farther do we have to go?”

  Noah chuckled, a sound that Scarlett adored. His laughter had only grown easier and freer during the last three months
while they’d been dating. The weeks had been difficult, but they’d made full use of video chats, texting, and phone calls. Scarlett had never been more grateful for unlimited data than she’d been these last months.

  This weekend had been her turn to drive to the ranch, and Noah had met her at her car with a handkerchief. With the sexiest smirk alive, he’d blindfolded her and started to guide her through the ranch. They’d been walking for ten minutes and still hadn’t reached their destination yet.

  “Come on,” Scarlett whined. “Just a little hint?”

  “Patience,” Noah reminded her.

  Scarlett scoffed. “I don’t think that’s one of my strong suits,” she grumbled.

  Noah laughed again. “For a woman who spent ten years going after a single dream, I don’t think that’s true.”

  “Okay, maybe I just don’t have short-term patience,” she shot back.

  “Now that I can agree with.”

  Scarlett gasped and moved to elbow him, but Noah must have seen her coming because his grip on her changed for a moment and her elbow hit nothing but air.

  “Is that any way to treat your boyfriend?”

  Scarlett shrugged. “I guess that depends on how he’s treating me.”

  Noah pulled her to a stop and brought his lips to her ear again. “I guess I’ll let you decide that.” Without warning, he tore the handkerchief from her head and waved an arm Vanna White-style in front of her.

  Scarlett stared at the beautiful field he’d gestured to. It was covered in grasses and wildflowers in bloom, but she had no idea what the surprise was. “What exactly am I seeing?” she asked.

  Noah crowded into her back and brought an arm up on either side of her. “Imagine...a large farmhouse right in the middle,” he said in a husky voice, “white with dark blue shutters. There’s a wraparound porch that goes all the way around, covered in flower pots just bursting with color.”

  Scarlett’s jaw dropped as she listened to his description.

  “The weeds surrounding the home will be turned into grass, soft enough for tiny feet to run around on all day. If you want, there’ll be a dog, sitting at the door, just waiting for his master to come out and put him to work. We can plant a tree to hang a tire swing on and eventually happy squeals will join in with the crickets and birds.”

  “We?” Scarlett rasped. She swallowed hard. Her heart felt as if it would burst with each word that Noah spoke. The image was so clear, Scarlett desperately wanted it to be real.

  One of Noah’s hands disappeared, then came back, holding a black box. “We,” he answered softly. “Since you already finished one dream, I thought maybe you’d like to build another one...with me.”

  Scarlett spun so she could look him in the eye. His face was wavy since her eyes were filled with tears, but she didn’t care. “Are you sure? Do you really want to marry me?”

  Noah smiled and slipped the ring onto her finger, giving it a kiss once it was settled. “I’ve never been more sure. I’ve discovered I didn’t need to leave the ranch to find my purpose, Lettie. I just needed to find the right person to help me understand it.” He glanced back at the open field. “I love the ranch and I love the life it gave me growing up.” He looked down. “I want that for my children and I think you want that as well. This land is so we can continue this life but have our own place. Our family will be raised with their grandparents just down the street and all the mischief they could ever manage.”

  Scarlett put her hands on either side of his face. “That sounds absolutely perfect.” She kissed him once and pulled back, grinning when he tried to follow her. “I just hope our kids have better ranching skills than I do.”

  Noah chuckled. “Don’t worry. We’ll start ’em young.”

  Scarlett gasped. “Oh my gosh, do you know what this means?”

  Noah frowned and shook his head. “No. What does it mean?”

  Scarlett felt as if her smile would split her face. “It means that Jaz has to come out here. Remember that dumb bet?”

  Noah’s eyebrows shot up. “Why do I have the feeling that’s a disaster in the making?”

  Scarlett slapped his chest. “Knock it off. She’s not that bad.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Noah nuzzled her neck. “I’m just glad she’s not here right now, though. I’m pretty excited to have you all to myself.”

  “Me too,” Scarlett said breathlessly. Turning her head, she caught his lips and lost herself in the moment. Scarlett knew she would forever cherish her mother and their time together reading romances, but it was the real-life one in front of her that Scarlett was grateful for most. Her real-life dream come true.

  Hopefully you had as much fun

  reading this as I did writing it.

  I love strong, but sensitive men like Noah.

  Just delicious! Mmm!

  Not ready for the romance to end?

  Check out all the employees at Sagebrush Ranch:



  Samuel and Hannah




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  Keep reading for a sneak peek at book #2

  in the Sagebrush Ranch series!

  “Her Almost Cowboy”


  “That’s a wrap!” Chloe punched her fist in the air, then high-fived the policeman next to her. “This was so awesome. Thanks for letting us tag along.”

  Officer McDermott smiled and reached down to pet his canine companion, Max. “No, thank you. We really appreciate you helping us get the word out about our program.”

  Chloe stepped forward and ruffled Max’s dark fur. “No prob! We love adding a little education into our show.” She bent down further. “Isn’t that right, Max?” She used both hands to rub him vigorously. “You just keep sniffing out those drugs you handsome thing, you.”

  Officer McDermott cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow.

  Chloe laughed and stepped back. “Sorry.”

  The officer smiled. “No biggie.” He winked. “Be careful though, I might find myself jealous of the dog.”

  Chloe laughed harder. Officer McDermott was single, but close to twenty years her senior. There was definitely nothing enticing about someone old enough to be her father, no matter how cute his dog was. “Anyway. We,” she waved between herself and her cameraman Newton, “really appreciate it. Our viewers are going to love it.”

  Officer McDermott nodded and led Max away, back to his squad car.

  “Well done,” Newton said as he began folding up his equipment. “I think this’ll be a hit.”

  “I hope so,” Chloe said, biting her lip. “We need a big one right now. The last couple of episodes haven’t done nearly as well as I’d hoped.”

  Newton shrugged, his shoulder length hair blowing around his face. “It would be nice.”

  Chloe nodded, her eyes unfocused as thoughts spun through her mind. “There’s gotta be something we can do to pick up our views.”

  “We haven’t tried polling the readers,” Newton mumbled, almost absentmindedly.

  Chloe snapped her fingers. “That’s it! We let them choose our next adventure! That’ll get everyone involved well before the actual show. It’ll be perfect!”

  Newton paused. “But what if they choose something awful?”

  Chloe shrugged. “Who cares, as long as they want to watch it?”

  Newton shook his head. “I don’t know. They might choose something we can’t do. Like scuba diving with a shark or something.”

  “Who says we can’t do that?”

  Newton’s dark
brown eyes grew wide. “ And our budget. We don’t have the money for scuba lessons, let alone enough to fly to somewhere you can actually do that. We’d have to go to like Fiji or the Bahamas.”

  “Sounds nice to me,” Chloe said with a grin.

  “Hot girls in bikinis always sounds nice,” Newton grumbled, “but that still doesn’t mean we can afford it.”

  Chloe huffed and shook her head. Newton’s caveman attitude drove her crazy sometimes, but still...he was a great cameraman. “What if we gave them options? That way the choices are already vetted and plausible?”

  Newton paused and blinked. “That would work. We’d have to make them as diverse as possible though, if they’re too alike no one will get excited about them.”

  “Done.” Chloe clapped her hands together and rubbed them in anticipation. “I’ll hop on that while you do the editing for today’s episode.”

  Newton nodded and slung his equipment over his shoulder. “Back to the lair,” he announced, striding toward the car they’d come in.

  Chloe lengthened her stride and caught up. Sometimes having long legs is totally an advantage, she thought with a grin. At five-foot-ten, Chloe definitely didn’t have trouble keeping up with the men in her life. She’d always been athletic and tall and her restless energy is what had started her little video channel in the first place.

  After graduating from high school, she’d gone to college, but had never settled in. The quiet, studious life was definitely not where she wanted to spend her time, but she knew her parents would freak out if she didn’t get an education. In order to appease them and be true to herself, she’d gone to school part time and checked out other jobs on the side. It had allowed her to jump around from interest to interest until she found something more permanent.


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