Home > Other > CONVICTED > Page 9

by Pelton, Kristi

  Through my peripheral, I noticed Ren watching me. She knew there was a difference between us. She was ranch owner’s daughter; I was a ranch hand. I withdrew my hand from hers when we approached the hospital.

  An entire team waited beneath the canopy near the emergency entrance. It was amazing what money could get. I was thankful in this situation.

  “Mr. Briscoe. How long ago was she bitten?”

  He cast a glance my way. I stepped out of the truck and stood with the doctor.

  “I’d say it’s been a solid hour. Maybe an hour and a half. Only one fang got her,” I explained.

  “What happened to your face, son?”

  Ren was ripped out of the truck and rushed inside. I got lost in watching them with her then realized the doctor and Cal were waiting for me to answer.

  “I tried to suck out the venom. I’m sure that’s old school, but I needed to do something.”

  Mr. Briscoe’s hand patted my shoulder as he walked past me. The nurse asked me to follow her while my eyes followed Ren being rushed behind two electrical sliding doors.

  Once inside a private room, the young nurse looked me over from head to toe. “You didn’t get bit?”

  “No. I already told you,” I answered gruffly.

  She wiped my mouth with a swab, cleaning off the blood, but also testing one of the swabs for venom.

  “Can you tell me if Ren is doing all right?”

  “Are you family?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “I’m sorry. Due to HIPPA laws, I can’t give you that information.”

  She stepped out of the room, leaving me alone with my worry. It took every ounce of concentration to maintain composure. My first urge was to tear the room apart. My mind raced—full of options…things I could have done differently. If we wouldn’t have kissed. If I would have gone down the mountain first in front of her. If I would have had her just stay still until the snake backed down. Ren was so scared though.

  The nurse breezed through the door.

  “Mr. Hess, we are going to go ahead and give you a shot of anti-venom. The swab came back positive, and it won’t hurt you. Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes. Did Ren get hers?”

  Her bushy, right eyebrow perched up on her forehead—an unspoken reminder of her confidentially bullshit.

  She dabbed the skin with an alcohol wipe, stabbed the needle into my shoulder, and then slapped a Band-Aid over the puncture.

  “There are very few side effects with anti-venom. I’ll bring you the paperwork of what you might expect and then you’ll be free to go. Mr. Briscoe has covered your bill.”

  As quick as that, she was gone again. I thought about all the times Brax and I needed medical attention that never came. While waiting for the nurse, I dragged my fingers over my cracked, uneven collarbone—a wrestling with Brax injury. Dad had shouted at us both and refused to take me to the ER. For about a week the pain had been completely unbearable. The stitchless gash on my chin was much easier to tolerate. The lighter-skinned scar seemed smoother than the rest of the skin, and no hair ever grew out of it.

  “Mr. Hess, here is your paperwork and you are free to go.”

  I hopped off the bed.

  “Oh, yes. Just so you know, you’re being hailed a hero down the hall by an eighteen-year-old beauty for saving her.” The nurse winked, knowing full well that she’d just done what she wasn’t supposed to. Though I threw her a half-smile, I’d feel better once I laid eyes on Ren.

  The flickering lights in the hallway irritated me as they messed with my head. Mr. Briscoe taking me into his home and giving me a second chance at life was challenging enough but falling for Ren. Fuck…

  The waiting room was spotted with a few people waiting their turn. More than likely the turn we took from them when we barreled through the door. Being with Mr. Briscoe had its perks.

  A phone sat on a table between two chairs. I cast a glance around the room to see if anyone was paying attention to me. Feeling invisible felt pretty good in those few moments. A phone attached to a cord seemed antiquated, but I dialed Brax’s number. After being sent to voicemail, I released a frustrating breath and waited for the beep.

  “Pick up the phone, dickhead.”

  I laughed after I disconnected the call and waited only about a minute—long enough for him to check the sweet, heartfelt message. This time he answered on the first ring.


  “Hey, man.”

  “Joss,” he whispered, the relief in his tone flooded through the phone line. “Where are you? How are you calling?”

  “I don’t know how much time I have, Brax. I just wanted to say hi.”

  “Are you ok?’

  “Yes. I’m ok. Better than ok. How are you?”

  “How are they treating you?”

  A wave of guilt rushed over me as I thought of the trailer with no air conditioner. I had a/c and a pool. The entire thing seemed unfair.

  “It’s good, man. Weird. I’ll explain when I’m done.”

  “Is anyone hurting you?”

  I knew exactly what he was asking. He wanted to know if I was anyone’s bitch. “No. It’s not like that. Thank, God.”

  “Are they nice?”


  “How were you able to call?”

  The emergency room wasn’t busy, so it was easy to see everyone. No sign of Mr. Briscoe.

  “It’s kind of a long story. Mr. Briscoe has a daughter and she got bit by a rattlesnake. And, well, we had to come to the hospital.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yes. I was just with her at the time, and her dad needed my help.”

  “Why were you with her?”

  I hated lying to Brax. “Um. She is just visiting, and I was showin’ her some stuff.”

  “Joss,” he said my name with a slight warning attached.

  “Dude, it’s not like that.” That lie came so easily.

  “OK. I trust you. Be smart.”

  The moment his words were spoken, Cal Briscoe strolled through the doors, making direct eye contact with me. He lifted his chin, acknowledging me, and then paced casually across the floor, taking a seat across from me.

  “I gotta go,” I said into the phone. Not waiting for Brax’s response, I gently laid the receiver in place praying I hadn’t broken some rule.

  “How are you, Joss?”

  “I’m fine, Mr. Briscoe. Thank you for covering the cost of the medical bills. How’s Ren?”

  I fought to control my expression and concern that he’d just caught me on the phone and not show that I was going crazy with worry for Ren.

  “Who was on the phone, son?”

  I hung my head feeling as if I betrayed him. “My brother, sir.”

  “Joss. Look at me.”

  I wanted to make him happy, but I had really needed to hear Brax’s voice. I lifted my gaze to his.

  “I read about your brother who is incarcerated. Do you have another brother?”

  With a firm nod, I said, “Yes. My brother, Braxton.”

  This time it was Cal that hung his head. “I didn’t read about him. I’m sorry. Would you like for him to come for a visit?”

  I bit the inside of my cheek to contain the emotion overwhelming me. “He could do that?”

  “Of course, he could do that. I’d love to meet him.”

  “Yes, sir. He’d love to meet you too. When?”

  The most genuine smile spread over Cal’s lips. “You tell me, son. He’s welcome anytime.”

  “I’ll call him and see when he can come, if that’s ok?”

  “Cal?” a voice sounded in our direction. Both of us scrambled to our feet when an older man in scrubs waved us over.

  “Ren is good to go. We’ve got it wrapped, and here’s the prescription for the antibiotics. She’s lucky only one fang got her.”

  Cal firmly patted my back for a third time that night and then squeezed my shoulder in appreciation. If he only knew I’d kissed his daught
er hours earlier.

  My eyes fell to my dirty tennis shoes that I’d worn to hike up the mountain. For whatever reason, it was difficult to accept compliments in any way—the bad stuff that my father screamed at me was so much easier to believe.

  “Let’s go grab her.”

  Like an eager puppy, I followed him and the doctor down the hall.

  In some of the rooms, curtains were pulled helping with privacy. I kept my eyes on the lookout for a Ren sighting. The doctor pointed to me and then the room.

  “Ren’s in here.” He quickly turned to Mr. Briscoe. “Cal, let’s go over her discharge paperwork.” They both stood next to a counter where nurses scurried around. I threw a glance into the room the doctor had pointed to. Her goofy wave brought a slow grin to my face. As I stepped into the room, she swiveled around to show me the wrap on her calf.

  “Ain’t it pretty?” she said with the cutest, southern accent I’d ever heard.

  I didn’t respond.

  “You know what’s long, brown and goes “hith”?”

  I’d never met anyone like her. She’d been bit by a rattler, and yet she still made jokes.

  “A snake.” I said with a cocked brow.

  “Nooo!” Her elbow nudged me in the ribs. “A snake with a lisp.”

  My head fell side to side while I fought off the laughter welling up my throat. I sat beside her on the hospital bed, and she leaned into me with a nudge. My heart felt like it flipped over in my chest.

  “Come on. That wasth funny,” she lisped again.

  This time a full-blown smile broke free. “No, I will not admit it. That would only encourage you.”

  When she rested her head on my shoulder, my insides melted into a gooey mess.

  “You gonna be alright?”

  “Thanks to you,” she whispered.

  Movement at the door startled me. My concern quickly turned to irritation when Evan stood there staring at us.

  “Why the fuck are you here?” I asked.

  “Ren texted me.”

  Irritation turned to anger. Maybe anger mixed with hurt but what the fuck ever. I immediately hopped off the gurney moving away from her and contradicting where I wanted to be.

  “I told you, you didn’t need to come, Evan.”

  “Of course, I’d come to take care of you.” He planted a kiss on her forehead.

  I wanted to tell him about our kiss. I wanted to tell him she was mine. I wanted to murder him.

  “Evan. When did you get here?” Mr. Briscoe greeted him as he walked into the room squashing all ideas of what I’d like to do to Evan. “Baby girl, we can go.”

  “Just now. Ren texted me.”

  I’m sure he said that a second time for my benefit. Peckerhead.

  “Well, let’s get out of here,” Cal said and then looked over at Ren. “You riding with Evan?”

  Ren shook her head, but Evan answered, “Yep, I’ll bring her.”

  Cal bumped my shoulder. “It’s just you and me kid. Let’s go.” He stepped out waiting for me to follow, but I stared at Ren. Not sure what I expected, but her eyes rounded, and then this little “v” formed between them.

  “You ready?” the weasel asked her.

  I didn’t stick around to hear what she said back to him. I jogged to catch up with Cal.

  Chapter 17



  THE MOMENT HE left the room, the mood shifted. At least for me. Evan stood with his arm extended, waiting for me. Joss and Dad were probably getting in the truck. I wanted to ride back with them, not Evan. He had texted to ask me what I was doing, and I told him. Never did I think he’d just show up. In fact, I told him not to come.

  “You ready?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  Half-way out the emergency exit, Evan reached for my hand. His fingers were bonier than Joss’s. I felt awful for having the thoughts that I did. Comparing the two of them. But I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to hold Evan’s hand. Joss was taller, more muscular, rugged, and honestly, sexier. I’d never met anyone like him. Our conversations fed me like I was ravenous and only left me hungrier for more. I wanted to know everything about him. I don’t think I realized that I was starving until I tasted him earlier on that mountainside.

  “What’s wrong?” Evan asked, parking in front of the ranch. It was the longest, quietest ride home. Dad’s truck was in the garage.

  “I’m just tired.”

  “No, Ren. There is something else. I can tell. I know you. Is it him?”

  “I don’t want to fight.”

  “What do you even see in that convict anyway?”

  I grabbed the door handle. “Don’t call him that. You don’t understand the circumstances.”

  “Explain it.”

  The headrest caught my head when I tilted my neck back. “His girlfriend was killed, and he attacked the man that did it. It’s so unfair. He loved her and wanted to kill the man who took her from him.”

  “God, Ren. Even your voice changes when you talk about him.”

  His words embarrassed me. Did my voice really change? Was it because of him or because of how much he had loved Abby? Who wouldn’t want a man to love her that much? I shook my head aggravated by his words.

  “Do you want him?”

  “I feel sorry for him, Evan. He protected someone he loves and ended up going to jail for it.”

  “Except he isn’t in jail, Ren. He’s playing with you. He flat out told me that he was going to fuck you.”

  I grinned. That was so Joss.

  “You’re smiling?”

  “Not smiling, smiling. Like, laughing because he says that stuff but doesn’t mean it.”

  “He meant it. And you’re a fool if you fall for him. What would he ever have to offer you?”

  Opening my car door, I pushed it wider with my good leg. “I’m not doing this. I’m going inside. Thank you for the ride.”

  I heard him shout my name as I slammed the door.

  Evan was a nice guy and deserved more than what I was giving him. My hesitation about having sex had more to do with not wanting to do it with Evan than not wanting to do it at all. Joss was right, I shouldn’t have to conjure up some reason why I couldn’t have sex. No should be enough.

  Evan’s car lights panned across the garage as I hit the button to close the door. The air conditioning made the house cold—just how my dad liked it. I shivered when I walked down the hall. Dad was on the phone when I passed his office, but I got the familiar head nod that acknowledged I was home.

  Keyona was in the kitchen baking something.

  “What’s in the oven?”

  She wrapped her arms around me. “I’m so glad you are ok, Renny. I was so worried.”

  Swiveling my hip around, I showed off the bandage between my ankle and calf. Whatever she was making smelled so good it made my mouth water. I dug out some of the dough from the bowl and popped it in my mouth. Keyona smacked my bottom.

  “No, to raw cookie dough, missy.”

  “Snickerdoodles!” I said loudly.

  “I started baking the moment you left.” She shrugged. “Had to keep busy.”

  “Has Daddy eaten any?” I didn’t really care about my dad getting one, but I didn’t want to jump straight to Joss.

  “Yes. He snuck in here earlier.”

  “I think I’ll run one to Joss. He was so nice earlier.”

  Key smiled funny. “I’m sure he’d like that.”

  After gently placing two cookies on a plate, I made my way out to the pool house. The windows were dark, and I felt self-conscious wondering if he was watching me. When he didn’t answer after three knocks, I slowly opened the door and peeked in. My brows pulled together in frustration; he wasn’t in there. I so wanted to see him. I decided to leave the plate of cookies on the table with a note. Finding no paper, I settled for a napkin. At least he had a pen, so I scribbled a quick note.

  “What the hell?”

  I spun around, spooked by his pr
esence. A wet towel was wrapped loosely around his waist, and his chest glistened with droplets of water. Some of the droplets drizzled down to meet the towel the same way my stare did. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

  “Damn, you’re quite the little stalker. You can’t just come in any time you want. This is my place, Ren.”

  He’d reverted back to dick mode. I knew it was because of Evan. I wanted a do-over. “You didn’t answer when I knocked. I thought you weren’t here,” I answered quietly.

  “So, you just came in? Jesus, you’re like the Latter-Day Saints—unwanted and always at my door.”

  Not only did my leg ache but my heart and head were fighting for a close second. Silent chants echoed in my head not to cry.

  “What happened to the caring guy that carried me down the mountain and laughed with me at the hospital?” I whispered.

  “You mean the guy that left when your boyfriend got there?”

  My entire face crumbled. “I’m sorry about that. I told him not to come.”

  “And yet, there he was. I’m glad he was able to drive you home and take care of you.”

  Joss mimicked Evan’s words then walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. My inability to look away from him astonished me. Every single muscle in his entire body had definition. Knots of muscles that made my mouth water.

  “I don’t want him to take care of me.” I barely spoke above a whisper.

  The snicker came out before his words. “Too late, bird. He’s like a puppy peeing on you. Marking his territory.”

  “Joss, please.” My voice was soft.

  “Please what?”

  “I feel like we take two steps forward and ten back.”

  With a couple of gulps, he finished his bottle of water and squashed it in his hand. The crackle of the plastic as it crumpled beneath the strength of his grip seemed loud in the silence.

  “Do you mind if I get dressed? Or would you prefer I be naked?”

  My surprised gaze lifted to his. The vein in his jaw clinched in anger. I need to learn how to get through to him. Break these walls.

  “You don’t scare me, Joss.”

  His lips pulled into a tight line. “Don’t I, Ren?” When his bare feet started shuffling toward me, my heart raced. He looked like Scar from Lion King staggering toward the weak little gazelle trapped in a corner.


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