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Bred by the Bully

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Not once did he fuck her though.

  He fed her, played with her, and by the time lunch came, he helped her to get dressed.

  “We could stay in the office?” she asked.

  “You need some clothes. I love the suit, but I think I need something that will make it easier for me to get to you.”

  Mira glanced toward the door. She shook her head. “I can’t go out there.”

  “Why not?”

  “Come on, Drake. You heard me. Everyone heard me.”

  “Yes, and if my employees know what’s good for them, they’ll look the other way.” He reached out, gripping her neck, and pulled her close. “Don’t forget who you belong to, Mira. You’re mine, and no one gets to fucking hurt what’s mine. Every noise you made today belongs to me. They don’t get to do shit. Got me?”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “Anyone makes you uncomfortable, they’re out of a job. You enjoyed yourself this morning. You can keep on hating me and I accept it, but one day, you’re going to realize I’m not all bad.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Now, let’s go and have lunch.”

  “Don’t fire anyone,” she said.

  “Then don’t let them get to you.” He winked at her, and she gritted her teeth, wanting to shout at him.

  She wasn’t like him.

  He took her hand, and together, they left his office. She stared straight ahead, keeping up with his steps. He didn’t rush even though she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her. She’d enjoyed this morning. There was no denying it. He was dirty, no holds barred. She loved his kink in the office, craved more of it. She never knew she had such deviant desires until Drake brought them to the surface.

  Drake was so much more than she could have ever imagined. Not that she’d spent a whole lot of time thinking about him. She hadn’t. Her life had been focused on getting through her work without people finding out her weakness. After first leaving high school, she was in a banking job when someone had discovered she struggled with words. They’d mocked her, questioned her ability, and made her life a living hell to the point she’d quit. Now, she only worked with the numbers.

  They were easy. They were cold, lifeless, and she noticed quite a few people struggled with them, but she didn’t make other people feel like a fool. She built them up and helped them with everything when it came to calculations. More often than not, they were so happy she could help.

  Once inside the elevator, she released a breath. “Got through it.” She held on to his hand a little tighter.

  Drake turned her toward the corner of the elevator and trapped her in.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’ve got to stop caring what other people think of you. If you let anyone see how weak or needy you are, they’ll exploit it. It’s human nature.”

  “Like you did?”

  He chuckled. “Baby, you don’t look weak or needy to me. Your brother put you where you are now.” He pressed his face against her neck, and she gasped as his tongue teased her pulse. He let go of her hands, his fingers going to her knees and slowly sliding up.

  “Drake, the elevator?”

  “I know. It’ll arrive soon. How wet are you for me?” he asked.


  He pulled her skirt up enough for him to press his hand between her thighs. “Fuck, baby, you’re soaked. Just the way I want you. Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” He took her hand and placed it right over his rock-hard cock.

  She felt the length of him. Why did it have to turn her on so deeply?

  Only last night, he was balls deep inside her, and she wanted him again, even though she was a bit sore.

  The elevator opened and he retracted his hand, taking hers, and stepped off the elevator.

  People were waiting to get on. Several of them called to Drake with a greeting. He held his hand up, signaling a hello, but that was it.

  Within minutes, she was sitting in the passenger seat of his car.

  “Don’t you think you’re being a bit rude to your employees?”

  “If I stop and talk to everyone who works for me, I’ll never get anything done. I’m not being cruel. What I do is necessary.”

  She frowned. “And they still want to work for you?”

  “Mira, everyone knows that to keep their jobs, I need to be at the top of my game. This is what I do.” He pulled out of the underground parking lot and they joined the heavy traffic of the city.

  She glanced over at him. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

  “After lunch, we’ve got a date at a boutique. We’ll get some clothes sent to my penthouse.”

  “Thank you.” She ran her hands down her thighs, trying to think of what to say. “This contract of yours was rash, don’t you think? I know you wanted reimbursement because of my brother, but I’m not sure you thought this all out. Don’t you think you’re going to get bored with me?”

  They were stuck at a light, several cars down, and it was still red. Drake glanced at her. “Bored?”

  “Yes. You do know distance can make the heart grow fonder. What if you get bored with screwing me?”

  He chuckled.

  “Or is your intention to get me pregnant and move on to the next woman?”

  “There won’t be another woman.”

  “You can’t expect me to believe that you’ve lived like a monk,” she said.

  Drake sighed and began to move as the traffic light turned green. “No, I haven’t lived like a monk. I’ve been with a lot of women, Mira. You want me to tell you about every single woman I’ve been with?”

  She shook her head, hating the thought of anyone else even knowing what he was like in bed. Where had these feelings of jealousy come from?

  “Have you ever been in love?” she asked.

  “No. Never. The women I’ve been with knew the score. Some didn’t like that my heart wasn’t invested. That wasn’t my problem.”

  “Women did fall in love with you then?” Was she going to have competition for his affection?

  Why the hell do I care if there’s competition?

  He’s not mine.

  He will never truly be mine. Get your head in the game. You’re a breeding machine. Nothing more. Kids. That’s all he wants from you.

  It still stung, though. She didn’t want to be just another woman in a long line.

  “No. They didn’t.”

  “How can you know for sure?” she asked.

  “I know when a woman is in love with me and when they aren’t. The only thing they wanted from me was the income I could provide. That’s all they cared about. Yes, they’d spread their legs and would even try to negotiate to get their way.”

  This made her frown. “What?”

  “I really don’t want to talk about this,” he said.

  “Try me.”

  “Fine. You want to keep me as the asshole in your mind. How about this? One of the women tried to get me to pay her a hundred thousand dollars every time I stuck my dick in her. That’s right, she said I could pay for a cunt as good as hers. Another woman said if I wanted anal, it was going to cost me. Every single woman has a price.”

  She didn’t know why, but it didn’t make her hate him. Drake had just shown that no woman had ever wanted him.

  You’re only with him for your brother.

  Guilt flooded her.

  “You know I’ve got clothes back at my place,” she said. “We don’t need to go shopping.”

  “I had one of my men gather your things. Most of them have stains or holes in them. I want you to have the very best, Mira. The fact your brother was too busy running up debts rather than taking care of you pisses me off.”

  She watched him as they pulled into the parking lot of a really classy, expensive Italian restaurant. She loved Italian food. Pasta was one of the best pleasures in life.

  “What happened to those women?” she asked.

  “I ended whatever relationship we had. When something doesn’t
work, I terminate it. Same in business and pleasure.” Drake climbed out of the car, and she noticed the restaurant had a valet waiting to take it.

  She was about to open her door when Drake got there first, holding out his hand for her to take.

  For some reason, she felt sorry for him. The women had only used him. She felt sick in the pit of her stomach. Was she using him? She hadn’t asked for this, but in a way, she was using him as well.

  Be nice to him.

  Don’t fight him.

  Show him what a real relationship could be.

  It was completely laughable that she could give him anything, especially as she’d never been in a real relationship herself.


  Their lunch date was more than pleasant. He’d expected Mira to order a salad and do what other women on dates had always done. Not his woman, she’d gone straight for a pesto pasta, with plenty of dressing on her salad, while he’d gone for the steak.

  Throughout their meal, Mira kept up conversation, talking about his work, some parts of her life. He was pissed when she revealed what happened at her first job in a bank and made a note to check out said bank so he could make the people pay.

  There was always a benefit to having money and power. It opened doors and ways into people’s lives where nothing else could. Mira didn’t have anyone looking out for her, and he intended to change that.

  He could offer her a life not many could dream about.

  They arrived at the boutique. As per his request, there were already items of clothing ready for Mira to try on.

  One look at the sales assistant, and they were taken to the dressing rooms with the promise of being close by if needed.

  Drake took a seat as Mira, with her hand on her hip, glanced around.

  “Wow,” she said.


  “I’m used to toilet-sized stalls for changing clothes in. This is like a bedroom.”

  He chuckled. “There are a lot of … enjoyments to be had when you have money. It can’t buy happiness, but there are certainly benefits.”

  “I can see that. It doesn’t take a genius to work out what they are.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “You want me to try those on?”

  “No one will disturb us.”

  “Drake, we’re in a changing room.”

  “I know, and I want to see what you’re going to pick.”

  She opened her mouth and closed it before making her way to the rack of items. She picked up a black dress that still had the price tag on. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Don’t think of the price.”

  “Drake, look, I know you’re used to women getting what they can from you, but this is just … it’s a little too much.”

  “Really? Because as far as I’m concerned, it’s not enough.” He leaned back, watching her. “Appease me, Mira. Strip off your clothes and let me see.”

  “You know I’m not wearing anything beneath these.”

  “I’ll have the lady bring us some lingerie.” He got up and excused himself. He had a quick word with the sales assistant and instructed her to knock before she came in.

  Drake saw Mira had already started to strip out of her clothes as he took a seat. Her back was to him, and he admired the supple curves of her ass. He loved that she had a nice juicy one for him to hold on to so he could fuck her properly.

  The dress went over her head and slid down her body, ending at her knee. He got up from the sofa and did a quick test. He was able to touch her without the dress getting in the way. “That one is a keeper.”

  “I didn’t think it was possible to turn clothes-shopping into something kinky.” She pulled the dress off and he wrapped his arms around her, cupping her tits as he pulled her back against him.

  With his lips at her neck, he ran his tongue across the curve. “I can turn anything kinky. Just say the word.”

  After pinching her nipples, he slid one hand to stroke between her thighs. She gasped, arching back against him.

  “See, that’s all it takes.”

  He let her go and licked his fingers, watching as she tried to gain her composure.

  “I don’t need so much, Drake.”

  “You’ll need everything I can give you. Pants, jeans, they’re all banned.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Banned? Why?”

  “Easy access, baby. I don’t want you wearing anything that will hide you.” He checked out her body.

  “You do know some men would find my weight a problem.”

  “That’s their issue, not mine. I love what I see, and I intend to see it a whole lot.”

  She went through a couple of pairs of skirts and a few more dresses. One of the pencil skirts was too tight and he couldn’t work it up her thighs so that was in the no pile. He liked the dresses, especially the ones with a flowing skirt.

  The assistant knocked on the door, and then it was time for her to try on some lingerie. His cock threatened to tear out of his pants, his arousal getting harder every passing second. When she gave him a twirl, dressed in a bra that offered her tits up, and a thong, he was close to losing it.

  “Spin around for me.”

  She turned her back toward him.

  “Bend over.”

  “Drake, come on.”

  “Bend over. I don’t like repeating myself.”

  He saw her eye roll and smiled. She may play the role of hating this, but he knew her. Mira loved the attention. She had a dirty side.

  He was glad.

  The thong shaped between her ass cheeks perfectly. He wanted to fuck her ass. Damn it, he just wanted to take every single part of her, to own her. Getting to his feet, he closed the distance between them. He cupped her face, sinking his fingers into her hair. Tugging her close, he slammed his lips down on hers. As he plundered her mouth with his tongue, he felt her moan.

  He broke the kiss first, trailing toward her ear. “I want your mouth wrapped around my cock.” He pushed down on her shoulders until she was on her knees before him.

  With his gaze on hers, he released his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and slid down the zipper. In swift movements, he had his cock in his hand and wrapped her hair around his other fist.

  “Open your mouth.”

  She did as he asked and he fed her his cock, sliding across her tongue.

  “Suck it,” he said.

  She covered his length and her eyes were on him as she sucked him into her mouth.

  He held her hair as he began to thrust. Her inexperience began to show, but he didn’t have a problem with that as he watched her. This just made it all the more arousing to him.

  “Don’t use your teeth. That’s it. Good. So good.”

  She moaned around his cock and he started to thrust harder into her mouth, making her gag as he hit the back of her throat.

  Once or twice, he stayed at her throat, making her feel him there, taking most of him.

  “That’s right, baby. Suck it. Let me go a little deeper.”

  Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes, but she took him.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come so hard,” he said.

  In and out, he thrust, feeling the tightening in his balls as he neared his release. Gritting his teeth, he slammed into her mouth and spilled. Her throat worked hard to swallow him all down. She moaned around his length as she did.

  A few droplets of cum leaked out of the corner of her mouth. He eased from her mouth and used his thumb to gather up the droplets. “Open up.” He slid them across her tongue. She licked him clean. “Is that the first cock you’ve sucked?”

  She nodded.

  Going to his knees in front of her, he cupped her face, tilted her head back, and took her lips once again. He just couldn’t get enough of her. All he wanted to do was consume her.

  He pressed a kiss to her nose. “I like this outfit.”

  “Me too,” she said.

  He noticed once again she didn’t touch him, nor had she initiated the kiss. She hel
d herself back from him. What would it take to get her to relax for him? To want to touch him. To initiate a kiss.

  Running his thumb across her lip, he stared into her eyes, trying to figure her out. He could read so many people because they were an open book. Mira, she was difficult. He had a feeling money didn’t impress her. She’d only come to him because of her brother. She was humble, unlike other women he’d known.

  She didn’t put a price on her body, not really. He’d been the one to do that. All she wanted was her brother’s safety. This was another reason he wanted her love, craved her acceptance and submission.

  He didn’t know what rules to play by with this woman. She got under his skin.

  Drake let her go and took a step back, then another until he was back on the sofa. “Continue,” he said.

  From the way she pressed her thighs together, he was glad she was aroused. He wanted her to be desperate for him. Soon, he’d have every part of her all to himself.

  Chapter Six

  Mira waited for the elevator, tapping her foot and checking her watch. Nigel’s building was nothing compared to Drake’s home. If the elevator wasn’t broken, it was ridiculously slow. After waiting for five minutes, she decided to take the stairs.

  Once alone in the stairwell, surrounded by concrete, she got an uneasy feeling. The joys of being a single woman in the city. After being bullied half her life, her nerves were permanently frayed. When she heard a door above her creak open, she hoped it wasn’t some creepy guy. Her heart began to pick up. If she needed to scream, the sound would probably be drowned out by the enclosed space.

  She should have just waited for the damn elevator.

  When the sound of heels clicking on the stairs echoed around her, her nerves settled. It was another woman. As Mira continued to walk up the stairs, the other woman came down. They finally crossed paths, and she remembered that face from before. It was Nigel’s PSW, or she looked just like her.

  After they passed each other, the other woman spoke out loud. “It’s about time you visited your brother, Mira. I’m sure Drake’s happy to have you out of his hair for once.”

  “Excuse me?” Mira stopped dead on the stairs, turning to look down at her. How did she even know who Mira was? Or that she was in a relationship of sorts with Drake?


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