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Bred by the Bully

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “When you’ve experienced what I have, shutting down is the only thing you can do to keep sane,” he said. “But things are different now.”


  His hand tightened on the steering wheel. “I’m trying to change. You’ve changed me, Mira.”

  “I haven’t done anything.”

  He shifted in his seat and faced her. “You’re my wife now. You’re all that matters to me.”

  “I can’t erase the past, Drake. We’ll still have problems. No relationship is perfect.”

  “I don’t want perfection.”

  His entire existence was based on having the very best of everything and getting his way at all costs. She continued to feel inferior, like Drake could get someone so much better. But he wasn’t so invincible after all. He was being held together by smoke and mirrors.

  “Neither do I,” she said.

  He leaned closer and they kissed, softly, sweetly.

  “Now, let’s visit your old stomping grounds.”

  Drake took a deep breath as they drove away from the nightmares of his childhood. She recognized more and more as they pulled up in front of her old home. Things had changed, the paint, the landscaping, but the structure was still the same. It brought back a lot of bittersweet memories. Mostly it reminded her that her parents were gone and her brother didn’t value their relationship. Without Drake, she was completely alone in the world—a harsh world.

  “You know, I came home from school crying too many times to count. Seemed everyone loved to tease the fat, dyslexic girl. Even though I’ve grown up, the pain still feels fresh some days.”

  “I was a bastard. You didn’t deserve how I treated you,” he said. “I had a crush but wouldn’t have a clue how to share healthy emotions.”

  “A crush? On me?”

  “A big one.” He smiled.

  How could the hunky bully from high school have a thing for her? His actions certainly didn’t give it away.

  “That’s hard to believe.”

  “Because I was a bully. And I told you, I’ll be making that up to you for the rest of my life.”

  She sighed, interlocking her fingers with Drake’s. After another glance at the house, she remembered her father and his treasured pawnshop. He was such a marvel of useless knowledge. The way he got excited about each acquisition was contagious. She missed him. Missed so many things.

  “I used to help my dad at the pawnshop. We’d catalog his treasures and he’d hum. I can still hear him when I close my eyes and think about it.”

  “Baby, we don’t have to give up that pawnshop. I’ve bailed it out, and it’s yours if you want it. I just thought you’d rather wipe your hands clean after everything that happened.”

  She thought about it. Her father would smile down on her if he knew she’d continue his legacy, but how could she make that happen now?

  “Drake, I don’t have the money for that. It was neglected for too long.”

  “You’re married to a man with a big bank account. You can do anything you want.” He kissed her knuckles. “But seriously, Mira, any help you need is at your disposal. I only want you happy.”

  “So much for my bully.” She giggled when he tried to tickle her side.

  “No more bully. All I want to do is protect you from the world.”

  She wanted to make love to him right there in the car but settled for another kiss.

  “One more stop,” he said.

  He drove a short distance to their old high school. Nothing much had changed, some new fencing, a couple of portables that weren’t there before. Normally, she’d be triggered just seeing the school, but her healing had already begun. Drake had made peace with her and the past, so there was no need to keep reliving that pain. She was an adult now, and just like her husband, she had to move on and embrace her new life.

  “There it is,” she said, looking out the window.

  “Come on.”


  He got out of the car before he could answer. When he opened her door for her, she continued, “Why on earth would we want to spend another minute here?”

  “I have something to show you.”

  He took her hand, walking with her proudly. It was so weird to be in the same place at a different time when so many things had changed in their lives.

  They entered the building, and a wave of memories flooded her senses. It even smelled the same. He led her through the hallways until they reached the library.

  “Check it out,” he said.

  There was a brass plaque outside the doors. It said the library was donated by Mr. Drake and Mrs. Mira Eastwood.

  “Renovations will start this fall,” he explained. “There’ll be a learning resource area to help kids with learning disabilities, too.”

  She felt tears prick her eyes.

  “You hate this school as much as me,” she said.

  “We were kids. Time to make positive changes, no?”

  Mira nodded. She wished she’d been given opportunities to help with her dyslexia as a kid, but maybe this new library would help another girl like her in the future.

  “You’re something else, Mr. Eastwood. I thought I’d always hate you, but here I am falling in love.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her atop the head. “I want to be a better man.”

  “You are, Drake.”


  The trip down memory lane was over.

  He had his own demons to face, but the guilt of bullying Mira all those years still weighed heavily on him. Maybe one of these gestures would help make up for the past.

  Now it was time for some fun. She wanted him to court her like he should have all those years ago, so now he’d start doing things right.

  He parked in the fairgrounds and cut the engine.

  “What are we doing here?” she asked.

  “It’s your surprise.”

  “I’m confused.”

  “I never took you here. This is usually one of the first places a guy takes his girlfriend. You shouldn’t have to miss out on that experience.”

  “I’ve never even been here,” she said.

  “Well, come on, let’s have some fun.”

  He left the car and took Mira’s hand as she stepped out of the passenger side. She was already dressed comfortably since he’d planned this day long in advance. Mira was his future. He couldn’t wait to start a family together, and it would happen sooner than she expected.

  Drake knew she wanted to hold off having kids. She was as afraid as he was when it came to rejection and expecting the worst from people, but she didn’t have to worry when it came to him. He was a married man now, and he took the until death do us part verse seriously. The last thing he wanted for his kids was a nasty, broken home like the one he came from.

  They entered the grounds after he paid for their tickets. Right away, he was bombarded by the scent of popcorn and hotdogs, the screams, and the roar of the rollercoaster as it zoomed above. The hustle and bustle gave him a feeling of nostalgia, and he wasn’t sure why.

  “Where should we start first?” he asked.

  She looked around with innocent wonder in her eyes. “The rollercoaster?”

  He nodded his approval. “Well, I already know you’re a screamer, but let’s check it out.” Drake winked when she swatted him.

  For the rest of the day, they enjoyed the rides, some live shows, and then he spent a small fortune to win her some stuffed prizes in the game area.

  “You have fun today?”

  “It was like a dream,” she said.

  “You’re too easy to please, Mira. That’s one of the things I love about you.”

  He’d had more than his fair share of high-maintenance women, gold-diggers, and drama queens to last a fucking lifetime. Mira was real, down-to-earth, and sweet. She inspired him to be a better person, to look for the simple joys in life rather than what money could buy.

  “I loved the surprise. It was perfect.”

Some things you’re just never too old for,” he said. “And we have a lot of time to make up for.” He stopped at a vendor with a bright red wagon of confections. “What’s your favorite?”

  “Cotton candy.”

  “Good choice.”

  He bought her a pink and blue one, then they walked hand in hand, the sun already starting to lower in the sky. Drake had never felt so comfortable with anyone in his life. Mira was his past and future combined.

  “Would you like your picture taken?” asked one of the park staff.

  He nodded his consent, tucking Mira by his side.

  “Great, now how about a kiss?” the kid asked.

  Drake obliged him, turning to kiss his bride. They were in an amusement park with an audience, and his cock still reacted.

  After getting their photos at a nearby booth, they had a good laugh and headed to the exit. “How about we don’t go home tonight?” he suggested.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s the weekend. We can get a hotel room for the night, eat too much, and I’ll use my tongue exactly how you like it.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip, and he’d bet her cheeks were pink, but the growing shadows hid the color from him. “Sounds crazy and irresponsible.”

  “It’s called balance.”

  “I didn’t bring anything,” she said.

  “We’ll wing it. I’ll stop at the pharmacy on the way to get a few supplies. It’s just one night. Room service will handle the rest.”

  Drake knew of a couple of high-end hotels within a short drive. He wanted to give Mira a night to outshine their day.

  They drove off to the pharmacy, and while he stocked up on a few essentials, Mira bought her beauty supplies for the night. By the time they arrived at the hotel, it was dark out. When he cut the engine in the underground parking lot, he squeezed her thigh.

  Quiet set in immediately.

  “Spread your legs a bit,” he said.

  She rarely questioned him. His desires were at times unorthodox, but he’d learned that Mira wasn’t much different than him at all. She just didn’t like to take the lead.

  Drake leaned in close, cupping her pussy over her pants while kissing her. There was nothing chaste about this kiss. He made his intentions clear as he kissed her dirty and with passion. She moaned against his lips as he pulled back.

  “I need you naked.”

  “Let’s get up to the room before we get kicked out by hotel security,” she said.

  He nodded his agreement even though his stiff cock made it hard to move.

  They checked in without issue, and once the elevator doors closed behind them, he was on her again. He couldn’t get enough of Mira, her innocent sex appeal, and all those soft curves. She was irresistible, and the fact she didn’t realize just how fucking sexy she was turned him on even more. He pressed her into the corner of the elevator, his hand up her shirt as he ground against her. She didn’t fuss, closing her eyes and leaning her head to the side to give him better access. Too soon, the elevator button dinged. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her down the hall until they reached their penthouse suite.

  She held on tight, and her happy little squeals drove him crazy.


  He set her down in front of the door, unable to keep his hands off her. They may have been married nearly a month, but he knew he’d feel like a newlywed for the rest of his life.

  “Oh, wow, this is too much, Drake.”

  As soon as he opened the door, she began to wander around the expansive suite. The marble floors and walls reflected the light from the chandeliers.

  “Nothing’s too good for you, baby.” He tugged off his shirt and set it on the console table.

  When she turned around and saw him shirtless, she froze briefly, then walked toward him. She slowly raked her fingernails down his chest, then curled her hand around his leather belt.

  “I’m going to freshen up.”

  As she walked away, she looked back over her shoulder.

  “Tease,” he called out.

  He chuckled to himself. He was creating a monster. Drake ran a hand through his hair as he surveyed the bar. This was a nice suite. He’d have to keep that in mind for the future.

  Come Monday, he’d help Mira with her pawnshop. He had a lot of plans for their lives together.

  He unbuckled his belt as he stared out the wall of windows into the nightscape.


  He turned around and found his wife partially naked. Drake couldn’t stop from growling. He prowled toward her, ready to worship her body.

  Before he could even touch her, she held up a stick.

  He frowned. “What’s that?”

  She waved it in front of him. He grabbed her wrist to still her hand. It was a pregnancy test.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I bought it at the pharmacy because I’ve been feeling off the past few days.”


  “Drake, it’s positive. I’m pregnant.”

  A rush of happiness nearly knocked him over. Part of him was relieved he could produce an heir and another part felt his relationship to Mira finally cemented.

  But she didn’t look happy.

  “Isn’t that a good thing?” he asked.

  He took the stick from her and set it down, then held both her arms to get her attention.

  “Yes, of course, but I’m on the pill. I don’t want to hurt the baby.”

  “The baby’s just fine.”

  “How do you know that? We’ll have to see the doctor tomorrow. No, he’s closed. We’ll have to wait until Monday. Will that be too late?” She began rambling on, and he sensed her nerves ramping up.

  “Hush, baby girl.” He pressed her head to his chest and held her close. “You’ve just made me the happiest man in the world.”

  This was the end goal, so he saw no reason to postpone the inevitable. He’d switched her birth control pills with placebos the day she came home from the doctor after their honeymoon. She had no idea.

  His conscience had been nagging him, but it wasn’t nearly as strong as his insecurities that Mira would walk out on him once given the freedom to do so.

  Chapter Eleven

  Drake was elated, but Mira was confused. She’d followed the instructions exactly for the birth control. Even waiting the necessary couple of weeks to allow the protection to kick in, waiting to have sex over using condoms. He’d marked the day on the calendar as if it was some special event.

  She rubbed at her temple as she stared out across their penthouse suite. Drake had already consulted with a realtor about a new house for them. She’d sat with him, feeling numb as he gave the requirements for the perfect family home.

  Putting a hand on her stomach, she didn’t feel any different. She was a couple of months along. The doctor promised at the next ultrasound, he’d give them a date, but for now, she didn’t have anything to go on.

  A couple of months meant the pills hadn’t worked.

  “You are a bit of a mystery to me,” she said.

  She was happy and terrified. This baby, it was a big deal. She knew having children was a big deal. Her father had once told her the best treasure he ever had was his kids. She missed her father so much. He’d have known what to do and say to help her feel … secure. Her emotions were all over the place.

  Would she be a good mother?

  This relationship with Drake was so new. She was scared of screwing it up.

  “I’m not going to get any answers from staring out of the window.” She pushed away from the glass and went to the fridge, pulling out several bell peppers with the intention of making a very delicious vegetable pepper stew. She was so hungry.

  She’d gone to see her brother about the pawnshop, and he hadn’t wanted to know anything about it. He told her she was a fool to even consider going back there, like a dog to its shit. His harsh words had hurt a great deal, but she ignored him.

  Unlike her brother,
she intended to make the shop flourish. Nigel had never really cared about the business, so she didn’t understand why he cared what she did now. He was happy to be out of that place, even if he was still recovering from the broken legs.

  With the onions, peppers, and garlic in the pot, she measured out her spices, giving the dish aromatics and heat, before adding in some tomatoes and stock. The moment the dish came to a boil, she lowered it to a simmer and placed the large cast-iron pot in the oven to stew. Her mouth was already watering.

  She chopped some zucchini and eggplant, along with draining the beans. Once that was done, she left the kitchen, heading to the en-suite bathroom to freshen up. She hadn’t showered in two days.

  After removing her clothes, she stepped beneath the warm spray of the water, allowing it to wash away all of her fears.

  Whatever happened, she could handle it. She had no choice.

  Children. Marriage. Drake. This life with him, so long as there was love, they would fix this.

  She washed her body, her hair, and then stepped out, feeling like a new woman. There was no way she was going to be beat by this. Her life was her own, and she was a strong woman, in love with one of the most amazing, yet misunderstood men she’d ever met. There was no way any of this could go wrong, and worrying about it was just silly.

  Feeling much better, she walked to the sink, brushed her teeth, and realizing the head on her electric toothbrush needed changing, she crouched to the cabinet for a replacement. As she opened it up, a small bag tumbled to the ground, spilling out Drake’s razor and creams, along with several strips of pills.

  She stopped putting all the items in the bag and looked at the pills. Turning them over, she couldn’t make out what they were.

  She got to her feet, and something twisted in her stomach as she walked to the drawer on her side of the bed and slid it open. The packet of birth control she used and had stopped taking looked exactly alike.

  This made no sense.

  Why did Drake have her pills?

  She checked the packet where she still had a couple of strips remaining, and as she pulled them out, she saw a slight difference in the packaging. It was only slight, but she just knew without question, Drake had swapped her pills.


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