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Bred by the Bully

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “The stitches in your shoulder will dissolve on their own. A fairly clean shot, so there shouldn’t be any lasting damage.”

  “When can I go home?”

  “We’ll just need to run a few tests and get your discharge papers ready, then you’re free to go any time.”

  “I’ve had a lot of crazy dreams,” he said. “Very realistic.”

  ‘Normal for head trauma. The fall knocked you out hard.” The doctor took Drake’s vitals, then left them alone again.

  “I’m glad it was actually me who was shot,” he said. “I couldn’t handle anything happening to you, Mira. You’re all I have. All I care about.”

  “Well, I hope there aren’t any more crazed exes looking for revenge. One is enough for a lifetime.”


  He peeked under his hospital gown at his bandaged shoulder. When he tried to rotate it, he cringed.

  “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “You’ll have to baby me.” He gave her a wink.

  “That’s right. You’ll have to stay in bed for the rest of the week. No going into the office.”

  “I can hold off until Monday.”

  “I’ll cook for you, bring it on a tray,” she said.

  “I have other needs.”

  She looked behind her to ensure they were alone. His mind was in the gutter, but hers wasn’t far behind. “Worry about getting better.”

  “It’s just a scratch.”

  “You’re impossible, Drake.”

  He clutched a handful of hair at the nape of her neck and brought her down for another kiss.


  Three weeks later

  “I’m huge,” Mira said, twisting back and forth in front of the mirror.

  Drake tutted. “You’re adorable.” He rubbed her growing belly, now starting to show the signs of pregnancy. Her tits were huge, her bras unable to contain them. He wasn’t complaining.

  “I’ll look ridiculous in that dress. People will just think I’m fat.”

  “No, they’ll know you’re pregnant. Now, get dressed and stop worrying about what other people think.”

  She scowled but moved to grab the dress from the edge of the bed, slipping it up her curvy body. They had to be at the grand opening in less than an hour. Mira was the star of the show, so she couldn’t be late.


  “You said you weren’t going to lie anymore.” She approached the chair where he sat. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her closer.

  “And I haven’t.” He slid his hand under her dress, the tips of his fingers tickling her pussy through her panties.

  “We’ll be late,” she said.

  He pulled his hand away and stood up, towering over his wife. Drake was already dressed in a full suit. For the most part, his shoulder was much better. He still couldn’t sleep on his side or do his usual routine of daily pull-ups and push-ups just yet.

  They drove off to the other side of the city. It was an area they rarely visited, but today was the grand reopening of Mira’s pawnshop. The title was in her name but the brand stayed the same, Davencourt Treasures, to honor the founder, her late father.

  It had been a whirlwind the past two weeks. The first week home, Mira wouldn’t let him lift a finger. She wouldn’t even let him fuck her, only sucking his cock every night and not allowing him to give her the same pleasure in return.

  Once out of bed, he got his team working on the pawnshop. Mira hadn’t even seen it yet, and he was excited to show it to her.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked. “I’m not sure I can run a business on my own.”

  “Wrong. It’s a great idea, and you’ll be delegating. You have to learn how to be the boss lady because that’s what you’ll be.”

  She giggled as they drove.

  “One day, you’ll be able to show our kids the treasures in the pawnshop, just like your dad did with you.”

  When he turned to gauge her reaction, she smiled sweetly at him. “You remembered.”

  “Of course, I remembered. I want to know everything about you, Mira. And we have a lifetime to make it happen.”

  They pulled up in front of the pawnshop. There was a crowd of people gathered all around, spilling onto the street. A camera crew from the local news station was there to capture the ribbon cutting. Davencourt Treasures was a landmark in the old neighborhood. Once one store was rejuvenated, it gave new life to the area.

  Drake parked and walked around the car to help his pregnant wife out. She looked stunning in her blue dress. The color matched her eyes. Her blonde hair fell down her back in loose curls. They held hands as they approached the door. Onlookers began to clap.

  One of his top marketers gave a short speech, then he followed by introducing Mira. He’d never been so proud when he watched her cut the ribbon.

  They walked through the doors together, and Mira gasped, covering her mouth with both hands as they entered.

  “How did you do this in two weeks? How?”

  “Money talks.”

  Everything had been overhauled from the POS system to the displays and décor. It was functional and with help from his team, it would thrive.

  “It’s amazing. My father would pass out if he saw this. It’s unreal.” She kept touching everything, walking and spinning to take in every detail.

  “Are you happy?”

  “More than happy. You’ve made all my dreams come true.”

  He pulled her close, kissing her hard on the mouth. What he wanted was some alone time with his woman, to eat her pussy, and fuck her until she begged to come. She’d been avoiding him, and he couldn’t take it another day.

  Drake whispered against her neck. “Your tits are fucking heavy. I want to see them sway while you ride my cock.”

  “Stop, Drake. It’s too soon.”

  “I’m not going another day without tasting that pussy.”

  She scowled and crossed her arms.

  “Get ready for tonight, baby girl. After dinner, you’re mine.”

  Mira bit her lower lip, staring at him straight in the eye. She wanted him almost as much as he wanted her. Even when someone approached her with a question, she couldn’t pull herself from their bubble.

  “Mira, someone’s talking to you.”

  She pulled herself to the present and turned her attention to the crowd filtering in the newly opened store.

  They stayed another hour, getting accustomed to all the new gadgets and items. The store would be mostly staff run as Drake wanted Mira by his side at the office most of the time. Being in a less savory part of the city, Drake also didn’t feel comfortable with her being in the shop too much without him, even with all the security.

  Drake had reservations at one of the A-list restaurants downtown. Today was a day of celebration. He sat across from her, a candle flickering, creating shadows across her face.

  “This is too much,” she said. “You’re spoiling me.”

  “You deserve to be spoiled.”

  He stared at her, completely in love with this woman. “I have something for you.”

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Drake grabbed the envelope from inside his lapel and slid it across the table toward her. “Open it.”

  She had a child-like wonder in her eyes, such sweet innocence. He watched her open the envelope and pull out the paper inside. This wasn’t easy for him.

  Mira read the paper, not saying a word, no reaction on her features.

  “Thank you,” she said. “And nothing changes.”

  She set it back on the table, but this time, he took it and ripped it down the center twice.

  “I won’t hold you captive. Won’t allow myself to live in fear of losing you. I just want you to know this is a big step for me.”

  The contract that originally bound them together was now torn to pieces. It had been his sense of security, his insurance policy. He had been unlovable since he was born, but he could buy what he neede
d and bribe Mira to stay in his life. But it wasn’t healthy, none of it. Not for him, Mira, or their children. It would take time, but he was learning what real love looked like. He had to make an effort.

  “I know it is, Drake.”

  “I’m winging it. Everything. But know this, I’ll always give you my all.”

  Her eyes looked watery. She didn’t reply.

  “I’ll be a better father. Break the cycle, you know? We’ll do it together,” he said.

  “I can’t believe you were once my bully. And now I couldn’t be more in love.”

  “Bred by the bully.” He smirked.

  “We’ll see.”

  She was flirting with him again as his cock was uncomfortably stiff in his pants.

  “I can’t wait,” he said.

  “You won’t die, Drake. I promise.”

  “You’d be surprised,” he said. “Humor me?”

  He winked as he stood up, beckoning her to follow him. When he looked back over his shoulder, she was getting up from her chair.

  Once he entered one of the bathrooms, he waited. As soon as she entered, he locked the door. It was quiet inside. After a quick check, he ensured they were alone.

  “This is some bathroom,” she said, her low heels clicking on the tiles. “Nicer than any of my apartments.”

  “Good enough for me to fuck you in?”

  He carefully shrugged off his jacket, hooking it on one of the designer chairs. Then he undid his cufflinks and rolled his sleeves over his forearms. “Sit on the counter and spread those legs.”

  She didn’t argue, wiggling onto the immaculate counter, careful not to knock over the vase with fresh roses. Mira kicked off her shoes and braced her feet on the counter.

  He unbuckled as she stalked toward him. His mouth salivated, his cock ramrod hard against his zipper. She was in for a surprise tonight.

  Her tits were already spilling out of her dress. He peeled one of the cups down and engorged himself on her nipple, taking most of her areola as well. He was hungry for her.

  Drake spread her thighs wide without releasing his latch on her tit. He peeled her panties to one side and began to fuck her hard with two fingers. She was already soaked, her cream coating his fingers within seconds.

  “Nice and wet.” Drake got down on one knee and spread her folds, impaling her with his tongue before suckling on her clit. She gasped, her body ripe and alive. He ate her pussy like a beast, unable to get enough of her. They’d waited too long. She’d be sore tomorrow.

  She tried to keep her noises down, biting down on her fist as she came against his face, her pussy quivering as waves of contractions rocked her body. The moment she settled, he stood up and pulled down his zipper.

  “Your shoulder,” she whimpered.

  “Fuck my shoulder.” He poised between her legs and plunged his thick cock into her hot little cunt. Drake groaned aloud, it felt so damn good. He loved being inside her, the pleasure, the closeness.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, careful not to put pressure on his healing shoulder. Right now, it was the last thing on his mind. He fucked his wife, hard and fast, creating an intense momentum. He pistoned his hips, slamming balls deep again and again.

  He wouldn’t last long. “I’ll never get enough of you, Mira.”

  “Oh, God, I’m going to come again,” she cried out, her head tossed back.

  She was a siren, able to take a hard fucking and willing to humor him with all his sexual fantasies.

  Within minutes, he was pumping his seed inside her, her pussy pulsing around his cock. The instant relief nearly made him dizzy with satisfaction. He slowed his pace, finally pulling out so he could help her clean up, the sink and towels right beside them.

  “You’re lucky no one needed to use the washroom,” she said.

  “Not my problem. They’d have to wait.”

  “Are we always going to be like this?” she asked.


  “Even with kids?”

  “Why not? Just because we have kids doesn’t mean our love life needs to change. I’ll be fucking you until I can’t get it up.”

  “You’re impossible, Mr. Eastwood.”

  “And you love every minute of it, don’t you, Mrs. Eastwood?”

  She slipped off the counter and adjusted her dress and hair. “I do like your naughty side. Sometimes.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  They returned to their seats. The wine he’d ordered was on ice in the center of the table. “You can toast for both of us,” she said.


  Drake poured their wine glasses full of deep-red non-alcoholic wine.

  “I can’t—”

  “It’s grape juice. You don’t think I’d risk you or the baby, do you?” He raised his glass and she joined him. “To us. Our future. And our growing family.”

  “To new and better memories,” she added.

  They clinked their glasses and sipped on their wine.

  “Thank you for having faith in me after everything I’ve put you through.”

  “Bullies aren’t born, they’re created. But you changed, and that’s all that matters.”

  “I’ll make you proud.”

  “You already have, Drake. I love you.”

  “And I love you. Always have, always will.” He leaned over their small table and met her in the middle for a kiss. A soft, gentle kiss that had nothing to do with desire but everything to do with his irrevocable love for his wife.

  The End

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  Straight to Hell MC, 1

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2021

  Sample Chapter

  “No, please, no!” The sound of the rat’s squeal filled the air. Seeing as he was standing in his own grave, which Lord had made him dig himself, there was no one to hear.

  “You defied our laws. I can’t have that.”

  “I’m sorry, Lord. I didn’t know what I was doing. It was a mistake. I’ll do anything. I’m so sorry.”

  “Anything?” Lord asked.

  “Yes. Please. Anything.”

  Lord smiled. “Kiss my feet.”


  “You heard me. Kiss my fucking feet.”

  The hole was big enough for the rat to still reach his boots. He waited. As soon as his lips were close, Lord kicked out, hitting him hard in the face. The man fell back, cupping his jaw, blood flowing between his fingers.

  His men all laughed.

  They knew the moment a rat was declared, the only sure thing was death.

  “Please, what about my daughter? She’s not responsible. Please.”

  “Don’t worry. Ally will get the right treatment owed to her by the club. You really should have thought about that before doing what you did.” Pulling out his gun, which he only used to take out rats in the club, he fired one bullet, and it went straight through the man’s head.

  He was already in his grave and Lord nodded. Justice had been served. His men clapped their hands, all of them happy with the way this ended.

  Brick, his VP, came to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. Lord didn’t like to be touched and shrugged him off. The men knew not to put a hand on him.

  “I want the cop next,” Lord said.

  The rat, Richard Prixman, had been an accountant of sorts, working at the club’s strip joints. Not only had the son of a bitch been stealing from him, but he’d also decided to use their records to try to bring a case a
gainst the club. As if he’d ever allow that to happen.

  The club was his life. He protected everyone.

  “Get the prospects to clean this shit up.” He kicked some mud at the dead face. “It’s a shame we couldn’t mount his head on a spike to serve as a warning to anyone tempted to turn their backs on us.”

  Leaving his mess behind, Lord made his way to the club. One of the club whores was at the bar, cleaning out a glass. He nodded for her to pour him a shot, which she did without question.

  After knocking it back, he headed to the parking lot where his bike was ready and waiting.

  “You’re not going on your own,” Brick said.

  “This is my job.”

  “Take Reaper with you. I’ll handle shit here.”

  He glared at Brick. “You think I need a babysitter?”

  “No, but you do need someone to rein in your anger. Do as you’re asked, please,” Brick said.

  Lord raised his brow.

  Brick held his hands up. “I don’t mean no disrespect. You know that.”

  “Do I? The way I see it, my VP thinks he can tell me what to do.”

  “Advise you. That’s it. I don’t want you to hurt yourself or worse, do something you might regret.”

  “He’s right,” Reaper said. “You fucking know it, boss.”

  He looked between his men. His temper was well known, especially when it came to defending the club, and right now, killing the rat hadn’t satisfied his hunger. When one of his informants called a week ago, he thought it was a joke. It wasn’t. Someone wanted to end his club, and it wasn’t the first time. Between fighting for turf and ending clubs himself through wars, he was used to always looking over his shoulder. When it came to an insider willing to take on him and his club, well, he couldn’t have that. The betrayal was too close to home, and it didn’t help that it had been Richard Prixman. He’d helped that son of a bitch get the job and this was how he got repaid? He was pissed off. No, he was furious.

  Usually, killing the person responsible for his shit mood helped to improve it, but it had only made him angrier. He was pissed off and ready to kill even more people.


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