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UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1)

Page 5

by Hayley Faiman

  “Silver,” I exhale, gripping my bag tightly.

  His hips press against my ass, his hard length nestling against my ass crack. I press my thighs together, that clenching sensation in my belly and pussy again. Dammit. I close my eyes, attempting to breathe slowly and evenly.

  “Cariña, you’re going to be the death of me,” he growls behind me.

  As easily as he grabbed me, he releases me. I quickly stand and spin around, tilting my head back to look up into his swirling dark eyes, eyes that mirror his son’s. I open my mouth to speak, but I promptly close it. All I can think about is Benjamin and Miss Reynolds’ words to me. They play on a loop. How bad this man is, how he’s going to try and get in my panties and ditch me. Then I think about the man I’ve met, the concerned father, and I wonder if he can really be all that bad.

  “A lot of shit rolling around in that pretty head of yours, cariña.” His lips grin, but his eyes look dead fucking serious.

  I lift a shoulder in a shrug and hitch my briefcase strap over my shoulder. “Just wondering what kind of shop this is. That building doesn’t look like a mechanics shop,” I point out, pointing to the gigantic warehouse.

  “Ain’t a mechanic shop, Presley.”

  “But you said you’d fix my car. Oh my gosh, I can’t ask you to do this. I thought you were a mechanic,” I ramble.

  He reaches for my waist, his fingers gripping me tightly and I stop talking. “First off, you didn’t ask me to do shit. Marty fucked up, and I offered to help you out. This car should have been put out of its misery about ten years ago. But that’s a different scenario. I’ll fix it because you’re a woman in a new town, and you need a working air conditioning unit in your car,” he states, squeezing my waist.

  “That’s really very nice of you,” I murmur.

  Obviously he’s just doing this to be nice, and everybody was completely wrong about his intentions, including me. Meeting him has been the most exciting thing to happen to me since I decided to change my entire life, pack up and move away.

  At least, to me it was exciting. Now I know he’s just being a nice guy. Damn. I don’t want to be stuck with a guy like asshole Benjamin, but I have a feeling that’s who is in my league. Not Silver, not rough and exciting and dangerous and good father—Silver.

  “Not that nice,” he grunts.

  I look up at him, but he doesn’t elaborate. Instead, he takes a step backward. He places his hand at the small of my back and guides me toward the crummy brick building ahead of us. I hold my breath as we walk through the door. It’s not as gross as I’d anticipated as I step over the threshold, but only slightly. It’s still pretty disgusting.

  “You can sit over here, that guy behind the bar will get you whatever you want, if we got it,” he announces, snapping his fingers toward the bar.

  A man hurries toward us, and I notice his vest labels him as a prospect, just like the man at the gate. “Tell him what you want, cariña,” Silver murmurs.

  “Oh, water,” I say as I sink into the chair.

  Silver frowns, he lifts his chin and the guy hurries away. “Water?” he asks, lifting a brow.

  “I still have to drive home,” I shrug. “So what is this, like a club or something?” I ask.

  He snorts, his eyes searching mine. “Something,” he grins.

  I hold my breath when he leans down, his hand wrapping around the back of my chair, his face just inches from mine. His black eyes swirling and on me, and only me. In fact, I feel like we’re completely alone, even though I saw a few people milling around when we walked in. I still feel like it’s just us, him and me, alone in this crappy brick building.

  “Stay here, work, and when I get done we’ll have a drink,” he announces. He straightens his back and once again, I’m watching his impeccable ass walk away.

  I sigh, then pull out my papers as the prospect man sets a glass of water down in front of me. I tell him thank you with a smile, then begin to grade last night’s assigned homework. Nobody bothers me as I keep my head down and dive head first into my work. I leave little positive notes on every paper I grade, knowing that just a simple thing like that can make a child’s day, even if they didn’t quite grasp the assignment.

  “What’re you doin’?” a deep voice asks from across my table.

  I was so focused I didn’t even realize someone sat down in front of me. My breath hitches at the sight of the man across from me. He’s thinner than Silver, his hair a bit longer and hanging in his face, he has the prettiest gray eyes I’ve ever seen. He’s covered in tattoos and doesn’t wear a shirt to cover his chest beneath his vest. His vest states him as the president, and I suddenly become nervous.

  “Grading papers,” I mutter.

  He looks down, then back up to meet my gaze. “Why?”

  “Silver is looking at my air, it went out in my car. I’m in here, getting ahead while he does me the favor,” I explain.

  The man twists his neck to look at the door behind him, then shifts his gaze back to me, a grin on his lips. “While he does you a favor?”

  I gulp. “Well, yeah. He heard me kind of arguing with Marty at the mechanics shop, and he stepped in. It’s really nice he’s willing to try and fix my car this way,” I say, keeping my voice even, or at least attempting to.

  “Nice,” he chuckles.

  Suddenly the room feels suffocating, and I know why that is. Silver has entered. I lift my gaze to his and his eyes are pointed toward us, toward me and the stranger.. He slowly makes his way toward us, and the man across from me must feel the intensity as well, he slowly stands and turns to face Silver.

  “Just talkin’ brother, no need to get your panties in a bunch,” he laughs, speaking to Silver.

  Silver only grunts, the man grabs his shoulder and walks away. “Dragon say anything to offend you?” he asks.


  Silver grins. “Yeah, cariña, Dragon, the man you were just talking to,” he explains.


  Her mouth is parted in a sweet little O again, and fuck me, I can’t think of anything but what my cock would look like slipping right in there. I sit down in the chair that fucker, Dragon, just vacated. President or not, he’s about to get his ass beat for openly flirting with the woman I brought in here. He knows she’s off limits, I made that shit clear when he rode up five minutes ago. I knew he wouldn’t listen. I knew he would push me, and he did.

  “No, he only asked me what I was doing,” she says, her voice all breathy and sexy as shit.

  I watch as she begins to pack her papers away. She assumes her car is fixed, it isn’t. That hunk of junk needs to be stripped for parts and put to rest. “Your car’s toast, cariña,” I state.

  “Toast?” she asks, lifting her bright blue gaze to me.

  Goddamn, I could get lost in those fucking eyes. A better man would push her far away. I’m nothing but trouble, nothing but a fucking heartache. At forty-five I know that about myself, I know that there’s no hope for me. Something won’t let me push her though. Something keeps calling me to her.

  “Would cost more to fix your car than it’s worth, Presley. My advice, sell it for parts and get something else. Something sleek and sexy,” I grin.

  Her face goes ashen, her eyes round and she looks horrified. I almost look behind me, wondering if there’s a whore walking around naked, but I don’t. She’s not looking anywhere but right at me. She clears her throat and attempts to school her features before she gulps.

  “Thank you, Silver. I really appreciate you taking the time to look at it,” she mutters as she stands.

  She takes one step. I wrap my hand around her wrist and tug her down, chuckling when her sweet ass lands in my lap. “Silver?” she exhales, her head turning and twisting to look at me.

  “Have a drink with me. Tell me why you looked like you were seconds from a panic attack just now,” I murmur.

  She needs gentle, I can tell that demanding her, raising my voice or pushing her won’t work. Not this littl
e one, she needs soft and gentle. It’s not something that I normally offer any woman, but for some reason, I want to give that to her.

  I lift my hand to the prospect, and give him two fingers, then wrap it around her hip. I wait her out. The prospect appears and sets two beers down. I pick one up and hand it to her, then take my own. I watch as she brings the bottle to her lips, and takes a small sip. I take a pull of my own, my eyes never leaving hers.

  “I can’t afford a car payment right now,” she whispers.

  I frown. “You’re a teacher,” I point out.

  She chuckles. “Aside from the fact that I make just a smidgen above minimum wage, I just moved from Phoenix. I had to pay a deposit on my place, and although I’ve been out of school eight years, I’m still not finished paying off my student loans. I’m close, but I still owe,” she rambles, panic obviously laced in all of her words.

  I take another pull of my beer, my eyes staying on hers. “The car is shit. You’re going to have to re-budget. I might be able to get you some decent money for the parts. I’ll give you everything I can for it, but that car ain’t safe and it’s hot as fuck here.” She nods, her eyes swimming with sadness. “Drink your beer, cariña. Shit will look better in the morning,” I grin.

  “How?” she asks. “I’m going to be eating PB&Js until the end of time,” she grumbles under her breath.

  I keep her nestled against my lap and call out for the prospect to bring us a shot. “Oh, only one. I have to be in class tomorrow,” she explains.

  “Okay, Presley, just one,” I grin.

  She takes the shot, then turns to me, her eyes a little glassy, but she’s not completely gone. “Where’s Buster?” she blurts out.

  I lean forward, brushing my lips across hers. She tastes like tequila and sweet sugar. “Babysitter,” I mumble against her mouth before I slip my tongue inside. She gasps, giving me more room and I take full fucking advantage.

  Chapter Five


  He’s kissing me. Really, really kissing me, and I’m letting him. I slide my hands around his neck and press my body a little closer to his. I don’t know what’s coming over me, but the way he tastes, the way he feels, it’s too good to ignore or push away.

  Silver swallows my moan, one of his hands sliding up my back, the other staying firmly grasped around my hip. He breaks the kiss and we both attempt to catch our breaths. “Silver,” I breathe, unable to say anything else.

  “Cristo, that mouth, Presley. Curious to see what else you can do with it,” he says, his lips twitching in a grin.

  I shake my head, frowning slightly. He lifts his hand from my hip, his finger pressing against the center of my brows. He smiles, leaning forward and brushing his lips across mine.

  “I should go home,” I announce.

  I don’t want to go anywhere, everything inside of me is begging to find out what he can do with his mouth too.

  He chuckles. “No way, cariña. You’re comin’ upstairs to my room. Show me the rest of what that kiss promises,” he announces.

  I struggle slightly against his hold, but his hand returns to my hip and he holds me steadfast. “I should go,” I lie.

  He shakes his head, his eyes and lips smiling together, and it’s gorgeous. “Let go, Presley. Be wild. Live,” he rasps.

  How does he know?

  How does he know?

  “You won’t hurt me?” I whisper.

  The hand pressed against my back moves, and he cups my cheek. His thumb runs along my bottom lip, then his hand shifts and I feel that thumb along the apple of my cheek. His dark eyes search mine, and I’m not sure what he sees, but whatever it is, he leans forward and brushes his lips across mine, again.

  When he breaks the kiss, he doesn’t say even a word. I expect him to speak, but instead he stands. He makes no promises, in fact, he acts as if he hasn’t heard my question. Cradling me in his arms, he wordlessly carries me toward a staircase in the corner of the room. He walks up, his eyes never leaving mine and before I realize it, the music from the bar is completely gone, and we’re alone in a room.

  Slowly, he sets me to my feet. His lips touch mine again, his tongue testing the seam of my lips, begging entrance and I open, allowing him inside. His hands grab ahold of my hips, gently fisting the fabric of the skirt of my dress as he guides it up my body.

  I’m not in control of my body. Not in control of anything and I’m acting like a slut. I can’t stop myself, even if I wanted to, I’m completely lost to him—to Silver and his black eyes, to his large, callused hands wrapped around my upper thighs.

  He doesn’t answer my question, he doesn’t speak, his mouth and hands a silenced voice. Once my skirt is shimmied up my hips, one of his hands dives beneath my panties to grab ahold of my ass, his mouth slamming against mine at the same time.

  He moves us, his fingers burning into the flesh of my ass until the backs of my knees collide with the side of the bed. “I should go,” I murmur against his mouth.

  One of Silver’s hands shifts around to the front of my panties, his finger drags through my center and I gasp at the sensation of him touching me there.

  “You’re so goddamn wet, you don’t want to go anywhere. You’re saying that shit because that’s what good girls say, am I right?”

  I spread my thighs a bit wider, whimpering when his finger enters me. He slowly pumps in and out, my cheeks feel hot when I hear the noises that my body makes as he fingers me. His lips touch the underside of my jaw, traveling over to below my ear.

  “You a good girl, Presley?” he asks on a whisper.

  With a moan, I say yes. I am a good girl, but if he wants me to be bad, I would do that for him. For whatever reason, I would do anything for him—be anything. It’s all so foreign. I’ve never been one to jump into bed with just any man I’ve dated. I’ve always taken extreme care of who I let touch me, who I let inside of me. Almost to the point of practically holding a pussy interview.

  This is different.

  He is different.

  I feel different.

  His hand slips from between my legs and both of them fist my panties before he yanks them down my legs. Bending down slightly, he grips the backs of my thighs and as if I weigh nothing more than a feather, tosses me onto the bed. I bounce once, his hips fitting between my thighs almost immediately, his forearms caging in my face and his black eyes centimeters from my own.

  Licking my lips, I let out a shaky breath. We don’t speak. No words are needed. His lips touch mine again, my hands immediately dive into his hair and I grip it tightly, meeting his kiss. Tongue for tongue, teeth for teeth, moan for moan.

  I tug his head back, his eyes sparkle as he looks down at me, a slow smirk appearing on his lips. “Goddamn, woman,” he grunts. “I need inside of this hot little pussy, cariña,” he mutters.

  I shouldn’t like his words as much as I do. I shouldn’t spread my legs wider, and I definitely should not lift my hips with a whimper, practically begging him to drive right inside of me. He doesn’t do what I expect, which would be to shift, shove his pants down and fuck me.

  His white teeth appear in a wide smile as he shifts down, all the way down until his face is between my legs.

  “Fuck,” he hisses.

  His mouth wraps around my clit and he sucks me gently before I feel his teeth scrape. I lift my hips, offering myself to him with a groan.

  Two fingers slide inside of me, curling, while his tongue plays my clit. It’s too much. It’s not enough. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. The intensity in my belly, it multiplies, it consumes me. I’m going to explode, it’s going to be the biggest thing in the world. I’m not sure I want it to happen, it’s going to be too much, but I can’t hold it back.

  My hands find his hair again, I pull him against my pussy, feeling his beard roughly scrape against my thighs and I cry out when I come. I’ve never forced a man’s mouth between my legs before, but this is different, this is bigger than anything I’ve ever felt before.
This. Is. Epic.

  Silver removes his fingers from between my legs, then he slowly crawls back up my body. He’s still wearing his vest and t-shirt, but he’s pushed his pants down. I feel the unmistakable presence of the head of his cock against my entrance.

  He eases into me, centimeter by centimeter until he’s completely seated inside of me. I clench my jaw, the promise of what was beneath his jeans was definitely more than I had anticipated. I shift my hips, lifting my knees and widening them in hopes of easing the slight pain I feel.

  The pressure, the intensity, the stretching is more than I’ve ever felt before. It almost feels like my first time. I haven’t been around the block, I’m not a virgin, I’ve been with a few guys, but this is beyond anything I’ve felt with any of them.

  “Cristo, this pussy,” Silver rasps, his eyes staring deep into mine.

  Slowly, he pulls almost completely out of me before he fills me completely again. I wrap one of my legs around his waist, then grab ahold of his thick hair at the base of his neck, my new favorite place to have my hand. I wrap myself around him, while on the inside, I’m wrapped up in him.

  He doesn’t say anything else, his eyes turning liquid and he pulls out before he slams inside of me. His determination unmatched. He fucks me. His hips grind against my sensitive clit with each downstroke. I close my eyes, arching my neck and tipping my head back as I take each rough stroke of his.

  Gripping his hair tighter, I climb again, higher and higher toward another release. “Oh God, again?” I moan, lifting my head.

  Silver grins, his eyes still liquid as he looks down at me. “Yeah, fuck yeah, Presley. Again, give me another one. Make that tight cunt squeeze my dick,” he growls.

  His words are my undoing, for the first time in my life, I come for the second time. My entire body shakes, jerks, and my fingers grip his hair so tight that I’m sure I’ve taken some strands out of his head. The power of his thrusts increases, then he stills, and I feel him fill me.


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