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UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1)

Page 7

by Hayley Faiman

  “You really gotta stop this fuckin counselor shit, brother,” I chuckle.

  He grins, shaking his head. “What the fuck ever,” he grunts.

  We don’t say anything else, both of us slipping into the clubhouse to get a few hours shuteye before tomorrow and the traveling that will greet us begins.

  Chapter Seven


  Waking alone doesn’t surprise me. I was fine. In fact, I had a renewed energy that I didn’t think was possible after my crappy night. Something happened when I saw him, I let go of all of the expectation and I just lived. I don’t know what will happen between me and Silver, maybe nothing will come of it but a few great orgasms but the thing is, I’m not going to stress about it.

  My day goes by slowly, but easily enough. Benjamin has taken to ignoring me, and I’m absolutely fine with that. All of my students have left for the day, except Buster who is steadfast and working on his homework.

  I want to get to know him better, but I keep my mouth shut, and my own head down on my work. What I don’t need to do, is befriend a student just because I’m sleeping with his father. If it doesn’t work out, if he doesn’t want more than just a good time, then what happens? I shake my head, then not only am I a fool, but I’ll have gotten close with a little boy and lost him too. I can’t handle that, not at all.

  My alarm sounds, signaling the end of Buster’s detention. He quickly puts his things away, and I smile as I watch him work at amazing speed. He’s extra excited tonight for some reason. “Doing something after school?” I ask as I stand.

  He nods, hitching his backpack over his shoulders. My classroom door opens, and I smile turning toward it, expecting Silver. My smile is frozen into place when Buster rushes toward a twenty-something girl. She’s gorgeous, long lean legs, short cut-off shorts. Skinny, and wearing a black tank top. She looks like a biker chick, like a real one and my stomach sinks.

  “Hey, I’m Trista,” she smiles perkily, holding out her hand.

  Plastering on my fake smile, I take her hand. “Presley Gray, I’m Buster’s teacher.”

  “Cool,” she sighs. “I’m going to be picking him up for Silver the next few weeks. Just wanted to give you a heads up,” she babbles.

  “Umm, okay,” I breathe. My stomach no longer sunken, it’s now twisted into a million knots and I feel nauseous.

  Is this what happens when you look for adventure, you crash and burn, then crash and burn again? Holy shit. I knew I was some booty call, but I never imagined he would go from someone who looks like her, to me.

  I’m so stupid.

  It’s like as soon as I saw him, I was willing to forget all my good sense. My body wanted him, and selfishly I hoped he would want more than just a couple good fucks. I should have known. I was even warned. Then last night should have been the sinker, I should have kicked his ass out for coming to me at two in the morning. What I should not have done is stripped and jumped on his cock.

  “Yeah, I’m on the list and everything,” she grins. “C’mon dude, I have to get dinner started for you.”

  Buster gives me a wave and I’m stuck, frozen in my spot. A throat clears at my doorway and my body jerks, as I shift my gaze over to Miss Reynolds.

  “You can call me, Esther,” she offers. “That girl has been picking Buster up for years. She just appears sometimes. Nobody really knows who she is, but I have my suspicions,” she murmurs.

  “What’s that?” I stupidly ask. I don’t need to know, not at all, but I’m starving for the knowledge and hoping it isn’t something like she’s his on and off again girlfriend.

  Esther smirks. “Sweet little thing like that? All built and young? She’s in and out of that man’s bed, and he relies on her for his kid when he needs help. Plus, not a hardship to fuck some tight thing like her, right? Not for some guy in his forties,” she chuckles.

  “Suppose not,” I quip.

  She hums, and I lift my gaze to her eyes. “Shit, you fucked him, didn’t you?” she asks. I shake my head, unable to hide the lie. “Friday night, girls’ night. We’ll go out.”

  “Where?” I ask, frowning. “Why?”

  Her lips turn up into a really sinister smile, almost evil and it scares me. “We’ll find out how he really feels about you. We’re going to New Mexico for the night.” The border is only about forty-five minutes away, but I’m confused by her words.

  “They have a rival club there. He wouldn’t want his woman anywhere near there. There’s a cool little country bar, sometimes the New Mexico club is there, sometimes it’s just locals. It’s always a good time though, and even if you don’t give a shit about him, there will be a couple guys who will buy you a drink and dance with you,” she shrugs.

  “Why would you want me to go with you?” I ask.

  She shrugs. “You’re hot. All my girlfriends are either married or moved away. I don’t have many friends in town, thought since you were new and single we would be each other’s wing women.”

  Esther isn’t the warmest person I’ve met, and she was kind of bitchy the first couple of times we talked, but maybe she’s right. Maybe we both need a friend and a night of cocktails and dancing. It actually sounds like fun.

  “Okay, I’ll go,” I smile.

  “Friday, seven. We’ll go out to dinner before. I’ll pick you up because I need air, and your car is a hot fucking mess,” she announces as she turns and walks away from my doorway.

  Well… okay then. Maybe it won’t be that much fun. It’s out of the house though, and meeting new people… it’s living.

  I pack up my things and head home for the night with my window rolled down as I drive home. Silver mentioned selling my car for parts, but he didn’t say anything else about it, and honestly, it runs. I don’t need to sell it for parts, because I need a car payment like I need a hole in the head.

  Maybe one day my student loans will be paid off, and then finally, I’ll be able to upgrade. For now, my oxidized hot mess will just have to be good enough. And if someone doesn’t like it? They can go fuck themselves, mainly Silver Hernandez.


  Pulling up to the mini-mansion in McKinney, Texas, I frown. I didn’t know manufacturing mattresses was so fucking lucrative. The last time I came for a visit, Smith insisted we meet at his office. This time he doesn’t know we’re coming. A fucking surprise pop up.

  Wolfe and I wait for a car to pull up to the gate, then sneak in right behind it. Although I’m not sure how sneaky we are since the woman driving grips the steering wheel and looks like she’s about to shit her pants as we pull up next to her.

  She speeds up, and I look over at Wolfe who just shakes his head with a smirk. I speed up as well, sliding into the gravel drive, stopping right behind her car. Wolfe rides to the front of her car, boxing her in. She doesn’t open her door, in fact, I watch as she takes her phone out and holds it against her ear, her eyes shifting from me to Wolfe.

  “You think she pissed herself?” Wolfe asks.

  I shrug, taking my phone out of my pocket and thumbing through my contacts. I’m not really looking to call anyone, but I know that Smith is going to be walking out of the front door at any given second and I want to look—bored.

  “Mr. Hernandez,” Smith’s voice booms, as if on cue. Slowly, I lift my head to look over at him. Keeping my glasses on, I don’t want him to see my eyes, he can stare at his reflection. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asks as he walks down his front steps. I don’t miss the tremble in his voice, the fake bravado.

  Straightening, I look down at him. He’s shorter than me, by a head, round and terrified looking. “We got some problems,” I announce.

  He gulps, his eyes moving to the car where the woman is looking from one of us to the other like she’s watching a fuckin’ tennis match. “Let’s go down to my office,” he whispers.

  I chuckle. “I don’t think so. Get your bitch, and let’s go inside,” I bark.

  Wolfe walks over to the car, and I watch from the corner of
my eyes as he opens the door. The woman lets out an audible cry of fear. “She’s my wife, she’s fragile,” Smith mutters.

  Shaking my head, I lean forward. “She ain’t fragile, what she is, is fuckin’ clueless. It’s time to clue her in,” I announce. Turning to Wolfe, I lift my chin. “In the house, all four of us have some shit to discuss.”

  Without another word, I walk toward the front door. I hear Smith’s feet behind me, his short legs struggling to keep up with my long gait. So worried about his wife, yet he left her in the dust with Wolfe. What a fucking piece of shit, and waste of air.

  Once we’re inside, it’s hard not to notice the ostentatiousness of his mini-mansion. I shake my head, knowing for a fact now that we pay him too fucking much. Especially since he’s been nothing but fucking everything up lately.

  I don’t bother looking for an office, instead, I walk directly toward their living area. “Sit,” I bark, lifting my chin to the fancy sofa that’s fucking covered in plastic. Cristo.

  Wolfe drags in a short, overweight woman who is dripping in diamonds.


  Paying him too fucking much.

  “Why are our shipments fucked up?” I demand.

  The wife is plopped down on the plastic covered sofa right next to the whimpering fuck of a husband. She looks at him. “Carlton, do you do business with these men?” she asks, glaring at her man. Yeah, fragile my ass, this bitch is made of stone.

  Smith glances at her, sweat beading on his forehead, then looks back up to me. “What do you mean, what is wrong with them?” he asks, trembling. His eyes look everywhere but on my own, and I know he’s lying.

  Reaching into my side holster, I pull out my gun. The bitch gasps loudly, but I hold the piece loosely next to my side.

  “Quality is shit, and so is the timing. I need those mattresses when I need them, not when you feel like sending them to me. I got another late as fuck shipment last week, and gotta tell you, my president ain’t happy. When he ain’t happy, he gets on my ass to crunch numbers.” I lean down slightly. “The numbers don’t look good. For every day we’re late in delivering, we lose money.” I look to the side then back to him. “And we don’t like losing money, Carlton.”

  Smith shakes his head, lifting his hand to his throat. “I’ll get you the product. What do you need, when do you need it?” he whimpers.

  Something catches my eye and I watch his daughter walk down the stairs. She freezes when her eyes land on me and a slow smile curves on her lips. Fuck. I almost forgot about her. I glance down to the father. “You’re done, old man.” Lifting my gun, I point it at his head.

  The woman screams, the girl’s face turns white. I glance over at Wolfe who lifts his chin. “We wasted our time driving down here and you offer us nothing in excuses for why your shipments are subpar and late. You also are livin’ it up on our cash, so that shit does not sit well with us,” Wolfe points out.

  “Dragon doesn’t tolerate liars or scammers. You seem to be both,” I state.

  Smith cries, sobs, as tears fall down his face. He’s a fucking blubbering mess. “I’ll fix it, I swear to God, I’ll fix it,” he cries.

  Lifting my eyes to the girl who is still on the staircase, I dip my chin, motioning for her to come toward me. I’ve already fucked her, a couple times actually, though I doubt her daddy knows as much. I can’t remember her fuckin’ name to save my life though.

  “How much you want to save your daddy?” I ask her once she appears at my side.

  “Silver,” she breathes. It doesn’t sound nearly as sexy as it did the last time she said it. It also doesn’t compare to the way Presley says my name. “He’s my father,” she states.

  I don’t move my gun from his forehead. My eyes never leaving Smith’s as I speak to his girl. “He’s fucked up my club, his mattress shipments have fucked up our shipments and our buyers are not happy,” I mutter. “Should I let him live?”

  She gasps, “Yes, he’ll fix it, Silver. You know he will,” she pleads, tears welling in her eyes.

  Tilting my head to the side, I shift my focus over to the girl. “Yeah? He’s good for it?” I ask. “What can you do to assure that?”

  She looks back at her father, then over to me. “Take me as collateral. I’ll stay with you until the shipments are back in order,” she announces.

  I chuckle. “Bitch, I take you and it won’t be me who keeps you. You’ll belong to the club,” I state.

  She gulps, looking to Wolfe then back to me. “Belong to the club?” she asks.

  Leaning forward, I grin. “Yeah, you’ll suck, you’ll fuck, and you’ll do it with any patched man who tells you to, and you’ll do whatever a patched man instructs, even if that means fucking someone outside of the club. You’ll do all that for nothing more than room and board, food and booze. You won’t come back here, either, not ever.”

  “You’ll let my parents live though,” she offers.

  Lifting my gaze to her parents, I shift it back to hers. “Yeah, Carlton does what he’s supposed to, when he’s supposed to, and they’ll live. He doesn’t, your pussy on display or not, he’s done, babe.”

  She inhales through her nose, then lets it out slowly. “Okay,” she nods.

  “No,” Smith cries. “Not my baby.”

  I press the metal of my gun a bit harder into his forehead. “She offers herself freely for you. You better thank her, and us for not killing you all. The blowback on this is zero, you understand that?” I bark.

  He nods, tears streaming down his face. Keeping my eyes on his, I make a demand. “Suck my cock, babe,” I instruct.

  Her body jerks and her mouth falls open slightly. “Right here? Now?” she asks, her voice trembling.

  The woman sobs on the couch, but my eyes are directed at the old man in front of me, my gun pressing against his forehead. This has nothing to do with sex, not right now. This shit is all about control, and right now I’m asserting my authority. Not only over this new whore but over her father as well.

  “Didn’t stutter. You can’t suck my dick here, how you gonna fuck in a room of a hundred people? How you gonna take two brothers at once?” I ask.

  “Two, at once?” she breathes. I can’t tell if the bitch is turned on or just in shock from the idea.

  Lifting a brow, I don’t repeat myself. I wait. However, I won’t be waiting for long. She must sense that time is of the essence. She sinks to her knees, new tears welling in her eyes, and falling down her cheeks. Wolfe grunts somewhere in the distance as she unbuckles my pants and takes my cock out.

  Her small hand wraps around my semi-hard cock and she strokes me. I don’t look away from her father at first, that is, until her mouth wraps around the head of my dick. She’s slow, unsure, nervous and if she were just another woman in my bed, it might be cute. She ain’t. She’s going to be a clubwhore, and she needs to work a dick like an expert, not a shy virgin.

  With my free hand, I fist the back of her hair roughly, stopping her from her feeble attempts. Tugging her head back, I look into her eyes. “You can’t be scared of a dick, babe. Ay, dios mio, I know you can suck a cock. C’mon now, make me want to keep you at this club, make me want to tell my brothers you were worth dragging all the way to Arizona. If they don’t want you, babe. Your fate, your daddy’s fate, it doesn’t look promising.”

  The tears in her eyes dry up, and I see a sense of determination cross her features. “Yeah, I can do it,” she announces.

  I watch as she licks her lips, opens her mouth, and lifts her gaze up to meet mine. Her mouth opens, and she takes as much of me down her throat as she can. Her hand wraps around the base, she works me. No longer playing scared and shy, poor little rich girl likes the taste of bad boy cock. I grunt, keeping my fist tight in her hair as I shift my hips, fucking her mouth each time she sucks me down.

  “Hold still,” I grunt.

  She does, and I use my grip in her hair to move her along my dick. She gags a few times, but her eyes sparkle, and I force another gag fr
om her. She’s a slobbering mess by the time I feel my balls tighten. I don’t give her any warning before I spill my climax down her throat. The bitch swallows every bit, seemingly forgetting that her father is watching the entire exchange with a gun pointed to his forehead.

  Yeah, I made the right choice with this new talent for the clubhouse.

  Releasing her hair, I take a step back then adjust my dick back in my pants and zip myself back up. “You’re on Wolfe’s bike,” I announce.

  She looks from me to Wolfe, then back to me and wisely doesn’t say a fucking word as she stands to her feet, wiping the saliva from her face. “We going to have any more issues, Carlton?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, unable to look anywhere but his lap. “My shipment?” I push.

  “Be there day after tomorrow, double the product as an apology,” he whimpers.

  The fucking weak ass pussy.

  Releasing the gun from his head, I turn to the bitch at my side, taking her arm and guiding her toward Wolfe. He licks his lips as I thrust her into his arms, looking very much like a wolf eyeing up his prey. We walk away from the house, from the two stupid fucks on the couch.

  “When will I see my daughter again?” the woman finally asks.

  We all stop, Wolfe turns around first, the girl in his grip. “You won’t. She ain’t yours anymore. She’s property of the Savage Beast’s now.”

  Nothing else is said, we leave the mini-mansion, load on our bikes and head for the highway. With the new cargo in tow, we can’t go home as quickly as we arrived. She’d probably cry if she had to sit on the back of Wolfe’s bike for that amount of time.


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