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UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1)

Page 20

by Hayley Faiman

  “He is. He has an eight-year-old child,” I explain.

  She hums. “He wants you to move in with him, with them? But have you talked about a future, he probably won’t want more children, Pres and I don’t want to see you settle for less than your dream. You deserve children of your own,” she says, her voice soft and gentle.

  Clearing my throat, I inhale deeply before I continue. “He wants more children, at least he told me he did when I voiced that very same concern. I just don’t know him that well, Patti. Please tell me I wouldn’t be making a colossal mistake by doing this,” I beg.

  She clucks her tongue, and I know that she really is thinking about my position. “You like him. Not just like, you want more with him, a future?”

  I gulp, closing my eyes, I see him in my mind. Shirtless, his muscles and Silverback Gorilla on display. His shaggy black hair, his thick beard, and those black eyes. My belly flips just at the thought of him, just imagining him here in this room.

  Opening my eyes, I tell my sister the truth. “I love him. I fell in love with him, I think before I even knew his name,” I whisper.

  She stays quiet for a breath, then she giggles. “Move in with the man. If it’s a big mistake, then pack your shit and move out. But if you don’t do it, you will regret it, always. I can tell you really like him by your voice alone. Don’t be a pussy,” she laughs.

  I join her, then grow serious. “Thank you, Patti. I love you, you know?”

  “I know.”

  We hang up and I look back at my bag. Standing, I have a renewed energy. This is the real test. Moving in with him I will see it all. The good, bad and the ugly. No more running, no more hiding. I will see it all, and only then will I know what I can or cannot handle. Frowning, I think again that it’s just too soon.

  Inhaling deeply, I let out the breath, then go about packing the rest of my large bag. Maybe once this bag is emptied he won’t want me around anymore. Looking around the room, I decide I can’t move, not completely. Maybe I’ll just stay with him for a few weeks, make it all a test run.

  I don’t know what the future will bring. However, I refuse to close myself off from exactly what I wanted, from an adventure. Just because it doesn’t look exactly the way I imagined it, doesn’t mean that it isn’t exactly what I need.

  Taking my work clothes off of the hangers, I fold them neatly. I don’t know how long it will be before I’m back here, and able to pack more. So, I make sure to take an array of weekday, nighttime, and weekend clothing.

  I walk around my house to see if there is anything I’m going to need in the immediate future, grabbing that and packing it in an empty box. It doesn’t take me long, maybe an hour, to be completely ready.

  Glancing at my phone, I sigh. No text from Joel, nothing. I decide to watch a little television as I wait for him, finding a movie, I turn up the volume and lay down on the sofa. My eyes slowly close and before I can even see the opening scene, I’m completely asleep.


  Dragon sent a group text demanding that we all show at the diner at seven in the morning. Sinister Skulls are supposed to be here at eight, so it was better we arrived early to wait for them. Pulling up to the diner, I’m not surprised to see his bike there first. He’s standing against the door, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “You’re branding her?” he asks as soon as I’m within speaking distance.

  I lift my chin, planting my feet on the sidewalk. “I am. Already put in an order for her property cut. She’s it, brother,” I admit.

  He smirks. “Fucking hell. For all this shit, she better fucking be.” His eyes search my face and he narrows his gaze before he shakes his head. “What did you do?” he demands.

  I grunt. “Taught Karma a little about his name. If he thought he was getting off easy with that shit he pulled, he thought fucking wrong.”

  Dragon opens his mouth, then snaps it shut. Four bikes rumble toward us, and they aren’t Beast members, they’re Skulls. Karma is in front, a white bandage on his face. He parks, kicking his stand down. My eyes don’t leave him, even when the rest of our brothers’ bikes rumble toward us. Only Karma exists for me, and by the way he’s staring me down, only I exist for him.

  “Fuck,” Dragon groans behind me at the sight of Karma.

  Karma and his men make their way toward us. Dragon and I turn around, not worried about showing them our backs, our brothers are behind them, watching us. We walk to the back of the diner, ignoring the waitress that looks like she’s two seconds away from either puking or shitting her pants.

  Dragon and I sit on one side of the booth. Mountain and Jaguar sit at the diner’s bar. Karma and one of his men park their asses across from us, and two of his men sit at the bar next to ours. The tension is so fucking thick you could cut it with a knife.

  I keep my eyes pointed to Karma. He holds my gaze for only a moment before he shifts his attention over to Dragon.

  “Everything okay?” Dragon asks.

  Karma snorts, moaning slightly as I’m sure any facial movement probably fucking hurts. “Accident,” he grinds out.

  “What do you want. Not what you want someday, what do you want to start out?” Dragon asks.

  I pull my gun out of my cut, resting it between my thighs and pointing it directly at the man across from me. I’m sure Karma’s man has his piece pointed at me as well. Doesn’t matter and I don’t give a fuck as long as he doesn’t use it on anyone.

  Karma sits back, and he looks to be really thinking about his next move. If he wants in with us, and how deep he wants to attempt to pledge himself to the Beasts. He clears his throat, lifting his chin as his eyes shift to the side. We all sit up a little straighter, thinking he’s giving a silent order, but he doesn’t. He leans forward placing both of his hands flat on the counter.

  “We want a support patch,” he rasps.

  Dragon and I both jerk our heads back in surprise. “You what?” he asks, obviously caught off guard.

  Karma sighs, then cringes probably from the pain in his mouth. “My dad ran this fucking club into the ground. The men you see here. These are the only men I can truly trust. The ones you killed, that was a fucking Godsend really. I have about two more men that need to be dealt with. My club is running on a skeleton crew. These men need money to survive. I want to grow my numbers. None of that I can do on my own. I’m in over my head,” he admits.

  Dragon lifts his hand, scrubbing it over his face. “Fuck,” he groans. “You’d wear that support patch? You’d follow our rules. You’d answer to me? To the Beasts?” he asks.

  Karma gulps, nodding his head once. “We would. We’d be proud to be affiliated with you,” he says. “We’ll always be Skulls, but brother, this is the end of an ugly legacy, and we all want our freedom from its dirty chains.”

  “You know we don’t run a legit club, right?” Dragon asks, lifting a brow.

  Karma chuckles then groans at the movement. “Yeah. Dirty is fine with us. Filthy is not.”

  We don’t ask what filthy in his book means. Honest to fuck, I don’t want to know. I know what filthy would mean to me, and that’s all I need to know.

  “We’d need to vote on it. If the brothers are in favor, you will not be brought into the fold immediately. What you will be is slowly brought in. You’d start out doing transports, errands. Shit like that. You’d earn a flat rate that is agreed on by everyone. Then later we would add more duties, with more money, and so on,” Dragon explains.

  “That sounds fair,” Karma agrees.

  “We’ll have an answer for you next week,” Dragon says flicking his hand up in the air.

  Karma lifts his chin and his man slides out of the bench seat. “Talk to you then,” Karma says, then turns and walks away with his men behind him.

  Mountain and Jaguar shift and move to sit across from us. Dragon lifts his hand to motion for the waitress to come over. She takes slow steady, shaky footsteps as she walks toward us. It takes her more than five minutes to jot down our
orders the poor girl is shaking so badly. We don’t give her any shit about it, though, we’re all anxious to talk about what’s just happened.

  “What the fuck was that?” Jaguar groans.

  Dragon chuckles. “They’re broke as fuck. Karma’s father ran that club into the goddamn ground. They got no other choice but to align themselves with another club. We’re the biggest and closest one to them,” he explains.

  “Think we can trust them, that this is all legit, or a plan to do something worse? They took Silver’s girl, I don’t know…” Mountain mutters.

  I shake my head. “Desperation does some crazy shit to people. I don’t want to excuse him. He took his punishment like a man, though. He didn’t start shit, didn’t tattle to Dragon about me slicing his face that way. He could just be fucking desperate,” I point out.

  “I’ll let you choose, Silver. You want to bring this to church, to a vote, we can. You don’t, we’ll squash it right here, right now. He took your woman. He did what he did to her. If you don’t want them anywhere near us, then they’re gone,” he says.

  My president is not only a president, he’s my friend, my brother and this moment proves it. I stretch my legs out, inhaling deeply before I let out the exhale. “Bring it to a vote,” I announce. “We’ll give them something small to start with. Maybe they can find some ammo to bring for transport. We’ve been having a hard time finding enough to fill orders the past few months,” I offer.

  Dragon nods, “That would be a good start. We’ll bring it to vote, see what the others think,” he says lifting his chin.

  Our food arrives, and the conversation is dropped while we get down on our chow. I feel like I haven’t eaten in months. I’m shoveling food in, but I can feel everyone looking at me.

  “What?” I ask not looking up.

  I hear a couple chuckles. “You branding the teacher then?” Mountain asks.

  Lifting my eyes to his, I grunt. Dragon and Jaguar are watching me, their eyes dancing with humor. “Okay, Cristo. She’s moving in with me too. Friday she’s getting branded and then we’ll party. Anything else?”

  They all smile widely at me. “You love her. Fucking shit, you’re finally in love with someone who gives a fuck about you back,” Mountain smiles.

  I grunt, lifting my hand and flipping him off. “I am,” I smirk, shaking my head. “She wants babies too. Fucking hell, what am I doing, I’m forty-five,” I groan.

  “You’re finally getting on with your life. Savanna is a bitch. Hawk couldn’t handle her, then she got fucking bitter as shit. You were under some blinded spell,” Dragon points out.

  I shrug. I was under a blind spell, but I thought that she was worth all of it. In my head, she would have been. In reality, she fucking wasn’t. In reality, she’s exactly what my brothers are telling me, and have been telling me for years. She was never meant to be mine, she’s locked in her head, in her own bitterness just like Mountain pointed out.

  Presley isn’t like her, she is beauty and sunshine. Presley is this bright spot that burns so fucking hot, I’m almost afraid to touch her. She’s good and clean, like nothing I’ve ever had before. I can’t let her go, it isn’t an option. I am going to own her. Every goddamn part of her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  My eyes slowly open when I feel something gentle tickle my arm. I see Joel sitting on the sofa next to me, his hip pressing against my belly. His fingers dance up to my cheek, his eyes staying on mine. I search his face, his chest, and his arms before I lift my gaze back up to his. He doesn’t appear to have any blood on him, and I let out a sigh of relief.

  “You ready to come home, mi vida?” he asks, his voice softer than I’ve ever heard before.

  “Home,” I breathe.

  It isn’t a question, rather a statement. His eyes smile, and they twinkle when I say the word. It’s the most beautiful sight I think I have ever seen. Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around his and give them a squeeze.

  “Home,” he confirms. “Ven a casa, cariña,” he rasps.

  My pussy aches when he speaks Spanish to me. I clench my thighs together to relieve some of the sensation. He must sense my discomfort, his eyes travel down the length of my body, pausing at my hips before he brings them back up.

  “Presley,” he groans. “Trista and Buster are waiting.”

  I nod, pushing to sit up. I run my fingers through my hair, getting them caught on a couple of knots. “Okay, okay,” I chant.

  He chuckles. “I’ll take care of you tonight. Swear to fuck, you’ll never go to bed without,” he winks.

  I frown from his words. He makes me sound like a sex addict. I watch as he licks his bottom lip and I swear my pussy actually weeps. Shit. Maybe I am a sex addict. His eyes darken even more as his hand leaves my cheek. I suck in a breath when he tweaks my nipple over the top of my shirt and bra. Moaning, my eyes shudder closed and I let out a heavy breath.

  His fingers travel down from my breast and my eyes immediately open when I feel them dip between the waist of my jeans. “Joel,” I exhale.

  He smirks. “You’re going to come on my fingers, Presley,” he announces.

  I shake my head, my face feeling hot and assuredly red in color, from embarrassment. I suck in my stomach as his hand shifts farther into my jeans and his fingers work their way down my panties until I feel them touch my pussy.

  “Yes,” I hiss when he circles my clit.

  He grunts. “Fuck, you’re soaked, cariña.”

  I whimper, nodding my head as his fingers play. He spreads my folds apart, then dips his finger inside of me, gathering my wetness before he returns back to focus his attention on my clit. He doesn’t have much room to move, but damn is he doing everything with practiced precision.

  Lifting my hips to gain more friction, I cry out as I climb closer toward my release. “Come, soak my hand make a goddamn fucking mess, Presley,” he growls.

  His words, his low growl, mixed with his fingers, it’s all my undoing. I close my eyes and completely come apart on his hand. He grunts, continuing to touch me until my body has lost all of its tension. He removes his hand from my jeans and I watch as he sucks his fingers deep into his mouth. Without a word, I move until I’m on my knees in front of him.

  Reaching for his own jeans, I unbuckle his belt, then keeping my eyes on his, I unzip his jeans. He lifts his hips to allow me to move them down over his hips. Reaching for his thick cock, I take him in my hand, wrapping my fingers around its width.

  “Take me,” his voice rumbles.

  Leaning forward, I wrap my lips around his head, my eyes staying connected to his as I sink down along his length. “Fuck,” he hisses, one of his hands wrapping around the back of my head immediately. “Take more, Presley,” he growls, lifting his hips until I gag.

  A vision of Karma flashes through my mind, of sucking his cock, but it quickly disappears. Joel surrounds me, his smell, his touch, everything about him erases that trauma from yesterday.

  He grunts, his eyes full of lust and desire as he pulls out of me, tugging my head back until only my lips are around his head, again. I swirl my tongue, ignoring the saliva that’s dribbling down my chin. I’m a mess, I’m sure. I also don’t care. The way he’s looking at me, the way he made me come just moments ago. He can mess me up right now, I’m his to do with as he pleases.

  Joel’s free hand wraps around the front of my neck and he slowly guides me down his length again. Relaxing my throat, I swallow as much of his cock as I can, contracting my throat around him. He squeezes my neck, which only causes me to moan and he hisses again.

  “Cristo, you’re going to make me come,” he grunts.

  A thrill shimmies up my spine at his words. I want that. I want his release sliding down my throat. I feel powerful that I’m able to do this for him right now. I keep my eyes focused on his while he lifts his hips, fucking my mouth.

  The slow motions from just seconds ago are over. He holds me still, one hand in the back of my ha
ir, the other wrapped around the front of my neck, he lifts his hips, fucking me. There is no other word for what he’s doing to me right now.

  I can’t hold back my moans as he takes over. He moves his hands, both of them now holding onto the sides of my head, keeping me still as he uses me and then he stills, burying his cock down my throat as he fills me with his release.

  I cough, choking and swallowing as much as I can, the rest spills from my lips and falls down my chin before it slides down my neck.

  “Fucking shit, Presley,” he grunts as he slowly pulls out of my mouth. I lick the tip of his cock before he sits back against the sofa. “Come here,” he demands.

  Using my fingers, I try to wipe away the evidence of his release, of my saliva, as I climb onto the sofa next to him. It does no good, there’s too much. He chuckles, and I watch as he shifts out of his vest, then removes his shirt, using it to wipe my face clean.

  “Thanks,” I whisper, my voice husky and raspy.

  He leans forward, his lips brushing mine. His beard tickles my face and I can’t help but smile. “Let’s go home, cariña,” he murmurs.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I climb onto his lap, straddling his hips. My knees press into the sofa at either side of this thighs as I look into his eyes. “I love you, Joel,” I freely admit. “You don’t have to say it back. I just, I needed to tell you. It happened the first time I saw you picking up Buster after school. I looked across the parking lot and I just knew,” I announce.

  His dark eyes search mine, his hands wrap around my waist and I feel his fingers squeeze me. “Presley,” he mumbles. “Fuck, I can’t wait for our lives to start, together.”

  “I’m scared,” I admit.

  He shakes his head. “No reason to be, not ever again.” He says his statement with such finality.

  I believe that he is convinced that I don’t need to be scared, not when he’s there. He’s my lion, or rather my Silverback Gorilla. At my back to protect me against everyone and anyone who attempts to harm me, but what happens when it’s him that will inevitably be the one who hurts me the worst?


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