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Paige MacKenzie Mysteries Box Set

Page 56

by Deborah Garner

  “Hello, Paige,” Lena said. She glanced at Jake, but said nothing. “Why don’t you come around to my office?” Following Lena’s directions, Paige and Jake entered the administrative area through a side door. A long hallway led to the back of the station. Paige stifled the impulse to smile as they passed a side table with coffee and donuts along the way. Jake nudged her, to keep her from commenting on the stereotypical police snack.

  “So, Lena….” Paige said, trying to gather her jumbled thoughts as they settled into a back office.

  “It’s actually Detective Ramirez, but you’re welcome to call me Lena.” Lena smiled as she turned to reach into a drawer for a notepad. Paige could see bruises along her cheekbone and neck. An image of Lena, tied up in the storage unit, came back at her.

  “Oh!” Paige gasped. “I said some awful things to you this morning!” She turned to Jake, who simply shook his head.

  To Paige’s relief, the detective laughed. “Yes, I believe you called me a low-life scumbag or something equally vicious. I’d say, on a 1 to 10 scale of things I’ve been called while undercover, that doesn’t even merit a 2. Trust me.”

  “Paige is ruthless when she’s on a quest,” Jake quipped. He leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees, hands clasped. “A force to be reckoned with.” Paige had an urge to touch his tan, muscular forearms.

  “I’ve noticed that.” Lena jotted something on the notepad. Paige leaned forward to try to read it, but sat up straight when Lena looked up. “So, Paige and…” She paused, looking over at Jake.


  “Jake,” Lena noted. “As you now see, I’ve been working undercover on this case for some time. Paige, you came to Gallup with Miguel to find Abuela, the storyteller, correct?”

  Paige nodded, trying to formulate the rest of the story in her head so it would make sense when she explained it.

  “And you found her, basically unharmed.” Lena continued. “I believe Miguel is taking her back to Tres Palomas as we speak. And I know you found Whitehorse, or the tribal police did, since they called us. Which leads me to ask, why are you still here?”

  Paige shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

  “You’re right, we came down here to find Abuela, but also because someone broke into the spa and tied up Miguel’s sister, and he was upset. He thought Whitehorse would know where Abuela was and would know something about the break-in, and I insisted on coming along.” Paige paused, ignoring the feeling of Jake’s eyes drilling into the side of her face. “But, wait…didn’t you…?”

  Lena nodded. “Yes, I called to say I was opening for Ana so that Hector’s sidekick could get in to take her back stock of jewelry – a necessary move to gain his trust and get inside his warehouse. I was going to stall Ana at Luz’s store. Her usual pattern was to stop by each morning to get paid for any pieces that had sold the previous day. But she went to work early and was already inside the spa when he arrived. She shouldn’t have been in the middle of it. That was a case of bad timing.”

  “So you hadn’t even been inside the warehouse until yesterday?”

  “That’s correct,” Lena said. “I’d been working from Tres Palomas until then, getting closer to Hector by passing jewelry through Whitehorse.”

  “But Marisol said the books always balanced,” Paige said.

  “Yes, they would have,” Lena said. “Whitehorse always paid for the pieces, as well as extra money that I kept. Hector told him to do that. It made me an accomplice in their eyes because I was pocketing additional money for myself. I gained credibility.”

  Paige leaned forward in her chair. “Then you’d only just gotten to the storage unit before we arrived? You hadn’t searched the place?”

  “I didn’t get a chance to. I’d barely been dropped off when Abuela came wandering in and made herself comfortable. I sorted some jewelry on the worktable, hoping she’d leave, but then Whitehorse came in, and Hector, behind him.”

  “And Hector turned on you,” Paige said. “So you weren’t able to look around.”

  “Exactly,” Lena said. “Months of preparation can be blown simply when one person gets in the way.”

  Jake coughed. Paige ignored him.

  Lena’s expression grew serious. “But why are you asking if I searched the place?”

  “Because I did…we did.” Paige amended the comment, indicating Jake.

  “You went back there? To Whitehorse’s property?” Now Lena was the one leaning forward. “This isn’t your business, Paige. Aren’t you supposedly here on vacation? And to write an article on the mineral springs?”

  “Both,” Paige said, matching Lena’s tone. “But I care about Ana’s designs getting stolen. The fake jewelry trade is a serious problem.”

  “That’s true,” Lena conceded. “But that’s an ongoing problem we work with every day. You can leave that to us.”

  “I was also worried about Abuela,” Paige continued, “as well as Miguel driving alone when he was upset. But I went back there because I knew we’d missed something, which is what we came here, to report….”

  “That’s private property,” Lena interrupted.

  “Whitehorse gave us permission to go in.” Paige countered.

  “He shouldn’t have,” Lena said.

  “Paige…” Jake said, trying to cut her off.

  “Well, he did,” Paige continued. “And it’s a good thing, since your little jewelry operation is covering up something much bigger.”

  “You have excellent instincts, Paige,” Lena said sternly, cutting Paige off again. “You probably missed your calling. But you don’t belong in the middle of this.”

  “But you’re not listening,” Paige said, confused. “We came down here to….”

  Lena stood up abruptly and forced a smile. “I’m politely asking you to go back to Tres Palomas and leave this alone. In fact, maybe returning to New York would be a good idea.” She glanced at Jake, a plea for backup.

  “Paige!” Jake shouted this time, finally getting her attention.

  “What?” Paige shouted back, her face angry as she turned toward Jake.

  “Paige, I’m afraid we’re the ones not seeing the big picture.” Jake looked over at Lena, earning a nod of approval, before turning back to Paige. “This undercover operation you’ve walked in on? That we’ve now walked in on?”

  “Right,” Paige said, indicating Lena’s uniform. “I think that’s obvious.”

  “Yes, it’s obvious,” Jake said, “except for one thing. Think about it.”

  Paige sat back, silent for a moment and then covered her mouth, glancing between Jake and Lena as the realization sunk in. She dropped her hand to her lap and spoke. “This undercover operation was never about jewelry, was it?”

  Lena shook her head. “Now will you go back to Tres Palomas?” Lena’s voice was firm, but kind.

  Paige nodded, shook Lena’s hand and left with Jake.


  Four hours after leaving Gallup, Paige and Jake pulled into Agua Encantada, hungry and weary. They were relieved that they hadn’t missed dinner, and headed straight into the café, where they sat at a corner table, away from other guests.

  Luz brought glasses of ice water, along with a basket of chips. “You two look all tuckered out. What about some Indian tacos on fry bread to boost your energy?”

  “Definitely!” Paige said. “You’ll love them, Jake. I’ve loved everything Luz has served since I’ve been here.”

  After Luz left them, an awkward silence fell.

  Paige watched Jake study the artwork and decorations she had admired when she’d first arrived. Was that only ten days ago? It felt like she’d been there a solid month.

  “Who’s that with Miguel, over there?” Jake’s eyes settled on another table, where Miguel and Marisol whispered as she placed a serving of flan in front of him.

  “That’s Marisol. She works the front desk.” Paige dipped a chip into salsa and took a crunchy bite.

�Ah, yes. I’ve talked to her on the phone. Looks like Miguel’s flirting with her.”

  “He flirts with everyone,” Paige laughed.

  “With everyone…?”

  With those two words, Paige heard the tone of Jake’s voice turn from baffled to embarrassed. She said nothing, reaching, instead, for another chip. But she smiled.

  Jake sighed. “I’ve acted like a fool while you’ve been on this trip, haven’t I?”

  “A little,” Paige admitted. “But I have, too.” They paused as Luz placed plates with tacos in front of them, large rounds of fry bread underneath stacks of beans, cheese, tomatoes and lettuce.

  Paige pushed the salsa toward Jake. “Add some of this. Luz makes it from scratch every day.”

  Jake took a small spoonful and dribbled it on one side of his plate.

  “Oh, take more. It’s delicious,” Paige said, raising her voice enough to carry. She glanced over and caught Miguel watching Jake add a heftier amount directly on his meal. Miguel winked at Paige. Marisol rolled her eyes.

  As Jake took a generous bite, Paige nudged his water glass closer to his plate. He grabbed it almost immediately, gulping down half the glass at once.

  When he came up for air, he said, “I suppose I deserved that.”

  “I just thought I’d share one of my experiences from my first days here. Can you breathe?” He nodded. “Good. So. What brings you all the way to Tres Palomas, Jake Norris?”

  “I wanted to see you,” he said, pushing some of the salsa off the taco. “And to talk to you. But not now, later.”

  Paige’s stomach knotted around her first bite of dinner. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? A good thing, right?

  Following Jake’s cue, Paige kept the conversation light, telling him about the resort’s special pools, the options to get massages or take mud baths. She told him about the town, about the southwestern cuisine and about Abuela’s stories.

  Finishing up the meal, they both declined dessert and left the café, stopping at the front desk for the key to a casita Jake had reserved before flying down. Paige glanced at the key to the separate accommodation, both relieved and nervous. Having a “talk” was one thing. Anticipating a talk was something else.

  At his rental car, Jake retrieved Paige’s overnight bag and walked her to her casita.

  “How about meeting at 9 o’clock?” Tonight? “It’s 8 o’clock now. That gives you an hour to regroup. I’ll come get you.” Ah, yes, he does mean tonight….

  Paige opened the door to her room and paused to look back at Jake. Just seeing him walk away, she knew in her heart which way she hoped the talk would go. She stepped inside, closed the door and leaned her forehead against it. Was I too harsh on the phone? Is the long distance thing too much for him?

  The hour passed too slowly and too quickly, as if the clock and her heart were at odds. She showered, dried her hair and changed clothes a half dozen times, finally choosing a favorite, sleeveless cotton dress. The loose, button-down style was casual, yet flirtatious, flattering. And the aqua print complimented the auburn highlights in her hair. Sliding into sandals, she paused and switched to flats, in case they ended up walking around the dusty property. She applied a quick touch of make-up and slipped on Ana’s earrings, admiring the dangling motion of three silver doves below each ear. Then she paced.

  Even though she was expecting the knock on her door, she jumped when it came at 9 o’clock. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her nerves and opened the door.


  Her heart dropped. He changed his mind. He backed out. Whatever it was he wanted to talk about, he decided against it.

  Marisol smiled. “You’ll want to wear a swimsuit under that. At least, I think so.”

  Flustered, Paige grabbed her swimsuit, changing quickly in the bathroom, grateful she’d chosen a dress that could double as a bathing suit cover-up. Changing six more times to find another outfit would have been more than she could handle. This was as stressful as searching for Abuela.

  She returned to Marisol and stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

  “You two are making me nervous,” Paige whispered as she walked beside Marisol, letting her lead her across the property.

  “Don’t be,” Marisol said. She smiled and touched Paige’s elbow, turning her toward the private mineral springs. “Go…you’ll know which one.”

  Why do I feel like I’m on an episode of The Bachelor? Paige thought as she walked up the pathway. Am I getting a rose or being sent home? Stop being ridiculous! You’re a grown woman and this is not a television show!

  As she approached the fences that set the individual mineral pools apart for privacy, she could tell where she was headed, just as Marisol had said. While the other enclosures remained dark, one glowed faintly. She stopped at the edge of the fencing in a futile attempt to calm herself. I could still turn back… She knew she had to go forward. She rounded the corner and looked inside.

  The sparkling reflections of votive candles danced on the water’s surface. How many were there? Fifty? One hundred? Had she ever seen so many candles lit up at once? At one end of the pool, a bottle of champagne sat in a silver ice bucket, two glasses alongside. On one wall, two plush bathrobes hung on wrought iron hooks. The soft breeze blowing across the remote New Mexico landscape was soft background music to the enchanting scene. And, at the far end of the private enclosure, sitting at the edge of the pool, was Jake.

  At a loss for words, Paige waited as Jake stood up and walked around the pool, each step bringing him closer, each second causing Paige’s breathing to quicken. The candlelight framed his silhouette as he approached. Had Paige not known better, she might have thought it was a vision. This was the stuff of movies, of romance novels: a handsome cowboy, sculpted muscles beneath an open shirt, eyes focused on her, twenty feet away, then ten, then five, then…

  Warmth rushed through her as Jake slipped one hand around her waist and placed the other alongside her face, his thumb caressing her cheek softly. His eyes never left hers, even as he moved his hand from her waist to her forehead, where he brushed away a windblown strand of hair. As he cupped both hands around her face, Paige closed her eyes, fighting what felt like vertigo. A voice somewhere in the back of her mind told her to lift her arms toward him, but she found herself unable to move. She could feel his warm hands on her skin, the closeness of his breath on her face. As his thumbs stroked her cheeks, she felt his lips press softly against her forehead, then move down to her eyelid and alongside her face. Paige gasped slightly as his lips brushed past her ear and onto her neck. He whispered her name and traced the outline of her face and neck with his fingers, moving on to the buttons down the front of her dress. One by one, he unbuttoned them, his eyes never wavering from hers as he slipped the dress off her shoulders, letting it fall on the ground.

  Jake glanced down and grinned. “Swimsuit, how very wise.”

  “Marisol warned me,” Paige whispered, barely finding her voice. She smiled.

  Taking Paige’s hand, Jake guided her to the far end of the mineral pool, leading her cautiously around the votive candles. She placed her hands against his chest and followed the contours of his muscles upward, slid his shirt off his shoulders. Trailing her fingertips down along his tight abdominal muscles, she hesitated only a split second before he leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

  “Swim trunks…” Jake stepped back and winked at her. “Marisol warned me.” Paige covered her face, embarrassed at her own shyness. Jake took off his jeans, dropped them on the lounge chair, and then eased her into the mineral springs, one step at a time.

  If not for the brisk, evening breeze, Paige might have fainted from the combination of steaming water and her heightened senses. Instead, she let the cool air on her face soothe her as she sat back against the rock surface that formed the side of the pool, Jake by her side.

  “You came all the way to Tres Palomas from Jackson Hole just to surprise me with this tonight?” Paige kept her eyes closed,
the back of her neck resting against the edge of the pool. She heard Jake chuckle.

  “Actually, I came all the way to surprise you with this last night.”

  “Oh,” Paige admitted. “I guess that’s right.” She cringed a little. He does have a point there.

  “And then when I called from the Albuquerque airport to get directions here…”

  “I’m sorry.” Paige stopped him. She didn’t even want to think about what must have gone through his mind when Marisol told him she was out of town with Miguel. “I know how that must have looked. But…”

  “I know, Paige,” Jake said, turning to face her, setting off tiny ripples in the water. “I jumped to conclusions.” He leaned forward, placing one arm alongside her shoulder, against the pool’s edge, and running the back of his other hand across her cheek.

  “Well,” Paige admitted. “In retrospect, that was sort of flattering.” She smiled. With her head still back, eyes still closed, she didn’t need to look at Jake to know he was smiling, too.

  “Yes, I suppose it was.” Jake laughed lightly. “But that’s not the only reason I came down here to see you.”

  Paige felt the butterflies start up again. She had an urge to freeze time. Everything is perfect right now. Please don’t say anything to break this spell…

  “I came down here to Tres Palomas because I wanted to tell you something,” Jake said. “And I wanted to tell you in person. It only felt right.” Here we go. This is where I get sent home without a rose…

  Paige felt him move closer, his chest brushing against hers as he placed tiny kisses on her neck. The soft lapping of the water, the cool evening breeze and the sensation of his lips against her skin were almost too much.

  “I’ve been thinking about you, about us, ever since that phone call last week.” Jake paused, the soft kisses stopping. “And I had no right to react the way I did. We’ve never defined our relationship.” Ah, he said the “r” word…is this a good sign or bad?


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