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The Wanted Short Stories

Page 13

by Kelly Elliott

  I picked up the soap and began cleaning her whole body off. She dropped her head back and made the sweetest noises as I took care of her. I washed every single inch of her beautiful body and then quickly washed mine as she rinsed off.

  We made our way to the bed and crawled under the covers. I pulled her body up against mine as we lay there in silence. Nothing needed to be said. I could feel the love pouring from her body, and I hoped like hell she could feel mine.

  I slowly began to let my body relax.

  “I love you, Josh.”

  “I love you more.”

  “I love you more…plus infinity.”

  I smiled as I drifted off to sleep. I dreamed of our new house with Will and Libby running in an open field, laughing, as a massive buck stood guard, watching them.

  Three Months Later

  “Will! Stop pulling Alex’s hair!” I shouted.

  Alex went running to Ellie.

  Heather was attempting to chase down Libby, who was running and screaming because a fly was after her.

  “Okay, we need another plan of action. These four kids are going to drive me to drink!” Ellie said.

  Jack and Grace started laughing.

  Grace put her fingers to her mouth and whistled loudly. “Who wants watermelon?” she called out.

  Jack walked up to Gunner’s truck and put the tailgate down. Then, he pulled out a cooler.

  Will, Libby, Colt, and Alex all ran up to them. With Colt being the youngest, he’d learned quickly that he had to be fast, or he would miss out, and he was the first one there. Grace picked him up, handed him a huge piece of watermelon, and set him down in the bed of the truck. Soon, all four of them were sitting down there, eating.

  I let out a sigh as I pulled Heather into my arms, and then I kissed her.

  She smiled and looked over to Gunner. “I love your mom and dad.”

  Gunner laughed. “So do I. So. Do. I.” He picked up the plans again. “So, if you think you’re happy with the layout of the house, the only other thing to do is decide where you want the house to be placed.”

  Heather walked up and pointed to the plans. “Those wraparound porches are going to be heaven. I’d love to have the house face north and south but maybe slightly turned, so the back porches face the west a bit more. The sunsets out here are amazing.”

  Gunner nodded his head. “I totally agree with you, Heather. The idea is to take advantage of the views. The ceiling-to-floor windows across the back wall will make it feel like y’all are outside, even when you’re inside.”

  “I think that is my favorite thing so far.” Heather said with a smile.

  “I love the row of window seats you are putting in the dining room,” Ellie said.

  I glanced over to Heather. She was gazing down at the plans with the biggest smile on her face.

  “So, when are they gonna start building?” I asked.

  Gunner began rolling up the plans. “Monday.”

  My heart soared. We were building our dream home—a place where our kids would grow up, a place where we would make all new memories.

  “Gunner, thank you so much for recommending the builder who built your place,” Heather said. She leaned up and gave Gunner a peck on the cheek.

  “It’s my pleasure. They built Jeff and Ari’s main barn as well, and Jeff was really pleased. I think you will be surprised when you see how fast the builder can get things going.”

  I glanced back toward the kids. Right at that moment, Will took a handful of watermelon and smashed it into Colt’s face as Libby distracted Jack and Grace. Colt screamed, Alex started crying—I had no clue why—and Libby and Will high-fived each other.

  “When did Libby and Will learn how to high-five?” I asked no one in particular.

  Gunner and I began walking toward our kids.

  He laughed. “Damn, dude. You have your work cut out for you.”

  I nodded my head and whispered, “Tell me about it.”

  Sitting at the kitchen table, I jerked my head up after it bobbed when I began falling asleep.

  I had just put Will and Libby down for their afternoon nap. They had been sleeping with us for the last four nights. They were cuddlers, so there was no sleeping for either Josh or me when they were in bed with us.

  Josh had come up with a great idea though. We’d pushed their beds together and made one big bed. When I’d put them down for a nap, they’d both snuggled up next to each other. I’d smiled as I watched them drift off to sleep. They really were thick as thieves.

  Josh walked into the kitchen and stopped when he saw me. “You look like how I feel.”

  “Thanks,” I said, sliding my chair back. I walked to the refrigerator and opened it. “Is it too early to have a drink?”

  He let out a chuckle as he walked up behind me and reached in for the sweet tea. “How about a tall glass of tea?”

  I let out a sigh. “Sure.”

  “How long have they been asleep?”

  “Maybe an hour.”

  A sexy smile spread across his face as he glanced down at the island and raised his eyebrow. “It’s been a while.”

  I was just about to unbutton my pants when we heard laughing. We both stopped moving and stood perfectly still.

  Libby started laughing again.

  “Is she dreaming?” I whispered.

  Josh made a face. “I don’t know.”

  “Will! Will! Will!” Libby chanted.

  I put my hand over my mouth. “She’s gonna wake up Will!”

  Josh looked over at the monitor and began laughing. I spun around and let out a gasp. Will was jumping up and down on the bed while Libby clapped her hands and chanted his name.

  “You made them a trampoline in their room!”

  “Look at Libby egging him on!” Josh laughed.

  I slowly turned and glared at him. I wanted him to feel my anger.

  He peeked down at me and said, “What?” He pointed to the monitor. “You have to admit, that is some funny shit right there.”

  I placed my hands on my hips. “So, now that they can jump on their beds like a trampoline, where do you think they’ll want to sleep tonight?”

  Josh’s smile faded. “Fuck. I didn’t think about that.”

  I quickly turned, walked out of the kitchen, and made my way to the twins’ room. After three more weeks, the house would be done, and we would be moving in. Then, Will and Libby would have their own rooms. I opened the door, and Will continued to jump.

  “Hey, Mommy!” he shouted.

  Libby sprang up and began jumping, too. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I opened them and placed my hands on my hips. Will and Libby both stopped jumping. Libby sat down while Will just stood there.

  “You both know better.”

  “Mommy, are you mad?” Libby asked in the sweetest voice.

  My heart wanted to melt, but I refused to let it.

  “Yes, Mommy is mad. Both of you, off the beds. We do not play or jump on the furniture at all.”

  They both jumped off as I made my way over to Will’s bed. Josh walked into the room just then, and he helped me push Will’s bed back against the wall. I turned and looked down at the twins. Will was resting his chin on his hands, and Libby was twirling her hair with her finger.

  “God, look at how cute they are,” Josh whispered.

  Ice. Cold as ice. “In a few weeks, the two of you will be in your own rooms.”

  Will stood up and did a little fist pump as Libby started crying. Will dropped to his knees and began trying to comfort her.

  Oh. My. Goodness. He is just like his father. My heart Flipped my stomach.

  I looked over at Josh as he smiled and watched our son comforting our daughter.

  I glanced back at them. My sweet little angels.

  No, Heather. Must. Remain. Cold. As. Ice.

  I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Libby, you’re a big girl now. You and Will get to have your own rooms. Just think of all the extra room you’l
l have.”

  “For toys?” Will asked with a smile.

  Josh chuckled.

  I hit him in the stomach. “Don’t encourage him.”


  “Maybe—if you are a good little boy and girl. That means, no jumping on beds, no putting mud in Mommy’s shoes, no bringing frogs inside and putting them to bed in Libby’s bed—”

  Libby began giggling, which I found funny since she’d screamed bloody murder when she found said frogs in her bed.

  Will nodded his head. “Okay, Mommy.”

  I smiled as I bent down and wiped away Libby’s tears. “Don’t cry, baby girl. You’re going to love your new bedroom.”

  She stood up and stepped into my arms. I picked her up and held on to her.

  Josh held Will’s hand. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go potty.”

  Josh took Will upstairs while I led Libby to the bathroom downstairs. Weeks ago, we’d figured out that we needed to separate them to potty-train them faster. It had only taken days until they were both one hundred percent potty-trained. We wouldn’t even have to put Pull-Ups on them during naps. We would just use them at night, and most nights, they would both wake up dry.

  We were halfway through dinner, and Libby had already successfully put spaghetti up her nose and in her hair. Will had spent more time constructing something out of his spaghetti than he had eating it.

  “What are ya making, buddy?” Josh asked.

  I kicked him under the table. “We don’t play with our food, Daddy…remember?”

  Josh smiled at me and then turned to Will. “Hey, buddy, let’s start eating, okay? We’ll build something with your blocks before bedtime.”

  Will’s face lit up. He quickly grabbed handfuls of food and pushed it into his mouth.

  “Slow down, William.”

  Will gave me a smile and slowed down.

  Dinner continued without any more problems, and I silently thanked God for the peaceful meal. Afterward, Josh took Will and Libby and gave them a bath while I cleaned up.

  Later, we were all sitting in the living room, playing, when my cell started ringing.

  I jumped up and ran to answer it. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Heather.”

  “What’s up, Jessie?”

  “You and Josh feel like having a night off?”

  My stomach did a little flip at the idea of being alone with Josh. “Are you playing a cruel joke on me? Or are you offering something up?”

  She laughed. “No joke. Scott has a huge benefit dinner and dance to go to in Austin, and I don’t want to be stuck there alone with no one to talk to. I arranged for a friend of mine from college, who is now a full-time nanny, to come and stay here for the night. Do you think Josh’s parents would take care of your kids? We are staying in Austin the whole night.”

  I bit down on my lower lip and glanced out into the living room. A whole night alone with Josh would be amazing.

  “I have to ask Elizabeth. I think she’s still recovering from the last three days they watched the twins.”

  “It’s a ball. We can dress up and feel beautiful.”

  I scrunched up my nose. I really wanted to go. “Damn it. When is it?”

  She let out a little yelp. “This Saturday night.”

  I took in a deep breath and quickly blew it out. “Let me call Elizabeth. I’ll call you right back.”

  Josh walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. “What’s going on? Why are you calling my mom?”

  “Jessie said Scott is going to this huge benefit dinner and ball in Austin on Saturday night. They want us to go. We’d have to stay in Austin all night though.”

  Josh’s eyes lit up instantly. “All night?”

  I chewed on my bottom lip as I nodded my head.

  He took my cell phone from my hands and began calling his mother. “Hey, Mom. No, it’s me. How are you and Dad? Oh, yeah?”

  I peeked in the living room, and Will and Libby were busy constructing something.

  “That’s awesome, Mom. Hey, not to cut right to the chase ’cause you know I love hearing about how you and Dad are doing in the garden. Yes, I was being facetious, Mom.”

  Josh winked at me and motioned for me to follow him. We walked out into the living room and both sat down next to the kids. Libby handed me a block, and when I placed it on top of hers, she clapped.

  “Heather and I have been invited to a dinner and ball in Austin on Saturday night. I’d love to be able to take Heather.” Josh smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. “Mom, you’re the best. We owe you and Dad big time. Right. Yes, I’ll tell her. Hold on. Lib and Will, y’all want to say hi to Grammy?”

  Libby’s eyes lit up as she jumped up quickly and then sat in Josh’s lap. “Gammy! Gammy, I wuv you!”

  Josh smiled and nodded his head as he pointed to Libby talking to Elizabeth on the phone. “If Mom had said no, I was gonna pull out the big guns.”

  I covered my mouth and laughed.

  Will and Libby each talked to Elizabeth and Greg for a few minutes.

  “Okay, Mom. I’ll give you more details as I get them. I love you, too.”

  Josh hit End, and we high-fived each other.

  I called Jessie back, and as soon as she answered, I said, “We’re in!”

  “Perfect! It’s at the W Austin Hotel. Dinner starts at six, and the ball immediately follows it. I guess we’ll just meet y’all there?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “See you then, sweets!”

  I hung up and ran upstairs.

  “Where are you going?” Josh called out.

  I stopped and turned back to look at Josh. “I need to see if I have a dress. If not, I’m going shopping tomorrow.”

  Libby jumped up and ran toward me. “I want to dwess up, too, Mommy!”

  I reached down for her and picked her up. We made our way upstairs and into the master bedroom. I set Libby down in my closet, and I began looking at my dresses.

  I smiled when I saw the white dress bag. “Oh, Libby! Mommy has the perfect dress!”

  Libby clapped her hands. Then, she began putting on my shoes, and she attempted to walk around in them. I hung the dress up on the hook and unzipped the bag.

  When I saw the red chiffon backless dress, I smiled. I had bought it a few months ago when Ari, Ellie, Jessie, and I had gone shopping in Austin. Ari thought a girl could never have too many sexy evening gowns, and she was right.

  Josh was going to die when he saw me in this number.

  I looked down at Libby and said, “Daddy is going to love this. The high slit comes all the way up to the top of my thigh.”

  I jumped up and down, causing Libby to do the same.

  She reached for the dress and said, “Me!”

  “No, not this one, baby girl.”

  I turned and grabbed a white sweater. I slipped it over her head, and she wobbled to the mirror in my high-heel shoes.

  She looked in the mirror. “Oh…so pwetty!”

  I laughed. “Yes, you are.” I zipped the dress bag back up and walked over to Libby. “Want to show, Daddy?”

  She smiled big and nodded her head. I picked her up and took the shoes off her feet. I carried them as we made our way downstairs. Josh was in the twins’ bedroom, getting Will ready for bed. When we walked into the room, I slipped the shoes on Libby’s feet and then set her down.

  Josh’s face dropped at first, and then he smiled big. It made us both sad to see the kids growing up so fast.

  “My goodness. You look like a princess in that beautiful dress and those shoes. My heart might never recover from seeing such a beautiful young lady.”

  Libby blushed and began rocking back and forth. “Tank you,” she said.

  She looked up at me, and I grinned.

  “Okay, Princess, time for bed. Lift those arms up, so we can take your beautiful dress off, and let Mommy take the shoes back upstairs.” I said as I helped Libby take off the sweater.

  Josh and I each snuggled up with the kid
s, and he read them a quick story. Will passed out as soon as Josh had begun reading the story. We tucked them in and kissed them good night. Libby had a new thing where we had to touch her hand three times before we could leave and shut the door.

  After that, I slowly closed the door and looked up at Josh. “Say a prayer that they stay in their own beds tonight. I need sleep.”

  He tapped my nose with his finger and said, “Not until I have my wicked way with you.”

  My stomach clenched, and I grabbed his hand as we quickly made our way to the stairs.


  I let out a small, “No…”

  I slowly turned around to see Libby standing in the hallway with her bear.

  “Pwease lie down with me. Pwease…”

  I kissed Josh on the lips and said, “I’ll be up as soon as she falls asleep.”

  He nodded and headed upstairs. I took Libby’s hand and walked her back to her bed. I tucked her in and lay down next to her.

  “Night, baby doll,” I whispered.

  She snuggled up next to me. I listened for a few minutes until her breathing became slower. I started sneaking out of the bed when Libby grabbed my arm. I closed my eyes and gently lay back down.

  This went on for at least an hour. Every time I moved, she would wake up.

  I lay perfectly still until I was sure she was sound asleep. When she finally drifted off to sleep, I carefully slid out of the bed and onto the floor. I moved softly and quietly across their bedroom floor. Just as I made my way to the door, it opened. I held my breath in fear that it would wake up Libby. I looked up from my position to see Josh staring down at me.

  He mouthed, What are you doing?

  I motioned for him to back up and leave the room as I crawled out. I got on my knees and slowly shut the bedroom door. When I turned away from the door, Josh had his pants down, and his dick hit me in the face.

  He grinned and said, “While you’re down there…”

  I was pretty sure Heather was going to be pissed because I’d just shoved my dick in her face. She looked up at me like she wanted to say something, but then she did the one thing I hadn’t expected.

  She took me into her mouth.

  I placed my hand on the wall as she moved her mouth slowly up and down my dick.


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