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Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance

Page 16

by Nicki Night

  “I think that’s all for now.”

  “Well, congratulations again. To say this pregnancy is unexpected is an understatement. I imagine you two must be ecstatic. I can’t wait until this little miracle bundle arrives.”

  Zoe forced a smile. “Yes. Me, too. Thanks.”

  Dr. Brown’s comment brought Ethan to mind. Zoe doubted he’d be ecstatic.

  She went straight to the pharmacy before going home. Back in the car, she opened her new prescription and took a look at the pills. They were huge. Zoe grunted. She hated taking pills, especially large ones. She tossed the bottle in her bag and started her car. Her phone chimed again. It was another text from Ethan. She’d read them at home.

  She stepped inside her town house, placed her purse on the couch and went to the kitchen for crackers and water. She came back, plopped on the couch and turned on the television. She munched on a few crackers before popping one of her enormous vitamins and washing that and the crackers down with water.

  This was one of the few nights that she hadn’t planned to go by her mother’s house. Shena had begun to do much better after her recent hospital stint, giving Zoe and her mother less to worry about.

  Zoe realized she had dozed off when she heard the doorbell ring. Lack of sleep from the night before had caught up to her. She got up to answer the door, peeked out and saw that it was Ethan.

  She braced herself a moment before opening the door. She’d avoided him last night. Tonight, she’d have to face him.

  “Hello,” Ethan greeted her cautiously.

  “Hi, Ethan.” Zoe stepped back.

  “I texted you...a few times,” he said, still standing in the entrance.

  “I know.”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Sure.” Zoe turned and went back to the living room and sat on the couch. She muted the sound. “I’m sorry about your shirt.”

  “It was nothing my cleaners couldn’t handle.” Silence settled between them for a moment. “I’m sorry, too.”

  She shrugged. She knew Ethan was referring to the kiss. She couldn’t really say she was sorry about that. She just couldn’t let it happen again or she’d have to realign her thoughts once more.

  “Can I sit?”

  It wasn’t until then that she noticed he was still standing. She shifted closer to the end of the couch, pushing up against her purse to could make room for him.

  “We need to work this out,” he said.

  “I thought we did that.”

  “No. We didn’t. You had an emergency and we never finished our conversation. How’s your mother by the way?”

  “She’s fine. Thanks for asking.” Zoe looked away from him.

  Ethan held his hand up. “I know you were angry. I wanted to give you, and quite honestly me, as well, some time to think. We work together. You’re a huge asset to the company. We need to be able to work together and I don’t want to lose you. We can take this as slowly as you need to. Don’t worry about my father. This is about you and me.”

  “Ethan.” Zoe pressed her lips together. This was harder than she’d anticipated. “I took another job.”

  “You what?” He reared back. Hurt registered across his face. “Why?”

  “Because. I needed to. I wanted to tell you before now. I’ll email my official letter of resignation to you tomorrow. We don’t have to worry about your father. Now we can both just move on.”

  Ethan opened his mouth, but no words came out. He blinked, looked around the room, then directed his gaze back at Zoe. He looked genuinely confused. “Why?”

  “It was the best thing.”

  He blew out a sharp exhale. “Where?”

  “Richford Financial.”

  Ethan’s face morphed through several emotions right before Zoe’s eyes. “Richford. Are you kidding me?”

  “Yes. What’s wrong with Richford?”

  “Please. Whatever you do, don’t go to Richford. Let’s just work this out.”

  “I’ve already accepted the offer.”

  “This isn’t happening.” Ethan stood and paced with both hands on his hips. After a few laps, he sat back down and took both Zoe’s hands into his.

  His touch sent Zoe’s emotions reeling once again. “Ethan, please don’t do this.”

  “This is about more than Richford. If you’re going to leave Blackwell, that’s the last place I want you to go. But here’s what I need to say.” Ethan took a breath. “I don’t want us to be a secret. You’re not a fling to me or some scandalous office affair. I want to be with you. Tell me you don’t have feelings for me.”

  Zoe dropped her head. She couldn’t say she felt nothing. That lie wouldn’t pass her lips. She lifted her head. Instead, she said, “I can’t. I just can’t do this. I’m sorry.”

  He looked to the ceiling and back at her. He still had her hands in his. Zoe fought back tears. She had to stand her ground.

  “Okay.” His voice was solemn. “Fine.” He stood.

  Zoe couldn’t look at his face. His pain threatened to make her go back on what she’d decided. She stood also, knocking over her bag. She hated this. She felt awful.

  Ethan’s face changed as he stared at her bag. That painful looked changed into one of curiosity. He tilted his head. “What’s that?” he asked, pointing near her feet.

  Zoe looked down and noticed the contents of her purse had spilled beside it. The bottle of vitamins had rolled and stopped right at her foot. It was too late to mask the large Prenatal label on the bottle.

  “Zoe, are you pregnant?”

  Her mouth opened but instead of speaking, she clamped it shut.

  “Zoe!” Ethan stepped closer to her. “Are. You. Pregnant?”

  In a small voice, she answered, “Yes.”

  Ethan stepped back as if someone had pushed him. His breath became ragged. All the air seemed to have left the room at once. Zoe could hardly breathe herself.

  “Don’t worry, Ethan,” she said in a rush. “I won’t ask you for anything. Your father, your family won’t have to be bothered with me or my child. We will be just fine.”

  “Your child?” His voice boomed. Zoe flinched. His voice lowered. “It’s my child, too, isn’t it?”

  Zoe didn’t answer right away.

  “Isn’t it?” he asked again.

  “Yes.” She instinctively hugged herself.

  Ethan sat slowly—very slowly. “You were going to run off and have this baby by yourself? You weren’t going to tell me?”

  “Your family. I—”

  “This has nothing to do with my family.” He stood again and started pacing. “This is about us. Our relationship—and now our baby. And you thought it made sense to keep this from me? You’re carrying my baby.” He looked confused. Then he smiled. “I’m going to have a baby.”

  Zoe was confused by his reaction.

  “How long have you known about this?”

  Zoe groaned. “A few days.”

  Ethan shook his head. “Why?”

  “Because we’re not on the same level, okay?” Zoe couldn’t help the tears. “I won’t have my child being treated like an outcast because his own grandfather doesn’t think his mother is good enough. We may not have as much as your family but my baby deserves to be loved and accepted. I don’t come from a perfect family but that doesn’t make us less than anyone.” She stabbed the air with her index finger. “I won’t have it.” She couldn’t catch her breath. “I know what rejection feels like and I’d rather raise my child alone than allow him to be treated like he’s less than!” She felt the fresh sting of her father’s abandonment.

  “Zoe! Zoe! Zoe!”

  He’d called her name three times before Zoe realized it. He wrapped his arms around her, and she cried into his chest.

  “I would never let that happen to you or our baby either,”
he said. “I’d never let anyone mistreat our child. You think my family is perfect? We’re not. Let me be the father our baby needs. Don’t take that from me.”

  Zoe tried to speak through the tears. She wanted to believe him.

  “Zoe, I care about you,” he went on. “I have feelings for you—deep feelings for you. I can’t believe that you don’t feel the same. I knew it when I kissed you yesterday.” He held her at arm’s length and looked into her crying eyes. “Zoe. I love you. No one will ever hurt you or our baby. I’ll make sure of that.”

  Zoe knew she was being emotional...but had she just heard him say that he loved her?


  Ethan was going to be a father. That single thought had consumed him from the moment he’d left Zoe’s house the night before. The news excited and frightened him. He’d imagined a family—wife, a few kids. He hadn’t been expecting to start one this soon, but what better woman to start one with? He wondered if he would be a good father.

  Ethan was sure Zoe would make a great mom. He could go on for days about the great qualities she possessed. His child stood to inherit many of those same great characteristics. Zoe was smart, determined, beautiful, family oriented and even a bit stubborn. And thanks to her breakdown in front of him last night, Ethan understood her even more.

  What Zoe didn’t realize was that Ethan was much more like her than she knew. He knew the sting of rejection and abandonment as well as she did, which was why he was at Robert Richford’s office this morning. Ethan hadn’t bothered to call. He’d just shown up, wanting to catch Robert there.

  “Good morning. I’m here to see Robert Richford,” Ethan said to the woman in the posh reception area. Frosted glass framed in dark wood separated the area from the rest of the office. He strived to remain composed. Normally that wasn’t an issue for him, but he had no idea how this meeting would go. The last time he’d approached Robert, years before, it hadn’t gone the way he’d wanted it to.

  “Good morning!” The woman’s warm greeting and soothing voice generated an involuntary smile. “Is Mr. Richford expecting you?”

  “No. But if you could please let him know that Ethan Blackwell is here to see him and it’s urgent, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Sure. Just give me one moment.” The woman got up and disappeared through frosted double doors.

  Ethan second-guessed his decision to come see Robert. Perhaps he should just leave. Immediately, he tossed that thought from his mind. He had waited long enough. This was the best time to have this conversation. He would leave once he got what he came for.

  Moments later, the receptionist returned and invited Ethan to follow her across the office.

  “Mr. Blackwell is here to see you,” she said at an open door. She woman stepped aside, smiled and nodded at Ethan. “Good day to you, sir.” She waved her hand for him to step into Robert’s office.

  “Thanks.” Ethan walked inside. He looked around, taking in the multiple flat screens displaying various financial news channels. Robert’s office looked as if an interior designer had decorated it. It was a cross between a presidential suite and a home draped in traditional elegance.

  Robert stood behind a large mahogany desk. Two burgundy tufted-leather chairs faced it on the opposite side. Robert muted the TVs with a touch of a button. Silenced reporters from various financial news stations reported the status of the stock market.

  Robert rounded his desk. “Ethan.” He reached out to shake hands.

  Ethan paused a moment before taking Robert’s hand and shaking it. Instead of going back to his chair, Robert sat on the edge of the desk. He motioned for Ethan to sit.

  “You look good,” Robert said.

  “I didn’t come for the flattery, but thanks.” Ethan’s tone was a bit sharp. He inhaled to remain composed.

  “What brings you here this morning, son?”

  “Please don’t call me that.”

  Robert raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry.”

  “Zoe Baldwin,” Ethan said.

  “What about her? I’m looking forward to having her join the team. Seems like she’ll be a real asset.”

  Ethan paused for a moment pondering the right way to ask his question. “What made you hire her?”

  Robert’s brows furrowed. “She’s a great candidate. Her résumé was impressive. Why?”

  “You knew she worked for Blackwell, right?”

  “Of course, but what does that have to do with anything?” Robert asked.

  “Did she come to you or did you solicit her?”

  Robert looked as if he were becoming annoyed with Ethan’s line of questioning. “I’m not out here trying to poach on Blackwell’s talent pool. What’s this about, son?”

  Ethan flinched inwardly when Robert said the word son. “Nothing. She’s been an asset to the company. I’m sorry to see her go.” Ethan hoped his response sufficed. He didn’t want to appear defeated.

  Robert nodded. “I see.”

  “I also have a few other questions,” Ethan added. Robert raised a brow but didn’t seem surprised. “I need to know.”

  Robert took a deep breath. “Now?”

  “Yes. This is as good a time as any. I want to hear it from you. I was young when I came to you before and you refused to see me.”

  Robert lifted himself from the edge of the desk and put one hand in the pocket of his tailored slacks. “Have you spoken to your parents?”

  “I deserve to hear the truth from you.”

  Robert walked toward a window and looked out. It took a few moments, but he finally spoke. “I was wrong. We both were. Perhaps we all were. It was a moment of weakness and horrible judgment.”

  Ethan waited for him to continue.

  “We were friends...your mother, father and me. They started having issues and your mother had taken to coming to me to discuss them. We had been friends even longer than your father and me. I was supposed to talk some sense into your dad but instead I became emotionally attached to her. I was also going through problems with my wife at the time. With the situation at hand and wild emotions, before we knew it, your mother and I had made the biggest mistakes of our lives.”

  Robert paused and drew in a long breath. “My marriage ended up in divorce. Your mother and father were lucky enough to work things out. It was a long time before we even acknowledged the reality that you could be mine. I kept asking. I wanted to know.”

  Ethan listened intently. He’d only heard bits and pieces of this story previously. Bill refused to address it, telling Ethan that all he needed to know was that he was Bill’s son and that he loved him. His mother, Lydia, admitted the affair when Ethan approached her as a teen but refused to speak more of it.

  “It was years before I knew for sure,” Robert went on. “Before they admitted it to me. Since Bill and Lydia reconciled, all he wanted was for me to stay away from them and you. Somehow, we all thought it was better to leave things alone. You knew Bill as your father. He was taking good care of you. I had a new family of my own. We figured no one would ever know anyway. That was until you came to me. You were a teenager then.” He sat down on the desk again and paused longer this time. “I’d signed papers. You were legally Bill’s child. I couldn’t say anything to you. That’s the only reason I sent you away that day. I dreaded that and could only imagine how you must have felt.”

  “My mother told me,” Ethan said. “I hounded her after overhearing something my father said. That’s when I started snooping around. I found you. I understood enough to know that Bill wasn’t my real dad.”

  He felt something shift inside of him. All these years, he’d believed that Robert had just rejected him, and now he knew that wasn’t the case. There was more to this story. He needed to speak to his father now.

  “Thanks,” Ethan said, standing. He had gotten what he’d come for. What more was there to say?
br />   “Ethan,” Robert called as he made his way to the door.

  Ethan turned around.

  “Why now?”

  “I’m going to be a father.”

  Robert nodded. That seemed to be all the explanation he needed.

  Ethan headed for the door again.

  “Ethan,” Robert called to his back. “For what it’s worth, I may not have been able to show it, but I’ve always watched from the shadows. You’d make any father proud.”

  * * *

  Ethan went back to his office. After work he drove to his parents’ home. He’d timed his visit so that he would catch Bill just as he arrived home. He’d checked in with his mother on the way and knew she wouldn’t be home. He wanted to speak with Bill alone.

  Ethan pulled up behind his father just as Bill entered his three-car garage.

  “Hey, son!” Bill waved as he got out of the car.

  “We need to talk,” Ethan said as he got out.

  Bill paused. “Everything okay? Should I pour us a drink?” he said jokingly.

  “Perhaps. It’s about Robert Richford.”

  Bill lifted his brow and sighed. Slowly he closed his car door. “That.”

  “Yes, sir. That.”

  “Let’s go into my office.”

  Ethan followed his father inside. His mother’s stylish touch was all over their home. Even when she wasn’t there, he could feel her presence. She was out tonight, as she often was, schmoozing on behalf of several nonprofit organizations where she served as a member of the board.

  Bill filled two rocks glasses halfway with scotch. He handed one to Ethan and sat on a love seat.

  “Can we get right to it?” Ethan wanted to save the small talk for another time.

  “I forgave your mother,” Bill said at once. “I loved her. Still love her with everything in me. We worked things out in our marriage and vowed to stick together from that point forward. Sticking with my wife, meant sticking with you—our son,” Bill emphasized.

  Ethan sipped his scotch. He looked at Bill, waiting for him to continue.

  “I was building the business and wasn’t around often at all. I imagine your mother got quite lonely. We had our issues,” Bill admitted. “In the end, we didn’t want to complicate things so we agreed that Robert would be completely removed from the picture.”


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