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The Honor of Duty

Page 9

by A. R. Rend

  “Good job,” complimented Phillip with a grin. He wasn’t sure he could have come up with something like that in her position. Not for the first time he wondered if she was actually very bright, just stubborn and slow to change. “You’ve worked hard, Alice. Be proud of it only being a small loss.”

  Nodding her head at that, Alice leaned back in her chair, taking another bite of the meat pie.

  “The other problem as of late is that you were right,” murmured Alice. “You and Mim felt something was off with that deal. For the equipment that is.”

  I’m not very surprised by that.

  “All of it was made with very cheap materials. Not fit for anyone to actually use in any way or shape. The colors were also wrong. It wasn’t the current uniform at all,” Alice said and then sighed, looking up to the ceiling. “I’m sorry, Phillip. I should have listened. I was completely caught up in what I thought was a deal that’d put me ahead.”

  “Ahead? Of what?” Phillip asked. He was thankful for her apology, but he wanted to know why she acted the way she did.

  Her eyes dropped back down to Phillip as she took a rather large bite of her food. Chewing, she was clearly considering how to answer.

  Setting her lunch down, she picked up the wineskin and took a drink from it before she shook her head.

  “In the family, everything is a competition. Whoever earns the most, whoever loses the least, whoever… just, whoever anything, I guess,” explained Alice. “We have to pick up the business from Mother and our aunts when the time comes.

  “Those who’re the best will remain in the city. In the company. Those who don’t perform as well, will be sent to other cities to open up branches or manage older branches. Or replace other family members who’re retiring. It’s how the Rias family has been… the Rias family.”

  Nodding his head, Phillip could certainly understand where she was coming from now. It didn’t excuse her behavior, but it helped explain it.

  “I’m here to help you,” Phillip said, pleading his case. “I’m not here to ruin you. Because I’m your husband. I’m here to help you. To support you. That’s my job. I can’t do it when you… you shut me out. We’re in this together, aren’t we? A team?”

  Alice stared at him without moving, her eyes locked to his face.

  There was a sharp knock on the door that made Phillip jump.

  Without waiting for Alice to respond, the person at the door opened the door.

  “Dear, I just got word that-oh, hello Phillip,” said Matilda, standing in the doorway. She had a smile on her face, her eyes moving to the basket, the food in Alice’s hands, and then back to Phillip. “That’s awfully sweet of you to bring your wife lunch.”

  “Ah, I have an extra if you’d care to try it. Pork or beef?” Phillip asked, indicating the basket.

  “No, but thank you. I appreciate the offer,” Matilda said, standing there.

  “Phillip, we’ll talk more later, okay?” said Alice. It was obvious she wanted him to leave, and he definitely understood. Her mother wanted to talk to her privately.

  “Of course, enjoy your food,” Phillip said, getting to his feet. Moving around Matilda he stepped out into the hall, closed the door behind himself, and then stood there.

  He felt like he’d made a little bit of headway with Alice.

  Not a lot, but a little.

  Slowly, he started walking back out toward the lobby. He needed to wait for Lenore to get back so they could go over some work together. Then probably head out to the library. She’d assured him it had far more books than he’d ever seen before.


  A young man who looked maybe a year younger than himself by Phillip’s reckoning entered the private study next to the garden.

  “Ha, hello there!” said the man.

  Closing the book he had in front of himself, Phillip tilted his head to one side.

  “Hello indeed. To whom do I owe the pleasure?” he asked.

  “I’m Sophia’s brother. Nicholas Donovan,” said the young man.

  His eyes were a grayish color that bordered on a green hue. He had hair that reached his shoulders and had it unbound, hanging loosely around his head.

  The name registered nothing to Phillip until a random stray memory slammed into his head that Sophia was Mim’s real name.

  He hadn’t seen her for a while as of late.

  Truth be told he was rather glad for the lack of attention. She’d put far too much pressure on him in too short a time. It’d made him rather uncomfortable.

  Unfortunately in the darkest part of his heart, he couldn’t deny that he’d definitely enjoyed the attention. Enjoyed it and craved more.

  Wanted it.

  Curious. Not the same last name. I wonder about that.

  “Greetings, Nicholas. I’m Phillip,” said Phillip, resting his hands atop the book in his lap.

  “Sophia needs your help. Right now,” Nicholas said, jumping straight into something Phillip wasn’t expecting.

  “My help?” Phillip asked. Picking the book up, he set it on the arm of the chair and then stood up.

  “Yes, your help. You specifically. You need to come with me. She asked me to come get you,” Nicholas said. “Even said you’d probably be right here.”

  Raising his eyebrows at that, Phillip shook his head.

  “What exactly does-”

  Nicholas grabbed Phillip by the sleeve and started pulling him out of the study.

  Letting himself be pulled along, Phillip wasn’t quite sure what to make of the situation. Except that the house guards or servants wouldn’t have let this person in unless they were known.

  Mildred and her fellow guards tucked in close around Phillip as soon as he left the study. Separating him from Nicholas without either of them being forced or shoved.

  “Oh! Hello, we’re going to the Lane household,” Nicholas said, his eyes moving from guard to guard, finally settling on Mildred. “Sophia Lane is my sister. She needs Phillip’s help.”

  Not waiting to see what would happen, Nicholas was once again off at a quick walk.

  Well! Let’s see where this goes then. Mim has certainly been a source of entertainment so far.

  Walking out of the Rias household, down the boulevard, and several manses away, Nicholas jogged through a pair of gates and onto the front yard of another home.

  It wasn’t as large as the Rias house by half, but it was certainly a large and expensive home. Mim hadn’t been lying when she said she had some money.

  “I don’t exactly see a problem,” murmured Phillip as they walked through the gate.

  If anything it seemed to be the opposite of a problem. There were quite a few people on the grounds. Young and old, clearly all from the upper walks of life. More than likely every person here was a merchant of some renown or wealth.

  Nicholas headed straight up the steps and into the house itself. The two guards there gave him only a glance.

  When Phillip reached the doors the guards were much more alert. They were fingering weapons and looking to him and his personal security detail.

  “Mildred, remain with me, the rest of you, please wait here,” Phillip said when he was close enough to the Lane house guards. Looking to the two individuals, Phillip inclined his head partially. “I’m Phillip Curis Rias, here at the request of Nicholas Donovan. I’ll take only one bodyguard with me, if that’s acceptable?”

  “Family rooms are off limits,” grumbled one of the guards, saying nothing more.

  Taking that as permission, Phillip went inside.

  Stopping almost as soon as he set foot in the interior, Phillip realized he shouldn’t be here.

  The house was filled with men and women his own age. Likely all in various stages of courting or being courted. He’d been to a number of these little get-togethers himself.

  Back when he’d still been set up with Kathryn.

  Nicholas came into view from a side room, his eyes looking around, clearly looking for someone.

; Falling on Phillip, the other man let out a short sigh and smiled. Apparently he’d been the person he was looking for. Which meant whatever he’d rushed ahead for was already-

  Mim exited the same room Nicholas had and practically ran him over.

  She was in a form-fitting and lovely black dress. One that hung on her and presented her beautifully.

  “Phillip!” Mim said in an excited tone. A bright and radiant smile pulled her face together wonderfully, going from bored and annoyed, to happy and joyful in a second.

  Rushing over to him, she hugged him tightly, pulling him up against herself. She was a little taller than him, he realized in that moment.

  “Uhm,” Phillip said, trying to push Mim away to no avail. She was just stronger than him. “Nicholas said you were in trouble and needed help.”

  “I am! And I do! My mother keeps throwing me at all these insipidly idiotic men,” Mim said, releasing Phillip and only taking a half step away. She was still very much uncomfortably close. “Now with you here, I can just… ignore them. Explain that I’m escorting you around instead.

  “And if my mother comes around, I can introduce you to her. I did tell her I was chasing you, after all. I think once she meets you she’ll understand why I’m trying to steal my best friend’s husband.”

  There were no small number of people around them.

  Shocked looks and faces were all about them as they stood there, listening to Mim proclaim something utterly scandalous.

  “The more you say no, the more I want to,” Mim said, ignoring everyone, smiling down at Phillip. “So keep saying no, like you have been. I’m enjoying this far too much.”

  Grimacing, Phillip wanted to scold the woman. To yell at her.

  But as much as she was embarrassing him, he was secretly elated at the attention. That someone was actually chasing him.

  Wanted him for who he was, rather than what he was.

  “And before you even think it, no, I won’t get bored once the chase is over. Because I’ll have my prize at that moment, and all I have to do is sit back and enjoy it forever afterward,” Mim murmured, leaning in closer once more.

  Lifting a hand, Phillip gave Mim a light push, keeping her at half an arm’s length away.

  “Introduce me to your friends,” Phillip said politely. He wanted to keep the conversation and view as placid as he could.

  Though he was starting to wonder how Alice felt about this. She hadn’t said anything, and didn’t seem concerned in the least about Mim’s proclamations.

  Not to mention she’d been openly flirting with him in front of Alice.

  Maybe she doesn’t know. I’ll ask her next time I get the opportunity.

  Mim grabbed his arm, slipped it through hers, and began escorting him around her home. Slowly introducing him to her friends and family.

  Except every time she stated who he was, she always added, “The man I’m going to steal from Alice” as part of his introduction.

  It was mortifying.


  Having spent most of the afternoon and evening being introduced, dragged around, and presented to Mim’s family members, Phillip was quite happy to be home.

  “She is… very forward,” Mildred muttered, following Phillip into his personal room.

  “Oh my goodness, isn’t she?” Phillip agreed, moving over to one of his sitting chairs. “I’ve met some pig-headed women in my life, but oh my word. Especially introducing me as she did.”

  Sitting down on the bench near his door, he began working at getting ready for bed. The day had slipped away from him completely.

  Mildred snickered at that, slowly moving throughout the room and confirming it was secure.

  “I mean… if I was in her position, I would hope I had at least a fourth of her courage,” Mildred said, opening the door to his bedroom and looking in. After several seconds she closed it and moved back to him.

  “I’d say you’re plenty brave, Milly,” Phillip said as he pulled his boots off. “Not to mention… well, it’s impolite to say it, but you’ve killed people. You fought face to face with people.

  “I’m not sure I could do that. Pretty sure Mim couldn’t do that either.”

  Mildred stopped not far from him, her head tilted to one side, staring at him.

  “I think-” Mildred started, clearly choosing her words. “I think you misunderstand what combat is. Or what courage is, at least how I see it.”

  Shifting her weapons around on her belt, she slowly sat down next to him.

  “In… combat you fight. You kill. You… put your life on the line,” Mildred said, leaning forward and putting her hands on her knees. Leaning her head to one side, she looked to him. “It definitely takes bravery to do it. And yes… I’ve… killed women. I took their lives. With a sword, a mace, a dagger, a crossbow… even my hands once.

  “But what Mim is doing takes far more courage in my eyes. To me.”

  “I… why?” Phillip asked, feeling genuinely curious. He couldn’t quite fathom what she was saying.

  “She’s putting herself in public crosshairs. She’s going against public perception and expectation,” Mildred murmured. “I was expected to kill. To ruin people and take their lives. Mim is expected to work till she drops, provide children for her family, and keep it safe all the while.

  “Instead she’s… chasing a married man, telling everyone she’s doing so, and doing it all in the face of a family that’s much larger than hers. What she’s doing is… frighteningly scary. She’s risking her public image and everything she is. I couldn’t… I… the very idea of doing what she’s doing terrifies me.”

  Chewing that over, Phillip considered what she meant.

  As the heir of her family, Mim really was pushing the bounds of a respectable bachelorette.

  “Most women in her position would likely be courting men,” Mildred added. “Not running from them. Then going after a married man. Her best friend’s married man. Her childhood friend’s, close enough that you’re considered family, husband.”

  “I don’t think she means it,” Phillip said, shaking his head.

  He was flattered by Mim’s attention and her words, but he was under the impression this was just all part and parcel to her personality.

  “I… don’t think you’re right. I’m pretty certain she means it,” argued Mildred. “In fact… I’m pretty sure of it. The household servants and guards? They’re all working under the assumption Mim is actively pursuing you. Either through literally purchasing your marriage contract, convincing the Rias family to hand you over, to convince you to just run away with her.”

  “Run away with her,” mused Phillip, actively considering the idea.

  Up to this point Alice had ignored him and dismissed him. Wanting little or nothing to do with him.

  She hadn’t harmed him, or actually insulted him. Nor had she demeaned him or cut upon his prestige.

  “I don’t think I could run away,” Phillip said finally. “Alice isn’t the best wife, but she certainly seems intellectually capable. I… I can turn this around. I can make this marriage work. It hasn’t even been that long.”

  “You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t try,” Mildred said with a smile. “Though… at some point you might find you can no longer struggle against this foe.

  “Will you surrender and let it happen, or do you plan on escaping?”

  Realizing she was quite right, Phillip didn’t know how to respond.

  He hadn’t considered what he’d do if the worst came to the worst. Nor did he want to consider it quite yet.

  “If Mim were to wake up to the harsh reality of what she were doing to herself, if Alice continued to block you out, than what would you do?” Mildred prodded.

  “I… I don’t know, Milly. Maybe I could convince one of my guards to take me as her husband and get us out to where no one would know us,” he said with a laugh. Reaching over, he patted Milly on the shoulder. “Feel like taking in a stray man, Milly? I’m not good for much
I’m afraid. Other than perhaps housework, tea-service, making children, and the occasional trade deal.”

  Mildred watched him for several seconds and then smiled at him.

  “You shouldn’t joke about such things,” she said, still smiling at him. “Because what if I said yes, and then expected you to follow through with that?”

  “I…” Phillip’s words died unspoken. She was right of course. He had to be careful with his words.

  Anything could be treated as something more, or at least, gossiped about.

  Except, he found he circled back around to the idea of Mildred running off with him.

  “If the world came crashing down around me, I’m pretty sure you’d still be there, Milly,” Phillip said, raising his eyes up to meet hers.

  He wasn’t an idiot.

  There’d been the vague notion that perhaps she was interested in him in his mind previously. He’d discounted it simply due to her background and his being incompatible.

  Now though, he realized that those worries mattered little if he was trying to measure his happiness.

  “I’m sworn to be, Phillip,” Mildred said with a nod of her head.

  “Mmm. Feel like taking in a stray man?” Phillip said, repeating his question from earlier. “If the whole world fell down around me?”

  Mildred’s eyes moved back and forth, searching his face and what he’d just said.

  There was a firm rap on the door they sat next to.

  Grimacing, Mildred shot up to her feet and moved around to the door. Without a word, or pause, she opened it.

  “Ah, Miss Aims. Is my husband in?” asked a voice from beyond the door.

  “He is indeed, Mrs. Rias,” Mildred said.

  “Wonderful, I’d like to see him. Would you also please notify the kitchen I’d like a late-evening snack sent up here?” Alice asked.

  “Of course, Mrs. Rias,” Mildred replied promptly then stepped to the side to allow Alice entry.

  While his guards were here to protect him, they were also somewhat beholden to the Rias family. Not to any great deal, but a direct request such as the one Alice had made, couldn’t go unanswered.

  Alice entered and scanned the room even as Mildred exited and pulled the door shut.


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