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Famished (The Broken Series)

Page 17

by Ellie Messe

  His mouth is unforgiving against me; my breathing is that of a rabid animal, my back is arching, and I can’t hold still. My entire body is shaking and bucking against the intensity but his arms keep me locked into place while I lose my mind.

  One arm wraps around my hip, the other falls between my legs and then this whole experience shifts. He slips two fingers inside me, pulling a strangled moan from my throat. Jesus Christ, himself! My body starts to tighten on its own, my limbs stiffening and then; BAM! I’m screaming as I fold into myself. It’s like every nerve in my body is detonating at once and at twice the power.

  I’m panting hard when he frees my legs. My limbs loosening little by little as I float back down to earth. He wipes his mouth with his hand and gives me that cocky little smile while pushing his jeans off his hips.

  “Get off and get out, no longer applies, Angel." He pushes the denim down his muscular thighs, "From now on; you’re mine and only mine. No more guys,” Discarding his pants off the side of the bed, his hands fall to his boxers, “No more one night stands,” They too leave his body, landing on top of his jeans, “If you're hungry, all you gotta do is say so.” His hand falls into the condom bowl, fishing one out, he rips it open as he speaks, “Do we understand each other?”

  I nod, “Yes.”

  His fingers roll the latex down in record time. “Good girl.” With those final words, he drops between my legs.


  “So all the stuff earlier?” I fish while propping myself on my elbow, “About no more guys?”

  “What about it?” He twists his head to meet my gaze, the window behind me illuminating his blue eyes.

  “Was that your version of dirty talk?”

  “No, for the foreseeable future if you want to get off, it’s with me and only me.”

  “Possessive much?”

  “You can pretend to be offended and go all girl power if you want to, but you just had three orgasms, that’s three more than you get when you’re with those douchebags.”

  “You mean two more.” I correct.

  “Faking it doesn’t count, sweetheart. I’ve heard you get fucked by them and then I’ve heard you get fucked by me.”

  “And how do you know you’re not the one I’m faking it with?” I raise a stubborn brow at him.

  “Because your pussy wouldn’t cut off the circulation to my dick if you were faking it.”

  I feel my face warm with his crass explanation, “That sounds like a negative.”

  “It’s not; hence the reason I’m cutting off your dude supply.”

  “So, I’m supposed to swear off men while you make room for me between whoring yourself out? Seems unfair and a bit barbaric don’t you think?”

  His brow furrows as he takes in what I said, “I don’t plan on fucking anyone else.”

  “So you want to be like a couple?” I try to stop it but my face curls in disgust anyway. “I don’t want to be in a relationship. Relationships ruin people, breaking them so bad they’re never able to be the person they were before. I happen to like myself.”

  Drew chuckles, “No, not like a couple. I don’t plan on taking you on dates or surprising you with flowers and other stupid shit. I plan on ravishing your body every time I get an itch; I want to be able to fuck you when I want, where I want. If we lose interest, no harm done. We end our little arrangement and be done.”

  “So, fuck buddies?”

  “Exactly. Neither of us wants to be in a relationship, but we like having sex with each other, each of us are accustomed to the one-night stand game, so we’re both capable of getting laid without catching feelings for one another.”

  “Let me get this straight; you want to be fuck buddies, and even though you don’t want to date me, you want to be committed to me?”

  “Ugh, ew. You used the ‘c-word.’ Don’t read too much into this, Angel. It’s not a trap; nothing's hidden between the lines. It’s a simple arrangement; we fuck each other and abstain from the public; easy peasy.

  “Sounds like commitment.”

  His features harden, “It’s not.”

  “Alright, it sounds like staying faithful to one another.”

  “Just a fancy way of saying commitment.”

  “Sure, sure. But for the sake of not mixing feelings with playtime, we should probably come up with a signal or something and lay down some ground rules.”

  “Why do we need rules?” He wines, rolling on his side, so we’re nose to nose.

  “Because I’m a woman and we’re sensitive by nature.”

  His hands roam under the covers, skimming against my hip then floating down until he has a handful of my ass. “Alright, what are your rules, woman?”

  “First, don’t call me woman.”

  He chuckles, “That’s what Josh calls Maria anyway, so that’s fine. Rule Two?”

  “No touching, flirting, etcetera in front of other people.”

  “That’s dumb, why not?”

  “Because people are going to assume we’re in a relationship and I don’t feel like being made out to be a liar when I tell them we’re not. Now, rule three; we need a signal or something to let the other one know.”

  “Can’t we just fuck like we’ve been doing?”

  “No, it’s the fastest way to a broken heart.” I feel like honesty is the best way to get my point across, thankful it works because he nods.

  “How about if the other is walking around naked we know?”

  “Pass. Your family has a key, and all it takes is a forgotten text to get caught naked. On second thought, fine. Maybe Hot Uncle or Parker will stop by-”

  “Veto!” He announces loudly making me laugh, “I want to add a rule, no hitting on my family.”

  “I’m only kidding, kinda.”

  He pinches my ass causing me to buck into him, “Owe, asshole.”

  “You’re a couple of inches off, but I’m fine with anal.”

  “Hard pass, Tiger.”

  “We’ll get there.”

  “I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

  “You shouldn’t; it makes your body tense when you do that, harder to get it in.”

  “DREW!” He starts to laugh, in turn making my stern tone transform into an unwilling giggle, “No.”

  “Fine, a topic for a later date.”

  I glare at him but let it go, “A signal.”

  “Right, I don’t know, can’t we just assume we’re always down with getting laid?”

  “Valid, but no. What was that word you used earlier tonight?”


  “Right before we fucked in the hallway?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I groan in irritation, “You said you were something and I asked what it was- Oh! Hungry!” I end up yelling the last part, excited to remember, “How about we just ask if the other is hungry?”

  “Okay, but what if I want to order food and wondering about your appetite?”

  I laugh, “I think we’ll be able to distinguish the two.”

  “Alright, hungry it is.”

  “Good.” I pat his arm, sitting up, “Glad to have that cleared up.”

  “Where are you going?”

  I halt, twisting at the waist to look at him, “Going to my room?”

  “Sleep here; it’s late.”

  I arch a brow at him, “You wanna cuddle?”

  “Shut up; you’re such a pain in the ass. No, I don’t want to fucking cuddle, I want to be able to fuck you awake.”

  Butterflies flutter in my stomach, “Rules.” I sing.

  “Fine, I’m hungry in the morning and want to fuck your brains out. Happy?”

  Oye, that’s… hot. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.” Laying back down, I turn on my side like I usually do, facing him.

  He lets out a weak laugh, shaking his head, “Fucking women.”

  “Shut up, turn off the light.” I smile at him to let him know I’m only teasing. He giv
es me another shake of his head before climbing out of bed to hit the switch. His muscles pull and flex with his movement reminding me just how stupid this situation is.

  I’m vowing here and now not to fall for Drew Hayes; if it happens and I end up hurt it’s entirely self-inflicted.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Opening my eyes, the Phoenix sun shines through the blinds, warming my skin and the blonde goddess beside me. She’s laying on her stomach, the blanket barely covering her bare ass; which my hand is on. Even sleeping I can get ass. I giggle at myself like an asshole then clamp my mouth shut when her legs, start to move around.

  Seizing the moment, I drop kisses to her shoulder, moving up to her neck. She starts to stir, rolling on her side so that fat little ass presses up against my morning wood. Oh, this is nice. Grabbing her hip, I press myself into her while racking my teeth against her neck; she responds by pushing her ass back into me. She’s fucking perfect, I swear.

  “Good morning.”

  “It’s too early.” She groans though she’s still meeting me thrust for thrust so she must not be too bothered by it.

  “I’m going to Josh’s place later.”


  “So, I want to hear you scream my name before I go.”

  Tipping her chin up, she allows me access to her throat as she speaks, “If you wake me up this early again, I might scream your name but not in the way you want.”

  I chuckle against her skin, gliding my mouth over hers. The hum in her throat drives me crazy in the best possible way.

  Keeping our mouths locked, she pushes against my chest until I’m on my back as her knee falls over my hip. Fuck. Yes. Best. Day. Ever. Looking like a hot as hell porn star, she runs her fingers through her hair, pulling it over one shoulder as she bends, kissing my chest. This is where the internal battle begins with giving her the foreplay she wants and being a selfish prick who just wants to be inside her already. Thank God above, the decision is made for me when she leans over, pulling a blue foil out of the bowl.

  Sitting on my lap she struggles with the wrapper, I desperately try to hide my amusement, but she senses it before she sees it, “Shut up.” She laughs, throwing it into the jar and grabbing a different one. Oh, I know this one.

  “What”? She asks splitting the foil.


  “You’re smirking. Did you think I wasn’t going to be able to open it?”

  Pursing my lips, I shake my head at her, “No, I just know what type that one is.”

  Turning the wrapper over she reads the label, “Performax Intense?”

  I wag my eyebrows at her. “It tingles.”

  “Interesting.” She says pulling the rolled rubber into her mouth.

  That’s an...interesting take on testing it beforehand. Not going to lie to you; it’s weird.

  Scooting down my body, she takes my dick in both hands, shocking me when she lowers her face and rolls the rubber on with, yep, you guessed it; her. Fucking Mouth.

  It’s hot as fuck, and all women should go ahead and start doing this. Her lips roll the latex all the way down while I groan, fisting her hair. There’s no way she’s good at this too; she can’t be perfect at everything; it’s not humanly impossible. Yet, here she is; sucking me off like a fucking champion. The condom has already started heating making this all that much more enjoyable.

  All too soon, she sits back up with a satisfied smirk while sitting back on my lap; her ass raises in the air when she bends over to kiss me, she tastes like latex, mint, and Emma.

  Not willing to part with her mouth, my hand falls between us just as my phone starts to vibrate on the nightstand.

  She pulls her mouth away to look, but whoever it is can fucking wait. Fisting her hair, I force it back to mine.

  “Wait.” She protests against my mouth pushing my chest, “Drew, look.” Tipping my head to the side, I see the screen of my phone as my body goes cold. Emma climbs off me while my eyes try to process the image of a hot brunette with her tongue hanging out of her mouth like a rockstar.

  “Jesus Christ.” I mutter, jumping out of bed as I accept the call, "Hales?!"


  "What the hell, sweetheart? Where the fuck have you been?"

  "There, uh-" Her voice cracks slightly and I hear her pull in a deep breath.



  "You okay? You’re talking weird." I know she’s almost in tears, but I’m terrified she’ll hang up if I tell her so.

  "Yeah. I'm uh, I'm coming home for Christmas."

  "Wait, what?" God, she better not be fucking with me. My heart beats wildly in my chest at the possibility.

  "My dad bought me a plane ticket home. Wants me to see you guys."

  "Wait- hold on. Your dad bought you a plane ticket home?"

  "Yeah. I fly out of Savannah at four. I was wondering if- well- I don't know. If you don't hate me, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to see me.."

  Hate her? In what fucking world, are you kidding me? And why the fuck would her dad of all people fly her here…the man she’s running from, the one that did all that shit to her arm; my mind starts to spin. Sitting on the edge of the bed I try to calm the whiplash of thoughts.

  "Drew? Look, I'm sorry I called, never mind."

  Gah, get your shit together, or you’re going to lose her forever. "Wait! Haley! No- don't go. I'm a piece of shit, yes, of course, I want to see you. I'm just trying to understand what's happening. Are you really coming home?"

  "Yeah. It's a four-hour flight. With the time difference, I think I land around five thirty."

  "Sky Harbor, right?"

  "Yeah. Look- please don't tell anyone I'm coming. I'll be home around six-thirty or seven. Maybe you can come by my apartment or something."

  "Why don't you want people knowing you’re coming home? We've been worried sick, sunshine."

  "Have you talked to Parker since he got back?"

  Oh yeah, they’re on the outs..."Yeah.”

  "That's why."

  "But if you're allowed to come home, you're good right?" Cause I’ve got a feeling they’ll be bumpin’ uglies within five seconds of seeing each other.

  "Not exactly, I'll be leaving New Year's Eve."

  NO. No more leaving. "What? To where?"

  "I'll fill you in tonight if you’re able to come over."

  "Of course I'll be over.” To handcuff you to the fucking closet railing; that’ll teach you to try and run. “I haven't seen you in almost a month. Kaylan coming with you?"

  I hear her struggle with an answer and my blood pressure rises, "Kaylan, uh...he kind of split."

  "What the fuck?! No, he didn't!" I’M GONNA KILL THAT SACK OF SHIT. I fucking knew he couldn’t be trusted with her!

  "Yeah, he had shit to do.” I know she’s trying to act as though it’s no big deal, but I can hear the pain in her tone, “Left the same day as Parker. Don't worry though, I've got a friend here, and he's been keeping me company."

  "Friend?! I swear to God, if you're cheating on me I'll kill ‘em.” I need her to smile, if she smiles it might convince me she’s mildly okay, “Unless she's hot, if she's hot, bring her with."

  Emma smacks my arm; I give her a wink.

  "Well now that you mention it... Hoyt's actually-"

  "Hoyt?” I interrupt her while my face contorts in disgust, “You made friends with another dude?! Now that's just fucked up."

  "He means nothing, you know you're my one and only!"

  There’s her sarcastic attitude, "I fucking better be."

  "Look, I've got to pack and stuff. So, I'm going to let you go, but I'll see you tonight?"

  "Fuck yes you will."

  "I mean it, Drew. This stays between you and me. I invoke the best friend card."

  "Fuck. For how long?" I whine. I wish that stupid card were one-sided.

  "I don't know. But just- don't tell anyone."

  There is entirely no way I’m going to be ab
le to keep this a secret, has she met me? "Can it be like a surprise?"

  "What? I don't know- sure?"

  "Sweet! I'll see you in-" I draw out the ‘n’ while counting, "seven hours."

  "No, I land in seven hours."

  "I know. Love ya!"

  I hang up before she can weasel her way out of it. It feels like thousands of pounds have been lifted off my chest. She’s coming home, and this time she’s not getting away again.

  “Good news it sounds like,” Emma says kissing my shoulder.

  I chuckle, “Yeah,” I can’t remember the last time I smiled this wide. “My best friend’s coming home.” Welp, there went that secret. See? I’m hopeless.

  “You going to call your brother?”

  “She swore me to secrecy for right now.”

  “Won’t he be mad?”

  “Doubted. He’ll be too busy dry humping her to remember, and by the time it sinks in he’ll have his girl back. I just hope he doesn’t stop by; I’m a terrible secret keeper.”

  “Are you going to be able to keep it to yourself while you’re at Hot Uncle’s all day?”

  I cringe, “You can call him Josh.”

  “I know, but Hot Uncle suits him better.” She giggles, pressing her naked chest against my back when I groan.

  “I don’t know; I’ll probably try to get the keys to his truck and dip out. Though he always knows when something’s up, and I’m a worthless liar, I really am awful at secrets.” I groan, rubbing my eyes with the heel of my hands. “Fuck, I don’t know how I’m going to do this.”

  “Want me to come with? I’ll run interception when they start asking questions.”

  “Did you just make a football reference? Name a flaw, any flaw.”

  “I’ve got plenty of flaws.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “You should.” She says running her tongue up the side of my neck, “So, do you want me to come or not?”

  “No sense in wasting a perfectly good condom.”

  She scoffs but before anything further is said, I crush my lips against hers, drawing her back onto my lap.


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