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Famished (The Broken Series)

Page 36

by Ellie Messe

  “And what did you do then?”

  “I went inside.”

  “You didn’t say anything?” She gapes at me.

  “I was in shock! I got in the shower and it hit me, so I went barreling into her room and she admitted it.”

  “To loving you?”

  I nod, “Yeah, but I was already late for work so I was trying to figure it all out at once and somehow we were talking about how she’d have to leave cause she couldn’t live there if we weren’t a thing anymore but also how she can’t stay in our current arrangement cause it would bother her or some shit like that and I don’t want her go so I asked if she would stay if I gave her more.” I take a really deep breath and let it out. Saying all of that in one breath was not easy. “But what the fuck is more? I don’t know how to do more. I know how to fuck and not be a total dick when it’s time for them to go. That’s it.” I throw my hands, “That’s all I got.”

  “You’re willing to do more? You?”

  “Parker, shut up. Drew, what does she want by more?”

  “I don’t know. She said something about not knowing what she wanted or needed.”

  “Okay, did you already text her?” I shake my head as I pull out my phone. “Just tell her I asked you to come over and you’re probably gonna spend the night.”

  My fingers splay over the touch screen as she speaks,

  “Make sure to tell her everything’s okay or that you’re not mad at her or whatever works. We always overthink shit.”

  ME: Hales asked me to come over, might crash here. I meant what I said earlier. I’ll see you tomorrow.


  “Yeah.” I tell her, putting my phone back in my pocket, “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Okay, well you told her if you gave her more she’d stay. So I guess the important thing here is, do you want more?”

  I find myself nodding before she’s even done speaking, “Yeah, dude. I think I really do.”

  Chapter Sixty-Two


  I wouldn’t exactly call what I did last night sleeping. It was more or less an on again off again battle of daydreaming and convincing myself the absolute worst was going to happen.

  I’m tired and a little cranky this morning, but knowing he’s going to be home at some point has me too keyed up to sleep. It’s nearing eleven and I’ve been trying to distract myself from texting him with nonsense television all morning, all the while my stomach has been in anxious knots.

  When I hear a vehicle pull up outside, I nearly trip over myself to get to the door, I feel like I should pretend like I wasn’t waiting around for him to get home but the thought is a little too late when I wrench the door open. Except it’s not Drew.

  A girl, my height, with black and blue hair climbs out of a civic parked in the driveway. She looks like that girl from the bar that Lynch is always hitting on.

  I wait patiently at the doorway as she walks up.

  “Drew home yet?” She asks walking up to me.

  “Not yet, no.”

  “I sent him a text that I was coming over, said he’d be here soon.”

  I don’t know if I’m more annoyed at the fact I’ve been draining the life out of my phone all morning checking to see if he’s texted me but he’s got time to text this girl or because she just walked into my house like she owns the place.

  “Sure, come on in.”

  Laughing it off, she sets her purse on the end table as she pulls off her jacket, “I’ve known this family for years, he doesn’t care that I’m inside.”

  “Okay.” I sigh, cause what the fuck else do I do here. “Did he say when he’d be here?”

  “Nope.” She pops the p as she collects her things in her arms, “Don’t worry though, I know my way around.”

  With that, she walks off in the direction of the kitchen. Is this bitch for real right now? She just walked into my house and then dismissed me? What the fuck dude.

  Feeling even more pissed off, I march off behind her just to fall short. She’s not in here.

  Twisting around I look in all directions and this woman is nowhere in sight. The only place to go is down the hall to our bedrooms or outside. I would have heard the sliding glass door so that only leaves the hall.

  Walking down it, I feel my heart rate pick up, my palms start to sweat, and that voice in the back of my head start to yell that something isn’t right. I think I’d much rather play naïve and not find her but my feet keep moving. My last ray of hope that she just stopped in the bathroom vanishes when I peek inside and find it empty. My hope is replaced with a ball of ice when Drew’s open door is now closed.

  Mustering up my courage, I rap against the wood. Shuffling from inside happens before the knob twists, freeing the door to reveal a naked girl, wrapped in his bedsheet.

  “Yeah?” She has the audacity to sound annoyed with me.

  “Wow, okay.” I step back, “Why the fuck are you naked?”

  “Look sweetheart, I get that you’re new. You see him come in and out with pretty little blondes like yourself all the time but Drew and I have an arrangement. When life gets to be too much, we join forces. I’ve had a shitty day and by the looks of him last night he’s had one hell of a twenty-four hours so do me a favor? Go shopping. Go out and do something. This whole mother hen thing where you think I’m not supposed to be here? It’s annoying and uncalled for. Call him.” She shrugs, allowing the fabric to slip further down her body, “You’ll see. I’m exactly where he wants me to be.”

  I should deck this bitch in the teeth. I really should, but I’m so shocked by her little superiority act that I’m frozen to the spot. My brain is literally screaming at me to kick her ass but I just can’t.

  “Go shopping.” She gives me an exhausted smile before closing the bedroom door again.

  I don’t really know how much time passes before I manage to walk myself back out to the living room to collect my phone. Numb fingers find Drew’s contact information before pressing the talk icon.

  He answers on the third ring, “Hey, I’m driving so you’re on speaker, what’s up?”

  “Hey, so there’s a girl here-“

  “Danica. Yeah, she works at HEAT I told her to meet me there. I hit traffic; will you tell her I’ll be there in like ten minutes?”

  I actually feel like someone punches me in the chest, “You asked her to come?”

  “Yeah, hey, I’m about to get on the 101, I gotta go okay? Just tell her I’ll be there soon.”

  Laughing without humor, I look up at the ceiling willing the tears away, “Yeah. Sure thing.”

  He must not hear the ache or hostility in my tone, that or he doesn’t care cause he spouts off a quick bye and hangs up.

  I tell him I love him, and he says he could give me more.

  I tell him I love him, and he stays out all night.

  I tell him I love him, and he invites some girl to the house to fuck.

  I tell him I love him, and he breaks my heart.

  Chapter Sixty-Three


  Last night was fucking amazing. I give Haley a lot of shit about being a girl, but holy fuck was she able to put everything in perspective. I think I can actually do ‘more’, in fact, I know I can do more. I love the girl, the only thing that changes is instead of calling her my roommate, I call her my girlfriend.

  I’m actually really excited to get this drama with Danica over with so I can ravish my girl in bed. My girl. It’s got a nice ring to it doesn’t it?

  Pulling up to the house, I kill the engine and enter through the garage, disappointed when I see Emma’s truck is gone. I was really hoping to catch another breakfast like before.

  Entering through the house, I give it a once over for Danica but don’t see her, I know she’s here, her car is out front.

  “Danica?” I call, moving around the house. “Dan?”

  My stomach starts to turn to sour and a gross sense of doom takes over my carefree morning as I work my way down the hall. Emma’s do
or is open, her dresser drawers askew.

  My bedroom door to the right of me opening makes me jump and then the world comes to a squealing halt.



  In my bedroom.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I rush forward, pushing her inside in case by some miracle Emma doesn’t already know she’s here. “Tell me Emma left before you got naked, oh God, tell me that’s what happened.”

  “I told her to go shopping. What’s the big deal we fucked when your old roommate lived here, what’s the difference?”

  “The difference is I wasn’t in love with my last roommate, Danica.” I growl, unlocking my phone to call Emma.

  “What?” She asks, quickly grabbing a sheet to wrap around herself.

  “Jesus Christ, what did you do?”

  “I didn’t know, she didn’t say anything.”

  “Like you’d fucking listen.” I growl as I listen over Emma’s voicemail, “Angel, it’s not what you think, okay? Call me, please.”

  “I would have if she had said you guys were together, you never said anything, how was I supposed to know?”

  “Put your fucking clothes on in case she comes home. How long ago did she leave?”

  “I don’t know, ten minutes?”

  Ten? God, that was right after she called me. I didn’t even think it would be a problem that she was here. “You said Garrett was giving you shit about your kid. That you needed to vent, Dan. Since when does venting happen naked and in my bed?”

  “Since always.” She bites back, exiting my room, “That’s how we’ve always handled shit.”

  “A handful of times, sure. But we both know we're gonna fuck beforehand, we don’t just fucking surprise the other person.”

  “She didn’t say anything, and neither did you.”

  “I didn’t know I had to inform you of every life decision I made, I just assumed you knew not to climb into my fucking bed, Danica.”

  “How come she didn’t say anything then? She saw me and didn’t say shit.”

  “I don’t fucking know, but you better be ready to set this shit straight, you hear me?”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “It means when I get Emma on the phone you’re gonna spill your fucking guts about how I didn’t know this shit was happening and then you’re gonna get the fuck out of my house.”

  “I’m sorry, Drew. Jesus. I didn’t fucking know. Relax, alright?”

  “Fuck!” I nearly throw my phone when I hit voicemail for the umpteenth time. “I’m not gonna fucking relax until this girl, answers the goddamn phone.” I yell into the microphone before hanging up.

  “Where would she have gone? Maybe you can show up and make her listen.”

  “Get your shit, let’s go.”


  “Yeah, you. You’re singing like a fucking canary, remember?”

  “I have to get my kid in an hour.”

  Taking a few bills out of my pocket, I toss them at her, “Tell your sitter you might be late.”

  I was really hoping she’d be at Lynch’s tattoo shop but deep down I knew she wouldn’t be. She’s at the clubhouse and I know it, it’s just getting through that many dudes in leather that’s gonna be the problem.

  “Drew, I have to go.” Danica whines from the cab of the truck when I pull up to the front of the automotive shop.

  “Shut up, I wouldn’t be in this situation if it weren’t for you. You’re lucky Hale’s can’t ball a fist right now or I’d have her nail you twice in the face.”

  “Stop being a dick, I said I was sorry.”

  “Whatever, you just better be ready to tell these guys I’m innocent cause they’re gonna be pissed.”


  I don’t have to answer that question because just as the words left her lips, the clubhouse door opened, allowing nine or so bikers to come stalking out, Emma’s dad, cousin, and uncle among them.

  Opening the cab door, I get out and wave Danica forward.

  “You’re stupider than I thought.” Moose grunts from his place next to her dad.

  “Look, this whole thing is a misunderstanding.” I start, turning back to the cab were Danica still hasn’t removed herself from the cab, “She can vouch-“

  Just as I turn to face them, Lynch’s right hook pops me square in the face, sending me to the dirt.

  “Wrong place, wrong time.” I hear Lynch through the buzzing in my head. “You fucked up, Ace.”

  “I need her to know-“ His boot shuts me up real fast.

  “Get in your truck and drive away.” Her dad tells me as I get to my feet, “She’ll contact you if she feels the need to. Until then, stay clear of the Bastards, and stay the fuck away from my daughter.”

  “I need two minutes.”

  “I’ll give you one to get off my property before I do it myself.”

  “Drew.” Danica cries from the truck, “Just get in the car.”

  “Moose.” I try, but he cocks a menacing eyebrow that has me taking a step back. “I didn’t do anything.” I say entering the truck, “Just tell her that.”

  “By my count I’d say you have about twenty seconds.”

  My fucking face is on fire and I’m too nauseous to really protest so I climb my ass back into the cab of the truck and back it out of the lot. Throwing Danica my phone, I close one eye to try and alleviate the pressure, “Call her. Leave her a voicemail and tell her what’s happening.”

  I did not just lose her. For the love of everything, today did not happen. The ache in my chest and the throb of my temple tells me I’m an idiot with wishful thinking.

  Chapter Sixty-Four


  It’s been a miserable ten days. And I mean miserable. Drew and his brother wouldn’t stop harassing the clubhouse so my dad convinced me to move into his house. It’s gated and secluded and the fact I have a member willing to go and get my every whim means I haven’t had to leave the house once.

  Negative? I still haven’t started my period and I’ve convinced myself I might be pregnant, which isn’t even a thing. It was one time and he pulled out. I know it’s only stress and nothing more but every day that passes is one more day of stress. Which is why I’ve asked my dear cousin for a top secret favor.

  “Here.” He says, entering my room. “Don’t let your dad see this, he’d lose his shit. Take the test out and give me the box so I can throw it away at the shop. Shove it in a soda can or some shit after you’re done, alright?”

  I nod, complying with his orders. After I hand him the empty box I give him a weak smile. “Don’t look so worried. I wouldn’t have asked you to get me tampons if I thought I actually was. This is just for peace of mind.”

  “Well make peace fast, your Old Man’s gonna be home soon. I’ve got a client at four so I gotta dip out. Bruiser’s down stairs if you need anything.”

  “Okay, hey, thanks again.”

  “Gotta talk to the dude at some point, isn’t fair to not get his side.” Pushing his pen behind his ear he gives me a reassuring smile, “Later, babe.”

  Slipping out of my room he leaves me alone with a piece of plastic that will either put my mind at ease or throw my entire world into chaos.

  Chapter Sixty-Five


  Ten days of complete fucking hell. That bastard cousin of hers ruptured a vessel in my eye so even though the shiner is mostly gone, I still have blood eye, oh ya know and the fact the only girl I’ve ever been in love with still won’t fucking talk to me.

  Sitting on the wooden bench outside Lynch’s shop I gently tap my head against the brick wall behind me.

  “You come to even out that eye, Ace? Got a death wish or something?”

  Shooting upright, I walk over to meet him, “Look dude, you can be pissed, I’m pissed, but I wouldn’t be here willing to take a beating if it wasn’t worth it. Danica-“

  “Don’t say that bitch’s name.” He growls, “I don’t give a fuck what happened, all I c
are about is the fact my baby cousin is hurtin’ and that you’re the one who brought it.”

  “I just need to talk to her.”

  “She’ll talk to you when she’s fucking ready, Ace. Stop groveling.”

  “Fuck that. Her phone’s been off since it happened, she ain’t at the clubhouse and she ain’t here. That leaves Moose and her dad. Just point me in a direction, Lynch. She doesn’t have to even look at me, I just need her to hear me out. Two minutes. That’s all I need.”

  He glares at me for what feels like an eternity before growling loudly, “You fuck this up, I’m gonna kick your ass for real. 426 S Carmen Ave, she’s on the second floor, last window.”

  I almost jump with excitement, “God, fuck. Thank you.”

  In my rush, I run off the sidewalk, nearly stepping into oncoming traffic. Finally, I can get to her. Finally.

  Chapter Sixty-Six


  Setting the little white stick on the counter, I try to exhale all of my worry out.


  The light turns green and I gun it forward through the intersection. She needs to know that I love her.


  I watch as the paper draws in the moisture, the pad turning gray as it races towards the end.


  Almost there. I just need to see her, everything will be fine when I see her.


  I watch, my heart in my throat, as the purple dye paints two lines down the center.


  I never saw the car coming.


  My life flashes before my eyes as I stare at the positive test.


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