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Darkblood Academy: Book Four: Prophecies

Page 19

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Oh, good.” A hint of relief relaxed the tense set of my shoulder blades. She’d gotten bitten by one of the gorabora demons’ paralytic venom and had been recuperating for days now even after the antidote. That was some nasty stuff.

  “I totally think Cillian and her have a thing,” she whispered conspiratorially.

  Aeria and Raine both looked up from their studying. “Absolutely,” the siren echoed, sweeping her azure hair behind her shoulders. “I totally caught them flirting the other day after class.”

  “Are angels allowed to be together?” Memories of the angelic rules I’d learned from Hitched drifted through my mind. Cillian would have had to endure major consequences if Kimmie-Jayne had chosen him.

  “Yes, there’s nothing forbidding two angels from forming a bond,” said Raf, joining the conversation. “It’s not like an angel being with a human. Angel love is more platonic in nature and completely permitted. It’s more like finding a life partner than a spouse or mate.”

  “Aww, that’s so sweet,” cooed Cinder, leaning her head against Raf’s shoulder.

  Luckily for her, nephilim relationships weren’t an issue.

  “Hmm… very interesting.” I was thrilled for Cillian. Seeing him pine after my half-sister after all this time broke my heart. He deserved to be as happy as she was with Fenix. As soon as exams were over I couldn’t wait to go to Draeko to visit my new niece.

  “Hey guys, are we studying or gossiping?” Drake leveled us with his icy lilac gaze.

  “Oh, what do you care, Your Highness?” I threw him my best teasing glare. “This is your last semester anyway. It’s not like Cillian’s not going to let you graduate.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t want to ruin my perfect record.”

  I laughed and threw a pencil at him, which he easily dodged. I still hadn’t let myself process the fact that Drake was actually leaving. When we all returned next year, he’d be married and splitting his time between the Winter and Spring Courts. Would he ever come by and visit?

  “All right, enough all of you,” said Drake. “Get back to studying. As unofficial team leader, I expect all of you to make me proud one last time. Who knows what will happen to the team once I’m gone.”

  His words struck a cord, and anxiety bubbled up inside. Who would replace the Fae prince next year? And now that Luxora was gone, did we even need a supernatural slayer squad?

  “Luna, don’t cry just yet. I’m not leaving right this second.”

  I must have been making my sad puppy dog face. “Like I’d actually shed a tear over you, ice prince.”

  He smirked. “Now that’s the irritating human I know and love.”

  The final week of exams flew by in a blur of spells, potions and an intense caffeine high. As I handed over my exam to Professor Malindra and walked out of the Advanced Spellcraft class, a wave of relief rushed over me. I’d survived my second year at Darkblood Academy, vanquished the dark lord, saved my demon boyfriend and all was good in the world.

  A part of me was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. But I pushed the dark thoughts aside as my smiling bestie skipped toward me.

  “How was your last exam?” Cinder asked, wrapping her arm through mine.

  “Good. Definitely passed it. You?”

  “All aces, girl.” A big smile reflected in her golden irises. “So are we getting ready for the dance in your dorm or mine?”

  “Let’s do mine. The guys all want to go together since it’s Drake’s last one.” My voice cracked as I said my friend’s name.

  Cinder pulled me into her side and squeezed. “It’s okay to miss him, Luna. Just because you’re with Ryder now and everything’s great between the two of you, doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have feelings for Drake. He was a great friend and more to you.”

  I smiled at my bff. “How did you get so wise?”

  “I think it’s a dragon thing.” She winked and spun free from my arm. “I gotta run and meet up with Raf, but I’ll see you at your room with our dresses at six?”

  “Sounds good!” I twirled back around toward the staircase and ran into the prince himself.

  “Finished your exams?” He hitched his backpack higher up on his shoulder and followed me up to the dorms.

  “I did, and you?”

  “Just aced Professor Arcana’s, and now I’m officially done.”

  I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him into a side hug as we walked up the steps. The old Fae prince would’ve tensed at my touch, but we’d come a long way. “Congrats, Drake. I’d like to say I’m glad to see you go, but the truth is, I’m going to miss your smug princely ways like crazy.”

  He glanced down at me, the shadow of a smile playing on his lips. “I’m going to miss you too, annoying human. But if you ever tell anyone that, I’ll deny it with my dying breath.”

  We reached the seventh floor, and he turned toward the girls’ wing to walk me to my room. Things had definitely changed between us. “Pre-party at my room tonight at six?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” he said as his gaze lifted to a looming shadow outside my door.

  He nodded to Ryder as we walked closer, my demon boyfriend’s gaze trailing over the few inches of space between the two of us. Ryder’s demon side was even more possessive than his human one. Luckily, he’d been able to keep him under control. Only the guys from the team dared talk or touch me anyway.

  Ryder opened my door as we approached, quickly positioning his body between the entryway and the prince. “See you tonight, Drake?”

  “Yeah, see you tonight, Ryder.” He spun away, shooting me a quick wave and smile over his shoulder.

  “Don’t be late, Drake.” I called out. “And don’t forget the faery wine.”

  He chuckled as he disappeared down the hallway, a swarm of Fae girls appearing from nowhere to trail after their prince.

  The door closed behind me, and Ryder stalked forward, a predatory gaze lighting up his citrine irises as he closed the distance between us. His biceps caged me in as his firm body pressed me against the wall. A tiny squeak slipped from my lips. “I missed you this week.” His gravelly voice against the shell of my ear incited a wave of goose bumps down my neck and across my arm. “I haven’t had a minute with you to myself with all the studying you’ve been doing.”

  “I know,” I rasped out. The proximity of his body to mine sent coils of heat shooting up and down my core. “But this is it. Exams are over, and now you’ll have me to yourself all winter break.” My insides clenched at the thought of spending two whole months locked away in Ryder’s cute stone cabin at the edge of academy grounds.

  He nipped at my lower lip and fluttered kisses down my neck and collarbone. “I can’t wait.” His rough voice was full of desire and promise.

  I cupped his cheeks and brushed my lips against his before wriggling out from under his arms.

  “Hey…” He grumbled.

  “I have to take a shower and start getting ready. If we start doing that, I’ll never be ready in time.” I darted into the closet before he could stop me. “Hey, by the way, did you ever hear from your father?” I called out.

  “Nope. I think he’s avoiding me now that he doesn’t need anything from us.”

  I poked my head out of the closet as I peeled off my uniform. “Well, we still owe him a thank you. Can we send a card to the Underworld?”

  He chuckled.

  “I’m serious, Ryder. There was no way we would have gotten out of there without that little burst of dark magic he lent me.”

  “I know, I know. But knowing him, he’s waiting for the right time to call in a favor. My father doesn’t do anything for nothing.”

  I wrapped my robe around my shoulders and stepped out of the closet. “What do you think he’ll want?”

  Ryder’s shoulders lifted to his ears. “Our first born?”

  I laughed off his joke, but fear clawed at my insides as I tried to maintain a calm expression. I still hadn’t told Ryder about Celine’s vis
ion—not the part about our warlock-demon daughter.

  Ryder eyed me, his lusty gaze trailing over my skimpy robe. “You have about a second to get into that shower before I pounce.”

  I threw him a crooked smile, shaking off the dark thoughts, and whirled around to disappear into the bathroom. Once I locked the door behind me, I leaned against the thick timber. Visions can change; nothing is set in stone. I repeated the words over and over as I forced myself into the shower, hoping the warm water would wash away my worst fears.

  Chapter 27

  “Penny for your thoughts, mini minx.” Ryder folded down onto the bed beside me, smirking. He hadn’t called me that old pet name in forever.

  I glanced around my packed dorm room at all my friends, and a swell of emotion tightened my chest. The whole team had shown up, and even Raine and Aeria were playing nice. Cinder had brought Maxi and Alissa and seeing my old dragon suitemates reminded me of how far I’d come in two years at Darkhen. “I just can’t believe this is the last time we’re all going to be together. It feels like everything is changing.”

  Ryder ran his hand over the skirt of my silky dress. His warmth seeped through the fine material, compliments of my bestie. “It is changing, but it’s all for the better, right? No more Luxora, no more demons hunting you and next year there will be all new teams to train. The responsibility won’t weigh so heavily on the eight of you.” My demon boyfriend’s gaze lifted to Drake on the couch. He’d been nursing the same glass of faery wine since he arrived. “I know Drake’s leaving, and that’s going to be hard on you—and the team, but you’ll always have me.”

  I cupped his cheek, turning it to face me. Intense citrine smoldered in his irises. “I know that, Ryder. As much as I’m going to miss the ice prince, I could never live without you.” I brushed my lips against his, and he smiled against my mouth, his happiness contagious.

  “Okay, you two lovebirds,” Cinder called out, “get over here or you’re going to miss the toast.”

  Heat flushed my cheeks as I extricated myself from Ryder’s hold. Everyone knew about us now since our instructor was no longer technically employed by the academy, but I still hadn’t quite gotten used to flaunting our relationship.

  We joined the others in the sitting area, and Drake handed me a glass of the faery wine while Ryder grabbed a water bottle from the cooler. Even though his demon hung out with us on a regular basis now, he still didn’t drink much alcohol.

  Cinder lifted her flute, and everyone quieted. “To another epic year at Darkhen Academy, for those we lost, those we found, and those that we’ll never forget. I love you guys!”

  “If anyone hugs me, I’m leaving,” Drake said, taking a big step back from the circle.

  I dug my elbow into his side, and he actually chuckled as everyone clinked glasses. I moved to my best friend and pulled her into a big hug, careful not to wrinkle her fancy lace gown. “Thank you for everything this year. I know I wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around, and I never would’ve survived it without you.”

  She smiled down at me, her golden eyes aglow. “You’re more than my best friend, Luna. You’re my sister. Where else would I have been than by your side?”

  I squeezed her again as tears pricked the back of my eyes. I blinked quickly to keep them from spilling over. “I’m going to miss you over break.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.” She glanced over at Ryder who hovered a few feet behind me. “You and your boyfriend are going to be so busy making up for lost time, you won’t even remember who I am.”

  I giggled, heat flaming my cheeks once again. “Oh, stop.”

  “Have you told him about the vision yet?” she whispered.

  Shaking my head, I sucked on my lower lip. “It’s kind of a weird thing to bring up.”

  “Maybe with some random guy, but not with Ryder. Not after everything you’ve been through. Besides, he’s crazy about you and I’m sure demon-warlock babies are not the furthest thing from his mind.”

  “So are we going to get this show on the road?” Scarlett jumped in between us. “I’ve got a certain vampire waiting for me at the dance.” She smirked, smoothing down her black high-collared Victorian lace gown.

  Cinder clapped her hands and bounced up and down on her stilettos. “Let’s go!”

  We filed down the corridor to the gym as Cinder chattered excitedly about what the theme of the dance could be this year. The royal Fae decorators had never failed to impress, and though I wouldn’t admit it aloud I was pretty psyched to see what they came up with too. Ryder’s fingers tightened around mine, his thumb brushing my palm. Especially since this was the first semester I was actually going with a date.

  The gym’s double doors opened at our approach, and everyone paused at the entryway. A pixie stood on each side and held out an ornate chest filled with masks of every shape and color.

  “Ooh! A masquerade ball!” Cinder squealed as she rifled through the vibrant assortment.

  I picked a golden mask that matched the lace of my floor-length rose-gold gown. It was shaped like the sun with swirling rays shooting out the top. Ryder chose a simple black and white one in the form of a crescent moon. We were the perfect match—light and dark.

  We stepped inside, and it felt like we’d been magically transported to Mardi Gras or Carnival. The entire space was covered in colorful streamers and vibrant music filled the air, horns, drums and cymbals crashing in the background. Dancers wearing vibrant purple and yellow headpieces and elaborate feathered costumes weaved through the crowd. It was just the loud, chaotic party we all needed.

  “Let’s go dance!” Cinder led the way after we dropped off our purses at a nearby table. Purple linens and gold beads and masks completed the gaudy but fun décor.

  We formed a big circle on the dance floor as our masked classmates danced around us to the lively rhythms. Ryder twirled me around, and a big laugh bubbled out. All the other times we’d been at the dance together, we’d been hiding out under a cloaking spell. Tonight free, he was like a different person. Maybe it was the demon he’d been suppressing for all that time too. Now that they lived in relative harmony, I was getting the first glimpses of the real, whole Ryder.

  We danced for hours, laughing and drinking like the night would never end. I even caught a glimpse of Cillian and Calliope dancing in the corner. Even masked, I’d recognize the angel headmaster’s imposing form from far. I’d been smiling so hard the entire time that my cheeks were starting to hurt. Beads of sweat lined my brow and I was practically panting from the crazed beats. I glanced over Ryder’s shoulder and met Drake’s eyes. Even the prince was having fun, juggling his faery wine in one hand and Aeria in the other. He shot me a smile, and I could almost hear his thoughts.

  Enjoying one of my last nights of freedom. Soon he’d be married and bound to two Fae courts. Not a fate I’d wish upon my worst enemy.

  He turned back to Aeria who was wiggling beside him, and I swiveled my gaze up to Ryder’s. The music slowed as did my frantic pulse, and he tugged me closer to his chest.

  “I wish it could’ve always been like this for us,” he whispered against my ear.

  I laced my hands around the back of his neck and twisted a few locks of his soft hair between my fingertips. “Nah, that would’ve been too easy,” I teased. “You probably would’ve gotten bored of me by now.”

  A swirl of blazing onyx flashed across his irises. “I could never get bored of you. If we lived a thousand lifetimes, it would never be enough.” The black completely eclipsed the citrine, and for a second it was like staring at the old Ryder.

  “Your eyes!” I squealed.

  A crooked smile melted over his lips. “Yeah, it’s been happening a few times lately. I think me and my demon are finally learning how to co-exist in peace.” He paused and gently poked my nose. “And it’s all because of you. Your love makes me whole.”

  My lungs constricted, the swirl of emotions filling my chest with so much happiness I thought I’d
explode. “There’s something I need to tell you.” The words popped out before I could stop them.

  His dark brows scrunched together. “That sounds ominous.”

  I shook my head and gave him a weak smile. “No, it isn’t really. Or at least I hope not.” I gnawed on my lower lip as Ryder’s expression darkened.


  “When I was with Luxora, Celine let me see glimpses of the future, but there was one thing I left out.”

  He stiffened, his jaw ticking.

  “Kimmie-Jayne is always saying how unpredictable the visions are so I… I didn’t know if I should tell you. But when you made that joke earlier about our first born—”

  Ryder’s hand caressed my cheek, the tense set of his jaw softening. “Please, you can tell me anything, Luna.”

  “I saw us, together, in the future with a baby. And she was like both of us—half-warlock and half-demon.” As soon as the words were out, it was like the elephant residing on my shoulders finally stomped away.

  “She?” An unreadable emotion flashed across his dark irises—one so strong it consumed his entire expression. His lips split into a broad smile, and he crushed his mouth against mine.

  I staggered back, the thrilling kiss catching me completely off-guard. His arms tightened around my waist, steadying me. I was lost to his lips, completely consumed by the exhilarating sensations I was sure I’d never tire of.

  He finally released me, leaving me breathless and oh so needy. “Tell me more,” he muttered, his breath as raspy as mine.

  “It was just a glimpse. We were sitting around a fireplace, and we were happy. I had an overwhelming sense of peace. She wasn’t in danger and neither were we for once.”

  “Thank the gods.” He paused, his jaw grinding and a flash of yellow streaking across the black. “And just so you know, Luna, I’d never let my father lay a single finger on our child.”

  “I know.” I squeezed his hand, his strength so comforting. “But I can’t help but think that maybe our daughter was the reason Luxora wanted me dead. Maybe I wasn’t the one that stopped this big supernatural battle, maybe it was her?”


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