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Page 10

by S. L. Kassidy

  Nicole gulped. “I’ll try. I just don’t usually do some things in bed, and I don’t want you to think I’m weird.”

  Dane laughed. “Trust me, angel, nothing you do or want done in bed will seem weird to me. I promise you that. I want you to be happy and fulfilled in every way, including sexually. Okay?”

  “I want the same for you, so tell me when you want to try new things, okay?”

  Dane nodded and kissed Nicole’s forehead to seal the promise. They settled back down for sleep. Goodnights were said, a few sweet kisses exchanged, and then all was quiet. As they drifted off, Dane hoped things would get interesting between them. She wanted Nicole to trust her with everything.


  NICOLE THOUGHT ABOUT HER date night with Dane and the passionate ending. She was quite happy they’d changed their routine, even slightly. During the talk they had in the middle of the night, Danny had given her permission to explore a side of herself she had never felt comfortable with—the desire to bite a lover during sex. It wasn’t something that came up often, but every now and then she did get the urge, especially with Danny.

  Nicole always thought the urge was weird, sometimes even wrong. Danny didn’t make her feel that way, though. So, she’d like to explore it a little bit. She’d also like to let Danny give in to her urges.

  The idea made her blush. Danny jokingly called her naughty, and that’s how she felt with her inappropriate actions and thoughts. She wanted to be a little naughty, but she wasn’t too interested in doing it at home. For some reason, the house didn’t seem like the right place to try new things. She wasn’t sure why, but she felt like they needed to get out for her to explore this new adventure.

  That thought actually worked to her advantage. She wanted to get away for a little while. She was still interested in showing Danny things she had never had the chance to experience. She wanted to take Danny on a short trip for her to get a feel for vacations. If Danny had a good time, they’d be able to go on longer trips.

  Nicole sat at her desk, supposedly working, as she surfed the Internet and planned a little jaunt for them. She wasn’t sure what Danny would want to do on a trip, beyond visit a club with good music. She made sure to keep that in mind, as she also searched for things she’d like to see and do. She found several choices and noted what they’d do on a three-day vacation.

  “Hey, Nicole, ready for lunch?” Mina stepped in, narrowing her gaze immediately. Mina’s chocolate colored eyes practically pulled Nicole from her computer.

  “Gimme a second, Mina.” Nicole held her hand up momentarily.

  “What? No, I’m not letting you work through lunch.” Mina huffed and moved closer. She unabashedly looked at Nicole’s computer screen. “Oh, not working. Are you planning a trip? You really think Danny will go for all of this?”

  “She will. She likes the outdoors. In fact, if I call her right now, she’s probably in the park with Haydn. It’ll be fun and it’ll be new. I doubt she’s been out of the city before. At least not to some place like this.”

  Mina nodded. “Is it going to set you back some?”

  “No, it’s not really expensive. I’ve gone on more expensive weekend trips with partners in the past.”

  Mina chuckled. “Yeah, but you weren’t footing the bill then.”

  “Which is why this is no great expense to me. I’ve saved a lot of money from not having to pay for those vacations.”

  Mina laughed again. Nicole finished up and they left for lunch. She couldn’t wait to tell Danny about their mini-vacation.


  Dane put the finishing touches on dinner with Haydn bouncing around her legs, looking for attention and scraps. She let him have a couple of bits of chicken, but nothing more than that. He whined when the pieces of chicken cutlets stop coming.

  “No, your food’s over there.” Dane pointed to his food dish in the corner. Haydn whined more. “No, I wasn’t supposed to give you those cutlets in the first place. You have premier food that I’m sure any other dog would be more than happy to eat, so stop bugging me. Hell, I might’ve even eaten your food back when eating was a luxury for me.”

  Haydn wasn’t impressed and whined more while standing up on his hind legs. He was learning that doing cute tricks got him treats. She resisted the urge to reward him, but he got to try Nicole as she wandered into the kitchen. Nicole had just finished showering after coming in from work. Haydn jumped at her, and she bent down to pet him. He whined and moved against her, almost frantically.

  “What does he want?” Nicole sighed.

  “Chicken. Isn’t he transparent?” Dane shook her head.

  “Extremely. We’re spoiling him, aren’t we?”

  “Probably. Tell him no. Already gave him some.”

  Nicole directed Haydn to his dish. She put up with a lot of whining from him, but eventually he got the hint and slinked over to his dinner. She washed her hands and sat down to dinner with Danny.

  “Oh, chicken parmesan. What possessed you to make this?”

  Danny pointed to Haydn. “He barked at everything that looked like a bird today, so I figured we should have chicken tonight.”

  Nicole smiled. “Good choice. So, what did you do today?”

  “Had a few lessons and took the little man to the park for a while. Everything okay with you?”

  “Yeah, it was a nice, quiet day. I booked us a little trip.”

  Dane’s eyes widened. “Trip? Where? When? Why?”

  Nicole chuckled. “You got all of your questions out of the way?”

  “I don’t have to ask who. So, what trip?”

  “Just a little trip upstate. We can see the leaves change color and do a little canoeing if you want. I thought that might interest you. There’s horseback riding, a few night spots with live music, some hiking if your leg is up to it, and an odd art festival during the weekend I want to go, which is next weekend.”

  Dane nodded. “But, why?”

  “I want us to go on a trip together, and I want us to use this trip to…be a little naughty, I guess,” Nicole confessed with a blush.

  A shiver raced down Dane’s spine and she had to fight down the heat spreading through her. She took a moment, wanting to make sure her voice didn’t sound different when she could finally speak. “Naughty can be fun. How much will it cost?”

  Emerald eyes blinked and Nicole’s forehead creased a little. “You don’t have to worry about cost.”

  “I can pay, Nick. We can use some of the money Christine gave me.”

  An auburn eyebrow arched. “Christine gave you money? You mean from when your father tried to get you to pay him back for being alive?”

  Dane shook her head. “No. Different money. Since she’s decided to prove she doesn’t hate me and she wants to be part of my life, she gave me a trust, like her other kids. It doesn’t have as much money as those trusts, but it’s money. Don’t know what to do with it.”

  Nicole’s face scrunched up. “Danny, when did she do this?”

  Dane shrugged and scratched her forehead. “Yesterday, I think. Not really sure. I found out yesterday, anyway. I was gonna tell you after I talked to her about it and found out what the hell she’s up to, but she hasn’t called in a couple of days.”

  Nicole laughed. “The phone works both ways, sweetheart.”

  Dane threw her head to the side a little as she scoffed. “Ain’t calling her.”

  “Of course, you’re not. How did you even find out about the account?”

  “Statement in the mail, along with an ATM card. You think she’s trying to buy my affection? I kept thinking that yesterday.”

  Nicole sighed and thought about if for a moment. “I’m not sure I would say that, but I’m not sure what it could be. She might be trying to make amends, but if she was doing that then she’d give you the full trust. I don’t understand your mother, and I’ve given up on trying.”

  “That makes two of us. But, you know, the money’s there and I know she won’t take it back,
so I might as well use it to show you a good time. Hell, I used it to buy Haydn a new toy today. Don’t wanna use it on me, but I’ll definitely use it on you.”

  Nicole smiled. “I can tell you’ve thought this out, so I won’t fight you on it. We can go half on the trip.”

  Nodding, Dane gave her girlfriend a smile. “Gotta get you a card for the account, too.”

  Nicole held up a hand. “Danny, you don’t have to.”

  “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. I have access to your accounts, so now you can have access to mine.”

  “Yes, you have access, but you don’t have a card,” Nicole pointed out.

  Danny nodded because it was true. Typically, if she really needed to get money, she’d ask Nicole for her card and then return it as soon as possible. She sensed a compromise coming on.

  “I take a card and you take a card?”

  A smirk worked its way onto Nicole’s face. “Now, you’re learning, baby.”

  Dane laughed, even though she was fully aware she was completely and totally whipped. Not that she minded in the slightest. Honestly, she wished her mother would stay out of her life and leave her alone. She didn’t want money, even if it wasn’t a large amount. She could take care of her family on her own, but the money was there. She figured she could put it to some use.

  After dinner, the couple planned out their trip. They decided to go by train because Dane had never taken a real train trip; the closest she had come was taking the subway. They chose the activities they’d do, provided they made it out of bed; the trip was about being a little naughty. They also agreed not to tell each other how they’d be naughty, but they were limited to one surprise each. They needed to be able to walk, after all.


  “This is so cool.” Dane stared out of the window of the train. She wished she had taken a train ride through the state sooner.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” Nicole patted her lover’s knee.

  “Wish we could’ve brought Haydn with us. But, I’m glad Mina could watch him again.”

  “She loves the little guy. I’m surprised she hasn’t gotten a dog, yet. Her husband doesn’t seem to mind.”

  “Who could mind the little guy? Haydn’s great!”

  Nicole chuckled and nodded. “I don’t understand why he was the last pup in the box. I don’t get why he wasn’t interacting with any of the people that wanted to adopt them.”

  “Don’t wonder about it. We got an awesome dog out of it.”

  Nicole smiled and nodded, as Dane focused out the window, watching the country go by. She had left the city a few times, but only to go to other cities, and she always went by plane. She had never seen so much forest, or farmland, or cows.

  “Chem, check out the cows,” Dane accidentally shouted.

  Nicole laughed. Dane realized how childish she must’ve sounded and appeared, so she dialed her excitement back. Silently, she noted she wasn’t acting like a grown woman on vacation with her sexy girlfriend. But, when Nicole smiled at her and those green eyes shined with delight, Dane knew it was all right to be awed by these things.

  “First time seeing cows in real life?”

  Dane nodded. “I’m a serious city gal. No cows roaming the parks or bridges I haunted. I’ve seen horses before.”

  “Good, since we’ll be riding one. You sure your leg is going to be okay?”

  “If not, I’ll tell you. I want to do it. I rode a few times, when I was really little. I told you about the Briarmoors, right?”

  There was a nod from Nicole. “The neighbors who practically raised you for the first few years of your life. I’m glad they did a few things with you.”

  “Me, too.”

  “You never get upset that they, well…I suppose…didn’t keep you?”

  Dane had thought about the couple often throughout her life. “Sometimes, I used to get pissed, but I’ve always understood why they didn’t. I’m sure my life would be very different if they had kept me. But, since I can’t be sure I’d have met you, I’m glad they didn’t keep me. I’m all about you, love.”

  The words got the expected flattered smile and blush. Nicole gave Dane a kiss for the statement and snuggled into her.


  They rented a car and Nicole drove for the short trip from the train station. The hotel was just as nice in reality as it was online. It was next to a golf course that was somewhat popular, so the place wanted to be extraordinary to attract out of town people. It wasn’t far from the lake that also made the town a popular tourist spot.

  Dane got the bags, but only to pass them to a bellhop. Nicole checked them in and ignored the disapproving look from the woman behind the counter when she saw Dane and Nicole had a single room. The couple went to their room without saying a word to anyone.

  “I wonder if that chick knows her face is bad for business,” Dane said.

  Nicole laughed. “I doubt it, but we don’t have to look at her anymore and we’ll ignore anyone who looks like her. We don’t have to give them the time of day. We’re on vacation.”

  “That we are. What should we do first?” Dane asked, while scoping out the room. It was cozy with a great view and even a terrace that looked out on the sparkling lake. “Glad the room doesn’t look out on the golf course.” Since neither of them played, golf didn’t hold much appeal, and even Dane had to admit looking out onto the lake was romantic.

  Nicole stepped over to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around Dane. Dane kissed the top of her head and allowed her fingers to knead the small of Nicole’s back.

  “It’s early enough for us to get in a short hike around the lake before dinner,” Nicole said.

  “Sounds good,” Dane agreed.

  “But, you have to wear pants and a jacket,” Nicole said, putting her index finger up.

  For a moment, a frown marred Dane’s face, but Nicole kissed it away. Another kiss got Dane out of her shorts and into some cargo pants that Nicole had packed for her. Nicole held out a black bomber jacket.

  Dane’s face scrunched up. “Since when do I have a jacket like this?”

  “I just bought it. The weather is colder up here, and your usual jacket isn’t going to cut it. Besides, you can use this in the winter. It’s large enough that you can put your other jacket under it, so you can layer.”

  Dane would’ve liked to be angry. She still wasn’t comfortable with Nicole buying her clothes and such. She still had to get used to being loved and taken care of, as Nicole did for her. Much of the time, she felt like Nicole was babying her, but for once, she just felt the sweetness of the gesture.

  “Baby, you okay?”

  Dane blinked, realizing she had zoned out. “I’m fine. Just, I think I’m starting to get it.”

  Nicole’s brow furrowed. “Get it?”

  Dane shook her head. She didn’t get it enough to explain it yet. She smiled and grabbed her lover into a tight embrace. She sighed when she felt Nicole’s weight against her.

  “Love you so much, Nick.”

  “I love you too, Big Dog,” Nicole replied.

  “Now, let’s go make a little hiking,” Dane remarked.

  Nicole chuckled. “Was that a super obscure Monty Python reference?”

  “The fact that you got it means it’s not super obscure.”

  Nicole didn’t argue that. When they were both ready to go, they marched down to the shore. They walked around the area, watching the people on the lake. There were plenty of boats, including canoes. Dane definitely wanted to give that a try.

  “Canoeing looks fun,” Dane noted.

  “Yeah, there’s supposed to be a stream or river that leads into the lake. So, we can start there and then end up in the lake. It should be fun,” Nicole replied.

  Dane nodded in agreement. After walking around the lake, they found a hiking trail into some nearby woods. They held hands as they slowly walked through the area, taking in the sight of the orange and yellow leaves. They paused a few times, whenever they c
ame to rest areas or rocks large enough to sit on.

  “This is pretty. Never really stopped to look at just the leaves before,” Dane said, before taking a swig of water from the bottle that she was in charge of. She passed it to Nicole for a drink.

  “I used to watch the leaves change with my mother. Sometimes, my father would take me camping during this time, too, and I’d look at the leaves. I like seeing the change.” Nicole sighed contently.

  “That’s cool. It’s great that your parents did so much stuff with you. The most I can remember doing in the fall is going trick-or-treating once.”

  “The Briarmoors?”

  Dane nodded. “Yup. Lynn took me when I was six. She dressed me as Mozart. She thought it was hilarious.”

  “I would’ve loved to have seen that. Are you still in touch with them?”

  “No, not really, but Christine said they still live in that same house. I can’t really remember if they took pictures, but we can try to see if you want.” Of course, she’d rather not. She hadn’t seen the Briarmoors since she was a child. She’d rather forget them. It was easier, but now they proved harder to forget than earlier in her life. She wasn’t sure why.

  A bright smile lit up Nicole’s face. “And you can show them how you turned out. I’m sure they wonder about you.”

  “You and your rosy outlook. We can go one day, though. I’d at least like to thank them for being so cool to me when I was younger. Owe them that much, I guess.” Maybe that was true.

  Nicole handed Dane a bag of trail mix to snack on. They walked until the sun started to set, making sure to take it easy and not tire out or harm Dane’s leg. They made it back to the lake in time to watch the sun spark the water with brilliant orange, before it disappeared behind the tree line.

  “Breathtaking,” Nicole whispered.

  “Second most beautiful thing I’ve seen today.” Dane put her arm around Nicole’s waist.

  “You are such a sweet talker.”

  “Gotta play to my strengths.”


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