Book Read Free


Page 15

by S. L. Kassidy

  Danny scratched her forehead. “What? That’s crazy. Who has a holiday on a Thursday? People have to work the next day.”

  “It depends, but most people get Friday off. Now, go get dressed, so we may leave. I don’t want my mother to beat us there.”

  Danny laughed. “That means we’re really late, huh?”

  “Yes, and I detest being late. Now, come on, get dressed.” She pointed upstairs.

  “Is it okay if I wear shorts? We’re not going to be outside or anything, right?” Danny was marching toward the stairs.

  “Wear whatever you like. They’re used to you by now, and there’ll be heat on so you won’t get sick.”

  While Danny disappeared upstairs to put on a proper outfit, Nicole straightened up and got Haydn ready for travel. Danny returned, wearing crimson, knee-length shorts, a matching vest, and a black button-down shirt. Her usual chain dangled at her side.

  “Didn’t brush your hair, huh?” Nicole teased.

  “Like you said, they’re used to me by now. I only brush my hair for you and special occasions.” Danny paused then rushed back upstairs. Upon her return, her ebony hair shone like obsidian and her blonde streaks shone.

  Nicole smirked. “Suddenly, it’s a special occasion.”

  “My first Thanksgiving with my wonderful girlfriend and her kick-ass family. Damn right it’s a special occasion.” Her monster grin put the sun and all of the stars to shame.

  Nicole’s heart fluttered as she approached her lover. She ran her hands over the vest, savoring the soft, smooth material. She placed a tender kiss on Danny’s willing lips.

  “Maybe we could be late?” Danny proposed with a sly smile. She even wiggled her eyebrows a little.

  “No, we can’t be late, especially not for that. God, I don’t even want to imagine showing up to a family function after rolling around our bed. So, come on, let’s go enjoy dinner and we’ll pick up on this when we come back.”

  Danny sighed dramatically. “Fine. But, you owe me.”

  Nicole chuckled and went to the kitchen to grab a dish out of the fridge, while Danny took a bouncing Haydn out the door. She put the pup in the backseat and took the food from Nicole, to hold on her lap.

  “This the mac and cheese I made?” Danny asked, pointing down to the pan in her lap.

  “Yes. We always bring at least one side dish, I told you.”

  “Why didn’t you make potato salad? I love your potato salad.”

  Chuckling, Nicole shook her head. “You just had it two days ago.”

  “But, it’s freaking delicious!”

  “That explains why you ate the whole bowl. In a day.”

  “Trying to say I’m fat?” Danny looked down at her stomach, which was blocked by the mac and cheese.

  “I’m trying to say that you ate a whole bowl of potato salad in a day. It’s not healthy.”

  “Says the woman that sat right next to me and ate a freaking bag of cookies! Whole bag of cookies.”

  “One of us goes to the gym, though.”

  “Yeah, and the other one of us walks Haydn every day.”

  Nicole laughed. “You still need to watch what you eat. Besides, other than walking Haydn, you don’t get much exercise.”

  Danny nodded since that was true. She glanced out the window and was quiet for a long moment. “Hey, Chem, why don’t you visit your dad’s family as much as your mom’s?”

  “They live farther away.” Nicole shrugged. “The drive takes almost four hours. I don’t have much time to do that anymore.”

  “Makes sense. Do you see them a lot?”

  “Not as much since we’ve all grown up and got jobs and families.”

  “You miss them?”

  “Of course I do. We’re all so close. They were my first real friends. We all had a blast together.” Nicole sighed thinking about her cousins on her father’s side. She’d love for Danny to meet them.

  Danny smiled a little, even though they both knew she didn’t comprehend. Nicole believed Danny would eventually understand. Danny was adapting to things she had only recently experienced, and she seemed to enjoy those things, for the most part.


  Nicole and Dane were the second set to arrive. Good, Dane assumed she was out of trouble. After all, they weren’t late. Again, who made a holiday for a Thursday anyway? Dane handed the macaroni and cheese pan to Kimber, who helped her mother finish up in the kitchen. Nicole and Dane walked into the kitchen anyway, needing to see Nicole’s grandmother. The couple greeted Alicia, who hugged both of them and then shooed them out of the area with a wave of her hand.

  “Go bother your papa.” Alicia pointed them in the direction of the living room.

  Nicole giggled, but pulled Dane toward the living room. Nicole’s grandfather was the sole occupant of the room. Dane thought that was odd since there was football on. Typically, that was the Bat signal for male members of the family, and her, to gather in the living room.

  “Hey, Papa. Where’s Jarred and Philip?” Nicole leaned down to hug Benito, who was sitting on the sofa.

  “They got sent on a drink run. Apparently, the kids can’t drink beer,” Benito laughed.

  Nicole’s brow wrinkled. “Grandma didn’t think of that?”

  “There was some miscommunication between your grandma and your auntie. So, Katrina ended up picking up the wrong stuff.” He shrugged.

  “So, we’re going to have double beer and no juice?” Nicole chuckled.

  Benito laughed and shrugged again. “It happens sometimes.” He turned his attention to Dane. “Come on and sit down, Danny. We’ll get your football lesson in while you’re here.”

  Dane cocked an eyebrow. “While I’m here?” She looked at her girlfriend and rubbed her forehead, trying to remember whatever she might have forgotten. “I’m going somewhere else?”

  “Nowhere to my knowledge.” Nicole shook her head. “Papa, what’re you talking about?”

  Benito’s face scrunched up. “What? I figured you both would only be here for a couple of hours, like almost everyone else. You do have to go see Danny’s family. It’s Thanksgiving, after all.”

  “So?” Dane asked with a wrinkled brow. She didn’t get the connection between the holiday and her family. Even if her family wasn’t full of assholes, she didn’t see why they’d have to go see her family, too.

  “So, you should be going to see your family.” Benito said. Dane wasn’t following.

  “We’re not going to see her family, Papa,” Nicole said.

  His face twisted just a little more. “Oh. Do they live far from here? What made you two decide to come here then?”

  “They don’t live far. We don’t need to see them. Now, let’s watch some football,” Dane declared with a grin.

  The frown that conquered his face let Dane know they damn sure wouldn’t be watching football anytime soon. In fact, the hard look in his eyes made her wonder if she was about to be thrown out of the house and never allowed to darken the door again. Nicole taking her hand didn’t help put her at ease like it was supposed to.

  “You don’t see your family on holidays?” Benito’s voice boomed and he climbed to his feet. He almost seemed to glare down at her, even though she was much taller.

  Dane stood her ground. “No. And I don’t want to. To hell with them.” Her lover squeezed her hand, but she wasn’t sure why. It could’ve been a scolding, but she doubted it since Nicole was staying out of anything involving the Wolfe family, unless her assistance was requested. But, Dane also doubted it was support since she was talking to Nicole’s grandfather.

  “What kind of attitude is that? You dismiss your family and think you can just come in here to join ours? We wouldn’t take someone who doesn’t know how to respect family. What do you think, you can worm your way in here and then take Nikki from us, have her abandon her family like you’ve abandoned yours?” Benito’s voice rose with each word until he was practically screaming.

  The shouting drew a crowd, which shoul
d’ve been expected, but the house had been practically empty five minutes ago. It seemed at some point, while the couple was with Benito, the rest of the family showed up. They didn’t come in the room, but stood on the outskirts, bewildered if their expressions meant anything.

  “I’m not trying anything. Don’t wanna take Nick anywhere either,” Dane replied calmly.

  “Like I believe that! What kind of woman doesn’t see her family on Thanksgiving? I don’t think you’re the type of person I want my granddaughter seeing,” Benito said, and shades of Kathleen started to peek through his typically affable demeanor.

  “Papa!” Nicole protested.

  “That’s not your decision.” Dane leveled a stony glare at Benito. If she wouldn’t bend to Kathleen, who she had to deal with more often than Benito and who was definitely closer to Nicole, then she wouldn’t bend for this abnormally cranky old man.

  The response got a growl from Benito. “But, it is my decision to have you in my house and if you’re going to be disrespectful, you can leave!” he bellowed, pointing to the door. His face was bright red.

  “Benny!” Alicia rushed over to her husband. “You can’t just kick Danny out.”

  “I just did! This woman doesn’t respect family. She’s just like every other loser Nikki’s brought home, and I didn’t put up with them, so I won’t put up with her,” Benito said, as if his word was law.

  “Papa, you don’t even know why Danny doesn’t want to see her family!” Nicole replied.

  Dane scoffed. “Like they don’t want me around and shit like that.” Not that it mattered.

  Benito looked like he had an epiphany as soon as those words left her mouth. “So horrible your own family doesn’t want you! I won’t let you corrupt Nikki and then steal her away from us!”

  “Papa, it’s nothing like that! You’re judging Danny without knowing all the facts!” Nicole said.

  “Oh, really? Enlighten me,” Benito scoffed.

  “It’s not for me to say, Papa,” Nicole replied.

  All eyes went to Dane, including a set of beautiful green ones. She had to say something. Nicole needed her to say something. There was no way they’d make it as a couple if she wasn’t allowed in Nicole’s grandparents’ home. Nicole would stop coming just to spite them, and Benito would turn out to be right—she’d have taken Nicole from her family. Dane couldn’t live with herself if she did that. Swallowing, she opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

  Dane felt Nicole squeeze her hand. Her heart sped up a little and she wondered why it felt like an eternity had gone by. Taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth again.

  “I’m not close to my family. Don’t wanna be either. They’re happy to be rid of me. My father doesn’t claim me, and ever since I can remember…he…he beat me.” Dane scratched her head and turned her eyes to the floor. “Beat me badly. Beat me just for existing. Beat me because his day sucked. Just beat me. My sister and one of my brothers eventually did the same. My mother ignored me, pretended I never existed, and so did my oldest brother. They never helped me. They just let the rest of them beat me and blame me for everything wrong in the house. So, you want me to go spend holidays with that?” Dane's voice was raw, almost a growl. She had to talk around a lump in her throat and her hands shook.

  Dane wasn’t sure why she felt so emotional. She was done with her family. But, she supposed it was because she didn’t talk about what they did to her. That was buried in the dark graveyard of her mind, but there was always the possibility of those memories coming up out of those coffins. I wish they’d just stay dead. They don’t matter. It doesn’t matter. This was once her mantra as a teenager.

  Dane felt Nicole squeeze her hand and then her girlfriend engulfed her in a powerful hug. She returned the embrace automatically. Her head dropped, and Nicole was the only thing in existence, the only thing around her, the only thing that mattered. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Nicole whispered, fingers running through Dane’s hair.

  “I know it is. You’re here,” Dane replied. Nicole is the only thing that matters.

  “I’ll always be here.”

  The family thankfully dispersed and went about their business. Dane was happy for that, knowing her own family would’ve stayed around until the end of the affectionate moment to see if there would be more drama or even bloodshed. Even Kathleen walked off before the hug was over. It was as if they realized they were intruding and did the polite thing, the humane thing. Only Benito remained in the living room with the couple.

  Dane’s eyes went to Benito as he sat down on the couch. He locked eyes with her. She was now aware they weren’t done. Pulling away from Nicole, Dane smiled down at her girlfriend.

  “Why don’t you go help the women folk while me and your granddad clear the air?” Dane spoke into Nicole’s ear.

  Nicole pulled away just enough to study Dane’s face. “You sure?”

  “Yeah. I think this can be salvaged.” After all, Benito actually liked her. They had just had a misunderstanding, which she had learned was easy to fix thanks to her time with Nicole.

  “You can do this alone? I don’t want to leave you if you really need me.”

  Dane offered her a small smile. “Angel, I’m a big dog. You said so yourself. Gotta let me off the leash every now and again.”

  Nicole chuckled and nodded. She hugged Dane once more before turning to leave. Dane had to resist the urge to slap Nicole on the ass because she was certain that was inappropriate to do in front of her lover’s family. So, Nicole walked away unmolested, and Dane turned her complete attention to Benito as she ran a hand through her hair.


  Nicole went into the kitchen and found “the women folk” putting the finishing touches on dinner. Jody was taking drinks and minor groceries out of a plastic bag on the table with several more resting on the floor at her feet. Nicole bent down to pick up a sack and immediately looked into her cousin’s eyes.

  “Nikki…” the teenager obviously had questions.

  “Jody, I can’t talk about Danny’s family situation. You’d have to talk to her about it,” Nicole said.

  “Sweet pea, did you know about Danny’s troubled family?” Alicia asked.

  “I don’t know all the details, but I do know her family did awful things to her and would continue doing terrible things to her if she were around them.” Of course, Nicole did know some major details. They disturbed her so greatly she tried to bury them until Danny was ready to talk, which might be never. Sometimes, never suited Nicole just fine, but eventually Danny would need to get all of the abuse off her chest.

  Kathleen scoffed and shook her head. “I’m not surprised her father abused her.”

  “You know her father?” Kimber asked.

  “Unfortunately. He’s not the best of men. In fact, there are times when I’m sure he’s the lowest of the low, worse than a beast. But, just because Danny’s from unfortunate circumstances doesn’t mean I accept her for you.” Kate wagged her finger. “If anything, her family situation makes her less acceptable. She’s clearly not normal and possibly unstable.”

  “That’s not fair,” Katrina argued.

  “Danny’s not unstable. And what is normal, anyway?” Nicole asked.

  “You say this now, but you know that the abused tend to grow up and be abusers,” Kate said.

  “Danny is not an abuser.” Nicole actually growled at her mother. She didn’t want anyone to put that out there. Danny was already scared something like that could happen, just because she’d been beaten so much in her life.

  “Kate, don’t stir up Nikki. You shouldn’t speculate on Danny’s behavior if you don’t know anything about her. She’s not her father and you shouldn’t judge her by his actions. He is him and she is her.” Alicia pretty much ended the argument before the holiday was ruined.

  Kate sighed. “Nikki, I just worry about you, especially you being with a Wolfe. A cast off Wol
fe who doesn’t seem to have any goals in life, or direction.”

  “Mommy, Danny’s nothing like that, and I’ve asked you several times not to talk about her like that. I know you worry, but Danny’s a good person, she’s finding herself after having a lot happen to her, and I love her.”

  “And that says it all, so let’s get back to enjoying our family and having Thanksgiving dinner,” Alicia said.

  They all silently agreed Alicia was correct. They went to work to prepare everything for Thanksgiving. Nicole was surprised Jody stuck around since she was usually wrist deep in some piece of outdated technology minutes after entering the house. But, from the way Jody kept looking at her, Nicole was aware that her cousin had questions. Nicole wasn’t going to tell them anything about Danny’s home life; that was on Danny to share if she so desired.


  Danny sat on the sofa with Benito. They were the only ones in the living room. Benito had turned the television off, but said nothing for a few minutes that seemed like forever.

  “Danny, first off, I’m sorry I shouted at you and judged you like that. I do like you. You seem to be Nikki’s perfect match and you make her happy.”

  “Thanks. I do my best, What you did wasn’t cool.”

  He sighed and shook his head in shame. “No, it wasn’t. I’m sorry, but I’m sensitive and paranoid about family. I understand you a little better than everyone else, though.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “I grew up in a house where my father beat my mother. He never touched us kids, but he beat the shit out of her on a daily basis. If it was too hot, too cold, cloudy, he’d beat her. They say if you grow up in house like that, you’re likely to grow up to abuse people, too. That always scared the shit out of me, that one day I could become that bastard,” he growled.

  She swallowed. “Have you ever felt like a monster? Or there’s a monster inside of you?” For a long time, she’d believed there was something wrong with her and then sometimes she’d feel sick inside. She was certain there was a monster in there and it wanted out. She used to think other people could see it and that was why her family treated her the way they did. She fought down the monster and demons with drugs, alcohol, sex, and music, but they always seemed to be gnawing at her heels…until recently. While the demons were still there, she felt like the monster…it was shrinking. Maybe one day, it’d vanish completely.


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